About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The ship manifest ought to have that name. Interesting claim. A bit far fetched. That’s like having ancestors on the Titanic. Or the Hindenburg. Or PanAm lockerbie.

    I have three grand uncles killed at the Somme. Grandparents evacuated from Nottinghill in ww2 and got a grandad with PTSD. And perfectly good white supremacist Empire bankrupted by relentless German aggrandizement. I bear the squareheads no Ill will.

  2. Good on you Tamer for keeping watch for all of those duel loyalist “Germany Firsters” that are causing so much trouble in our media, and foreign policy establishment. I really hate that the ‘American Germany Public Affairs Committee’ (AGPAC) has so much power over our elected lawmakers. I just know that these folks are trying to lie us into a war against Poland for Germany. The U.S. Military isn’t there to fight wars for a foreign country like Germany, they are meant to defend the USA.

    We’ll have to agree to disagree on the Ashkenazi. The Ashkenazi are largely a Semitic/Turkic people with a little European admixture. Their origins are Central Asia and the Middle East, not Europe. They can’t really be considered European or “white.”

    “Western Nationalism” is a completely dead concept so is “American Nationalism” so there is no nationalism left to discredit. The Israelis and their supporters in the USA don’t just want us to arm them they want us to start and fight agressive wars for them. Which we should absolutely not do. A little brown foreign leader like Netanyahu sure as hell shouldn’t decide when the USA goes to war.

  3. However Germany had already mobilized to fight Russia and France and had invaded Belgium and Luxembourg. It’s fair to ask: where does it end? It’s not like Germany merely stubbed a toe on Brussels, Verdun or anything like that.

    1930s, vacuuming up every last crumb of eastern Europe: nothing to see here, move along.

  4. Gottfried, one thing the neocOns learned from the Nazi era Germans was the trick to have wars without formal declarations. Iraq, Libya, Grenada, Panama, Vietnam, Serbia, Korea… It’s fugging endless.

    The polite nicety of issuing an ultimatum and then declaring war simply won’t do. It means simpletons can blame you for the entire show.

  5. they learned it from lincoln; neocons are big fans of lincoln. Which should be enough info to damn all of them

  6. I am aware of why the UK entered both wars. Still the Empire made a choice both times. And yes it cost you the Empire.

    The Kaiser was a fool and Hitler was an even bigger fool. Barbarossa was the worst idea ever.

  7. I see.

    Let us go to your links, shall we? Hmmm, yes, I thought so. ( I want to show everyone that you must be a nigger, btw. They’ll see why. )


    This first link is remarkable. I must admit that I am surprised that an Afrocentric nigger like yourself is posting on this site. I urge everyone to follow “some[nigger’s]guy’s” links. Here is a little sample from that link. It is an excerpt from a book that might be assigned in some “Diversity” course.

    Well, scratch that. The link will not let me copy-paste. So I’ll just type out a typical line from that book.

    “Iron tools, enhanced weaponry, allowed groups to clear and manage dense forests. plow fields for farming, and basically better everyday lives. Ultimately, iron tools allowed Africans to flourish in every environment…”

    Hmm, looks like this is also the source of Rudel’s post. I guess maybe he is not a Jew, after all. He might be a nigger, too. I guess my initial post here led to more than we would have thought. Rudel finally exposed for what he is. And you know Somenigger, Rudel?

    Let’s look at your second link.


    Wow! This one is even better yet. “The Dynamics of change in Pre-Colonial East African Societies.”

    Very interesting, Somenigger. Very interesting, indeed. I quote a line:

    “…The inherent characteristics of African genius…”

    Pre-Colonial Africa was an advanced society, folks. Did you know that? Just follow someguy’s links above, and you will learn much.

    The rest of the links are of the same caliber.

  8. Rudel wrote,

    ” It appears that both grain cultivation and the spread of iron tools were the key technologies that accompanied the great Bantu expansion throughout the continent.”

    Rudel is not a Jew. He is a nigger that subscribes to “Afrocentric” history. Tell us about the other inventions of your race, Rudel. Tell us about how pre-colonial blacks invented helicopters and the like. Tell me a bedtime story, please.

  9. Here are the kind of sources Rudel and someguy use.

    The Dynamics of Change in Pre-Colonial East African Societies
    Abdul H. Sheriff
    African Economic History Review
    Vol. 1, No. 2 (Autumn, 1974), pp. 7-14
    Published by: African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3601096


    The African Studies Program. No wonder someguy is so used to not providing evidence to back up his assertions and got his panties so twisted over my simple post.

    And Rudel a nigger Afrocentrist. Some on here thought he was just a Jew.

    How many other niggers are regular posters on here?

  10. 313 Chris- You know no more of the Law of God, than the lowest nigger in the ‘hood.’ Perhaps that’s all you are. Then it would make sense, this filth you spew like satanic vomit a la Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

    Calling White Men animals, and then presuming to legislate as your own small ‘g’ God, (in the manner of calling a satanic act, a ‘Law’) is the nadir of the sort of ‘Men’ this civilization you say you belong to, spawns.

    But, instead of being a full member of that race you would relegate to the abortion hill of desolation, you show that you are nothing but a fully self-actualized piece of shit- the archetypical ‘Modern Man’- one of those ‘dead men walking,’ who views himself as naught but a bipedal beast, and is GLAD TO BE SUCH! You are like those whose own ‘law unto himself’ is the outworking of a damnation of an apostate race-mixing Esau or Cain, poisoning the righteous with your lies, going all the way back to Satan.

    And then to mock the Law of God, and his servants, is the typical sort of act of the most useless idolatrous Post-modern there is, who wouldn’t be any help to the restoration of White Christendom, than the lowest slave on the plantation, or the most perverse jew in the woodpile.

    You are our Enemy’s willing minion. I would gladly throw the first stone at your trial, and be justified in doing so. Baby murderer.

  11. Fr John isn’t my style but Chris, Rudel and someguy do tend to prove the three points that Hunter outlines at the head of the post.

  12. LOL. I have been accused of being a Jew and an unreasonable anti-Semite, but I have never been accused of being a German-American dual loyalist. Although I have some German ancestry, I don’t speak a word of German. I’m an American. I would stick out like a sore thumb in Germany. Every branch of my family has lived in the South for generations.

    It should go without saying that anyone who says Jews are White, anti-Semetism is the top cause of Western decline and contemporary Germans should be held under suspicion is a troll hostile to this site.

  13. What makes it so difficult for you to believe that the proto-Bantu picked up primitive agriculture from Sahel farmers? Other than you all being ignorant sluts and everything? The archaeological record is what proves it. That, and the number of Boers and British soldiers stabbed with the Iklwa.

    I sometimes wonder if some of you internet commandoes have ever even met a nigger. BTW, they can sing and dance too ‘cuz they do got dat rhythm:

  14. It’s rather interesting that you would quote an Afro centrist source though.

    On the Zulu. They were a very recent phenomenon. Shaka had British advisors who organized his empire for him. Astoundingly primitive before those commissioners showed up. Basically non existent. A couple of gattling guns at Ulundi finished them.

    The Ashanti were a bit more impressive. They fought quite differently.

  15. Zulu: practitioners of Augustan Roman Legionary tactics in 1800. A shield, short stabbing weapon used after throwing spear javelins are exhausted.

    They also reinvented the wheel and discover peanut butter.

  16. I haven’t quoted a damn thing. I left that up to the bloviater to do his own research.

    BTW those niggers all had hand-forged plows for centuries before white contact. Cultivation of grain spread east from the Fertile Crescent through the Sahara/Sahel and on to West Africa thousands of years ago. Dem darkies done been howin’ and a plowin’ and plantin’ millet for millennia.

  17. Could that be because contact with ancient white civilization in Egypt had slightly advanced the otherwise primitive niggers from surrounding areas?

  18. Yes, but the main line of the cultural dispersion of agriculture in Africa to full blooded Negroes came across the Sahel and thence to West Africa and points south via the Bantu expansion. The Horn of Africa has always been full of halfbreeds with Arabia and Egypt.

  19. I spent merely five minutes doing a simple internet search and giving out links that mentioned pre-colonial african agriculture in an attempt to address the obvious fallacy that negroes are not equal to farm animals and all of the sudden I’m a nigger? That takes the cake, it really does. And Brutus, your argument wreaks of logical fallacy. You’ve even introduced a hopelessly indefensible position. But I’ll pass on it because I believe you have correctly chosen your screen name. It really fits you perfectly.

    John, I’m surprised at you. You must not have read everything else I’ve posted here at this website.

    The following is something I would not normally type when dealing with logical people, but since I’ve been called a nigger I know I’m not, so here is an appeal to authority.
    I’m a white celtic and my lineage includes a man that died fighting in the Confederate Army. So John, my family actually has skin in the game. You’re only a foreigner. I’m also a biologist that specializes in microbiology as well as a classically trained musician as well as a jazz musician. I also compose classical music and program music on my computer. I was in the military for six years. What more “pedigree” do you want? In my experience I’ve met only a handful of individuals that can do what I do. So, if you were to go through everyone of my posts you’d see exactly what my position is. But since you haven’t I’ll restate it and be finished with talking with either of you.

    So I’ll restate my position so it is clear as a bell: I believe in the separation of the races. I believe that the geographic isolation and the differing environments of the two races caused the development of vastly different mental makeup via natural selection. I could expound up this, but why put any effort into it?

    When I moved back to the south from Europe I got heavily in the secession and dabbled with the League of the South. I purchased a bumper sticker that I had on my car for years that read “Free the South”. I gladly defended the concept to many people. Then a funny thing happened, I interacted with more Southerners and found out just how retarded the region of my birth was. So, I promptly removed that bumper sticker from my car and resolved to move west, which I’m in the process of doing. Then I found myself back here and low-and-behold, my suspicions were reaffirmed! Good luck being failures of white men, you’re not going to have any type of movement without people like me or Rudel, people that value logic and objectivity. So keep calling us niggers!

  20. White Nationalists believe in “racial separation.” There are all kinds of flaws with this concept:

    1.) White racial consciousness and White racial solidarity are a byproduct of exposure to racial diversity. They are the historical residue of proximity to non-Whites and godawful white supremacy or the domination of Whites over non-Whites in places like the South.

    2.) White racial consciousness advanced with slavery. The godawful planter class had a reason to promote racialism and to defend white supremacy. This is why White racial consciousness was always stronger in the South and Caribbean than elsewhere.

    3.) In the North, plantation slavery didn’t take root for climatic reasons, and racialism and white supremacy were never established there as firmly as in the South.

    4.) In the North, you had a mercantile and industrial free labor society, and few blacks because the plantation system didn’t exist there. The result was an elite with a much lower level of racial consciousness, a much lower level of support for white supremacy, and far less racial solidarity.

    5.) In the South, there were various European groups like the English, Scots-Irish, French, Germans, and Spanish, but there was a huge black population, and the need to defend and preserve slavery, racialism, and white supremacy muted religious, ethnic, class, and ideological antagonisms.

    6.) In the North, there was little slavery and less white supremacy and racialism, and the result was that Whites had a much lower level of racial consciousness, and became much more readily polarized along class, ethnic, religious, and ideological lines.

    7.) That’s why the North has always been the section that has driven the racial and cultural decline of America while the South has consistently pulled in the opposite direction – the South owes its racialism and conservatism to African slavery, and the North owes its anti-racism and liberalism to its historical homogeneity and the free labor system.

    Why is the North creating this anti-White dystopia and calling it “progress”? Shouldn’t it be just the other way around given that Vermont and Minnesota more closely approximate the WN ideal?

    The degenerate and corrosive liberal republicanism of the American Revolution has blossomed into this hideous flower there because all the forces which checked its progress there and stimulated conservative and racialist tendencies in Dixie were absent in the Free States.

    So WNs are left with the ultimate irony: if African slavery had been as successful in the Northeast and Midwest as it was in the South, it is a virtual certainty that we would be living in a staunchly pro-White republic that would be nowhere near as liberal or anti-White as the system that exists today.

  21. Hunter-

    Russia never participated in the African slave trade. Historically, they never had a black presence of any kind in their country. Aside from supporting anti-colonial revolutionaries in Africa, their contact with blacks was pretty much non-existent. And yet, Russia is quite possibly the most racist, most xenophobic, white country in the world today. How do you explain that?

  22. I’m just yanking your chain, do not go revealing your biography!

    My apologies. I was being slightly tongue in cheek. I have been guilty of citing one or two sources that go back to Afrocentric roots. So no harm mate!

  23. Brutus did point out a few things there again. I’ve certainly seen those patterns of claims by blacks before. Interesting. Leave it at that. Totally unverifiable one way or another.

    Objectively the blacks were backward. The zulu didn’t even have cavalry or an arms foundry. They were using weapons systems long obselete and tactics that would have made Crassus blush. These people are barely human. Look at that shootour in the platinum mines. The idiots attacked cops with machetes and knobkerries.

  24. “I haven’t quoted a damn thing. ”

    Right, you just happened to mention what someguy’s very first link discussed and in the very same context. Iron tools is the very first thing everyone thinks of when discussing pre-Colonial African Niggers.

  25. The closest I have seen Afrocentrist present as “evidence” are pictures of very crude sculptures and other “artwork” and then in captions below assert that they are works of “genius” and “ingenuity” and similar adjectives that imply the “artwork” is on a par with da Vinci and the like.

  26. Brutus the more you write the more you prove the validity of your chosen name. You are ripe with logical fallacies. It doesn’t matter what you claim you have seen on the Internet, do you see how that contradicts your entire argument? Most likely you are to busy foaming at the mouth cause you think you caught the scent of a nigger. Since I have no way of disproving it I’ll just move right along. Perhaps tonight I’ll find some source material for you, Brutus. And I’ll be as sure as possible to see how much of pedigree it has so you won’t go sniffing niggers in the wind.

    John, thanks for a reasoned response. I’m proud to give my biography and when I feel safe enough to do so I’ll meet any person here in real life to prove to them who I am.

  27. That’s because they did use iron plows after their introduction to them when they first learned how to farm sorghum and millet in West Africa. Most of the Bantu tribes the white man first encountered were no longer in the stone age. But go on believing that if it makes you feel superior, dumbass.

  28. Actually never mind I just realized how much of a monumental mistake it would be for me to trust my identity to you. Silly idea my by, I guess I’ll just be a bigger in your mind.

  29. Here you go Brutus and please note that this is a scientific paper complete with maps of the specific archaeological digs and not some bullshit “Black Studies” special pleading for the existence of imaginary African Empires.

    “Unequivocal evidence of plant food production in West Africa is traceable from the second millenium BC onwards.”


  30. Rudel,

    have you ever heard of the Kaiser Wilhelm institute? They are pretty good example of loopy supremacism with a German twist. They justified the German South West Africa governor’s extermination of a bushtribe people.

  31. Anyways, would anyone like to continue on without ad hominem and various other non sequitur fallacies? I’d like to get back to my original premise.

  32. Well well.

    Can’t blame Strudel one bit. Turns out he’s just a silverback looking out for his shrewdness. I thought it was weird when he said Niggers were “perfectly capable” the other day in the forum but now it makes perfect sense. That nigger called me a mud not too long ago despite the fact Hunter knows my mug and the good folks at Skadi call me Nordic. Lewter-man (pro-Obama) and his pillsbury pavement ape, Strudel are really chimping out in this thread.

  33. Wow!

    Plant food was grown in Africa!

    A for sure candidate for a Nobel Prize. Right up there with scientific papers devoted to carefully proving that camouflaged species do better at avoiding predators. I wonder if Rudel needs “scientific papers” to confirm that people urinate.

    I love these kinds of pseudo-intellectuals. They really believe they are studying real scientific monographs when they quote such. Just add “scientific” to the study and Presto! You are a genuine educated and sophisticated non-hayseed ready to subscribe to the rest of “liberal Progressive” pet projects.

  34. “ad hominem…non sequitur fallacies.”

    You’re in a fix now, you have exhausted your meager “intellectual” vocabulary. Or have you one or two more words you know? Some pseudo-intellectuals know as many as eight academic orientated words.

  35. No, your “premise” was that we here had no authority for claiming blacks have on average low IQ’s. You responded to me by asking for such sources. But everybody that has been interested in this sort of political and ideological material and that visits such sites as this, has long since been worn out and mostly find tedious all the Bell Curve and IQ statistic studies. Trying to claim no one has seen such or that no such work exists is akin to going to the Democrat National Convention and thinking no one there has ever heard of FDR or LBJ.

  36. And no, it is not an ad hominem. I have already shown that you use Afrocentric sources. I quoted from them, even. I have made a case why Rudel’s “scientific paper” is only so much “much ado about nothing.” I made a case why it is very likely he in fact did use your source when he brought up iron tools.

    I am now authorized to insult you.

    You probably do not understand why I am now authorized to insult you and why my posts are not actually ad hominem. That would be because you, like 99 percent of others on the Internet, do not actually know the definition of ad hominem and think it only makes insult an argumentative fallacy. This s not correct.

  37. Re: 313Chris

    As the Soviet Union, Russia spent the majority of the twentieth century as the world’s leading promoter of anti-racism, communism, and decolonization, and the global competition with Russia during the Cold War was a major contributing factor in the destruction of Jim Crow.

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