About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Oh, Hunter. I would have thought better. Asking those who have no knowledge of matters theological, is like asking someone who has played the child’s game, “Operation” to perform micro-surgery to excise a malignant tumor on the spine, with as much success..

    But, since you ask, I’ll put in my oar. (Been watching Downton Abbey, and love the terms that the Brits used to use)

    First off, it is nothing, if not an UNholy Trinity.

    Secondly, you cannot even begin to note that there IS such a thing as Christian Heresy, until you acknowledge that the foundational heresy of them all, which informs, gives life to, and hides behind a facade of falsity, is the Filioque.

    That one philosophical breach is the GRUND of all the West’s problems.

    Points two and three could/should/might be switched, but it matters little, until you realize that you can’t IDENTIFY all the OTHER heresies, until you identify the Filioque (and Rome’s schism) first.

    Good night.

  2. “god” has outlived his purpose, he does not serve our tribe, uhhh, universalism. get rid of hebrewic religions and universalism and the enlightenment. those of course are large metaphysical words describing infinitely complex processes. but they are all interrelated so i assume it is not entirely wrong to use them. the problem could be simply put that we didn’t “finish the job” when we took over the world in the early moden period. we should have “native americand” the entire globe. made it all white, but then still we’d have the issue of low-iq whites. really i guess we just need to trim off the branches with too many sparrows nests on them, prune the great white yggdrisal of all those hooknosed sparrows and shuckin’, jiving squirrels.

  3. The real reason is the hierarchy of victimhood and eschatology of social progress. Losing our religion created a vacuum that the new religion of political correctness could fill.

  4. Eh, one out of three ain’t bad.

    But no.

    The triad (not trinity) of Western decline can be summed up as:
    1) the jews.
    2) the jews,
    3) the jews.

  5. The Unholy Trinity of American decline:

    1) A huge black underclass.
    2) A hostile Jewish elite.
    3) A 2000 mile border with Mexico.

  6. Hey guys, I tried to post this in the ‘Australia Gets Immigration Right’ article and found I have been blocked.

    Here you go, proof of my claims. Took 5 seconds to find this info.

    White Minority in Australia 15 years:

    Government study: Asian-born Australians may soon outnumber whites

  7. Western decline can be summed up better as:

    1. One part self-imposed finite playing field.

    2. One part insatiable desire for total autonomy.

    3. One part absolute rejection of objective Supremacy.

    This is the formula for the West’s self-annihilation.

  8. I thought the Holy Trinity was: niggers, homosexuals, and meztizos.

    But at times there appears to be a Holy Quinary: niggers, homosexuals, meztizos, muslims, and women (feminists).

    The Holy Quinary contradicts the Holy Trinity though ….. muslims destroy feminists and homosexuals (all the while fucking animals and men in the ass), and niggers destroy homosexuals (all while mah dikking them), meztizos destroy negroes hoods, but not negroes (“We needs mo’ fins fo sexin 8”).

    Losers: homosexuals (even though niggers and muslims are both fucking them (hey it’s man love thursday!) and feminists.

    So it appears, the Holy Trinity is: niggers, muslims, and meztizos.

    But all are willing breeders with each other (both heterosexually and homosexually (though they refuse to admit this)).

    So if the world continues in it’s current trajectory, all that’s left is the non-homosexual man love Thursday nigger-muslim-meztizo Holy Primary.

    Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ ……. Doh! Them muslims.

  9. Yeah, but WHOs heresy?

    There are so many denominations claiming to be the one true path that in my mind it is better to just shove off all religious hocus pocus.

    There were plenty of White Eastern European Communist States that were as Atheist as it gets and they did not subscribe to racially suicidal ideas about equality and miscegenation.

    I would rather live in East Germany Circa 1985 then New York 2012.

  10. Rudel says:
    August 18, 2012 at 5:44 am

    The Jew Marx merely secularized Christian morality.

    Oh, Rubbish. The Jew Marx secularized Jewish morality.

  11. “yt says:
    August 18, 2012 at 4:53 am
    Every time Denise says Kike, jude or Hebe take a drink. If she says oven, take a shot.”

    Kike Jude (proper nouns are capitalized) Hebe oven.
    Kike Jude Hebe oven.
    Kike Jude Hebe oven.

    There ya go.

  12. “Lew says:
    August 18, 2012 at 2:17 pm
    Rudel says:
    August 18, 2012 at 5:44 am

    The Jew Marx merely secularized Christian morality.

    Oh, Rubbish. The Jew Marx secularized Jewish morality.”

    Amen, Lew. Read the Talmud.

  13. The Unholy Trinity:

    1) White naivete, vanity and laziness when it comes to managing money
    2) Judaic malevolence
    3) Sheeney Gelte

    YT – what do you drink at “Sheeney”?

  14. Jimy Gear – one link per post, and you avoid being trapped in Spam Filter.

    More than one link – you get Spamblinka’d.

  15. “I would rather live in East Germany Circa 1985 then New York 2012.”

    It’s easy to be homogeneous when your country is a marxist shithole that no one wants to immigrate to.

  16. Pattern recognition time folks, so with a minute of contemplation it looks as the trinity has as its basis in being, the aspects of taboo worship.

    And if you ever notice when a lefty joins a board with discussion they basically want to shut said discussion down by instituting some sort of taboo. Even if they lable it “settled science” they are still basically pretty lame in reasoning and methodology.

    That is the Left folks, if you doubt me and want to sound “wise” to the MEGA-powers of the Left then please tell me which Lefty person or cult is an inspiration to human ingenuity and greatness. (even if evil)

  17. “we should have “native americand” the entire globe. made it all white, but then still we’d have the issue of low-iq whites. ”

    If we’d have finished the job, so the Jews wouldn’t have been haranguing us, we could have kept our paternalism. That paternalistic attitude would have allowed us smart Whites to gently but firmly insisted that low IQ whites have only one child.

    We wouldn’t want to say to dimbulb Whites, have NO children, because modern society DOES require a few low-IQ people, to enjoy doing the kinds of repetitive tasks of maintaining technological civilization that drives smart people batshit crazy.

    We could take those dullards in hand, pay them well so they can have nice lives, appreciate them for their good service, but insist they have only one child, pressure them to stay married, watch their one kid like a hawk to keep him from crime and drop the hammer if he/she does get in trouble, brook no nonsense,, and we’d have a pretty good society.

  18. Another book that shows your holy trinity of Western decline is “Jewish Influence On Christian Reform Movements” Written by Rabbi Louis I Newman, it shows the Jews have tried to inflence and corrupt the church to do its will ever since 33AD.

  19. You can look at this from a history of idea perspective or an even perspective.

    Other ways to look at it.

    Western decline would not be as bad or would not be happening IF:

    The South won TBTS
    Germany won WW1
    Germany won WW2

  20. The ball was rolling well before Jewish influence became a serious problem. Christian heresies and secular fantasy ideologies like Enlightenment liberalism and communism made the latter possible.

  21. Ahhhhh….so now we have definitive proof that Runner Away from Negro Savages Like a Shrieking Little Girl While A WOG Does the Work is now a member of the Tribe.

    I’m shocked. Simply SHOCKED, I tells ya – shocked.

  22. Hunter – Communism is RIGHT outta the Talmud. Communism IS Talmudic ideology manifested into political doctrine.

  23. OK Tamer, I’ll bite. Though I am going to regret it.

    Anti-semitism is the #1 cause of Western decline?

    As for the Orthodox, they didn’t do such a great job of holding Russia, did they? That’s all I need to know. Where the rubber meets the road, they failed completely.

  24. They are banging up pussy riot fir two years for hooliganizing the cathedral.

    I raise a vodka in Putin’s direction.

  25. Germany won ww1 in Russia by infesting the place with Bolsheviks.

    We would be better off if Germany had never centralized. Just like the Union in America these centralizations of Authority hurt semi autonomous and sovereign white ethnic cultures.

  26. There’s really only one cause: White altruism. It’s given us so much and harmed us so much. From Greece to Rome to Northern Europe to America a pattern emerges. A dichotomy between nationalists/ethnopatriots and universalists. Our civilizations were born from this historical tug of war. We’ll call it historical biological materialism.

    Christianity, Judaism, and Marxism share the same bio-cultural roots. All pervert our already fragile balance between the universal and the particular in favor of the former. Ultimately, our altruism is our righteousness and our evil.

  27. The Unionist cause in the US lead quite directly to Bismarck unifying Germany in imitation of Northern industrialization, expansion and equalitarian ideology. German unification as the Second Reich lead to ww1 through challanging British sea power and czarist Russian land power. Ww1 through the German Staff Officer trained type directly caused the Bolshevik revolution in the Russian Empire by sending Lenin and his bodyguard through into St Petersberg to coup the Kerensky government.

    You might call this Reaching but I understand Trotsky was holed up in Brooklyn during ww1 as the Bolshevik agent in America– the home of the problem in the firstplace.

  28. As I see it, 1. and 3. generally come from 2. (recall Machiavelli and Hobbes’ attitude toward the Church, the Revolutionary impetus for emancipating the Jews).

    Actually, it is the Orthodox who are the “first Protestants”, if the term need be used. Their basis for rejecting the development of doctrine in the Filioque is essentially that they are the “orthodox” believers and hierarchy in the Church, while Catholics are judged to have fallen into error independent of any central authority, which is a circular argument.

  29. I am with conchobar to some degree. Whats getting us is Universalism, The Enlightenment and last Judaic Ideas.

    Universalism is stupid, folks need to cleave to their own folks to be healthy and to quote George Bernard Shaw

    Pardon him. Theodotus: he is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

    We need to keep our ideas to our own people and realize they are for us, not others.

    I don’t have to explain the last two, the entire idea that all men are created equal should be disabused by Kindergarten at the latest.

    as for the last,

    Its a subset of the first really but Jewish ideas are for Jews not us Gentiles.

    I’d suggest as free White men we’d be better served with the Nine Noble Virtues instead of the Ten Commandments

    Would be rulers won’t like it but so be it

    from the Asatru Folk Assembly

    Strength is better than weakness
    Courage is better than cowardice
    Joy is better than guilt
    Honour is better than dishonour
    Freedom is better than slavery
    Kinship is better than alienation
    Realism is better than dogmatism
    Vigor is better than lifelessness
    Ancestry is better than universalism

    alternately the Odinic Right

    Self Reliance

  30. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 18, 2012 at 3:46 pm
    The ball was rolling well before Jewish influence became a serious problem. Christian heresies and secular fantasy ideologies like Enlightenment liberalism and communism made the latter possible….

    Yep… anyone who wants POWER works on getting more, i.e. “centralization” or “union.” Like Rome’s myth that it “unified” Europe. Same people imported to u.s., “unify” states which were like country with regional (code for ethnic) differences.

    Jews got Israel, the pope got America (as long as he is content for his church to become brown by 2040, which he is).

    After they “unify” the americas, they will “unify” the various continental “unions.”

    Why, it’s those damn Puritans again. You really have to watch those weasels!

  31. Very good Matt. The only thing I could add is that the Left is pathetic, and the “right” that kowtows to their taboos is what props up this shit show.

  32. The u.s., anyway, seems so clearly to be just as Romanized as Judaized. One is feudal/fascist/nanny statist and run by psychos —putting the lie to the idea that the best “elites” always wind up at the top of “civilization”, since sometimes it’s just sociopaths. And the other is commies/ zionists.

    It just seems like they packed all that crap they were doing in europe and brought the baggage here.

  33. 1.White genetical wish to self flaggelation. Probably DRD4R7 gene.
    2. Jew observed our race for centuries, noticed this self hateing phenomena and decided to use it.
    3. Lack of information movement. Before internet, white awakened people could not put nothing against well organized jewish world info and media network.

    Christianity does,nt matter. Actually I think, that white race adopted Christianity only because it gived us course and theoretical explanation for self hating. Missionaries tried with Roman Empire nonwhites for 600 year without any result and then came Prophet with his religion and all middle east adopted Islam almost instantly. Lot of nonwhites adopted a Christianity too but they only follow rituals. They don,t feel themselves sinned.

    So until now church worked like a lightning rod. When somebody wanted to be sinful, then he or she were told, that Jesus died because of YOUR sins and lady or gentlemen could spend all his life asking forgiveness from god and let other people alone. When jews and communists destroyed church, then we searched other things, how to feel bad and jews gived us abused pederasts, slavered nwords, killed and abused “native” Americans ,holy cow$t of course, man made climate warming and lot of other ideas.

    White liberal DRD4 gene is root of all evil. And some people claim, that cannabis can launch it. All cultural marxist madness happening only in countries, when was hippie movement and lot of cannabis. That is why they fighting hard to legalize it. Why run worldwide expensive propaganda, when marijuana is really as harmless as they claim.

    It,s interesting that white race realists almost never interested from white race. What kind of mechanism put lot of us do things, which against any logic, natural laws and harm our people and also themselves. In USSR even after surviving GULAG and all horrors lot of people still believed communism. So scientific discovering self hate mechanism for white people is solution. When we get ride of holy cow$t or immigrants, jews will invent new things how to put us feel bad again and continue to ruin western civilisation and white race.

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