About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Israel showed more support than most nations for SA but what about resident Jews? In the early 20th century Jewish committees in SA objected not to the concept of language based immigration tests but only against allowing the test in yiddish. Jewish interests were aligned with the native English and Afrikaans speakers until the later began importing a new kind of anti-Semitism from Europe for which there was NEVER a need and NEVER even a convincing argument for in the new world. This ideology would go on to reduce Europe to cinders and fan flames of political neurosis across the Jewish diaspora. Still, the majority of South African Jews remained committed to Apartheid even though it dropped off over time for three main reasons:

    1.) Emmigration of the hyper ethnoaware Jews to Israel

    2.) Residual antisemitism in South African society that turned ambitious Jews into Gracchites similar to Irish-Catholic experience in North America. (Now that catholics are accepted they vote by region not religion.)

    3.) Sheer demographic onslaught of the undertow and mismanagement made Apartheid untenable financially, leading to brain drain. This is when Jews and other dominant ethnic groups began to see writing on the wall and jostled for power in soon to be post-Apartheid SA.

  2. Only in this sense am I a unitarian – the central problem is Christian disunity.

    OT: You should do a post or two about the fate of do-gooders in the dark continent, and then make them a permanent resource for the gullible. I was just watching ABC news and they had a psy-op directed at 9 year old gentile white girls. It was about how this terminally ill white girl wanted everyone to give money so they could drill water wells in Africa. I have no problem with helping black Africans in Africa, but I have a big problem with the elite trying to make such projects the be-all and end-all of white femininity – especially young white femininity. All these efforts should be led by authoritative white men just to remind everyone exactly whose existential capital is being shared – and it wasn’t white women who developed the ins and outs of water technology.

  3. “I’ve never seen a farm animal make a spear or plant crops by their own volition. While Africans are inferior to whites, you aren’t going to get by with bad assertions that are objectively not true.

    Show me these planters of crops and I will believe you. Rhodesia was once the bread basket of Africa. What does Zimbabwe look like now? Not objectively true? How well do the black africans do with the farms they confiscate from whites? Why is famine a constant threat in Africa? What’s your explanation?

    They are no better than farm animals, arguably the highest evolved of farm animals.
    The tool making farm animals, if you will, savages who did not even invent the wheel before we showed it to them. We have gone as far as we can go with improving the negro. Let the chips fall where they may.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Jews have always lived in the South and weren’t considered a problem in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Few Jews showed much interest in overthrowing the Southern racial caste system at that time. Instead, the threat to slavery and white supremacy emanated from the Yankee.

    After the War Between the States, Republicans were triumphant. Slavery was abolished, the South was crushed, and the Northern way became synonymous with the American way. The Federalist-Whig-Republican agenda of centralizaton, industrialization, and corporate welfare became ascendant.

    As we have already seen, the South had relied upon negro slaves as its agricultural workforce. Slavery had promoted racialism, white supremacy, conservatism, and a preference for small government. Slavery blunted ideological conflict and class conflict and religious among Whites.

    In the North, White working class immigrants were the niggers of the free states. They were on the same level as their black equals. The only color that mattered to Republicans was green and they imported millions of European immigrants to work in their factories.

    As a racialized agrarian society, the South had no use for millions of radical Jews from the ghettos of Eastern Europe. The Jews that had traditionally lived in the South were Sephardic Jews who were merchants and had thrived under slavery and who enjoyed their acceptance as Whites in the colonies.

    The Jewish Question would not have become a problem under a triumphant Confederacy.

  5. Jews can be part of any sound culture that knows what it is. If the Confederacy did not decline culturally and become susceptible to infection it would have been the first White nation to do so.

  6. Sam says:
    August 19, 2012 at 2:14 am
    Is slavery immoral?

    “Let us suppose for the sake of argument that the Chinese decided it would be spiffy cool for them to conquer the USA and make us their slaves. They reason it is perfectly justifiable as collectively they have slightly higher IQ’s, their civilization and culture is vastly superior to ours and they need more land/resources to sustain their ever increasing numbers.

    They execute a plan catching us off-guard and prevail.

    Now imagine a scene in which Hunter, his family and some members of this site are forced to labor in rice fields somewhere in South Carolina all day in the hot sun under the whip of a chink overlord who considers Whites to be only a notch above beasts.

    Well, I guess it wouldn’t matter if they thought we were beneath them or equal.

    They have the upper hand and can do as they please. So, why not?

    Oh, and let’s say they claimed authority to do so from ancient Chinese Prophets and Holy Books written thousands of years ago.

    Would their behavior be immoral?”


    Not one reply?

  7. “their civilization and culture is vastly superior to ours”

    1/3 of third population is still dirt poor rice farmers with a standard if loving well below the typical European peasant of the from the Middle Ages. Their music is cacophonous garbage and has no comparable genius to J.S.Bach and hundreds of other European composers and their record of beating us in full scale battle is a mixed bag at best.

  8. Worse yet, the civilizing influence of slavery upon negroes was taken by Yankees as evidence of much greater potential on their part. One of the most idiotic examples of blind optimism in human history.

    They aspired to be monkey trainers in the tradition of Horace Mann, no doubt.

    Utopian delusions like this are harmful and dangerous to the continued evolution of whites. Sooner or later we must be done with such nonsense. If we hope to have any future for our own kind.

    These utopian delusions also feed into the “immigrant based” Yankee economic scheme. The only beef the Yankees have is that their Jewish immigrants quickly comprehended the crooked system and scrambled just as quickly the top. They’re the experts when it comes to crooked systems, that’s all.

    The use of immigrant labor in the North was always a proxy for slavery. Sweatshops were the backbone of the Northern economy. The immigrant laborers were treated much worse and subjected to inhumane conditions of employment.

    Things haven’t changed so much now as they have just been rearranged.

    The only difference today is the immigrant based economy is combined with outsourcing to the third world, putting whites into an economic headlock. This establishes parity between the competing groups, native, immigrant, and foreign.

    It’s called globalism and free trade now. A parasitic economic system sucking the lifeblood out of Amurrica. The foreign “outsourcing” lands operate the sweatshops, immigrants/”minorities” are enticed with “bread,” (welfare transfer payments) to depress the domestic labor market, while the native people are distracted by “circuses” (professional sports, media entertainment) courtesy of utopian delusions about noble savages.

    The system totters along incurring more and more debt (bread and circuses) to overcome its inefficiencies (increasing dysfunction). Unfortunately, this corrupt system seems about to encounter its omega point. The day when it is no longer fiscally possible for such a system to sustain itself.

    Deo Vindice

  9. If southerners had actually wanted to honor the civic model of Cincinnatus and avoid Yankee machinations they would have come to their senses and rejected the cash-crop model of agriculture and adopted the Amish model. It is noted that those damn Yankees never went to war against the Amish or the Mennonites. As long as southerners engaged in the cash crop model they were vulnerable to attack by greedy external cabals who saw them as geopolitical competitors/enemies. It is noted that the small-farm community-based model of farming required no slaves – just large families. As soon as you have something worth stealing people will materialize and attempt to steal it:

  10. Tamer’s Jewish friends will be voting for Romney so the U.S. Military (which is 0.2% Jewish) will be sent to fight Zionist wars for Israel in Syria and Iran. He fails to mention that.

    My ass the USA was the “good guy” in WW2. Perhaps there were no good guys, but again the US certainly wasn’t one.

    Tamer has stated that he is very pro-jewish (without jews the left in America would completely collapse), that he is for the USA fighting endless Zionist wars (which would bankrupt and destroy this country) and he is for the USA being swamped with non-whites as long as we ‘rule over them.’ I fail to see the difference between what you advocate and what the typical Weekly Standard neocon advocates. Your politics are odd for sites like O.D.

  11. Sam,

    If grandma had balls, she’d be grandpa.

    Whites have been slaves before, we rise quickly and become kingmakers, then kings. Mamluks, janissaries, et al. The Chinese masses have been slaves for their entire history save for short-lived intrepid experiments with “People’s Communes”.

    Some races like Amerindians and Arabs but especially Whites do love freedom. They’d rather die than be chattel slaves. This quality is absent among the Chinese masses and exists solely as a sputtering trend being kicked around by some pro-White America chinese dissidents that are arguably traitors to their country — and in Hong Kong and Taiwan since they’ve drank heavily from our cultural chalice.

  12. “Show me these planters of crops and I will believe you. Rhodesia was once the bread basket of Africa. What does Zimbabwe look like now? Not objectively true? How well do the black africans do with the farms they confiscate from whites?”

    Agriculture was present in pre-colonial Africa. You are using examples of colonial and post-colonial agriculture in Africa. I’m not disputing that the native Africans had anything superior to the European colonists in any area. I’ve never seen any cow, horse, goat, pig, or fowl produce any tools but there pre-colonial Africans made tools.

    “Why is famine a constant threat in Africa? What’s your explanation?”

    I’d postulate that famine is always a threat in Africa because their population has been subsidized and allowed to grow above what the populations should be pre-colonialism. If we hadn’t pumped up their population they’d probably be fine. Savages yes, but not always having to worry about massive population death.

    “The tool making farm animals, if you will, savages who did not even invent the wheel before we showed it to them.”

    Have you shown a farm animal how to successfully make a wheel? If you have, please inform me of your methods and spread that technology. I’m not going to debate the monumental importance of them not having invented the wheel. It is a great example of their mental inferiority, at least in my opinion. However, if you show a concept to someone and they are able to understand it enough to use it then I’d say that is an example of intelligence. I haven’t seen any animal that has been shown how to make something such as the wheel and then be able to command the use of the object.

    “We have gone as far as we can go with improving the negro. Let the chips fall where they may.”

    I completely agree. I wouldn’t have even tried to improve them. We agree on most things, I’m just not going to say a negro is equal to a cow, because that is verifiably not true.

  13. On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being more animal, 10 being more human, where would you put the negro? Just curious.

    Deo Vindice

  14. Heil Hyphen, Halfwit!

    “Tamer’s Jewish friends will be voting for Romney so the U.S. Military (which is 0.2% Jewish) will be sent to fight Zionist wars for Israel in Syria and Iran. He fails to mention that”

    We have an all volunteer military so your canards on loan from imperial Germany mean nothing.

    “My ass the USA was the “good guy” in WW2. Perhaps there were no good guys, but again the US certainly wasn’t one.”

    One would infer from your rude posts and fixation upon me (who the hell are you again?) live a fringe existence in a country you clearly despise and cause shame to the better adjusted members of your family. Why don’t you turn the lights off in Tumbleweed town and move to your ancestral Germany?

    “Your politics are odd for sites like O.D”

    Really? I support southern secession, defacto or dejure slavery, a caste-system and white supremacy. You’re the oddball jewhating eurotrash immigrant spawn with no respect for New World White republican principles.

    Let’s see what Jack Ryan says about jews:

    “We state with strong assurance that Occidental Dissent is not an Anti-Semitic, Jew hating blog. We do not hate all Jewish people and we do not blame “THE JEWS” for all of America’s problems. OD has many Jewish readers and we link to some very good Jewish American writers.”

    Germany calls!

  15. “On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being more animal, 10 being more human, where would you put the negro? Just curious.”

    Nice. Let’s say, because of the absolute uniqueness of humanity, that the human can only be a 10, with prions and viruses being 0, bacteria, 1 and then the rest of nature. I’d probably place the negro at 9.5-9.8. I’d put the rest of primates between 8.7-9. Aquatic mammals, elephants, pigs, intelligent birds (crows, African grey) between 7-8. Below that we aren’t really speaking much of any intelligence in relation to humanity.

    Let me clarify my judgement, if you will. Negroes are humans, no doubt. If they weren’t we couldn’t mate with them. Their basic physiology is very close to all other humans. It is the genetic material that governs their brains which I give a low mark. So disregarding the brain I’d put them at 10, but because of the brain I put them slightly lower. My thought is what separates whites from the rest is the winter season which necessitated the ability to preplan and problem solve. So over time those genes that gave better and better brains became the standard in the white population due to selective pressure, fitness, etc.

  16. “You’re right. Cows don’t rape and murder.”

    You’re right. But you are now arguing that negroes are the only version of man that rapes and murders. I don’t think you want to claim that.

    I’m not arguing that they aren’t far more violent and deviant. In fact, I never have.

  17. Tamer of Savages says:
    If grandma had balls, she’d be grandpa.”

    Stupid remark having nothing to do with my questions.

    “Tamer of Savages says: Whites have been slaves before, we rise quickly and become kingmakers, then kings. Mamluks, janissaries, et al.”

    It was wrong then as well as today. If the residents of the Dominacn Republic made you and your family slaves, would that be immoral? Forget Chinks, what if some White low-lives made you a slave would it be immoral? Would you be down with it?

    Tamer of Savages says: “Some races like Amerindians and Arabs but especially Whites do love freedom. They’d rather die than be chattel slaves.”

    Throughout history, Arabs were slaves, Indians were enslaved by rival tribes. So, obviously they did not rather die than be chattel slaves.

    Tamer of Savages says: “This quality is absent among the Chinese masses and exists solely as a sputtering trend being kicked around by some pro-White America chinese dissidents that are arguably traitors to their country — and in Hong Kong and Taiwan since they’ve drank heavily from our cultural chalice.”

    So, you are telling me the Chinese would not object to being slaves. Mr. Chin we would like to shackle you, your mother, wife and children and transport them over oceans into a foreign land for the sole purpose of using as farm equipment. Any objections? No sir, we have no objections, we do not have the quality of resisting slavery, it is absent. Can we make you make you egg-roll and do your laundry before we leave?

  18. “Agriculture was present in pre-colonial Africa.”

    Stop living in the past. Show me the “negro farmers.” You can’t because there aren’t any such black africans. Stop denying the truth and constructing a negro red herring.

    I am not saying they are “equal” to a cow. There is an order of being.
    Stop being ridiculous.

    I simply state that unlike you, I refuse to grant negroes an ontological status equal to that of whites. They are ontologically inferior to whites. So the same arguments that apply to whites cannot be applied to negroes. They are too different from whites.

    Other standards, however harsh they may appear to the naive and inexperienced, should be applied when dealing with negroes. Don’t you think so?

    Deo Vindice

  19. “On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being more animal, 10 being more human, where would you put the negro? Just curious.”

    Humans are animals. Furthermore they are part of the species Homo sapiens. And so are blacks. So you have to put the Negro (even Pygmies and Bushmen with IQs that average 65) at 10 – fully human. Due to miscegenation African-Americans have an average IQ of 85. This causes problems with those concerned with equality of economic outcome however:


  20. once you’ve been deceived into thinking negros are human, your only a few steps away from granting them equal rights, allowing them to vote, thinking they need reparations for past harm, and date your women.

  21. I presented the case of agriculture being present pre-Colonialism as evidence that they are superior to farm animals as a disagreement to your claim that they are only equal to them. That isn’t a red herring, that is a statement in refutation to your claim. I did not make any claims about modern negroes other than their inferiority.

    “I am not saying they are “equal” to a cow. There is an order of being.
    Stop being ridiculous.”

    Previously you stated “They are no better than farm animals” and “So now we are ceding personhood to negroes, who are no better than farm animals.” Am I to assume that I cannot refute a statement without being considered ridiculous because I’m supposed to magically read your thoughts? As in I’m supposed to assume that “they are no better” means of course “there is an order of being”? I’m only refuting statements and honestly I do not doubt that you are quite aware that there is an order of things. But words matter.

    “I simply state that unlike you, I refuse to grant negroes an ontological status equal to that of whites.”

    This is false. I have not granted them any status equal to whites beyond shared basal physiology. I have never argued for the negro being equal to whites when considered the whole.

    “They are ontologically inferior to whites. So the same arguments that apply to whites cannot be applied to negroes. They are too different from whites.”

    I agree with you 100%. I don’t want to have much of anything to do with them and I don’t want to live in the same country as them.

  22. @Stonelifter,

    Yes for sure other animals make tools. Just the other day I watched a video of a crow making a tool. Various apes use sticks as tools.

    “study up on the violent behavior of chimpanzees and compare them to negros. Not a lot of differences.”

    I do not disagree. I do not want them to have equal rights, I don’t want to be anywhere near them.

  23. “No sir, we have no objections, we do not have the quality of resisting slavery, it is absent. Can we make you make you egg-roll and do your laundry before we leave?”

    Coolies were volunteers.

  24. Oh Tamer of Savages now now now. No need to start hurling insults. Americans volunteer for the U.S. Military to defend the USA not Israel. Would anyone dispute this? The Jewish-Americans you seem to worship were themselves “immigrant spawn.”

    And Jewish-Americans certainly don’t “respect new world White Republican principles.” They fund and vote for the American radical left, around 80% them anyway, give or take.

    I have never seen a commenter at O.D. (who wasn’t an anti) who advocated MORE non-whites being flooded into the USA. Just you.

  25. You clearly stated that “new world whites” should rule over a non-white majority in North America. Whites in the US are not currently a minority but we will be soon, which is a-okay with you and a trend you’d like to see continue I would guess.

    You call me “jew obsessed” what a joke. You’re the one who believes that anti-semitism is the #1 cause of Western decline.

    Hunter Wallace’s Holy Trinity of Western Decline was 1. Christian Heresy, 2. secular fantasy ideology, 3. Jewish influence. It’s a good list, make note of #3.

    Israel Calls…

  26. “Americans volunteer for the U.S. Military to defend the USA not Israel. Would anyone dispute this?”

    Yes. People join up for a lot of reasons. Some for patriotic reasons ie. 9/11, some just need a job, some because they want to learn a trade, while with some others it’s a family tradition, some join because their friends are doing it, some because they think they are bad-ass, some because they wanna be bad-ass, some because they actually are bad-ass, and some because of a sort of combination of any or all of the above.

  27. Tamer of Savages:

    I support southern secession, defacto or dejure slavery, a caste-system and white supremacy.

    How does supporting Romney, Ryan, and the GOP Tea Party help advance those goals?

  28. Gottfried,

    Tamer of Savages simultaneously supports Mitt Romney for president and White Supremacy.

    He’s a clown and troll.

    Savages is like a Joe, a cliche machine, but half as entertaining.

  29. I never said it should be majority nonwhite, that’s not desirable. The prospect of a majority nonwhite mob with heavy German admixture to control is a saddening though very possible prospect. Israel does call: I support colonialism, militarism, racism and empire; why wouldn’t I support Israel? It’s the one good thing my tax dollars go to and the subsidies come back home to our defense industry.

  30. Here in the past I’ve seen many people broach the subject of whether the blacks are human beings or not. While I understand people’s frustrations with the barbaric behavior of many of the blacks especially in this age where they have been totally unfettered with no strict hand to guide them I must say in the interest of historical accuracy that I think the concept that the blacks are not human goes far beyond the dominant opinion of the old slave holding South.

    I’m not aware of one Christian denomination in the old South that asserted that blacks were not human.

    For one example I give you second cousin of President James K Polk and a native of North Carolina Confederate General Leonidas Polk. Leonidas was also a bishop in the Episcopal Church. Leonidas Polk’s son William Mecklenburg Polk who was also a Confederate soldier wrote a biography about his father where he recalls how on the Plantation Bishop Polk would marry and baptize the slaves.

    You obviously don’t baptize farm animals and it would be a great mockery and blasphemy to do so.


    I also think of a kinsman of mine the Reverend Robert Lewis Dabney Chaplin to Stonewall Jackson. Dabney was a quite well known Presbyterian minister and wrote a famous work “A Defense of Virginia and through her the South” dealing with the issues of the war and slavery. I can assure people Dabney was no friend to the idea of black equality but he in his Defense of Virginia refers to the slave trade as “iniquitous traffick” and he refers to the blacks as “victims.” He also damns New England and Britain pretty hard for having been involved in it.

    The above reaction makes no sense if the blacks are animals. In fact the whole work of “A Defense of Virginia” is argued from the assumption that blacks are human.


    Finally I think it might be interesting for people to read a sermon that was delivered at Government Street Presbyterian Church in Mobile, Alabama in December 1844 by the Rev. W.T. Hamilton. It is titled “The Duties of Masters and Slaves Respectively.” In it Hamilton defends slavery as not being at odds with the Bible but he does say the following,

    “The master has a right of property in his servant, so that he may use him, lend him, bequeath him, or even sell him to another. But this right of property is modified and restricted by the nature of the possession: a man’s right in his land is one thing; in his horse another, in his servant another. A man is not allowed to use his horse as he would a log of wood, though both be his own property: he cannot lawfully hack, and cut, and burn a horse as he might a log. The horse is his property to use for his own benefit, in any way consistent with its well-being as an animal capable of suffering and of enjoyment. So also a master has the right of property in his servants, to use them for his own benefit, in any way consistent with their nature as human beings, not only sentient, like mere animals, but also as rational, as accountable beings, HAVING IMMORTAL SOULS. A man may not lawfully use his servants as if they were mere animals, without souls, and irresponsible to God. He may have the power to do so, but he has not the right; and no law can ever invest him with that right. So to treat servants is to oppress them cruelly.”


  31. Well Tamer I’m glad to see that you agree with me on the problems of having a non-white majority. I must’ve misunderstood you before. You seem to have a problem with Americans of German ancestry. I find that difficult to understand. They are the largest white ethnic group in the USA. They are a Christian Germanic European tribe that speaks an Indo-European language. You seem to have a soft spot for Jews who aren’t Christian, European, or speakers of an Indo-European language. I don’t get having a grudge against whites like Germans but liking non-whites like Jews.

    I can support “colonialism, militarism, racism and empire” but only if it benefits my own kind, so I don’t really have an opinion on those attributes of Israel either way. Your tax dollars should be going to benefit you and your own kind in your own country not Semites half way around the world in the Middle East. So again I don’t really get being glad about that. By the way I’m not a Zionist or an anti-Zionist, I’m a non-interventionist. I don’t want to support Israel or Hezbollah or Iran or whatever. I don’t want to take a side, it’s not our fight. You on the other hand want to take a side in a foreign war that shouldn’t have anything to do with us all the while sinking our money and military into it. My position is more reasonable than yours.

  32. I don’t think Tamer believes in Christ, so Jews or Jewish culture don’t bother him. Tamer is an “International White.” That’s why he likes Romney. Don’t confuse him with the cultural issues. It’s all about the Benjamins and POWER.

  33. Tamer of Savages says: Coolies were volunteers.

    Unsuspecting coolies didn’t know what was in store for them. They were not all volunteers. The devious, evil, wicked, ruthless, rotten, rat bastard flesh traffickers once again plied their devilish craft on victims.

    Snip from informative article.

    Wiki: The “Coolie Trade”, as it became known, expanded during the 1840s and 1850s. Some laborers signed contracts based on misleading promises, some were kidnapped, some were victims of clan violence whose captors sold them to coolie brokers, while others sold themselves to pay off gambling debts. From 1847 to 1862, most Chinese contract laborers (“coolies”) bound for Cuba were shipped on American vessels, and numbered about 600,000 per year. Conditions on board these and other ships were overcrowded, unsanitary, and brutal. The terms of the contract were often not honored, so many laborers ended up working on Cuban sugar plantations or in Peruvian guano pits. Like slaves, some were sold at auction, and most worked in gangs under the command of a strict overseer.

    Both contemporary observers and present researchers have frequently mentioned the similarities between the Chinese coolie trade and the African slave trade. Many coolies were first deceived or kidnapped and then kept in barracoons (detention centers) or loading vessels in the ports of departure, as were African slaves.

    The duration of a contract was typically five to eight years, but many coolies did not live out their term of service because of the hard labor and mistreatment. Those who did live were often forced to remain in servitude beyond the contracted period. The coolies who worked on the sugar plantations in Cuba and in the guano beds of the Chinchas (the islands of Hell) of Peru were treated brutally. Seventy-five percent of the Chinese coolies in Cuba died before fulfilling their contracts. More than two-thirds of the Chinese coolies who arrived in Peru between 1849 and 1874 died within the contract period. Among the four thousand coolies brought to the Chinchas in 1861, not a single one survived.

  34. “I presented the case of agriculture being present pre-Colonialism as evidence…”

    You did? Where? I don’t see it. I see where you made an assertion; I do not see where you backed it up. Maybe there was, but you did NOT present any evidence. You only made an assertion that there was. Tell us about this pre-colonial agriculture in black Africa., and cite your authority.

  35. I have a bloodfeud with Germany and German-Americans I suspect of dual loyalty.
    You bastards killed my Great Grand-Uncle and his fiancee on the Lusitania.
    My Great Grandmother married my Great Grandfather on promise if we ever fought Germany again he’d resume his command in the coast guard. We did and he did. He sent a few uboats to hell from his cutter in the atlantic. But that just isn’t enough. I care about my family and the Episcopal Church. Unlike some people here, I tend to take whiteness for granted. To me the white race is a buffer between my family, friends and way of life from the inferior races.

    Ashkenazim are pred. Europid and fully caucasian (white). Israel is an outpost/banana republic for the USA. New World Whites were at our best when we focused on the OT and were subduing savages and building civilization. exactly what Israel is doing right now. Walking away from Israel serves no purpose other than discrediting western nationalism and imperialism. Rather we should be inspired by their efforts and continue arming them. Oh and that whole Islam thing… If we’re talking about traditional enemies of Euro Christians….


    That’s not an acceptable source.

  36. As a side note the enslavement of women and children for sex is certainly abhorent. I’m opposed to trafficking for sex and all forms of Coersed prostitution.

  37. My, my, Brutus, ever the internet warrior. No, I did not present evidence because it isn’t generally fruitful to commit an action that others can do on their own. I will not make a claim that I cannot back up because of my personal pride. But you have no way of knowing that. I didn’t provide evidence because I didn’t want to go to my storage unit and dig out my text books nor undergo an internet search. And since you are concerned about sources, why do you not ask everyone here for sources such as where Africans have the equivalent intelligence of farm animals? Here is some scant evidence based on an internet search in Google, which you should be able to do because you’re a superior white, right?






    Would you like me scour the entire internet? I don’t have time to mess with fucking retards, so go fuck yourself you arrogant piece of shit and I’ll apologize for cursing you in the morning when I’m sober. I mean Jesus Christ, I’m drunk and can find “evidence”, which you will probably claim is somehow fraudulent, and you still can’t find it in yourself to do a simple Google search. No fucking wonder the white race is doomed.

  38. “Tell us about this pre-colonial agriculture in black Africa., and cite your authority.”

    Millet and sorghum cultivation spread from the Sahel to West Africa 3 or 4 thousand years ago. Iron smelting occurred in the Central Africa region as early as 3000 years ago. It appears that both grain cultivation and the spread of iron tools were the key technologies that accompanied the great Bantu expansion throughout the continent.

    And you can look it up your own damn self.

  39. “You bastards killed my Great Grand-Uncle and his fiancee on the Lusitania.”

    Fukc your uncle and his bitch. The Lusitania was carrying munitions and as such was a legitimate target of German warships. That lying Anglophile bastard Wilson should never have lied us into WWI and the senseless slaughter of American troops. His failure at Versailles led directly to the rise of Hitler and WWII.

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