Family Research Council Shooting

District of Corruption

Who shot up the Family Research Council? Sounds like leftwing domestic extremism.

Note: SNN wonders if there is any connection with the SPLC which has demonized the FRC as a “hate group.”

Update: The SPLC has issued a statement condemning the shooter who accused who accused the FRC of being “anti-gay” before opening fire.

“A security guard at the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C., was shot in the arm by a gunman who sources said expressed disagreement with the conservative group’s policy positions.

The guard, who was not identified, was conscious after the shooting and was being treated. The shooting occurred in the Chinatown neighborhood Wednesday morning. The gunman was apprehended and was being questioned by the FBI, sources said. Sources said he is in his twenties and may have been posing as an intern.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Actually the principals at the SPLC are themselves outlaws if they were to travel to most other Western countries. As is most of the activist left with their incitement towards a racial group (ours). Of course good luck having their fellow leftists prosecute these anti-whites, but it is the law.

  2. They aren’t telling us the shooter’s name because it’s probably something like Chaim Weismanndel. If it were Tom Smith we’d know it by now.

  3. A civil-war is a brewin’. Or civil unrest, or what have you. But the sides are taking on definitive shapes out of the loose associations we’re used to seeing.

  4. Actually we can blame Biden for this one. Shooter didn’t want to get the chains slapped back on him.

  5. What a waste for this guy, hell with his IQ and his skin color he had company VP written all over him. Now he gonna be Crip dancin in the big house for cigarettes.

  6. If it was a Jew, look for a rash of stories on the shooter’s mental illness. Jews can’t have people thinking he was simply applying Talmudic principles.

    On an unrelated point, Beck is running an article on The Blaze. The New Black Panthers threatened to bomb White nurseries.

  7. So is the MSM screaming about hate groups and terrorists?

    JimBob says:
    August 15, 2012 at 6:08 pm

    “Witness said it was a light skinned congoid.”

    I guess that means its going down the memory hole…

  8. The FRC should definitely sue the SPLC for everything they have and use every legal theory and argument the SPLC have used over the years to do it.

  9. How do we prevent mass shootings at schools, offices, churches and workplaces?

    Hire men like this FRC security guard and arm him with the tools he needs to protect the innocent.

  10. His name is Floyd Corkins, and he doesn’t look black. Here is a link to a sight that has the arrest photo up.

    Can’t authenticate it, but it’s what I’ve found so far.

  11. This shooting, the Colorado Theater shooting, the “White Supremacist” shooting – I think they are all orchestrated by De Gubmit, to spook The People into agreeing with the dismantling of the Second Amendment.

    Sorry Jack Ryan but L’Affaire de Holmes is really weird. His Daddums has deep connections to the Libor Looting – which is NOT making headlines.

    The White Supremacist/Sihk thing has issues as well. The Girlfriend has vanished from the face of the Earth. Witness supression is occurring. Just like the Homes theater shooting.

    And this one is just too perfect. A Conservative outfit is targeted.

    We all know that is REAL White seperatists/racialists/Nazis/etc were going to target “enemies” – none would be movie-goers, Sihks (with whome we have natural sympathies) and traditional Christian outfits.

    WE know that these attacks hurt our cause, and that these sorts of things are the works of Marxists, Communists, and other assorted deranged Lefties.

    The window for getting guns banned is closing. The Big Jews are jumping ship for Romney and Ryan, who I will henceforth refer to as R’nR. Obama is having issues. He’s on the way out….so the attacks are ramping up.

  12. This is going to get very very interesting. It’s actually a classic example of terrorism. Except of course it was also incompetent. Nevertheless, I don’t think Corky was acting alone here. The twitter feed/facebook stuff he’s skwarked will be legendary.

    “It’s not you it’s the organization!”

  13. Wikipedia says John Boehner supported the designation of Hate Group by the SPLC.

    “A section of the letter supporting the FRC and certain other organizations designated as hate groups by the SPLC had signers which included twenty members of the House of Representatives (including then soon-to-be Speaker John Boehner)…”

    p.s. – I’m really active today because well, the job market is slow!

  14. I agree with Denise. These shootings are happening at a rate of every week. All of them are highly suspicious.

    The suspects look like patsies to me. The real shooters are probably Union Thugs or have connections to black supremacist groups.

    What about all these FEDGOV agencies stocking up on ammo? The Social Security Administration and the Weather Service have ordered thousands of rounds of ammo!

  15. @ Denise

    Notice how Hunter Wallace’s and Michael Hill’s names are highlighted (i.e. hyper-linked)? You need to debug.

    Your web address needs to go into the Website box.

  16. Anti-Fil-A activist shoots up Washington Political target in morning of terror!

    Is not the headline you will read tomorrow.

  17. Dr Doom,

    Read up on the Holmes case. His father can name names with Libor. REALLY do damage. Holmes, as an alleged Goyim, worked as a Summer Camp Counselor at a JEWISH Day Camp. Come on! Maybe a a janitor… a counselor. Do oyu know any-one one involved with Jewish camps, or schools, or anything? I did. Long before I knew about Racialism. The plan of action is HebeHebe Hebe 24/7. A Goy counselor? Please.

    Also – Holmes was under psychiatric care for ages, and drugged up to his eye teeth with HEAVY psych meds. Research Lone White Male Shooter histories. Psych treatment, coupled with serious meds, that have NEVER been properly researched, are invariable a factor. Also – Holmes – unemployed medical student with VERY high end military grade materials? Huh?

    The Sikh shooter – is there a body? Never mind the poor victims. What happend to the shooter’s body, and his girlfriend? There were inital reports of 4 shooters, and various also have people claimed in was an In House thing. Not some White NeoNazi. Why would ANY White NeoNutzi go after Sikhs? As a Racialist – I respect Sikhs. They have not done me or mine ANY harm. Indians are a substrata of Caucasians. Why SIKHS?

    Would a False Flag against Muslims get to messy? Too many questions? Too much rampaging?

    Now – this idiocy….let’s see if the Mulatto is digitally lightened up, aka Jorge Zimmerman…

  18. Denise,

    Before you had this:

    ” Denise@ says: ”

    now you have:

    ” Denise says: ” – perfect : )

  19. Read up on the Holmes case. His father can name names with Libor. REALLY do damage. Holmes, as an alleged Goyim, worked as a Summer Camp Counselor at a JEWISH Day Camp.

    Like I posted when his photo was first put up – he looks Jewish.

  20. Let’s see if we can find any connections between the SPLC and the shooter.

    Why don’t we just make up a connection between the two? Seems to me the SPLC gets a lot of mileage out of the tactic

  21. There’s some satusfaction in this BUT if you defend yourself you can’t be victimized so you can’t be martyred either. A robust vigorous people don’t get sympathy.

  22. On FB this is one of his 12 friends:
    As the name suggests, a treat of diversity ….. but just wait.

    His sister(?) appears to have wiped her page or never ever used:

    Give him a phone call:
    703-796-5516Floyd Corkins

    “He always struck me as a kind, gentle and unassuming young man. I’m very surprised that he could be involved in something like this,” Mariner said.
    Though authorities did not publicly reveal a motive, advocacy groups across the ideological spectrum condemned the violence, with some casting it as a hate crime.
    “Today’s attack is the clearest sign we’ve seen that labeling pro-marriage groups as ‘hateful’ must end,” Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, said in a statement.

  23. His sister(?) appears to have wiped her page or never ever used:

    Give him a phone call:
    703-796-5516Floyd Corkins

    “He always struck me as a kind, gentle and unassuming young man. I’m very surprised that he could be involved in something like this,” Mariner said.
    Though authorities did not publicly reveal a motive, advocacy groups across the ideological spectrum condemned the violence, with some casting it as a hate crime.
    “Today’s attack is the clearest sign we’ve seen that labeling pro-marriage groups as ‘hateful’ must end,” Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, said in a statement.

  24. Outlier – what do my posts say now?????


    John. Yes. Libor.

    The shooter’s father, Robert Holmes, was allegedly scheduled to testify before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history. Libor.

    Robert Holmes is apparently the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed, and he’s credited with developing predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, 1st and 3rd party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models. His bloodlines go back to the Mayflower. Allegedly.

    And he has all the names of those involved with the fraud. Madoff was just a little smalll time numbers runner, compared to this Libor thing. And nary a whisper in the press. Look it up.

  25. These shootings aren’t suspicious. The lid is about to come off, the whole place is going to blow. The illegitimate government understands this, thus the stockpiling of HP ammo. Just be ready and have your short list in hand when it does.

  26. Yes, Denise. I am aware of the Holmes family LIBOR connection. Incog Man has the whole story at his website:

    The White Supremacist is also a weak patsy. Why would a Neo-Nazi shoot up a Sikh temple? His girlfriend was picked up on a minor weapons charge that usually doesn’t involve arrest. Possibly to keep her from testifying, and putting pressure on her not to ever testify.

    This latest shooting may not be a false flag, however. The shooter is an LGBT minority die-versity. Doesn’t look like the kind of patsy they would use. Looks bad for the LGBT people and the Left, so doesn’t look like a patsy, but the real shooter got caught. That’s not to say they didn’t have a patsy in mind, just that it looks like in this case that the Real Shooter was cuffed by police at the scene.

  27. @ Denise

    Outlier – what do my posts say now?????

    Its not about ” what do my posts say ” – its about setting up a hyper link to your blog.

    You had the hyperlink working correctly on your 2nd last post (August 15, 2012 at 11:21 pm), but not on your last post (August 16, 2012 at 2:16 am).

    Hyperlink means when someone (including yourself) right clicks on the “Denise”(in blue and underlined) part of “Denise says:” it connects you directly with your blog Nordic Sage.

    Several other posters have done this … like rip’s takes you to “Paradise One”. Right click on his name.

    I don’t have a website, so I have a plain “Outlier says;” in plain black text.

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