Tales From Detroit: Free Nikes To Show Up At School


90 percent black Detroit … a Tuskegee or Selma of some 706,000 people, a metropolitan eyesore that you must have to see with your own eyes to believe is tolerated in America … continues to provide, day after day, an endless series of refutations of the mythology of the Civil Rights Movement:

Note: I’ve never been to Detroit but would like to visit one day for the sake of beholding the sheer scale of the damage that the theory of negro equality is capable of inflicting upon the project of civilization.

“DETROIT (CBS Detroit) Got kicks? Every Detroit student who shows up on the cash-crucial Student Count Day will be able to answer “yes” thanks to a donation from Bob’s Classic Kicks in midtown.

BCK, 4717 Woodward, made an arrangement with the school district to give away a free pair of black leather Nikes to every student who comes to class on Oct. 3, the day when students are counted and their numbers used as the basis for per-pupil funding from the state and federal government.

The more bodies in class, the more money schools have all year.”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Did anyone ask the obvious question: where will those “students” be on October 2 and October 4? It’s a bribery scam to get more “free” state and federal money to run a failing BRA public school system.

    BTW, what’s in it for Bob’s Classic Kicks? Is he really fronting his own money? Or, is this some kind of peace offering in the hopes that he’ll be spared in the riot sure to break out if Obama goes down?

  2. I’d hate to have to be a DPS teacher on October 3. All the little Shitaviouses and Booshondias that are otherwise allergic to school buildings will show up on that day.

  3. The Gospel says, “Where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.”

    So for these kids, their treasure is… sneakers.

    Beam me up, Scotty, there’s no life on this planet.

  4. Why am I thinking that every Negro who could pass for a ‘student’ within 300 miles of Detroit are going to show up on October 3rd?

  5. Guaranteed there will be 20 year olds showing up on the 3rd.

    Which isn’t surprising, as these 20 year olds never made it past freshman year.

    I merely wonder if the 20-year-old “scholars” will demand a pair of Nikes for each of their three children by three baby daddies.

    They should hand out a bulk package of condoms with each pair of sneakers.

  6. That’s a thought. Take a few crates of shoes to various Skoo’s and let the general mayhem begin. The simple act of handing out fancy sneakers could trigger a national law enforcement crisis.

  7. The danger is to white kids.

    These scenes are shown/written about, over and over. Free this, free that. It’s only natural that, after awhile, the whites will “want their share” also. Poor white single mothers, with marriages broken up when white males were “disempowered” will (weakly) want something for their own children. It won’t seem fair (and it isn’t.) Soon enough, (in just six generations) we are feudal serfs again.

    Already, that is the real relationship most WHITE Americans have with their governance. Their “city leaders” “go to washington” to ASK FOR FUNDS, or to “lobby for jobs to move near them.” This is exactly the sneaker story— just on a different level.

    Every Southern politician is exactly like this black kids (if you really think about it). Gimme this, gimme that. They’ve been reduced to the same mentality, the same relationship.

    Nobody cares about 17K worth of sneakers. But intaking the public treasury of the white u.s.—- that’s the real, as they say, “enchilada.”

  8. On a similar note—

    Last time I was outside one of the big museums in one of the u.s. big cities— I stood there, watching busloads of non-euro kids pull up, i.e. american tax-funded school kids. (Forget seeing northern euro PEOPLE anywhere near the place, they weren’t even visible on the streets at all).

    Anyway— it was really sad. The place was full of historical European art. None of the kids funded to visit were even european, much less children of “founders.” And the people who had paid for it all, under this increasingly centralized system) would never see their own art. Their kids would never see this museum. (If you’ve traveled “the heartland” you know how strapped people are—not a lot of vacays to the $300 a night room accommodation cities to see the art they pay asian kids to view).

    It starts with sneakers—- but winds up with more at stake.

  9. “Anyway— it was really sad. The place was full of historical European art. None of the kids funded to visit were even european, much less children of “founders.” And the people who had paid for it all, under this increasingly centralized system) would never see their own art. Their kids would never see this museum. (If you’ve traveled “the heartland” you know how strapped people are—not a lot of vacays to the $300 a night room accommodation cities to see the art they pay asian kids to view). ”

    quote to reenforce the truth of her statement

  10. Sam Walton’s (of Walmart) daughter started the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville Arkansas back in 2006. The East Coast art establishment was fit to be tied. They bitched at how they would get outbid for stuff (gee, I wonder how their collections were accumulated?) and even complained about its location and whether it is worthy of the great unwashed that live in the heartland. The godamned faggots should all die.

    The permanent collection is now open free to the public and all the world’s big museums now co-ordinate shows with Crystal Bridges.


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