About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. John: “far-fetched”

    Are you yanking my chain too? G-grandma was a child when she flew to Ireland to view the bodies. My great great grandparents were too devastated and frail. She discovered him thank God and he’s buried in “Our Summer Colony”. I’ll be joining him when I’m through. My condolences for your losses to the Huns.

  2. @Hunter

    The Soviet Union agitated for racial-equality policies in Western nations, because they could project the destabilizing effect those policies would have on those nations. It was war tactic, and I doubt they gave an honest damn about what they were advocating. Nevertheless, the Russians never needed regular, intimate contact with blacks or other non-whites in order to maintain racial solidarity. That certainly weakens the argument that negro slavery in the South and Caribbean, as opposed to an absence of it the North, was necessary a component in whites keeping a rational mentality about the black capacity for civilized life.

  3. You are implying all of it, Rudel. And everyone here knows it. My post made clear my meaning, you are now engaging in sophistry trying to worm out of my identification of you. You have embraced someguy and are upholding and trying to back his claims about African blacks. Your typical DWL-like response is not going to work.

  4. Of course American Blacks are pefectly capable. Some of them.Comparing Blacks to animals is dumb and discrediting. Most of them don’t bother anyone. There are even a few Thomas Sowell’s here and there.


    Yes. Of course I support Obama. Take away Holder and the Dream Act, and Obama has been the best president for working class White folks since JFK or maybe FDR. No one here is dumb enough to believe that Romney is friendly to White folks because he is White himself. You’re a philo-Semite, support Israel, have a favorable view of a possible US-led war on Iran, and see anti-Semitism as the top cause of Western decline. Oh, and you hold a grudge against today’s Germans because yesterday’s Anglo elite decided to pack the Lusitania with munitions and use civilians as pawns in a false flag operation.

    These ideas speak for themselves.

  5. “G-grandma was a child when she flew to Ireland to view the bodies.”

    Hahahahaha! What BS. The sinking of the Lusitania pre-dated Alcock & Brown’s first air crossing by four years and commercial trans-Atlantic air travel by many decades even assuming that those bodies were actually fished out of the water. Your credibility is at zero Lamer.

  6. How has Obama been good for working class whites? Maybe whites who work for the government, but how so all other whites? How has he so greatly benefited them?

  7. “You have embraced someguy and are upholding and trying to back his claims about African blacks.”

    I have never met someguy. I was directly refuting you and did so quite well if I may say so. Let me re-iterate. Pre-historic sub-Saharan Africans practiced agriculture and worked iron. You might invite less criticism and rebuke from multiple posters on this site if you stopped spouting ignorant BS.

  8. Bailed out GM to save primarily White jobs, cut payroll taxes for middle and working class W-2 employees, renewed the Bush tax cuts on the middle class, created the Consumer Protection Financial to protect Whites in financial trouble from lender predation, added an Obamacare provision letting unemployed White undergrad and grad students stay on their parents’ insurance until 27, put an end to insurance companies dropping White folks for pre-existing conditions, took student loans away from private lenders to make school borrowing cheaper. Lots of reasons. I recommend you start getting information from places other than nationalist web sites.

  9. Lew, I think there’s been much worse than Obama, but I sure as hell could have done without the “You didn’t build that” speech. That’s some freaky shit.

  10. “Go back to stormfront? To some extent this site is far more dangerous.”

    Indeed. Undoubtedly to the egos of the stupid and ignorant. Unfortunately many who post here are both.

  11. Gotfried’s spot on. Great post, sir! People who put all the blame for WW2 are either ignorant, anti-white, or intellectual cowards. It’s done with exactly the same spirit of those who vilify the South for the War Between the States.

    Jazz is lazy man’s music. Made up shit.

  12. Brutus: good posts. Thanks! I still can’t figure out the point of the plow thing. Nobody here thinks blacks are dumb and the posts here are not to run down minorities. They are who they are. They are only derided to rub the nose of minority worshippers in their shit.
    I have zero respect for the asshole sneering down his nose at common southern folk, the very people he claims to have come from. Disgusting.

  13. Russia is technically to blame for triggering ww1–when they mobilized.

    ww2? It wasn’t a world war until Japan struck Pearl Harbor. That’s mainly the fault of FDR’s oil embargo combined with Japanese ambitions have autarchy.

    We tend to narcissistically think Europe had anything to do with the war. The fight between Japan and China was more decisive in world history that the fighting between Germany and Russia.

  14. …China and Japan were duking it out all through the 1930s. Much bigger body count and total participation than anywhere else.

  15. Ggma was apparently in Leeds at time of attack. From there went to Cork to view bodies. Now I have to hangout with my mom tomorrow and tidy my apartment. So doublefuck you, Strudel.

  16. 1.) White racial consciousness and White racial solidarity are a byproduct of exposure to racial diversity. They are the historical residue of proximity to non-Whites and godawful white supremacy or the domination of Whites over non-Whites in places like the South.

    Very risky, though. It requires something very close to a demographic majority for long-term (measured in centuries) maintenance. Anything less than a majority could probably still last a very long time, but its eventual doom is secured as the numbers begin to turn and take their toll (ie as numbers of race-mixers and sympathizers grow).

    Separation is a lot simpler, as the measuring stick for success is simply how much separateness has been created, or even more simply, whether a state of separateness can be said to exist at all. Separation and supremacy shade into each other at the margins, but the former can be pursued while eschewing the latter, while the reverse is very unlikely.

  17. The ethnic Russian experience is one of historical racial conflicts, bloody borders with Asiatics and also Asiatic populations in its own territory led by a Nordic aristocracy. Stalin’s rather brilliant (at the time) treatise on the national question aimed to solve these problems by creating ethnostates out of the Russian Empire and defined Russian nationalists as “Great Russian chauvenists”. This policy proposal won him rabid support from the historically ‘oppressed’ ethnic groups including of course his native Georgians.

    Without interaction with lesser races there can not exist a white identity. Whites will slaughter each other and there will be religious war, subracial war, and class warfare. If the Haitian Niggers existed even as a small population segment of France proper there would never have been a revolution, at least not one calling for equality of ‘man’. Europe shouldn’t obviously import inferior races, rather it should learn this lesson through colonial efforts.

    Having a racial caste system blunts the kind of “brother wars” that hurt civilization and embolden lesser races. There were what, 9 or 10 helots to each Spartan? And Lycurgus made Sparta the only city state with no defensive structures. The men were to be the barriers to enemies. Sparta was an ancient national socialist state.

  18. Re: Silver

    1.) Of the hundreds of slave rebellions in the New World, the Haitian Revolution was the only one that ever succeeded, and that was due to an ideological civil war within France between royalists and republicans, which became an international war that brought in Britain and Spain, the embrace of the slave rebellion by the Jacobins, and finally by Haiti’s mountainous topography and the fact that Europeans were decimated by malaria and yellow fever.

    2.) Even in the most extreme case of Haiti, the French had succeeded in reconquering Saint-Domingue in 1802 and arresting Toussaint L’ouverture, and were defeated only by disease and the return to war with Britain in 1803.

    3.) It is a myth that slave societies were destroyed by internal black rebellions. In every case including Haiti, the primary threat came from liberal metropolitan Whites who took the side of the blacks, not from within by slave insurgents.

    4.) In the United States, the free states were separated from slavery, and the result was a diminution of White racial consciousness and the polarization of Whites in the North along religious, ethnic, class and ideological lines, which laid the groundwork for the plunge into BRA.

    Whiteness matters a great deal in slave societies. It loses importance in free societies.

  19. Vermont is the antithesis of Southern civilization: a nearly homogeneous free labor society, a place totally free of the scourge of racialism, conservatism, and white supremacy, a place which for various reasons never developed a strong colonial ruling class.

    It is a White Nationalist paradise.

  20. Without interaction with lesser races there can not exist a white identity. Whites will slaughter each other and there will be religious war, subracial war, and class warfare.

    So without niggers and other assorted non-Whites in White nations there can be no White identiy?
    I guess us Whites are too stupid to get it right on our own huh, Tamed?
    What we need is a constant flow of non-Whites in our nations to keep our Whiteness intact?
    That is the biggest load of bullshit I have seen here so far. Sounds very jewish to me.
    You have gone from being a commie, to an anti-semite, to a guy who brags about having jewish friends, Tamed.
    God only knows what’s next.
    Your jew friends are not your freinds, it may take some time for you to realize that.

    I am from the same area as you, but you are foreign to me, Tamed.
    Perhaps you are a Long Island jew, your hatred for Germans and such.
    Not many Germans on Long Island, makes me question your bitterness towards Germans.

  21. Re. Vermont
    It is a White Nationalist paradise. HW

    I know this is merely sarcasm on your part.
    But, VT is a White state with very few minorites, a safe and peaceful place because of the overwhelming White majority.
    Hunting, fishing, good neighbors ect.
    None of your southern swager up in the White man’s forests, but it is a White world up there.

    You outta get the hell out of Dixie every once and awile and see other places before you bash them, Hunter!!
    At least a short vacation or road trip? Then you can write upon real world experiences, not what you see on TV or all the useless stats you constantly regurgitate.

  22. But Vermont votes BRA; they can get away with because they don’t suffer the fallout. They are ignorant of what they do and the harm they cause. Which is why we need to be separate nations

  23. “Ggma was apparently in Leeds at time of attack. From there went to Cork to view bodies.”

    And I thought you were gonna say she flew there on her broom. Ignoramus, you don’t even know when airplanes were invented.

  24. They are ignorant of what they do and the harm they cause. Which is why we need to be separate nations

    You will find no arguement here. I agree the south should be on thier own.
    However, the reason VT is still overwhelmingly White, is because they didn’t import savage niggers to tend their fields and watch over their homes.
    They did thier own work and now their ancenstors have the privlilege of living their lives in a White state.
    Folks in VT couldn’t care less about the south. The southern states brought niggers here, not thier problem.

  25. However, slavery was a big deal in the North for a good while.

    Sure, the elite (1%) made profits from the south and their nigger slaves in VT and the other states as well. No secret there.

    That never carried into the life of the average farmer that worked their own fields and kept their own homes in order without the need of a buck nigger from Africa. No, they did thier own work and scratched out a meager life, on thier own.

    Now they still do their own work up there and live amongst their own. Funny how that works out, huh?
    Why should VT give a rat’s ass about the south?
    The south doesn’t care for them.

  26. ” Stalin’s rather brilliant (at the time) treatise on the national question aimed to solve these problems by creating ethnostates out of the Russian Empire and defined Russian nationalists as “Great Russian chauvenists”. This policy proposal won him rabid support from the historically ‘oppressed’ ethnic groups including of course his native Georgians.”

    Easy enough to get “rabid” support after you have intentionally starved 5 million and then proceed to exterminate another 15 or 20 million of your people often for no more reason than just for the sheer hell of it. Your praise of Stalin is that of a moral imbecile.

  27. Hunter,

    3.) It is a myth that slave societies were destroyed by internal black rebellions. In every case including Haiti, the primary threat came from liberal metropolitan Whites who took the side of the blacks, not from within by slave insurgents.

    Yes. I should have been more explicit that the “risk” I claim exists in your preferred society stems overwhelmingly from whites (and others) siding with blacks, not from blacks themselves (though this shouldn’t be discounted completely). You are aware of this risk but prefer to downplay it. In contrast, I think it’s enormous. The impressive power of prosperity and propinquity to influence racial opinion will forever threaten to tip the balance of soft power against you. Without soft power you could hold out for a long time, but ultimately can only delay the inevitable.

    Even if you’re right that such a society could be sustainable without an immense white majority, surely it’s madness to beat the drum for it today, when racialist soft power is at its lowest ebb in all of recorded history. Isn’t smarter to first gain a foothold and then ratchet up?

  28. Wrong Sean, read up on the topic. It was a lot more then the 1%. Rhode Island had a slave based farming model for a while. Owning a slave freed up people to purse other things. If a slave did low skill stuff a free White man could spend time on doing the things that made him money.

  29. You may be correct on that assesement, Stone. I don’t know what the politics of the day were prevelant in my home states were.
    I really don’t care. I know that we stayed self reliant. I know that even though some made easy money selling salves to the dupes down south, we still remained a very healthy White majority.
    That can not be said about the south. The south is a nigger ridden filth cess pool. MI, AL, NC, SC are filled to brim with filthy violent ex-slaves.
    You can have em’ all, SL. Your kin brought them in to work your fields.
    Me, I’ll be back in White man’s country up-North.
    A sence of pride knowing we tended our own fields and stayed White.
    My kin had nothing to do with your nigger slaves.
    Bring on Dixie, I don’t care. Just take your niggers back with you.

  30. If a slave did low skill stuff a free White man could spend time on doing the things that made him money.

    Spend his time on what?? Supervising the nigger?
    Feeding it?

    You sound like tamed by a nigger. We don’t need niggers, for anything.
    Amazing, you effin southrons need to try being White men for a change, all this slavery shit is why we are in this mess.

  31. It’s economics. If your the master sail maker, you could have negros do the less skilled part and use your talent on the more technically difficult part. As I understand that was the common method of negro slavery up north

    There were very few slave rebellions in the South. A lot less then folks are lead to believe. Most folks didn’t worry about negro violence like you imply or have to keep such a close eye on their negro slaves.

    You can get on whatever yankee moral high horse you like, but its a castle built of sand. Slavery was tried up north and it fizzled out. Not because y’all were morally apposed to it, or wanted to be self reliant but because it wasn’t the best economic model for your situation. Adding anything to that is sunshine and moonbeams

  32. No Sean they are your negros now.

    Your kin brought them over in yankee ships, sold them in yankee ports to reshipped South; used them as labor in yankee business of all stripes, made all kinds of money off the slave trade, made money from the raw materials from Southron slave production and benefited from the tariff system which protected your kinds new factories. The tariff paid for by Southron farmers paid for the improvements in yankee land, protected fledgling yankee industry form European competition, and allowed yankees to buy Southron raw materials at a discount. It also made Southrons pay higher prices for the domestic and foreign goods they needed. Then after profiting from negro slavery for generations, your kin set them free, made them citizens and used negros as a weapon against Southron Whites with the false belief it would never blow back on them all to ensure the north could economically and politically dominate the South.

    My kin used them as money making machines. The wealth produced by negro slavery was the economic engine of the British, French and Spanish empire. Negro slavery was the economic engine of colonial America and the early republic. They were under control before yankees unleashed them. Your kin made them a problem, not mine.

    yankees, like women never want to look at their actions or take responsibility for them

  33. No moonbeams and sunshine. I’m from up north where it’s cold and the summer is short. Unfortunetly no niggers of beaners to shovel the snow.
    We know how to hunt and survive.
    You are alright in my book, SL. Unfortunetly you have bought into the BS that we rural folk up north are hippies.I know alot of men up north who look down on southrons as backwards idiots, redneck trash, even sub-human.

  34. You’re a good man Sean, no doubt but your version of history is moonbeams and sunshine based on the myth of lincoln and yankee moral superiority. My guess is you’ve never read books like lincoln unmasked or the real lincoln or the various books I’ve cited on the economics of the war and slavery up north. In those regards you are a “hippie”. Not the right word but you get my point, I’m sure.

    You also just confirmed the idea that rural yankees are no more our friends and allies then city yankees

  35. “What we need is a constant flow of non-Whites in our nations to keep our Whiteness intact?”

    Not at all. We should be colonizing non-white lands.

    “So without niggers and other assorted non-Whites in White nations there can be no White identiy?”

    Unless the country is tied tightly to colonies and the population well-informed as was the case in the UK I think so. That’s why any understanding most Europeans have of white identity is new and a product of unfortunate non-White immigrants into their country. Subracial, religious, political and class identities are dominant in monoracial states.


    You’re a sad Wikipedia trawling old man. Of course you know everything “anyone (can edit)” has written in the history of the Internet. Far be it for me to flub part of my family’s oral history when you have instant access to the free encyclopedia, your favorite reference site as posters here can attest to.


    You’re a jerk dressed up as a doubting Thomas. I’ve already sent the name of my ancestor to a poster in this thread that I can trust with my identity.

  36. “Far be it for me to flub part of my family’s oral history when you have instant access to the free encyclopedia”

    You dumb shit. I learned that the first transatlantic flight was in 1919 way before there even was an internet. Your ignorance of 20th century history in general is absolutely appalling.

  37. Sean says:
    August 21, 2012 at 6:29 am
    They are ignorant of what they do and the harm they cause. Which is why we need to be separate nations

    You will find no arguement here. I agree the south should be on thier own.
    However, the reason VT is still overwhelmingly White, is because they didn’t import savage niggers to tend their fields and watch over their homes.
    They did thier own work and now their ancenstors have the privlilege of living their lives in a White state…..

    Oh please. WV is nearly exactly as white and it is always under attack—- now the coal industry, which is slated for what was done by tobacco to nc. Nobody bothers to attack vermont because its slavish people are so far up the butt of what HW calls BRA, lol.

  38. Sean said,

    “I know alot of men up north who look down on southrons as backwards idiots, redneck trash, even sub-human….

    Are you in Vermont many generations?

    What he says here is true, as I learned from travel. They aren’t smart, they don’t read, and they have attitudes such as this, which they wear on their sleeves, lol. —their entire reality from t.v., as if the movie Deliverance is all they know.

    I always thought it was strange because the real old New Englanders were highly literate. The current “vermonters” seem —again— to just be Northeast Transplants, up from NY.

    Like Connecticut, a lot of those towns are 60% mexican now.

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