About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I wouldn’t call Slavery Immoral. It is, however, No Longer Necessary. Robots and Automation have made menial labor by Slaves No Longer Necessary.
    Really Now. What Type of people are Enslaved? Intelligent or Industrious People? NO! Do you Really Want to live around Slaves and their kind? NOT ME!

    Most of Today’s Problems are associated with past Slavery, IMO.

    Abolition merely Weaponized former Slaves against their Masters. Machines are much less problematic and less prone to being Used Against US.

  2. Is slavery immoral?

    Let us suppose for the sake of argument that the Chinese decided it would be spiffy cool for them to conquer the USA and make us their slaves. They reason it is perfectly justifiable as collectively they have slightly higher IQ’s, their civilization and culture is vastly superior to ours and they need more land/resources to sustain their ever increasing numbers.

    They execute a plan catching us off-guard and prevail.

    Now imagine a scene in which Hunter, his family and some members of this site are forced to labor in rice fields somewhere in South Carolina all day in the hot sun under the whip of a chink overlord who considers Whites to be only a notch above beasts.

    Well, I guess it wouldn’t matter if they thought we were beneath them or equal.

    They have the upper hand and can do as they please. So, why not?

    Oh, and let’s say they claimed authority to do so from ancient Chinese Prophets and Holy Books written thousands of years ago.

    Would their behavior be immoral?

  3. In the Old South, morality was based on religion, tradition, and philosophy. Under Christianity, murder is clearly immoral whereas there was no similar prohibition against slavery.

  4. I’ll try it. I’d say slavery is an injustice and thus immoral. It’s akin to asking why is shooting random people in the back of the head immoral? Once any society reaches a certain level of complexity, you need rules in order for that society to function. That’s what ethics and politics is partly about, figuring out those rules should be. In the context of complex societies, one foundation for opposing slavery is self-interest. Who wants to live a slave society when the possibility exists you, a friend or a family member might end up a slave? There are reciprocal benefits to treating everyone well. You help them, they help you.

  5. In the Old South, morality was based on religion, tradition, and philosophy. Under Christianity, murder is clearly immoral whereas there was no similar prohibition against slavery.

    Thank you for proving my point about your attitude. The Old South was a perfect society and everything Hunter’s illustrious ancestors did was likewise perfect.

    Well, the New South is based on communism. Under the communist tradition white existence is morally problematic, but who can argue against tradition? I’m afraid you’ll just have to lump it.


    Give it up will ya. Hunter’s no liberal. He has no use for your fancy schmancy double talk that assumes other races are entitled to a bit of dignity.

    Religion. Tradition. White Maketh Right. That’s all HW is interested in.

    That’s okay, though, because this is a winning argument. People are bound to sign up to support the racial cause in droves after getting a whiff of this stuff. So you, Lew, you just busy yourself with the NUMBER ONE PROBLEM facing WN, the eternal Jew.

  6. IMO, there should be no need to insist that low IQ Whites have only one child. Which Whites are in league with the enemy?! High IQ Whites from Ivy League colleges who have been the beneficiaries of the best education money can buy from practically cradle to grave.

    Yep. There is research calming high IQ people search out novel ways of doing things just for the novelty of it and attempt to solve problems that aren’t problems. That seems to fit the way super zips live and vote. And the high IQ idiots don’t have to pay the price of their novelty seeking non problem solutions because they have money to live in all high IQ White areas

    We don’t care what is good for the Jews or any other Semites. We only care about what is good for the Japhethites. If that means that Semites and Hamites also benefit, that’s all well and good, but if that also means that Semites and Hamites don’t benefit or even are adversely affected, that’s all well and good, too.

    yep again

    the unholy three in in three broad idea groups

    extending the right to vote beyond property holding White men. Nothing good came of it.

    immigration of all kinds including other European Whites. Go back and read the augments from various parties like the Know Nothings. Things went down pretty much like the said they would, and the mexcians are simply the newest attempt to reduce the political power and wages of native born White men. Many o0f those immigrants came from places very sympathetic to big govt and various socialist ideals

    consolidation of power under lincoln wilson and fdr. Because lincoln killed the idea of States’ rights and nullification, they had no options but to enforce johnson’s bullshit

  7. You asked why murder is considered immoral whereas slavery was not considered immoral. Obviously, it is because Christianity and the Bible condemned murder, whereas Jesus never condemned slavery.

  8. slavery made the South weak? One should look at how many yankees we killed despite being out numbered and at a serious material/ industrial disadvantage.

    No one can look at that history and say slavery made them weak.

    Same for the Spartans and Roman

    Success and soft living makes men weak, and really it’s not the success but the succumbing to the temptation of soft living

  9. Murder is universally illegal
    through all history and territory. No society exists if murder is allowed.

    Not so slavery. Depending on place and time it has been positively encouraged By the state, by religious leaders etcetc and assisted the construction of great societies. At other times it is suppressed and disrupted. It’s not immoral: It’s economics. For the moment we swim in cheap energy and have developed automation so we can live in comfort.

    Is the army/slaving ant immoral for chemically enslaving other types of ants?

  10. “Every time Fr. John+ disparages Catholicism, shotgun a whole bottle.”

    You just proved my point. If you assume that Romanism is catholicism, you’ve just corroborated the filioque’s pernicious reality.

    Ps. 14:1

  11. Does the ten commandments mention slavery? No murder, no theft, no adultery, all universally appicable…

    Nothing about though shalt not enslave. Of course the Hebes claim to have been escaping the institution, but God appears to have forgotten to mention a thing about it. There’s not even a preamble.

    “Given that slavery is immoral, whereas…

    Thou shalt not…”

  12. Re: “look at how many yankees we killed despite being out numbered”:

    In the two Great Wars, the Germans were also fewer in number, and killed more other whites than the more numerous other whites did. Western civilisation declines with each white-on-white slaughter.

  13. Neither the Old or New Testaments condemn slavery in any harsh way. You would think if slavery (or racism for that matter) were so bad Moses or Jesus would have said “Thou shalt not suffer slavery to exist” or something to that effect.

    If I’m not mistaken the Koran is onboard with the idea of slavery as well.

    Slavery (and poverty, for that matter) are mankind’s natural states. It has existed since the beginning and will exist as long as there are people on this Earth. There are slaves today, and will be slaves tomorrow. NOT being enslaved and NOT being impoverished are the exceptions to the rule. Our white ancestors earned freedom for themselves and their posterity, and created wealth. This is not the case for every nation on the planet.

    Slavery in the U.S. was economics based. They were basically farm equipment. Our Southern ancestors didn’t invent the concept, they were born into it, so clearly they are not immoral for the institution itself. Feudalism is yet another form of slavery. The Russians were not freed from that until the 1860’s. We modern Americans are about to find out what “dept slavery” is.

    Freedom is not meant for everyone. Hunter has written extensively on this. It’s a insult, IMO, to our ancestors who paid so dear for ours that we go issuing it out like lollipops to those who have not earned it and are not ready for it. Just look what freedom did to Haiti.

  14. ” One should look at how many yankees we killed despite being out numbered and at a serious material/ industrial disadvantage.”

    And why were you at a serious material/ industrial disadvantage. I read a book a while back that compared and contrasted two national armories, Harper’s Ferry and Springfield. The difference in quality and innovation between the two was astounding. Now, good ideas came out of Harper’s Ferry, but “Ye Olde Slave Economy” had a hard time doing anything more complicated than hammering a nail.

    High IQ people solving problems that aren’t there is simply another exercise in vanity. If high IQ people read their Bibles they’d be more likely to avoid such foolishness and tackle real problems. It’s not like there’s a shortage of ’em..

  15. While I don’t believe slavery to be sin, I don’t think it is good. All throughout history it usually backfires on the slave holding population. I take the opinion of some of our Founding Fathers, namely that slavery was bad BECAUSE it decreased white immigration which, according to them, was “beneficial”.

  16. As a side note I reckon, that if the exodus happened at all it was the blown up story of a company of mercenaries escaping an Egyptian uprising that tossed out the Uitlander interlopers. Not slaves, more likely defeated garrison troops of an occupation regime that went one step too far in oppressing the locals. See Hyksos expulsion. Moses was, if historical at all just a princeling of the fallen regime ( the cradle story is obviously a mythological add on).

  17. “God appears to have forgotten to mention a thing about it.” Not so. One example: Hebrews were commanded to let their debt-slaves go free after some years service.

  18. We were at a material disadvantage because of the unspoken deal that we’d make raw material and cash crops and the north would pursue their end of things.

    Never a good idea to trust a yankee on anything or any deal

  19. Non-Hebrews however could be held indefinitely, as “hewers of wood and drawers of water” rather than killed outright.

  20. In the Bible, slavery was condoned as a way of paying of debts when one had no money. When Israel entered Canaan, God specifically forbid them from taking the Canaanites as slaves or their women as war trophies. No slavery was allowed, no matter how young. The reason why is clearly evident.

  21. Re: “Never a good idea to trust”: Churches today don’t teach the moral necessity of keeping one’s word, handshake deals without contracts and lawyers are disappearing even in rural areas.

  22. Think Xenophon’s Anabasis. Mercenary troops stuck in a hostile land fighting and running to friendly territory. Only Determined & drilled soldiers could move over hostile ground and escape one trap after another like the tale tells it.

    Slavery might be considered an unpleasant reality though. Immoral? No.

  23. Slavery weakens a Nation by lowering wages of Freemen. It also fills your Country with filthy vermin that want to Kill the Nation!
    Look around! See the black and brown hordes that fill your schools and streets! Do you feel Enriched by their presence?
    Oh, sure, there are some people making money off of them! However, what is the Cost to the White Volk? How much of your Blood, Sweat, and Tears have been shed by their mere Existence in YOUR HOMELAND?

    Slavery is Not Immoral, but it is Not Profitable to Everyone, and the Cost to Most is Much Greater than the Profits of the Few!
    In the 21st Century, Mechanization has made Slavery Obsolete and Unnecessary.

  24. “God specifically forbid them from taking the Canaanites as slaves or their women as war trophies. No slavery was allowed, no matter how young. The reason why is clearly evident.” True. The “hewers and drawers” were an exception.

    The story of “wise” Solomon shows him having MANY slaves, foreign and domestic.

  25. Jim,

    the hebes conducted a genocide in the Levant… and they recorded it in detail for our benefit. That instruction was: “take no prisoners.”

  26. Jim: You are right no slaves…they were all killed. God wanted no Canaanite filth among the Hebrews. Even the animals were to be slaughtered.

    And don’t forget that God gave the Jews over to the Babylonians for slavery too, for forgetting him and his law.

    Plus there’s that nasty Book of Philemnon the Judeo-christians want to forget about.

  27. They probably were not all killed. I tend to find that instructions like that are rarely carried out in reality.

    Even Cromwell’s legendary “To hell or Connaught” wasn’t actually enacted once the Irish surrendered.

  28. Tamer of Savages is either a jew or a fool, probably both. Jews are the most dangerous enemies whites have. And Jews aren’t “white” they are Semites not Europeans. Tamer you need to familiarize yourself with the works of Kevin McDonald.

    Jews aren’t getting more conservative but I’ll agree with you that they are very racially aware, their Semitic race.

    The reason the lesser races, as you put it, are anti-semitic is because everyone is anti-semitic, people become anti-semitic from exposure to Jewish people. Jews are thieves, they steal from everyone. Right now the Jews are trying to get us into a war that has nothing to do with us against Iran. They are hurting this country, and wish to hurt it more.

  29. “the hebes conducted a genocide in the Levant… and they recorded it in detail for our benefit. That instruction was: “take no prisoners.””

    Exactly, there were no exceptions for them to “do the work Israelites won’t do”. It was cold, brutal extermination and replacement. Brad and Angelina would have to have their own damn kids. The Biblical reports of Caananite behavior sound suspiciously like what we found the Indians doing here, and the Negroes doing in Africa.

  30. John, Abolition only freed the Enemies that were living amongst you.

    Had there not been Slaves to begin with, the Emancipation Proclamation would have merely been Empty Rhetoric.

    How can Anyone with Slaves ever feel safe in his house? Are they not filled with Hatred for you and your kind? What but the threat of Force keeps them from Killing you?

  31. Silver says,

    “Why is slavery immoral? At bottom, the answer is: it just is. That sounds glib, but it’s both glib and profound. It’s the same reason we find murder immoral.”

    It’s also the same reason we find abortion immoral. Yet you won’t accept that, you just describe it as crazy. Abortion is murder because it ends a unique human life. The baby in the womb can’t speak, walk or talk? Neither can he in his crib. Yet we don’t allow their killing at that point, though there are college professors that have argued that we should be able to do so.

    Most societies in history would not have accepted your “just is” on slavery being wrong. In fact pretty much every society in history condemned murder while at the same time approving of involuntary servitude in some form. The idea that slavery is wrong flows from enlightenment philosophy that all humans are equal.

    Since slavery definitely runs afoul of enlightenment principles I prefer to defend it after it after the point it became well established in the old South in the context of unfortunate necessity required for societal self-preservation rather than positive good.

    What such issues come down to in the end though are irreconcilable cultural differences which is why it would be far more pleasant (I think anyway) if we could separate from each other. That way you don’t have the majority of people in one area of what is now the United States trying to use the federal government to piss all over everything most individuals in another area of the country find sacred. If we did that you would have to “ignore our quirks,” you could just ignore us all together and we could do the same for you.

    I must say though I find it odd when people who worship science as the fount of all truth and normally mock people for defending traditional morals start talking about “human dignity.” What does survival of the fittest know of human dignity? What does nature “red in tooth in claw” know of freedom?

  32. That’s what they were instructed to do. But it wasn’t the reality. By any means. Never has been in conquests. The conquered are always turned into serfs. That’s the point of conquest in most circumstances.

  33. The Isrealites disobeyed God’s command and took slave anyway. It became their undoing. The Caananite gods became the gods of the young people of Israel. A story as old as time.

    “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.

    And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger.”

  34. The canaanites were themselves semitic, long established city dwellers, possibly a few Proto-Greek colonies and varieties of hillbilly Egyptians. Probably military garrisons of either Hittite or Egyptian origin as well. The levant was heavily civilized before the putative conquest anyway. Jericho was urban in 3000BC. The hebes say they arrived in about 1200 BC.

  35. The extent that we have ignored what is “Jewish” and what is “White” is the extent to which our world has fallen.

    Slavery isn’t great, but it definitely isn’t the worst thing in the world. I would say stealing is worse than owning a slave, unless you mistreat the slave.

    Our problem is we have completely confused the hierarchy of moral failings. This is the foundation of BRA. Slavery, Racism, Anti-Semitism, etc. — nearly hanging offenses. Divorce, pedophilia, lasciviousness, greed … Eh, personal choices.

    Jewish expulsion and the non-elevation of slavery to the heights of moral turpitude are part and parcel of healthy white culture.

  36. So? Tenochtitlan was the center of a metropolitan area with a population approaching 200,000 when the Spanish arrived.

    The Anglo-American conquest was the most Biblical in modern times. God’s command to the Israelites was wise indeed. Now if only after driving the inhabitants out before us, we had shut the door behind us.

  37. Making Serfs or Slaves of people in other territories or colonies is one thing, but bringing them into your own Country where they could mix with your own kind is what eventually Destroys All Empires.
    Read “Mein Kampf” and what Hitler says about what caused the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It differs dramatically from Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire!
    Do you like the Deindustrialization of the United States? Do you shop at Wal-Mart for Everything Chinese? How do you like the Mestizo Hordes that mow the lawns of the Rich and Famous?
    Not Exactly the Same as Slavery, but Close Enough!

    I’m not a Communist, but I’m not a Capitalist Either!

  38. You can’t exterminate entire populations. The US was a fluke because of low population density, disease, guns v arrow and a hunter gather mind v an agricultural/industrialist.

    The hebes under Joshua were in all cases culturally inferior to the civilized populations they attacked. They were so weak that the Assyrians and others carried them off as booty.

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