Megan Boken: Another Forgotten Victim of the Black Undertow


H/T John

Walter Russell Mead’s “Compromise of 1977” destroyed the Jim Crow South and turned every Southern metropolitan area into a minature Mogadishu.

Megan Boken in St. Louis puts another pretty White female face on the barbarism of the black intifada. This is the result of MLK’s Dream, free negroes murdering and rioting against their masters without end, and we all know how it is deliberately covered up by the media to keep Whitey in the dark.

We’ve taken a much needed break lately from the black crime stories because dwelling on it for too long wears you down and because our gutless leaders like Mitt Romney won’t even address the issue out of fear of being labeled a “racist” by the media.

Putting an end to this is one of the many reasons to support Southern independence. Washington only cares about the Trayvon Martins of America and building the next monument to Rodney King.

Note: Mitt Romney is polling at 0 percent of the black vote.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This sickens me. May the nigger killer die a slow, painful death. May he rot in hellfire for all eternity.

    I hate this country.

  2. It is not even particularly brutal or shocking.

    That’s what is shocking about it. We are so desensitized to such typical behavior by the Black Undertow. We have compromised with barbarism to the point where it is just a standard feature of our society.

  3. Welcome to the Dinkin’s Effect. Named after the first and only black mayor of Jew York City, whose term was the catalyst of a HUGE INCREASE in black Crime.

    Kill the Chief, and the savages go back to their villages, after One Last Chimpout, of course.

    Don’t you want to vote White (even though its a RINO), just to see the SAD LOOK on the Pavement Apes faces the Day After?

    And, when they Chimpout, you can LEGALLY SHOOT them DEAD!

  4. The black police chief blames gun rights of course. The lying bastards are never going to stop.

    Eventually, this is all going to come down to violence. They’re leaving us no option. It reminds me of a Harold Covington comment. There are problems with Harold Covington, but he has a knack for cutting through the bullshit.

    Covington said at some point Whites will pick up weapons and kill the enemy, or they will kill us.

    Simple as that. I’m not advocating anything, but long term he’s right. They won’t get me or my family until my guns go click, click, click…

  5. The black police chief will probably disarm any Whites trying to defend themselves! Just like a black attorney general sent his goons to get George Zimmerman for defending himself from Ashtray Whathisname!

    Having blacks in power is like giving Carte Blanche to the nigger horde! They will never arrest their own kind for killing Whites!

    Whites have to be this Race-Conscious! Vote White! Never vote nigger!

  6. Listen to me. 100% of blacks are going to vote for Obamao. Any blacks that say they won’t are just lying.

    If 100% of blacks vote Obamao, but he loses, then their little dreams of a black world are going to be crushed like a bug under a giant Iron Boot! It will be like Castrating Every Single black in America at the same time!

    The next day, they won’t be pimp-walking or krip-walking or whatever that Ape-Like Motion is called. They’re all going to be crestfallen and sullen like their puppy died!

    Of course, like little children, which they are intellectually, they are going to throw a TANTRUM – a HUGE CHIMPOUT! Any Whites that still believe it is possible to co-exist with these Porch Monkeys are either going to have their brains splattered on the sidewalk or WAKE THE HELL UP!

    I don’t like RINO Romney, and probably Never will, but seeing this happen is worth voting for the GOP! Getting to shoot looters/rioters/niggers is just a BONUS!

    Don’t you want to see the OPPOSITE of what happened when O.J. Simpson was acquitted by a nearly all-black jury? Don’t you want to see a Pavement Ape CRY?

  7. 1977 is the year Mead picked, at random, as the year that white people in America surrendered. He wouldn’t have expressed it that way but that’s what he meant. It was his estimation of the time period when things turned past the point of no return.

    My own estimate is closer to 1967, but certainly by 1970. Like all academics, Mead is slow to see what’s going on around him.

    And no, Dr., it is not worth voting for the “GOP”. If you go to the zoo and see the gorilla manage to escape his cage and attack people, do you blame the gorilla or do you blame the zoo-keeper? O is the gorilla. Mitt is the zoo-keeper.

  8. A typical Lincoln Republican like Mittens Romney will give the Blacks everything, and anything they want if he is elected. Bet on it.

  9. The reward for capturing this trigger nigger is now at $31,000. However, don’t expect the blacks to turn over their undercover-hero to the whites.

  10. Dr Doom: our thinking should be more long term. The Marxist left’s is and has been for a long, long time. We end always responding to them instead of making them respond to us.
    In the long run the Repub party needs to convert to explicitly white or die to make room for one that is.

  11. That’s what has surprised me about the local reaction. A reward isn’t enough to restore order. A pogrom in a black area would be far more effective and logical. We are not in Czarist Russie though are we? Instead it’s BRA.

  12. “a more sane policy would be killing 100 random negros for every White person harmed by a negro.”

    That’s what the SPLC would recommend on the sly.

  13. PR -with as low a threshold as possible-to break up the duopoly at the grass roots level.
    Plus speak out against the Judeo-Bolshevik DC-Hollywood culture of BRA as often as possible-without using those terms. Excessive attachment to abstractions is an Anglo disease.

  14. No, the SPLC wouldn’t recommend that because it might work. Random attacks are particularly hard for the police to solve, and they are particularly effective in terrorizing the population in question.

  15. No, the SPLC wouldn’t recommend that because it might work. Random attacks are particularly hard for the police to solve, and they are particularly effective in terrorizing the population in question.

    It might work in the sense that the resulting increase in police state repression would cause whites to rise up in insurrection. But I really doubt it.

  16. Policing does work in the sense it locks up negros and removes them from society for a time but it will never work work with negros because there is no credible threat of violence. Which is the only thing that deters negros from going feral

  17. Oh for goodness’ sake, Dr. Doom is just friggin’ Joe returned from the scrapyard in a new and equally irritating guise, isn’t he.

  18. The SPLC advocates for “random” black assault on whites and categorizes it as Botched Robbery or meaningless violence. When of course we all know that it is a slow genocide.

    The Central West End district in St Louis is full of very expensive houses. The Catholic Basilica is nearby. Barnes Jewish Hospital is right there. William Burroughs, Tennesse Williams and TS Eliot were born there. The mayor has an office a block or two away from the shooting. SLU is just to the east. It’s actually very exclusive in a sense. Most of St Louis’s multimillionaires live there. Niggers occassionally wend their destructive way there. It’s like an enclave of well off people recreating Manhattan.
    The nigs infest streets just north and east of the CWE. I predict that this one might become a rallying cry for whites locally. Unfortunatly it will be coopted by very wealthy
    whites and a handful of Jews for their own purposes. Anyway keep your eyes on it.

    So I predict this isn’t going to go away.

  19. Read the accounts of the Bush WAr in Rhodesia this is the level blacks can attain, loosely organized violence. If anyone thinks these are just random acts of violence they are as clueless as Mitt about blacks. And since the social media revolution this is all no doubt recorded for ages that this is loosely organized by “community organizers” who incite hatred and then thugs take it from there.

    But the Mead’s of the world are as clueless as the Rhodesians were to the strategic implications of dealing with what was as close to leaderless resistance as can be.

    I also believe this girl was a grad of Wheaton college, a holy roller outfit where the kids get pumped up on their goodness. No doubt there will be public mourning ceremonies where the cult leaders ritually denounce “racism” and turn it into an indoctrination ceremony.

    And all the intellectuals don’t believe me when I say that America is a Jim Jones cult writ large.

  20. “If 100% of blacks vote Obamao, but he loses, then their little dreams of a black world are going to be crushed like a bug under a giant Iron Boot! It will be like Castrating Every Single black in America at the same time!

    The next day, they won’t be pimp-walking or krip-walking or whatever that Ape-Like Motion is called. They’re all going to be crestfallen and sullen like their puppy died!

    Of course, like little children, which they are intellectually, they are going to throw a TANTRUM – a HUGE CHIMPOUT! Any Whites that still believe it is possible to co-exist with these Porch Monkeys are either going to have their brains splattered on the sidewalk or WAKE THE HELL UP!”

    Dr. Doom- I believe you are completely correct. The huge burst of ‘machismo’ (I know, mixing metaphors) blacks got when the first ‘Nigger President’ won, has emboldened them to the point of insanity. This is the result of that testosterone of the mind ‘jump.’

    I am voting for Mittens because he is White. That is the ONLY reason. I also want to hold his feet to the fire, if even a little of the proposed GOP platform is adopted, and say, YOU DO NOT HAVE FREE REIGN/REIN.

    But most of all, I want niggers to bow the knee and bend the neck… where they belong. My comment on four years of Obama? “NEVER AGAIN.”

    313 Chris- my apologies for picking on you. I didn’t know you were a child, born when Travolta was “Saturday Night Fevering.” Now I understand. Talk to me when you’re 40+…..

  21. If the West End district is where the elites live then the police will be beefed up enough to protect that area just as they are in every other rich urban area in the North. And the middle classes will flee to the suburbs.

  22. If Romney wins (especially if he does so while losing the popular vote) there will be some riots and then everything will settle down until the welfare money runs out. Just make sure you are prepared for subsistence living in a white area when it happens.

  23. “…..Excessive attachment to abstractions is an Anglo disease….”

    Disease is strong. High Germanic admixture meaning higher IQs, thus being more targeted by the want-to-dumb-em-down societal control freaks, coupled with greater capacity for creativity, imagination, and symbolic thinking (i.e., “attachment to abstractions”). Not really an “attachment” but genetics involving capacities for symbolization.

  24. They are the only significant white enclave left in the center of St Louis! The Suburban flight already happened. The Italians in The Hill district are different. Very clannish.

  25. “where the elites live then the police will be beefed up enough to protect that area just as they are in every other rich urban area in the North. And the middle classes will flee to the suburbs.” – Rudel

    I remember the best quote on this topic, that puts it all into perspective:

    “The Rich can ALWAYS afford their own Apartheid.”

    End of story.

  26. “Read the accounts of the Bush WAr in Rhodesia this is the level blacks can attain, loosely organized violence.”

    Rhodesia is a bad example. Whites were never more than a few percentage points of the population there. The whites were also spread out with a lot of them living on isolated farms. If the blacks in the South started to go Mau Mau they would end up getting gunned down in droves by the whites and entire black towns would get burned down.

  27. Rhodesia is also a bad example, in my book, because the wild negros could still more or less feed themselves and survive in the brush. negros in the usa, no matter how feral, can do neither and are concentrated in cities. Brawling in urban setting can suck ass like few people understand, but it’s easier to starve cities/ town etc. And they are easy to burn if you don’t care about the buildings for later use

    hint, don’t care about the buildings. We can always build new things

  28. In these case, it works well, best to contact White “Conservative” GOP elected officials somewhere near the area and chastise them for the lax anti crime efforts in their area. Of course it’s not their fault that Black underclass is murdering everyone including beautiful White female volleyball players – but it gets the word out and spreads the meme that Black underclass crime is out of control and the police/elected officials deny, cover it up.

    Here’s the link to the Missouri state house of representatives. Please make personal calls, e-mails, faxes to the officials and work to make sure this terrible “Hate Crime” that wasn’t a hate crime doesn’t get swept under the run.

  29. Yes good stuff Jack. It’s actually a teachable moment for the “Con Inc” people. They need to know people will back them if the act bravely.
    Let the press howl at them as long as the people vote to back them.

  30. “And they are easy to burn if you don’t care about the buildings for later use”

    When city niggers chimp out they have a propensity to burn down their own buildings. The National Guard usually just has to stand around suppressing sniper fire and diverting civilian traffic away from the flaming blocks. No need to put whites into undue danger.

  31. Stonelifter says:

    a more sane policy would be killing 100 random negros for every White person harmed by a negro.

    I think 49 would be a more appropriate payback number. Seven times seven. It’s biblical.

  32. Not to be missed.
    CrossTalk: Judging Breivik
    Russia Today
    Russian Television, unlike American television, aims at people who can think.

  33. The black police chief blames gun rights of course. The lying bastards are never going to stop.

    Actually, it was the mayor who said that. Politicians in BRA have far greater incentive to blame guns rather than blame niggerfuxation. That’s why going after the culture (the Narrative) is so important; in another culture politicians wouldn’t be able to get away with this.

    Eventually, this is all going to come down to violence. They’re leaving us no option. It reminds me of a Harold Covington comment. There are problems with Harold Covington, but he has a knack for cutting through the bullshit.

    Covington said at some point Whites will pick up weapons and kill the enemy, or they will kill us.

    Hard to say, really. The rate of violent crime is unquestionably trending down. In some part of the country (parts not exactly renowned for their safety) violent crime is at its lowest level since the early 60s, which is quite remarkable. Some WNs try to blame police cover-ups but it’s hard to see how independent police agencies would coordinate such an effort (since some have an incentive to lie but others don’t) to produce the observed results. Surveys of crime victims also point to a diminution. The point is if vastly higher rates of violent crime didn’t produce the backlash you hope for why would vastly lower rates?

    A couple of reasons.

    (1) The passing of Generation Niggerlover. Gritty, grim determination replaces sentimentality and excuses as the sentimentalists and excuse-makers fade from the scene. But this balanced by far more intense present-day indoctrination in schools and the general culture — you could still say nigger in the 60s and 70s.

    (2) The rise of social media, which allows people to bypass gatekeepers and expose the holes in the Narrative.

  34. Vastly increased incarceration, the spread of weapons permits.

    I do think that a lot of things are being swept under the carpet.
    There ate disincentives to reporting crime. Insurance for one.


    according to these graphs crime peaked somewhere around 1980.

    The current rates are vastly higher than they were in 1960. Which coincidentally happens to be when niggers were let off the leash. Around 1980 you have an increasingly conservative regime here. Three strikes laws must have impacted these figures. But America is clear vastly more dangerous than it was in 1960.

    You are slippery with your words Silver.

  36. Local agencies do have incentives to under report. They can make their numbers look better by passing off as a murder as a manslaughter and a felony battery as misdemeanor assault. They don’t need to coordinate. Local agencies are all evaluated the same way. The better the crime stats look, the better they look. Better stats, in turn, mean promotions, funding, and people keeping their jobs. At the national level, the FBI aggregates the crime data. Waco, Ruby Ridge, Richard Jewel. The FBI has no credibility with me (plus my sister is a lawyer, and she says they lie all the fuckin’ time to make cases). God only knows what statistical games they might be playing with the crime data. Finally, the mainstream media (liberal, Jewish) has been extremely zealous in reporting this alleged downward trend in violent crime. Liberal pundits are using it attack carry laws and portray gun owners as irrational (hey, why do you need to carry, crime is going down…). So, I think some serious skepticism is in order with these stats. Consider the source. This data lines up a little too neatly in support of local and federal law enforcement and liberal agendas.

  37. Looking at the data in tbe wiki chart, there is obviously something suspicious about robbery dropping and murder increasing. See the violent crime chart. Rape too has increased. So silver is prepared to believe that murder could go up and the robbery stats decrease.

    What we have here with violent crime is the determination by the powers that be to massage stats and incarcerate blacks for drug crimes. Which incidently blacks complain about no end. The real story is probably the drug war taking the teenaper of the street for most of his Misbegotten youth for a dime bag of crack instead of knife or gun attack.

  38. Lew says:
    ‘Local agencies do have incentives to under report. They can make their numbers look better by passing off as a murder as a manslaughter and a felony battery as misdemeanor assault. They don’t need to coordinate. Local agencies are all evaluated the same way. The better the crime stats look, the better they look.’


    Fudge factor: Cooking the books on crime stats

    What CompStat didn’t anticipate is what Robert Zink, Recording Secretary for NYPD’s police union, called the ‘fudge factor’ — the manipulation of Compstat data to make it falsely appear that crime rates have been reduced. Here’s just a sampling:

    1.) In 1996, there was a concerted effort to conceal the magnitude of crime in Atlanta during the Summer Olympics selection process. An audit in 2003 revealed that 22,000 crimes were left out of reports for the previous year.
    2.) In 1998, Philadelphia PD was the subject of a DOJ investigation into under-reporting crime. The practice endured, top commanders said, because favorable statistics made higher-ups happy and helped careers.
    3.) In April 2000 U.S. News and World Report stated that “facing political heat to cut crime in the city, investigators in the [Philadelphia] PD Sex Crime Unit sat on (thousands of) reports of rapes and other sexual assaults.” Captain Rich Costello, President of the FOP said, “The way crime was solved was with an eraser.”
    4.) In 2003, four New Orleans officers and a district commander were fired for downgrading hundreds of serious crimes to “miscellaneous incidents.” The department had been giving quarterly and annual “crime reduction awards” to districts that posted the greatest declines in major crime. The fired district commander had won the award for the entire previous year and the first quarter of 2003. The investigation began with anonymous tips from officers frustrated with the aggressive use of statistics as a performance measure.
    5.) In 2004, the NYPD police unions publicly charged that the department had cooked the books to lower crime stats and called on its members to share evidence of crimes being downgraded. Management countered that the unions advanced the charge to gain advantage in contract negotiations.
    6.) In 2005, four Broward County Deputy Sheriffs were fired for fudging crime stats. Denying any knowledge, the Sheriff used the false stats to convince municipalities to scrap their own police departments and contract with the BSO. He also used the stats in his political rise. An investigation revealed cover ups by BSO supervisors as well as pressures on front line officers to down-grade crimes or only charge one crime to a suspect who had admitted dozens.
    7.) In 2010, more than half of 309 retired NYPD officers admitted to fudging crime stats in a survey conducted by two academicians from Molloy and John Jay Colleges. Most of the respondents served as precinct commanders after CompStat was implemented. They reported heavy pressure from higher-ups to reduce felonies to misdemeanors or to not report crimes at all to make the numbers look prettier.
    8.) Fudged crime stats hit pop culture status with HBO’s acclaimed series The Wire. Based on the Baltimore PD, one of the shows central themes was the pressure politicians put on police brass, who pass it on to the department’s middle management, to generate PR-friendly statistics about lowering crime and increasing arrests.

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