About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My interest in the White race is strictly secondary. My primary loyalty is to the Christian faith, specifically the Catholic Church, and to the civilization (Christendom/Western Civilization) that it created. My next loyalty is to my family — first, to my immediate family, then my relations, then my ethnic group (German) and then to the White race. My final level of loyalty is to the various political entities to which I have sworn loyalty.

    After that comes my loyalty to myself and my own needs and desires.

    My motto is “No Enemies on the White”. If you support the continued existence of the White race and Christian civilization, I consider you an ally. We don’t have to agree on anything else, Fr. John+, for example, hates the Church, but he loves the White race and Christian civilization, so I count him as a fellow warrior, even though we disagree on many fundamental and important issues. Our enemies are powerful and ruthless, and if we are to defeat them we don’t have time or energy to waste on fighting one another. There will be plenty of time to hash out theological differences after V-BRA Day.

    As for atheists and pagans: I have no ill will towards them, but I have nothing to say to them. As far as I’m concerned they are irrelevant in this war.

    Please note that, unlike many people who post here, I do not hate blacks, Jews, or anyone else. I love White people and Christian civilization, and I make no apologies for it, but I sincerely wish the best for people of all races and cultures. I simply think that the various nations and races of the world should live separately, each in its own land.

  2. Whatever Western Civilization was in the past, it has died and we have been encased into a new civilization which we could reasonably term The West Bank. I hope readers have the geographical knowledge of its location.

  3. I simply think that the various nations and races of the world should live separately, each in its own land. – Oculus

    National Socialist!

  4. @ Robert in Arabia, August 18, 2012 at 7:37 pm: I simply think that the various nations and races of the world should live separately, each in its own land. – Oculus

    National Socialist!

    I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  5. There is just a simple failure of the individual white man to see himself as the root cause of the failure of white civilization.

    The last and only taboo in a completely liberated society is the genuine “white Supremacist.”

    The white man, along with his “liberated” sidekicks, DOES NOT BELIEVE in objective Supremacy. He is fundamentally an anti-Supremacist (he is really into “equality” of the sort that merely gives him a seat at the big boy table). This alone would explain his personal descent and his notion of inferior position.

    Those white men who claim that Christianity is universal so as to be self-annihilating are either diabolical liars or ignorant fools.

    To be a Christian is to believe in objective Supremacy. To be a white Christian is to be a genuine white Supremacist. There is simply nothing more particular than objective Supremacy and nothing more particular that a white man could be other than a white Supremacist.

    Hardly any white man desires to be a genuine white Supremacist and so white man is nothing in particular. Almost dead by his own hands and beliefs.

    White man wants absolute autonomy in a finite world all the while rejecting any notion that he may reach Higher.

    What would be the result with this line of thinking?

  6. Christianity is universal,

    there is onley ONE GOD>>>>>but we “all” can know his grace>>>>>>>>universalism

    if we understand that we humans as a part of the whole “god”, are in ourselves made up of differentiated breeds (like different kinds of hydrangias or lilys or schnawzers) then you could possibly have christianity without the univeralism, but you would then need demi-gods for the various breeds, etc.

  7. you are meaning enlightenment principles tied in with jeudeo-christian morality conflicting with “faustian urges” i assume? thor

  8. Sure, but you can only know His Grace if you accept Truth. The Truth being that the races are different, suited for different things, and better at some things than others.

    There is also no Truth in treating other races as if they were our own.

    These are two monstrous fallacies that the Universal God is punishing us for embracing.

  9. 1.) Christian heresy

    What Hunter is referring to here is the idea that slavery is immoral. He is so desperate to believe that his hallowed ancestors had developed the perfect society — perfect for all time — that he cares nothing for how such ideas resonate in the real world. It’s the racialist version of leftwing utopian thinking.

    Hunter can scoff at vantards, but he’s a vantard himself. Typical pigheaded nationalist who recoils reflexively at the thought of alliances and the concessions (none of them fatal) required to achieve and maintain them.

    Chris313, I’d give you a run for your money when it comes to hating niggers any day. (My family extended family is from Detroit, so we’ve heard all the stories.) But why you’d want to align yourself with these crazed southerners is beyond me.

  10. The black worships the tempo of the bongo beat that runs in his head.
    What black theologian can any of you name? God and the black! Bwahahahaha. Did you see the massacre of the spearchuckers at that Platinum mine? They were armed like Zulu–knob kerries, assagie and pangas at an industrial dispute.

    Machine gun the bastards.

  11. conchobar,

    Actually I said…

    –Those white men who claim that Christianity is universal so as to be self-annihilating are either diabolical liars or ignorant fools.

    Christianity is universal only in the sense that it is true across the universe. But even this understanding IS NOT “universal.” In fact, amongst the “liberated,” Christianity is not true at all. And amongst those who claim to be “far right,” Christianity is self-annihilating but only amongst white man. That doesn’t sound very universal either?

  12. If the only thing that can bind the “white man” together is the notion of collective descent then the solution is the individual “white man” seeking to ascend hopefully forming a voluntary coalition of “white Supremacists.”

    But nearly no white male seeks to be a genuine white Supremacist. So we are in descent.

  13. Being a slaveowner is not immoral. Being a bad slaveowner is.

    There is more moral turpitude involved in accepting blacks as our equal and inverting our society to make it appear so than in simply biting the bullet and owning a slave.

    Better to do neither of course. But there is more Truth in one than the other. And Truth is what we seek, is it not?

  14. White supremacy is clearly dead in the water. The best we can do now, and it will only come as a result of serious heavy lifting, is white inherent difference. But at least it’s a step above white guilt. If only we could relearn to let Christ bear our sins. But the Jews won’t have it.

  15. Slavery delivered a preindustrial utopia for the slaver and master. Now it’s not really needed. But it was a cash cow before automation. The Romans, Egptians, Jews, Persians, Turks, Chinese and Arabs didn’t fully exploit their slave wealth to transform their societies into automatic machinery. Too dim too craven too in love with themselves. That Innovation required French, British and Anglosphere society to make the leap.

  16. White supremacy is clearly dead in the water. — landshark

    Yes… It is why we are in collective descent and will stay there until total self-annihilation.

  17. You could have a society entirely without enrichment. The technology certainly exists. A space colony would not survive carrying the weight of the black. You’d have to invent a sport up there to keep the Negro happy and fulfilled. But what use would sports be in a lunar base or a Martian mining colony?

    If you think of the earth as a spaceship you realize in horror how damaging it is to have 1 billion niggers. In 100 years there might be 2 billion. They must be culled before systemic failure occurs.

  18. In 70 years, after the collapse, some White do-gooder is going to gather up funds from his church and go exploring the darker reaches of Detroit and find conditions beyond his darkest dreams. He will then pluck a few children out (slated for the stew pot) to lift them up and to help till the fields. And the cycle shall begin again.

    They spent all that money trying to come up with a sign that would make FuturePop understand the risks around the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site. They should start putting up similar signs around Detroit, to warn future whites not to dip into the cheap labor pool, no matter how altruistic it might seem.

  19. Why would any healthy-minded white man desire to own a slave of any color or think that this idea would somehow restore order?

    The radical black collective is already largely self-enslaved. They would cut their own throats if the white liberal would just get out of the way. Same for the jihadists and the homosexuals. Are we too caught in this milieu or can we rise above it at least as individual white men?

  20. Would you really want a black captain or ExO on a billion dollar interplanetary mining ship?

    No fkn way. Once the planet gets crowded enough there will have to be a reckoning with them.

  21. Being a slaveowner is not immoral. Being a bad slaveowner is.

    There is more moral turpitude involved in accepting blacks as our equal and inverting our society to make it appear so than in simply biting the bullet and owning a slave.

    Well, I’ll meet you half way and say that an individual slave owner (in a slave-owning society) isn’t necessarily immoral, but the institution of slavery necessarily is. (I’d make an exception where the alternative was death to those taken prisoner as a result of war, but not in cases where the war was waged with the purpose of capturing slaves.)

    The belief in equality and institutions that enforce this belief and make policies in accord with this belief are evil, yes (at least when one considers the consequences). You can think of it as “reverse slavery.” Down with BRA! Down with equality!

  22. “Why would any healthy-minded white man desire to own a slave of any color or think that this idea would somehow restore order?”

    That’s not my argument. My argument is that bondage is to humanity as water is to fish. We cannot escape it.

    As the saying goes, he that is slave to nothing will fall for anything. There has never been a population so consumed with freedom in the history of mankind. Yet has there ever been a population so unwittingly enslaved? The only true purpose of freedom is that we might CHOOSE OUR MASTER. Not that there will be none. If you get a people freaked out enough about slavery it’s possible they will feel free no matter what you do to them. After all, how can a society built on the ruins of slavery not be free? IMPOSSIBLE!

    Agree Silver, the slavery thing definitely got carried away with itself. Just like BRA.

  23. @Silver

    “Chris313, I’d give you a run for your money when it comes to hating niggers any day. (My family is from Detroit, so we’ve heard all thestories.)

    – No kidding? Sounds like my kinda people 🙂

    “But why you’d want to align yourself with these crazed southerners is beyond me.”

    – Well, to be exact, I only started hanging out here last summer. And back then, OD was still more ‘white general interest’, and hadn’t yet specified toward Southern Nationalism. I still like it here for the blog items and conversations and fights.

    Also, I wouldn’t say I’m “aligned” with anyone at all. I’m not a white-nationalist, I’m not a southern-nationalist, I’m not a neo-nazi, I’m not a national-socialist, and I’m not a secessionist. I’m a race-realist and an American patriot.

    I respect Hunter’s loyalty to his region and his people’s history, and share his perspective on many subjects, but I also disagree with him about slavery, about Lincoln, about many aspects of the Civil War, about abortion, about Romney & Ryan, and about the legitimacy of America. So position is really too nuanced to be aligned with any one side or group. But I dig personalities and vibe around here.

  24. @barb:

    “If we’d have finished the job, so the Jews wouldn’t have been haranguing us, we could have kept our paternalism. That paternalistic attitude would have allowed us smart Whites to gently but firmly insisted that low IQ whites have only one child. ”

    IMO, there should be no need to insist that low IQ Whites have only one child. Which Whites are in league with the enemy?! High IQ Whites from Ivy League colleges who have been the beneficiaries of the best education money can buy from practically cradle to grave. They along with their Jewish confreres came up with the multiculti policies and mass turd world immigration (legal or not) and allowed all our industry to be shipped out to China and India which has driven our country into the ditch.

    “Low IQ” Whites make up in street smarts what they lack in book smarts. I am “this close” to advocating that all “high IQ” Whites be sterilized. However, I would settle for the high IQ children of our wealthy elite be sterilized, because they are so well-trained in abstract thought that concrete thought totally eludes them.

    In the meantime, we need to seek out, cultivate, and advance high IQ children of poor, marginalized Whites who have been dealing with Diversity for decades. It is not the high IQ elite but the high IQ lower class that is going to save our race.

  25. well Thor to better clarify what i meant, ’cause the internets makes it hard to speak clearly. christianity has trancended the white race, look at the london missionary society, which was instrumental in alienating the boerstats and elivating the kaffir dogs, look at the abolitionist in the states, all christo-chists. the whole “love thy neighbor”. that is what i meant by “universal”

  26. @Rob Roy Simmons:

    “And if you ever notice when a lefty joins a board with discussion they basically want to shut said discussion down by instituting some sort of taboo. Even if they lable it “settled science” they are still basically pretty lame in reasoning and methodology.”

    This very thing was blogged about by Kievsky at his Mind Weapons in Ragnorak discussion board in his post, ‘”MindWar in action and the theory of “mental blushing.”’ He relates how he got into a debate with a YKW leftard and it took no time for this individual to try to say Kievsky’s and WNist’s objection to BM-WF interracial pairings was their own insecurity over penis size.

    Kievsky called him on this tactic, “Miscegenation happens with integration. Your Jewish Freudian MindWar attempts to call it “sexual insecurity” no longer work on me. That’s so 30 years ago, dude.” The guy retaliated by threatening “I will be writing an essay about this fascinating discussion, just so you know, and I will be using your name, and your email…I think people should definitely know about your amazingly insecure views!”

    To which Kievsky responded, “Two small requests. Publish the full exchange, and turn on comments.” To which the YKW responded, “Actually, I won’t mention your name in the piece, because honestly it would be tacky, and it would suggest that these views were yours alone, but sadly, I hear lots of white nat rhetoric that appears to obsess over the psycho sexual, so you’re not alone!”

    LMAO. No doubt this loser was scared witless of being swarmed by BUGS, LOL.


    In any case, I highly recommend Kievsky’s blog. His Mindweapons meme is taking off all over the damned place. Even the Russians who threw those Pussy Riot twits into jail for “protesting Putin” in a Russian Orthodox Church are discussing the mindweapons at play behind this latest outrage of Soros et al and calling them on it.


  27. clymenstra, i agree white birth rates should never be controlled, but they need to not be in charge, we need to do away with “democracy”, idiocracy and “freedoms”. low iq whites is a misnomer, what we are talking about is unproductive underclass whites, meth heads and dope fiends, welfare trash. that mentality is not productive to society, we are talking about “niggerized whites”.

  28. I love Kievsky’s mindweapon formulation. It’s a good reminder the primary battle is mental, intellectual, spiritual.

  29. @Tamer of Savages:

    “Anti-semitism is the #1 cause of Western decline?”


    @Landshark and Sean:

    “Tamer, that was an invitation to explain. You’re a jew, I take it?”

    I’m not a Jew, but I agree that Antisemitism is the #1 cause of Western decline.

    Why? because from a casual observation of history, the West has veered on a wildly swinging pendulum between Antisemitism and Philosemitism. The latest case was Hitler’s “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Question” followed by the Holocaustomania we are still suffering from today.

    What I propose is ASEMITISM. It works just like agnosticism or atheism.

    ASEMITISM is basically the total and profound lack of interest in Jews or any other Semites, for that matter, because we are NOT Semites. We are Japhethites. Those are NOT our people. We don’t GAD how Ishmael and Israel deal with their five thousand old family squabble as long as we are not dragged in to settle the dispute.

    We neither confirm nor deny the Holocaust. History is written by the victors. The only group of people who won WWII were the Jews, so the Holocaust is about as credible and suspect as any other history. Either way, we don’t care. Whatever did or didn’t happen, it was almost seventy years ago and it’s time that we stop allowing the Jews to dine out on it.

    We don’t care what is good for the Jews or any other Semites. We only care about what is good for the Japhethites. If that means that Semites and Hamites also benefit, that’s all well and good, but if that also means that Semites and Hamites don’t benefit or even are adversely affected, that’s all well and good, too.

    It is time we become a very ethnocentric Japhethite tribe.

    JMO for what it is worth.

  30. Why is slavery immoral?
    We have petroleum and nuclear energy now.

    Silver is just condemning EVERY ancestor we have. He fckn hates every great society in history.

  31. Why do you want Mindweapons when this is starting to become a Shooting War? Psychological Operations has its place in Warfare, but the time for Psyops is over when the first shots are fired.
    Shots have been fired by the Evil Swine and their Orc Hordes! War is the Only Alternative Now.
    Discussing the Morality of Slavery is POINTLESS! The Evil Aliens that INFEST our Nations and mean to ENSLAVE US should be the focus, not ridiculous second-guessing of the morality of Using Useless niggers to pick Cotton, before Automation!

  32. “n the meantime, we need to seek out, cultivate, and advance high IQ children of poor, marginalized Whites who have been dealing with Diversity for decades. It is not the high IQ elite but the high IQ lower class that is going to save our race”

    I definitely see your point.

  33. Silver is just condemning EVERY ancestor we have. He fckn hates every great society in history.

    Calm down, John. Calling slavery immoral doesn’t equate to “condemning” societies of days gone by (not in toto). There remains much to admire in them, but in this one thing they were wrong. That’s all.

    Why is slavery immoral? At bottom, the answer is: it just is. That sounds glib, but it’s both glib and profound. It’s the same reason we find murder immoral. The feeling that it is wrong strikes us first and we find the words to explain it later. But even if we can’t find always find the right words our “explanation” of “my heart tells me this is wrong” is capable of moving us to daring and heroic acts in the name of justice that we’d never otherwise contemplate. That in itself tells us something about the moral gravity of the issue. The disappointing thing is that Hunter knows all this but willfully plays dumb in the name exonerating his beloved ancestors and the society they built. (It’s the same reason he remains immune to the most basic economic reasoning, btw.)

    If one requires more than that, we could invoke concepts like freedom and human dignity, but really, if in this day and age one finds it necessary to not only defend historical slavery (which is excusable, imo) but desires to formulate a positive case for slavery’s reinstitution it’s doubtful one would care to hear the case for such noble concepts.


    I respect Hunter’s loyalty to his region and his people’s history, and share his perspective on many subjects, but I also disagree with him about slavery, about Lincoln, about many aspects of the Civil War, about abortion, about Romney & Ryan, and about the legitimacy of America. So position is really too nuanced to be aligned with any one side or group. But I dig personalities and vibe around here.

    I respect his position too — much more than I respect him as a person, incidentally. (And while I’d like to ascribe his willingness to allow me to say that on his own blog to a bigness of spirit, it’s more likely the result of a calloused forbearance that’s heard it all many times before.)

    My impression of you is that you’re more of a “ballpark” racialist rather than a strict WN. My guess is that’s a result of both your own background and the environs you grew up in; that is, Italians are already of a slightly admixed racial provenance, and living in an industrial northern city alongside other “ethnics” of varying degrees of whiteness demonstrated quite clearly that such a life is not only “possible” but also very satisfying. The race-realist perspective is forced to intrude because eventually we bump up against limits to racial inclusiveness — some people are just way too different to seriously consider as “basically like me.” (Personally, I don’t get any joy out of turning people away on racial grounds, particularly not when they’re otherwise culturally on the same page; it’s just necessary to draw a line somewhere otherwise you risk losing it all.)

    This is all very different to the southern racial perspective, which, in addition to race, typically forces upon one a frankly lunatic degree of Christian observance and stands foursquare against sensible policies like abortion (one of the few things to go right from a racial perspective in the last 40 years) and would probably do likewise with other eugenic policies, no matter how beneficent or non-coercive. (Cos that’s “playing God.”)

    Still, for all that, they do deserve to be supported. Their quirks can be ignored. What cannot so easily be ignored or overlooked is their hostility and unwillingness to reciprocate support. That can be worked on, however, with the goal being to supplant the Hunter Wallaces with more reasonable men.

  34. Hunters big golden slave empire is just another propositional nation ie. “If you believe that importing vast amounts of aliens to live among us and do our chores, then you are one of us.”

  35. I beleive slavery to be immoral not because of what it does to “them”(I really don’t care what happens to them, as long as it’s geographically removed from me), but because of what it does to us.

  36. I’ve been busy all day visiting with friends, barbecuing (not grilling) and playing kadima. Apologies. I was however considering throughout the day just how to respond to the question first snarkily posed and then genuinely reiterated by landshark. My friends (a fellow wasp and a jew) are aware of OD and my fondness for it but I didn’t want to bring up politics AGAIN in a day that touched already on how we have “no choice” but to vote Romney, mossad exploding cellphones on terrorists and demographic change ( I steered discussions towards pussy, barbecue and baseball, screw red sox) – I awaited inspiration.

    It came when I cracked open a book abou notable Jewish women my Jewish friend’s mother had been reading at the dining room table. I opened it up and saw a picture of Betty Friedan. Growing up as a “Jewish girl on the right side of the tracks” in Illinois was confusing for a young Betty Friedan. She “belonged but didn’t” The sororities and clubs of her day banned Jews. She was made to exist on the outskirts of society by anti-Semitism. She was treated like a Nigger in the Jim Crow South of the time, despite being White.

    That scenario would mess with the mind of any young white person of intelligence and transform them imto an iconoclast crusading gainst the prevailing culture and its norms.

    Anti-Semitism creates radical Jewish liberalism. Anti-Semitism is an irrational hatred of on avg. high IQ whites of the Jewish faith. Anti-Semitism in the name of “Whites” turns a very influential, tightly knit white ethno-cultural group of intelligent people against our cause.

    The Ashkenazim came to the US en masse in the early 20th century. They -like all poor immigrants of the time – embraced leftist politics. However, unlike earlier immigrants Jews rapidly ascended in the fields of business and arts and letters within not even a generation. Their material success outpaced their political development and then to top it off there was mass state slaughter of Jews in western Europe, occured further retarding their political development.

    White Jews are increasingly becoming not only conservative but racially aware.

    Anti-Semitism fractures white unity. Anti-Semitism leaves millions in cinders. Anti-Semitism weakens civilization and the lesser races sense it. For they too are anti-Semitic. Most Whites sense it too, that’s why they’re not anti-Semitic.

  37. Re: Silver

    No, I was asking a serious question. Why is slavery immoral? I honestly can’t think of a good reason. Neither can you if your only response to my query is “it just is.”

  38. Why is murder immoral? Surely if it benefits you and you can get away with it you should just do it.


    What you are asking is what came first: the Jew or the Nazi? The chicken or the egg?

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