Re: “White Dream Chaser”


I rarely feed the trolls but this little turd dropped in the comments is an opportunity to highlight the differences between White Nationalism and Southern Nationalism:

“I’m a regular commentator on The Political Cesspool, where I go by the same pseudonym and have made hundreds of comments. You have the Political Cesspool listed on your blog roll, so i would hope you don’t think of it as a “Rainbow Confederate” group.”

I know James Edwards. He is a proud Southerner. He is also a supporter of the Confederacy. If memory serves, The Political Cesspool also celebrated Confederate History Month 2012 (Edwards is a fan of Nathan Bedford Forrest), so I doubt your little rant in the comments speaks for his views on this subject.

“I’ll just cut straight to the chase: You’re an ungodly disgrace. The so-called “white nationalism” that you stand for is anti-white in every sense of the word, and your so-called “solutions” would surely result in the same totalitarian police state that the Marxists on the left seek to impose.”

I quit the White Nationalist movement two years ago:

(1) First, the “White Republic” that the White Nationalists want to create is a proposition nation created by intellectuals. It is not a real nation like Dixie or Quebec. It is a pure abstraction for alienated people that exists only in the minds of intellectuals and people on the internet.

(2) Second, because the “White Republic” is a proposition nation that includes “all White people,” White Nationalists themselves have no idea where the “White Republic” is to be located, and for that reason the whole project remains nothing more than a fantasy (a nationalist version of White flight) which has none of the appeal of European-style ethnonationalism.

(3) Third, we have already tried to build a nation on “whiteness,” the United States of America. The project was a failure because of ethnic and religious differences between White people and specifically because of the tendency of certain “White” groups (i.e., Yankees and Jews) to politically align themselves with blacks and Hispanics to gain an electoral advantage over Southerners in the Union.

(4) Fourth, the existence of the Glorious Union is why we have virtually everything that we resent about the United States in the South: the 14th Amendment, the 15th Amendment, the 19th Amendment, the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1961, 1965, 1968, and 1991, the Immigration Acts of 1965 and 1991, the IRCA amnesty, affirmative action, multiculturalism, the Obama presidency, Obamacare, etc.

Everything that we despise in Dixie has been imposed upon us through the federal government in Washington by the consolidated despotism created by Abraham Lincoln and his Republican successors either through the federal courts, executive orders, or acts of Congress backed by the Northern majority.

Each and every time we are defeated because of federal supremacy and the fact that we are a perpetual minority in the Glorious Union which is based on “majority rule.” White Nationalists preach “White solidarity” when a third of the White population (mostly concentrated in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast) is formally aligned with blacks and Hispanics in the Democratic Party.

“You hate free market capitalism and all the wealth and prosperity it created for white European nations.”

Yankee civilization:

“Between 1865 and 1929, the United States and the nations of Europe underwent mass industrialization and expansion that resulted in an unprecedented standard of living and an explosion of white babies.”

Between 1865 and 1929, Yankeeland experienced an explosion of industrialization and expansion while the South and West writhed in poverty, which makes sense when you realize that high tariffs benefited Northern industrialists while placing the burden of taxation on agricultural areas in the South and West.

The government revenues that were derived from the high tariffs were then further redistributed throughout the North through government spending and Union Army pensions.

Further reading on this subject can be found in Richard Bensel’s Yankee Leviathan: The Origins of Central State Authority in America, 1859-1877, The Political Economy of American Industrialization, 1877-1900, and Sectionalism and American Political Development, 1880-1980.

“Our kind was 25% of the world population at the dawn of the century and stayed that way in the 1950s even after two world wars. White European nations, most notably the USA, become the most prosperous nations the world has ever known.”

Wasn’t the White birthrate in America significantly higher in the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century? Didn’t it decline after industrialization and urbanization killed off the family farm?

“And yet, you through all that prosperity and success under the bus whilst defending chattel slavery?”

Whose success? Whose prosperity? Are you referring to the millions of Jews who came to America and settled in the North and West during that period?

“You defend the presence of African blacks in the South whilst smearing the North for being 100% white, and then use the Jacobins to justify your attack on 100% white societies? What kind of a nationalist are you?”

(1) First, the North wasn’t “100% White” during that time period: after abolishing slavery, 1/2 of the black population in America relocated to the North and West from 1865 to 1965.

(2) Second, the free negroes who relocated to the North were American citizens. If you will recall, your president Lincoln armed 180,000 negroes to kill White Southerners to “save the Union,” and they were rewarded after the war with citizenship and civil rights.

(3) Third, from 1867 until 1877, the Black Republicans in the North attempted to impose negro rule on the South, a project which wasn’t finally dismantled until 1901.

(4) Fourth, it is an urban legend that the system we have today started in the 1960s. Jim Crow was a Southern system of race relations that existed to a lesser extent in the Western states.

The Northeast and Midwest have been integrated since the 1880s. Massachusetts passed the first comprehensive civil rights laws during Reconstruction. The North repealed its anti-miscegenation laws by the 1880s.

Even before the War Between the States, blacks were citizens in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. They lost citizenship and voting rights in Pennsylvania in the late 1830s.

(5) As for the Jacobins, it is a historical fact that Revolutionary France abolished slavery in 1794 and that blacks were citizens of the French Republic with equal rights.

In fact, blacks were considered the only “true republicans” in the colonies, and reactionary planters in Guadeloupe and San-Domingue were beheaded with the guillotine after the French reconquest of those colonies from the British.

The French Republic armed free negroes as corsairs and soldiers and used them to invade the British West Indies to overthrow slavery and kill the White population there. It was kind of like what your president Lincoln did with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

“I’ll tell you what you are: You’re a discredited 1800s aristocrat.”

As we saw in the French Revolution, it was a short jump for Black Republicans – one year of the Republican calendar, in fact – from beheading King Louis XVI and the “aristocrats” in the name of “equality and liberty” to full blown negro equality.

“You’re way is the way of oppression and tyranny, of agrarianism and no-growth economics.”

So, you have traded King George III for Barack Obama, and you say that we are more “free” than we were before?

“You don’t believe in a meritocracy, you believe in an aristocracy as it existed for hundreds of years. There is nothing “natural” about your form of government, which you described like so.”

Okay, you got me there: “meritocracy” is what has allowed Jews and Asians and other leftwing social radicals to hijack the universities and take over finance and other culturally sensitive parts of the economy like the film industry or the newspapers.

In all of American history, we have never been governed more badly than we are today, so I will admit that I laugh at the idea that “meritocracy” leads to good government when experience has shown that it leads to market dominant oligarchies composed of ethnic aliens.

“Oh yeah, because Iran under the Ayatollah’s is SUCH a successful model of government! You and the phony nationalists that support you should move your asses to Iran if you like their government so much! And then you sit here and smear the American Revolution?”

Iran is an independent country that still has some degree of control over its own culture. The same is true of Arab countries that get their news from al-Jazeera.

OTOH, the United States is the plaything of a Jewish/Yankee based oligarchy which is sucking America dry and rules the whole country (and much of the rest of the world by extension) exclusively for its own benefit.

“Please GTFO out of OUR country if you hate it so much!”

Dixie is my country. I would love to see Dixie “get out of your country.” We actually have no choice in the matter. At this point, it is getting out of your country or going down with the ship.

“(And by “our” I mean white Europeans like me who embrace the American Founding, embrace the Enlightenment, embrace free market capitalism, and embrace the success and prosperity of white European nations, unlike you and your discredited agrarian notions).”

(1) First, the Southern colonies were not “founded” by the American Revolution. They were founded by English settlers in the 17th and early 18th centuries.

(2) Second, only half the colonies supported the republican side in the American Revolution, and within the South it provoked a civil war between royalists and republicans.

The White majority in North Carolina and Maryland didn’t support the American Revolution. Georgia rejoined the Empire. South Carolina and Virginia were divided on the wisdom of the Revolution which was started in New England.

(3) Third, you make it sound like creating the Union with the Northeast had unanimous support in the South, but that wasn’t the case at all.

Patrick Henry smelt a rat in Philadelphia. The Southern colonies only joined the Union under explicit conditions in the Constitution that alleviated their fears of consolidation by reserving powers not delegated to the federal government to the states and the people.

(4) Fourth, the Anti-Federalists were vindicated when Yankees reneged on the Constitution and imposed their own Union – a consolidated despotism of unlimited powers, which is used to promote various crank utopian schemes – on the South through violence in the War Between the States.

(5) Finally, the Enlightenment ideology of “liberty and equality” and “human rights” – which was given a trial run in Jacobinism during the French Revolution, only to be discredited by its own extremism – is the fountain of most of the evils that plague the United States, France, and other Western countries in our own times.

“Sonny, me thinks you’re some kind of Jew in disguise what with all the garbage you promote which invariably serves an anti-white end.”

Why would the Jews be against the Enlightenment? That’s when the Jews were brought out of their ghettos. That’s what caused foolish liberals to attempt to integrate Jews and blacks into European societies.

Jews love liberal democracy, free market capitalism, meritocracy, Americanism – all those things which you think are so great and wonderful, which is why the Jews are now dominant in Yankeeland, and which the neocons behind W. and McCain and who control Mitt Romney seek to impose on Russia and foreign countries – because they have empowered the Jew.

“There’s nothing pro-white about what you believe in. NOTHING.”

The Confederacy was explicitly pro-White:

“Our fathers made this a government for the white man, rejecting the negro, as an ignorant, inferior, barbarian race, incapable of self-government, and not, therefore, entitled to be associated with the white man upon terms of civil, political, or social equality.

This new administration comes into power, under the solemn pledge to overturn and strike down this great feature of our Union, without which it would never have been formed, and to substitute in its stead their new theory of the universal equality of the black and white races.”

“You’d rather live in a society full of savage negroes as long as you are controlling them all. The idea that you should SEPARATE yourselves from them never even crosses your mind!”

To be perfectly honest, I really would rather live in a racialist and conservative slave society like the Confederacy than in your liberal democratic free society in the Union, which is ruled Jews and Yankees who worship negroes and preach anarchy and social equality, as well as free love and communism, and all the other lunatic ideas that prompted us to secede from your rotten country in the first place!

“You smear 100% white nations like France that stuck by BIBLICAL LAW in keeping themselves white!”

So, what your are saying is that Robespierre & Co. stuck by “BIBLICAL LAW,” and I am smearing them by pointing out how they abolished the Gregorian calendar and dispatched an army of sans-cullotes to the Caribbean armed with the guillotine to promote negro equality?

“The French Revolution does not discredit the preservation of nations with a dominant white majority any more then the Bolshevik Revolution did in Russia.”

The French Revolution and Russian Revolution were both ideological revolutions that compromised the racial, cultural, and ethnic integrity of France and Russia by substituting leftwing ideologies committed to “equality” for the traditional Christian social order.

“Real Americans don’t need retrograde vermin like you.”

Real Amurricans? Like who? You, Lincoln, John Brown, Obama, and Mitt Romney? Who says we need you?

“We are fighting for the continued existence of the United States as a first world white European state, while you fight for a form of government that resembles a murderous, backwards Islamic state! How disgusting!!”

We’re fighting for the dissolution of the United States – to be free at last of all your great Yankee ideas, whether it be abolition and civil rights, or strong minded womanism, free lovism, and feminism, or various other -isms and -phobias like “anti-racism” and Jacobinism which are continuously generated by your rotten free society social system.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Yankeeism” is nothing more or less than the Industrial Revolution itself. The “creative self destruction” that Schumpeter heralded as its hallmark has yet to be fully played out as Asia has still not fully industrialized. That it is corrosive to the traditional values of agricultural societies is overwhelmingly obvious.

    The Japanese tried to hold it at bay for 250 years during the Shogunate but even as an insulated island society they couldn’t resist Commodore Perry’s Fleet just as Dixie was not able to hold out against the “Union.” It has certainly brought benefits to mankind through labor saving devices and medical technology. It has also accelerated deracination and lowered the birthrate to less than replacement level in every single prosperous “First World” country. Does prosperity and peace harbor and harken the Grim Reaper itself?

    Whether this monumental adoption of technology will fail under its own weight has become the chief subject of almost all art, theater, film, and literature. We brood and/or nihilistically revel in fear of dystopian futures.

  2. Jefferson’s vision vs. Hamilton’s vision – the former said all along that industrialization and urbanization would produce great ant heaps of atomized free laborers in the cities, and that it would bring social strife and the rule of banks and corporations, which would bring about cultural degeneration and a loss of liberty under a consolidated government.

  3. Hunter,

    This is absolutely fantastic.

    My only quibble is the idea that the “White Nationalist” movement has nothing to offer but that is for another time.

    As far as outlining the case for Southern independence and why it is worthwhile, this is brilliant. Great work.


  4. I’ve written extensively in the archives about how WN is a distorted and confused abstract ideology based on the folk memory of a real place – the Jim Crow South, which proudly advertised itself to the world as “the White Man’s Country.”

    The South was the “White Man’s Country” for three hundred years. In the 1920s, the Second Klan borrowed this idea and spread it across the North as “100 percent Americanism.” In our own times, the “White Man’s Country” – the rallying cry of the old Democratic Party – has been retooled as “White Nationalism.”

  5. The Confederacy pioneered revolutionary white supremacy. In the aftermath of the war, the Klan, the White Line, the White League, and the Red Shirts continued fighting for the “White Man’s Country,” or disembodied Confederate nationalism.

  6. Yeah, OK.

    But, we get a strong feeling that modern day Southern nationalists really don’t have any kind of realistic program for dealing with the millions of low IQ, low skilled Blacks who live in the South and have trashed Southern cities other than to wax nostalgically for the good ol days of the Confederacy (Negroes were happy slaves) or to move the Blacks out (force them on White communities in the Northeast, Midwest, West). Black Americans don’t much want to go anywhere that isn’t White, first world.

    Where they gonna go?

  7. This was an excellent response, HW. Those with such views as this commenter have long put me off about the White nationalist movement. The proposition/fantasy aspects of it disturb me. The Federal flag-waving ones tend to buy into the same ‘USA! USA! We’re number 1! We’re number 1!’ garbage as a major portion of the US general public (sadly, including a lot of mis-educated Southerners). It seems there are those types and then the ones who like foreign costumes and dictatorship and dream of running their own concentration camp. Those also put me off. Our tradition in the South is organic and real. And though we might be a small movement today, much about what we say has real appeal with your average Southerner. There’s much more of a basis for optimism about Southern nationalism than White nationalism in general.

  8. “Jefferson’s vision vs. Hamilton’s vision – the former said all along that industrialization and urbanization would produce great ant heaps of atomized free laborers in the cities, and that it would bring social strife and the rule of banks and corporations, which would bring about cultural degeneration and a loss of liberty under a consolidated government.”

    Rural morality and local self-sufficiency decays to urban amorality and parasitism.

  9. I like this dead beat aristocrat who gave a good warning to the communards before he killed 10s of thousands of them.

    “I am Gallifet. You people of Montmartre may think me cruel, but I am crueller than you can imagine.” –General Gallifet

  10. Jack,

    I disagree.

    I’ve said on the LoS Facebook group that I have three very specific proposals that would solve the problem.

    1.) Secession from the Union – this eliminates in one stroke the reign of the Yankee and the Jew over Dixie, which is the cause of most of our problems.

    2.) Restore power to the states – give White people at the state and local level the power to make their own laws again.

    3.) Demolish the welfare state and repeal the federal civil rights laws – admit that freedom has failed and that equality is impossible and a gross waste of taxpayer dollars.

    Then stand back and watch as the magic of my reforms – let’s call it the Visible White Hand of the Second Redemption – sweeps away the entire ediface of BRA.

  11. Yes, I see this guy’s comments over at TPC quite often. I missed this little gem you re- visited here. I never really knew how to take him until now.

    IMO he sounds less like a WN and more like a damn Yankee neocon.

  12. Where are they going to go?

    They’re going to go where their entire lives are subsidized by a gubmint check, where they are lionized and fellated and constantly told how great they are by their White liberal allies, and where the world still revolves around them.

  13. You made a good distinction here as well on your analysis of Jewish influence too.
    The Union (liberty and justice for all) encouraged the Pale’s Jewish population moved to America enmasse. It’s one thing to deal with a few personalities that come up in the CT diatribes like Rothschild, Goldshmid, Carvajal, did admittedly wield great influence. But their power was limited by antijewish laws that ghettoized the larger population. It was in the final analysis possible to limit their egotism and chicanery to manageable proportions. Since the American and French revolution the Jews began to gain real power. Since the Union beat the South they flooded America and own most/much of the wealth here. Millions of them have free reign in the US and brazenly control policy. It’s new territory in Human history.

    but it’s quite another to have embraced 6 million or so as American has done so, and
    let them have all the power and land and prestige they want. That’s what WN in America are comfortable with if they fly the stars and stripes.

  14. Boiling it down, a handful of Jewish financiers are tolerable if the rest of the population is marginalized. Millions and millions and millions controlling a financial hub like NYC or a commodity exchange hub like Chicago or a propaganda arm like Hollywood and various professions in between is the reality of post civil war America.

  15. Libertarianism and WN appeal to White Southerners because they strike a chord with our own cultural traditions. The same is true of conservatism. These “ideologies” are only gateways to the real thing though.

  16. I’ll have to look at this more closely later. I think you’ve done a good job the last couple of years identifying some serious conceptual problems with WNism. Still, I don’t mind identifying as a White Nationalist. As a Southerner, I support Southern Nationalism too. WN and SN focused on secession share a common goal: permanent separation from this regime. They’re not necessarily mutually exclusive, at least not for Southerners.

  17. Great article Hunter!

    I was, unfortunately, born up north. I had no control over it. And, I often get the feeling that many Southern-born Americans lump all us Northern-born Americans with the scum that rules that region, which now rules you. I can assure you and all Southerners, there are millions upon millions of people like me, born in the North (and many still living there) that despise the same things we do. I wish you could just separate the two groups and label us accordingly. You see, that region has been governed/controlled by these miscreants for so long, all Northerners are ‘on the inside looking out’ and that often causes a distorted view that many don’t realize. Not all of us fit your description of “Yankee.”

  18. Southern Nationalism is not necessarily opposed to White Nationalism: we want a “White Republic” in the South, it is called “Dixie,” and it is based on our own customs and traditions as a distinct ethnic group.

    The South was the original “White Man’s Country.” It was a race based society for three hundred years and the Confederacy and the Jim Crow South was its historical incarnation as a emerging nation-state.

    That doesn’t mean we are against, say, Quebec as a nation, or France as a nation, or Spain or Germany or Ireland as nations. We’re not a universal nation or a proposition nation that includes “all White people.”

    Yankees have always had a notorious tendency to universalize themselves. They saw themselves as “A City on a Hill” and as a beacon to the rest of the world. We’re content to live in our own “hills” in our own small corner of the world and mind our own business.

  19. SN like alt-right WN ver. 2.0 is a bit too intellectual to mask small balls syndrome. Its why SN for awhile was hijacked by the grannies like Connie.

    We all need to throttle back on our grand pronouncements, here is why, could you be put a on stage in front of a hostile audience and be accused of being white or racist without either breaking down completely or wandering off into defensive wordy clap trap?

    Just saying folks that the desperate managers of BRA are going to need an enemy and people like us who are talking the big naughties are setting ourselves up for a rude suprise when one day we are exhibit number one in their little political theatre.

  20. WN can’t separate from the regime without coming down from the Greg Johnson abstract level to the corporeal level – creating an “ethnostate” in the real world necessarily requires some ethnicity based in the real world to embark on the course of secession.

    And who has done that? WN is just a shadow, a ghost, or some kind of disembodiment of Confederate nationalism that has been universalized to include “all White people.”

  21. “They saw themselves as “A City on a Hill” and as a beacon to the rest of the world.”

    Talk about poetic justice. If you flash a beacon at the rest of the world, then the rest of the world has a habit of showing up.

    Of course, in their unthinking ethnocentrism of the time, they assumed to themselves that “the rest of the world” meant only “the rest of Europe,” and had the laws remained that way, it woulda been much less of a problem. (Exception made for admitting YKW, the single greatest mistake this country ever made, probably an even bigger mistake than importing Africans.)

  22. I don’t believe that all Northerners are against us.

    I know far too many Northerners to believe that. It is still true though that the North is the engine of BRA. It is the North that has always pushed us in the more liberal direction. It is the center of the problem.

    Consider the 2012 election: it would only take a handful of Northern states to throw the election to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. The election turns on whether a handful of swing voters in states like Pennsylvania, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin will break ranks and go Republican.

    The Northeast and West Coast will vote as a solid phalanx to reelect Obama.

  23. HW: The French Revolution and Russian Revolution were both ideological revolutions that compromised the racial, cultural, and ethnic integrity of France and Russia by substituting leftwing ideologies committed to “equality” for the traditional Christian social order.

    Ding ding ding. 100% correct.

    Although I disagree with your opposition to White Nationalism qua White Nationalism (see below), I’m so glad someone is taking these All-American, flag-waving, free-market/free trade/free expression-loving faggots to the woodshed. The United States of America, like any Enlightenment project, is based upon flawed premises (“all men are created equal”, etc.) and is therefore an artifice imposed upon reality. Being thus completely artificial and inorganic in nature, it cannot be maintained except by the use of naked force. Unfortunately, it is also by nature fragmentary and incoherent, which means that as time goes by the force required to keep the Union together becomes greater and greater. Sooner or later you have a “civil war” against those who seek to go on their own way (1861-1865) or a police state (coming soon to a neighborhood near you).

    You’d think that people could simply look at the actual performance of liberté, egalté, et fraternité as a mode of political organization over the ages and recognize the fact that such ideological states simply do not and cannot work over the long term. When compared to actual ethno-racial-cultural nations (e.g. Japan) they just don’t last long. An honest observer of history would conclude (as I have) that our modern proposition empires should be immediately devolved into confederations of sovereign ethnostates. This is the basis of my own WN position, from which I advocate a USSR-1989-style peaceful “soft collapse” of the USA and its reformulation as a sort of Suisse de Amériqué du Nord which we could very easily call the North American Confederation, the American Confederacy, or even the Confederate States of America.

    Anyway, while I don’t necessarily agree with your position point for point, I heartily endorse your underlying philosophy and conclusions, and I enjoyed seeing you school this unfortunate fellow.

  24. It’s funny that some posters are calling an honest assessment of Romney’s chances to be defeatism. The entire thing hinges on completely unreliable elements in our population who have sided with blacks again and again and again.

    Smacks of the NKVD or Gestapo.

  25. ‘WN and SN focused on secession share a common goal: permanent separation from this regime. They’re not necessarily mutually exclusive, at least not for Southerners.’

    As a Conservative Libertarian I think that Libertarians could get behind alot of these ‘separatist movements’.

    If you hate the State (mostly for its anti-White policies) then what better way to break its monopoly on Power then by having parts of it literally sliced off!!!

  26. “Why would the Jews be against the Enlightenment? That’s when the Jews were brought out of their ghettos. That’s what caused foolish liberals to attempt to integrate Jews and blacks into European societies.”

    Maybe you should do more reading in Jewish history, Mr. Wallace. Most rabbis (in the 18th century they were all Orthodox, by definition) were totally opposed to Jewish emancipation because….they were against Jews being integrated into European society. Because then they would become Frenchmen of Jewish origin, etc., rather than Jews. Non-Orthodox Jews have low birthrates and are obsessed with changing the society around them, rather than being inward looking, good Jews. In the coming generations there will be a collapse of the reform Jewish population and Jews will become mostly Orthodox.

    You are a smart guy, but very limited.

  27. @Eadweard Merten, August 14, 2012 at 3:41 pm

    The State isn’t evil. The State is good as long as it emerges organically from the culture and customs of a nation (that is, of a group of people linked by belief, language, and ancestry). In such a State, few laws are needed, since the citizens are all “on the same page” so to speak; custom suffices for the maintenance of order. Of course, such States are vulnerable to immigration, intermarriage, and plain old corrupted human nature, but — unlike proposition nation-states — an organic nation-state survives even when a given government goes bad or falls. Japan has had good government and bad, but Japan abides.

    If I may, I’d like to point out that libertarianism is just another ideological construct, and one built upon the sand of the flawed Enlightenment idea that maximum individual liberty is the supreme good. Fuit ruina eius magna.

  28. You’re a discredited 1800s aristocrat.

    This from the crowd begging us to vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?

  29. Just to add to Robert Oculus’ point – the problem with the current situation is that the elite are using the levers of state to discriminate purposefully against white men throughout the country (and the anglo-sphere and europe for that matter) – not just in the south.

    White men are handicapped like in golf or racing – they have to carry a greater burden than other groups. So the elite are actually interfering with organic processes and making it more difficult for a white-only community to develop. The elite are trying to reinstate an aristocracy.

    Women, blacks and now dot-not-feather Indians are the beneficiaries of stealing opportunities from white men and giving them to other people. HW’s attack on the “proposition nation” as being ridiculous and anti-white only makes sense if he means that the system is rigged against white men. If the system was de-rigged by kicking out all the supports propping up the fragile little hothouse flowers of multiculturalism and a real meritocracy was allowed to develop I would put my money on white men dominating that meritocracy.

    But isn’t that the problem – some unseen hand is acting as if it lives in constant fear of unified white men taking over the world and is doing everything possible to prevent that from happening.

  30. ” In the coming generations there will be a collapse of the reform Jewish population and Jews will become mostly Orthodox”

    Does that mean they’ll fuck off to israel and leave the rest of us alone?

  31. “Most rabbis… were totally opposed to Jewish emancipation because….they were against Jews being integrated into European society.”

    And yet they never, ever leave it.

    Slogan for Jewish history: 2,500 Years of Proudly Not Taking a Hint.

  32. “It has also accelerated deracination and lowered the birthrate to less than replacement level in every single prosperous “First World” country.” – Most of the west is overpopulated, so the slowing of birth rates isn’t that much of an issue nationally, though obviously the infinite growth model is going to get one hell of a wrench thrown in the works from population shrinking instead of continuing to grow.

    “But, we get a strong feeling that modern day Southern nationalists really don’t have any kind of realistic program for dealing with the millions of low IQ, low skilled Blacks who live in the South and have trashed Southern cities other than to wax nostalgically for the good ol days of the Confederacy” – There are a few options, and they aren’t really that good in the sense that everyone will not be happy, but this situation will be resolved.

    1)Allow the current system to run to failure. use your imagination to fill in the blanks.
    2)Return to the jim crow era system(both de jure in the south, and defacto in the north) where working class blacks were advantaged relative to lumpenproletariat blacks(who were brutally suppressed by a wide variety of measures), combined with not importing additional cheap labor from the rest of planet earth.
    3)Outright deportation to either of the two nations established for the purpose, or the dozens of others who will take them back(but will probably end that policy the second large numbers start coming).

    As to the south pushing blacks onto the north, that would not be happening without the approval of northern politicians, about which there is nothing the south can do. The south likewise had nothing to do with the end of jim crow, or the explosion of the black population due to liberal “reforms”. All of that adds up to a bad situation in the north, and we sympathize, but it is going to happen regardless, as you have been made into a resource that they can exploit.

  33. Jim I solid gold retard.

    How does the cretin think the Jews end up with, over time, blonde hair if they resist
    integration. There are few indigenous red heads and blondes on the Levant.

    The Jews wouldn’t leave us alone for all the tea in China and the cocaine in Columbia.

  34. Very good exchange. I am wondering Hunter Wallace have you heard of the Orthosphere? it sounds like in many ways you would agree with much of the point of views they have.

  35. “Does that mean they’ll fuck off to israel and leave the rest of us alone?”

    No. It means that the average Jew is assimilating and therefore polluting the white gene pool with Semitic blood; and that the highly fecund Orthodox Jews are rapidly expanding their population to replace them.

  36. @Anon:

    “1)Allow the current system to run to failure. use your imagination to fill in the blanks.
    2)Return to the jim crow era system(both de jure in the south, and defacto in the north) where working class blacks were advantaged relative to lumpenproletariat blacks(who were brutally suppressed by a wide variety of measures), combined with not importing additional cheap labor from the rest of planet earth.
    3)Outright deportation to either of the two nations established for the purpose, or the dozens of others who will take them back(but will probably end that policy the second large numbers start coming).”

    There’s another interesting option coming out of Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act.

    It allows for minor women to get sterilized without parental notification and/or consent.

    This looks like it will be passed in Oregon. I wonder how many other states this will be passed in.

    Now, since it is highly unlikely that a teen will seek out sterilization, what are the odds that she goes in for a government-paid abortion and walks out, not knowing she underwent a free sterilization for a bonus?

    Wasn’t what this used to be called “a Mississippi Appendectomy?!”

  37. Excellent piece. You’ve really told it like it is.

    I think the loyalist support in the Southern colonies is overestimated but that is of minor importance in comparison to the rest of the issues dealt with.

    Even if one is favorable to the U.S. Constitution, in light of the history that has passed since its adoption, there are certain alterations that it needs to make it less open to abuse from universalist abstractions. The civic nationalism that quickly degenerated into proposition nationalism needs to be explicitly repudiated on behalf of more traditional concepts.

    On the agrarian vs. industrial issue I agree that agrarianism may very well be superior in maintaining a socially healthy society. However, as Rudel pointed out with his examples above, refusing to industrialize makes one prey for those who have so I don’t see how to avoid it.

    One last thing the phrase “City on a Hill” comes from John Winthrop’s sermon “A model of Christian Charity” from 1630 and it has nothing to do with drawing immigrants from all over the world to come live in a free America. It was about setting an example and not allowing dishonor to be brought on God’s name because of their behavior.

    It’s interesting the way Winthrop closes the sermon,

    “But if our hearts shall turn away, so that we will not obey, but shall be seduced, and worship other Gods, our pleasure and profits, and serve them; it is propounded unto us this day, we shall surely perish out of the good land whither we pass over this vast sea to possess it.”

    It seems to me that is exactly what has happened. The old Yankee has become a minority in the land he came to settle, losing control at both the elite and popular level, by worshiping profit above all else.

  38. Hunter,

    I’m not impressed with the dumb dittoheads you have commenting here, so this’ll be my last comment.

    Give my regards to Judah P. Benjamin, heah?

  39. “You smear 100% white nations like France that stuck by BIBLICAL LAW in keeping themselves white!”

    Dear Lord how ignorant that sentence is. Its as if the whole frog revolution never led to an insane ego for empire with the idea of a “Greater France”. A policy that has led to France importing all the natives from former colonies into France. They didn’t assimilate into French culture in their homelands of Algeria, Morocco etc., but they will in France while on the gov. dole.

  40. Hunter, thank you for this brilliant exposition on exactly what Southern nationalism is all about. I really appreciate your eloquence and ability to cut right to the heart of the matter. I cannot tell you how much appreciation I have for your contribution to our people.

    Both you and Bob are correct. The antidote for our current situation is the abandonment of the false ideas of the Enlightenment, devolution, decentralization, and the restoration of our particular people and place. This will restore our humanity and with it, a more humane existence.

    I firmly believe that Southern nationalism has a key role to play in the future. Not just for our own sake, which would be good enough alone, but also to provide both example and inspiration for northern whites who have the vastly more difficult and seemingly insurmountable task of confronting the evil at its source.

    Of course this is their task, not ours. We are much more fortunate than they. The Confederacy that they can only see as a defeated and discredited cause actually serves as a touchstone for our people and their future.

    We will either regain our freedom on our own terms, or we will simply perish as a people. Most of our northern friends seem oblivious to this reality. A reality that every true Southerner feels in his bones.

    Deo Vindice

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