Author Advocates Letting ‘Mouth-breathing, Racist’ South Secede


We might need to reconsider our strategy: instead of promoting secession to Southerners, maybe we ought to be trying to convince Northern DWLs that we are an intolerable thorn in their side?

Perhaps we should give them the idea that they would be better off without us? That they are kicking us out of the Glorious Union? That we are holding them back from creating the Blue State utopia?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “As long as we’re being politically incorrect, wouldn’t it be amusing to point out why many of the negative statistics in the South are low, or is that a bridge too far for the left?”

    comedy gold in the comments. It’s the niggers.

  2. ‘Mouth-breathing’ is a bizarre insult. It’s one that Leftists like to throw out. It’s kind of like ‘wing-nut.’ Another bizarre insult. Most of their insults are strange. I guess you have to be a Left-winger to get it.

  3. The knuckledragger thing gets me. White guys don’t ressemble gorillas with long arms. Long arms are a characteristic of people from the tropics.

  4. “The knuckledragger thing gets me. White guys don’t ressemble gorillas with long arms. Long arms are a characteristic of people from the tropics.”

    Spot on. Liberals are perverts who always turn the natural order upside down. They confuse whites with niggers, so they wind up projecting negro qualities (oxymoron, I know) onto whites, and project white qualities onto negroes. Confusing and idiotic.

    Deo Vindice

  5. “Noble” savage is an oxymoron.

    The Jacobins who executed the French nobility held the noble savages of Haiti in high esteem.

    Such is the nature of all Black Republicans.

    Deo Vindice

  6. If I was called an aesthetic snob, with cold grey eyes and a sense of spoilt Entitlement to rule… That might be more accurate. But no, my views are that of a howling monkey
    with long forearms and blocked sinuses.

  7. Yet Northerners continue to flood our States? Why?
    One thing we can say about Southerners, they don’t go to somebody’s house and tell them how to live.

  8. Hey Hunter, I’m having a rum and coke at the moment, and wondering…

    Am I retarded or do I see a door open here? Should we just absolutely overtake the southern wing of the Republican party via the Tea Party Trojan horse? Make ourselves out to be loud, intolerant of liberal issues (homo marriage being #1) and completely repulsive to Yankees in order to wear them down to the point that they would just give the f*ck up. My next thought is, if homo marriage/immigration wears them out so bad they are considering a split from Dixie…


    You cannot win unless you are absolutely religiously convicted that you are right. Look how that works for the left. They’re loud enough, long enough until we inevitably give in.

    No more. No. More.

  9. Since when have leftards done anything but attack whites in every way? I wonder if they are making this offer, because they are worried they are going to lose?

  10. Good question, JimmyGears. They may be realizing that they’ve kicked a sleeping wolf one time too many.

    I really think we need to focus now. Radicalize the southern republican party. Push back until they give up and decide that “united states of Canada” and “jesusland” are the only way they can pursue the filth they worship without any interference from the “fascist” south.

  11. Eric…rum and coke…yum..

    This is a knuckle dragger;_ylt=A0PDoQysGStQTjYAA9OJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

  12. Here’s another pic:;_ylt=A0PDoKlKGytQnkUA4JGJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?…&p=obama+family+in+silhouette&oid=5fc19077ef81c96faa885ec2270e7511&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-701-1&tt=Our%2Bsemi-annual%2Bfamily%2Btrek%2Bto%2Bworship%2Bin%2Ba%2BChristian%2Bchurch.%2BThis%2Bone%2B…&b=151&ni=72&no=157&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12h5lceqr&sigb=13pub6s3n&sigi=12stktcdi&.crumb=SCB4bevCQXH

    Note the length of the oldest girl’s arms. Her hands hang down to her knees.

    I’m looking for a pic that I ought to have saved. The pic is the “family” walking, snapped from behind them. The pic is in silhouette. The females look like orangutans dressed in human clothing. Soteoro has an upright posture, but I SWEAR it looks as though he’s leading a band of apes.

  13. Whites live in guarded gated buildings in the capitol. It’s not a place one walks around at night but most white families have a traveling assistant/driver. It’s really too cheap not to down there. Hard to say how many Whites; there are some first world quality malls that were showing “El Caballero de la Noche Asciende” and other blockbusters- ton of Whites there. No Dominican Whites rooted for Bane, none at all that I talked to. Whereas half my friends in NYC were anti-Batman….. Also I heard a few comments about race that truly took me by surprise coming from teenagers in DR. The Hispanic media is definitely insulating them from fulltime egalitarian nonsense. The Bramerican influences that do slip through meet critical minds. These kids can’t stand Beyonce or similarly talentless ugly acts. Most importantly the youth appear intelligent and polite.

    The economy is heavily Euro-USA oriented and Dominican Whites don’t so much run the place as it’s run for them. They’re above the fray and fund a “political class” of strivers with tri-racial origins. My pre-journey enthusiasm for Trujillo, the anti-Haitian mulatto was tempered by spending time with old families that lost land under his rule.

  14. knuckledragger is the effeminate slam on physically strong, traditionally minded, White men. They feel superior because their natural gift is intelligence. They are enlightened, sensitive and new aged etc etc. Somehow and in someway that makes them morally superior in their minds

    Don’t quite understand it myself, but that’s what I’ve figured out about the term and those who use it. It’s a slam on traditional masculinity ie a complement when you consider the source

    great post Eric.

  15. Why is it when conservatives wish to merely live normally, the fringe fag/jew/liberal Left uses all manner of invective to label us as mental defectives; whereas, when THEY propose a shrill harpy feminazi as a political candidate, repeal of sodomy laws that allows men to procreate AIDS instead of the future of the race, allowing whoring women to indulge in baby murder, legalized theft to pay off Jewish banks, and mandating working men and women to finance the uninsurable and the perennially unemployable, that THEY are not the ones called ‘kooks,’ ‘deranged,’ ‘demon-possesed,’ ‘obscurantist’ or just plain schizophrenic?

    Why do we not call EVERY instance of liberal hypocrisy for what it is- orchestrated lies, conceptualized, propagandized, and published via the captured media, all directed from the race whose father is a ‘liar from the beginning’? [John 8:44]

    I just don’t get why Americans don’t get it- but then, I forget that an ‘idol box’ is how most people view the world, every night, from 6-11. And then I see that the enslaved only want more enslavement, rather than be free, white, thinking men…….

  16. Point of information. ‘Breeder’ is the vulgar insult used by faggots, to demean those men and women they can’t ‘convert’ to their immoral and unnatural form of sexual perversion.

    They loathe men and women who are married, and who ‘breed’ children- but they sure want to snatch the best and brightest of our children, and ‘convert’ them when their hormones are raging. They truly should be stoned and left for dead, they are THAT sick and demon-possessed.

  17. Bingo, Fr. John. “Breeding” disgusts them but they sure want our kids. Filthy degenerate leftist scum.

  18. Is anyone ready for my “strength through unity” campaign when this all plays out? I’m ready for my American Sparta to rise. This time with no illusions and a fanatical zeal for our new nation.

    Strength. Faith. Honor.

  19. “Eric Hale says:
    August 15, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    Is anyone ready for my “strength through unity” campaign when this all plays out? I’m ready for my American Sparta to rise. This time with no illusions and a fanatical zeal for our new nation.

    Strength. Faith. Honor.”

    Sounds great. I’m in!

  20. I’m formulating it. Let’s take the southern republicans and cause a split. I haven’t been this fired up in years.

  21. The most offensive part is ANY REFERENCE to the “poverty of the south.”

    Like, when they let us go we’ll be in the third world.

    BACK IN REALITY, the only reason the “north” (and especially the current Northeastern) is not “in the third world” is because they STOLE the south’s money, lol.

    People need to be (re) educated in this “Southern Poverty” meme. (Note that it is heard many times a day, if only in the NAME of the SPLC). It’s name is meant to make the repeater “Southern Poverty.”

    The whole point of the Southern Poverty Meme (SPM) is to obscure DAILY to real tale of how the “Welfare-Warfare” state was produced (and ON WHOSE BACKS it was really made— and it ain’t on the black slaves).

    Heard an altercation between a Southerner and a Northeast Military Transplant— the Southern sniped something, then they Northeast Military Transplant said, “You all don’t like us, BUT YOU SURE like our money.”

    LOL. A man who lived, suckling the public breast really said that.

    Obviously, he didn’t realize many see the Warfare-Welfare empire slavedom as contemptible, AND WAS TOO STUPID to know any real history about the war that stole the money (in 1865).

    He didn’t HAVE any of his own money, lol. It’s like Christian Do-Gooders living on the tax tit— then going on and on and on about some Charity, (lol) THEY give to.

    Do only I view such types with contempt?

  22. The “Poverty of the South MEME” should be deflected every single time.

    The Northeast only got money because it imported a foreign army and used it to impoverish the South—- except it wasn’t just “impoverishment” now, was it? Because the “impoverishment” ENRICHED the others by warfare on other Americans, lol.

    “Poverty of the South” is THEIR word, isn’t it? Shouldn’t it have been corrected each time to ENRICHMENT of the Northeast via warfare on “fellow” citizens?

  23. The thing about our poverty is…. often its not real. There are still places down here where a 15-17 dollar an hour job will do you just fine, especially if you get 10-15 hours a week of over time

  24. oh yea, and a good deal of it is engineered as well like the Tobacco Acts, not allowing men to mine coal, and killing our textile plants. Leastwise with Whites

  25. Guys, someday if you can, please forgive the fire-breathing, chest-thumping ignorance of the north. This is truly embarrassing.

  26. The term EMO comes to mind when talking about people who hurl the effeminate slur, “knuckle dragger”.

    I think they usually have a slight lisp as well, like Al Gore does.

  27. I;m sure you’re the same holy roller protestant who is so ignorant of the War between the states as to deny the role of Confederate Irish Catholics.

  28. “250,000 Germans”

    I’m not gonna let this go unchallenged (yet again John.) A good portion of those 250,000 Germans were founding stock Americans. Who do you think made up all those New York and Pennsylvania regiments, a bunch of red Indians?

  29. They weren’t really ‘founding stock’ Americans. Mostly, they stood by, during the separation from Britain. In the same sort of way the Indians did. Sure, some are overplayed by biased historians, depending on the political scene of the time, but the war was mostly between American Brits and Brit Brits. By the time of the Lincoln incorporation they were still considered to be mercenaries, along with their rapidly imported cousins.

    At least this was the view from the South.

  30. ever notice Bill how the history books cover the topic? Those foreign born men who fought for the union are true believers of americanism and negro equality etc etc

    the Irish who fought for us are called mercenary, like the South had extra cash to spend….

  31. I can’t wait to see the look on your faces when you stand in front of God and God isn’t a white male heterosexual. Start crying now. You stole your riches in this world with a slave economy, and created a spiritual debt that you can not avoid forever.

  32. “They weren’t really ‘founding stock’ Americans. Mostly, they stood by, during the separation from Britain. In the same sort of way the Indians did.”

    Your not supposed to make things up Bill and then pass them off as true. A majority of Union soldiers of German ethnicity were of native colonial stock.

  33. Yorktown is called “the German battle” in German historiography. The level of German
    merc activity in North America is a signal of gawd only knows what sort of drive to drink and kill.

    “Deutsches Schlacht” or some such. Most English people avoid war like the plague.

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