The Last Compromise

The American Interest

H/T Thrasymachus

Walter Russell Mead has a huge article on the fall of BRA:

Translation: We’ve hit Peak Negro and we’re going to have a negro reckoning as the welfare state collapses. Buckle up!


Many hoped that the election of the first African-American President of the United States meant a decisive turn in the long and troubled history of race relations in the United States. And indeed President Obama’s election was a signal success for the American racial settlement of the 1970s. But at the moment of its greatest success, that settlement—call itthe Compromise of 1977—was beginning to unravel,asevidenced bythe factthat President Obama’s nearly four years in office to date have witnessed decades of economic progress and rising political power in black America shifting into reverse.

The race question is like no other in American life. From the beginning of the colonial era through the Civil War and up until today, American efforts to grapple with (ortoavoid grappling with) the practical, moral, political and institutional consequences of race have shaped our political and institutional life. The Virginia House of Burgesses, the first elected assembly in the American colonies, assembled on July 30, 1619. In that same year the White Lion and the Treasurer docked in Virginia and unloaded the first African slaves to reach the present-day United States. Since that time, the stories of American representative government and race have been entangled in American history. The very structure of the Federal government and the nature of the party system were shaped bythe slavery issue. The slavery question also shaped and ultimately limited national expansion. It affected the practical meaning of Federalism itself and the meaning of the rule of law. Nor is that entanglement yet over.”

Note: Reading through this longwinded Mead essay, I can’t help but notice that every “compromise” over race to preserve the Union was not only broken by the North, but ultimately proved to be injurious to the South.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I posted this in the OD Forum three days ago, I also posted bio material on the author and background material on the journal it was published in, as well as another article on race from the same source. It’s had about 40 reads, but no comments.

  2. “One of the tragedies of black history in America is that blacks often only get to the gravy train when the locomotive is coming to the end of its run. Blacks are qualifying in large numbers for civil service pensions just as those pensions are looking shaky. Blacks have moved into professional, middle-class government employment just as state and local governments are heading over the financial cliff. In the same way, blacks came relatively late to the other pillar of 20th- century American middle class prosperity: manufacturing jobs. For the European migrants to American cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as productivity rose (and as immigration restrictions cut off the supply of low-wage competition), rising manufacturing wages and employment opened the door to mass prosperity. The children and grandchildren of immigrant factory workers would go to college, enter the professions and also build new businesses, but that factory employment gave the economic stability that underwrote the economic integration of whole waves of immigrants into the American system. Blacks, drawn to the urban North after European immigration was curtailed by World War I and the draconian restrictions passed in its aftermath, came late to the factory economy as well. Many labor unions refused to accept black apprentices into skilled trades until the 1960s. Formal and informal systems of discrimination kept blacks from competing on equal terms for many factory jobs in the North and South until well into the 1970s.” – Too bad they got the vote, or those good times would have continued for everyone. labor scarcity would have continued to force wages up.

    “But again, many blacks got into the game just as the game was starting to change.” – Thanks to their exercise of the franchise.

    “As a percentage of the labor force, manufacturing jobs peaked in 1979. Since that time, a combination of productivity-raising technological change, global competition, the full entry of women into the labor force” – All bullshit to screen for the next entry.

    ” and the start of a new wave of mass immigration following immigration law changes in 1965 has held real wages down and reduced opportunities for struggling urban families to achieve a secure footing in the middle class.” – And the real reason. 50 million foreign workers imported over a half century, again shame about blacks voting for that.

  3. “As Americans ponder how to build a prosperous and equitable post-industrial society, the question of race must be on the table. ” – Credit is deserved here, a post industrial society is as feasible as a post racial one.

    “If blacks could get… If blacks could gain … If blacks could gain … again, if they could …” –
    An extra standard deviation on the bell curve wouldn’t hurt either.

  4. “”….I can’t help but notice that every “compromise” over race to preserve the Union was not only broken by the North….”””

    It,s not the North, it,s “the left”. In Sweden never been slavery or South. But every compromise with left is only step to new demands. From only few rare temporary refugees Sweden reached within few decades to the point, when even mentioning native swedes is almost a crime and white people becoming a minority is accepted as a unavoidable future. Left uses step by step tactics everywhere.

  5. “An extra standard deviation on the bell curve wouldn’t hurt either.”

    Genetic manipulation of germ cell DNA by scientists is already occurring on simpler life forms. The future will be at least as horrible as the most dystopian sci-fi novels. Only a soft dictatorship as specified in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World will save the human race from destruction.

    And that’s only if wild self-replicating nanobots don’t cover the entire surface of the planet with a thick layer of seething, churning, mechanical dust as they eat the planet in the mean time.

  6. “The Left” = Jews

    Jews = Anti-White

    Anti-White = White Genocide

    These are the steps you are looking for.

  7. The world would be a lot simpler for us if the Left = the Jews. If the Jews went away, then the Left would go away. Unfortunately, the Left would still be around because stupid people would still define themselves ideologically instead of ethnically or racially.

  8. “Unfortunately, the Left would still be around because stupid people would still define themselves ideologically”

    The Left might still “be around” without Jews, but it would be so decisively de-clawed in the absence of Jews, so overwhelmingly weak and ineffective, that it would for all practical purposes have essentially gone away.

    Without Jews, the Left would consist of a gaggle of violent, disorganized, easily distracted negroes, some half-assed mexican labor agitators who would settle for a lousy deal, and a bunch of pissy self-hating white college student weaklings, the type you see selling “The Daily Worker” or whatever the Trotskyist rag is called (can you believe there are still Trotskyites?) in front of the campus dining hall. The Left would not be attacking us from every side imaginable, every hour of every day; it would have no hooks in media, academia, finance, law.

    In the absence of Jews, the Left would merely be a form of amusement, not the malevolent evil force threatening all life on earth that it is right now.

  9. when I read history, I see the yankees doing all these kinds of things before the jews showed up in large numbers. Perhaps the jews form a cadre, but the yankees have been going down this path for a long while now. The various ethnic European immigrants helped drive the leftist train as well and they mostly went to yankee land.

    I don’t normally subscribe to the single cause/ event theory of history, which is why I can’t buy into the it’s all the jews fault line of reasoning. The seed of leftism was there in yankees before these other folks showed up. Hunter has done a good job of discussing the topic before. jews and the ethnic White immigrants might have given the yankees better organization and more numbers, but the root of the problem was already there

  10. Exactly Oscar. The Jews are the Platform from which these attacks are launched and the Purse that funds all the Anti-White / White Genocidal Pogroms.

    All of the Hydra’s Heads come off a Jewish Body. You kill one head and two spring up in its place! You have to KILL the BODY of the HYDRA!

  11. Sure, Stonelifter, and the Romans Killed Christ, not the Jews, right?

    Oh those Damn Yankees! What was Lincoln’s first name? Abraham. Plenty of White Folks called Abraham!

    And, Rothschild’s family didn’t own and CONTROL the Bank of England did they? Who owns and CONTROLS the Federal Reserve Bank? Not the Federal Government!

  12. Without jews, left is helpless. It,s well seen in Eastern Europe. We still have some DRD4 gene carriers and they are on mr. Soros Open Society Foundation payroll. But without jewish brains they can,t do nothing more than repeat the BS worked out for American and Western European public. Eastern European jewry is too old and too small to work out propaganda techniques for local circumstances and those for US and Western Europe don,t work here. So left can,t do nothing exept ridiculing themself.

    Leftism is form of psychopathy, not political standpoint. Left need jews to think for them. Without jewish orders and instructions they can,t do nothing.

  13. Its not their numbers that matters. One Millionaire has more influence than a thousand people of regular means.

    They control the Banks that issue the Money. They can Print as Much as they want!

  14. I don’t normally subscribe to the single cause/ event theory of history, which is why I can’t buy into the it’s all the jews fault line of reasoning.

    Good point and I agree with the single cause theory you bring up.
    However, trend setting does bring on a collective change.
    Media and finance are trend setting entities. Both totally jewish and financial control as well as mental subversion/lying, have been the hallmark of yhe jew

  15. There was no central bank when the yankees gave us lincoln or adopted any of their other utopian ideals. Central bank was pretty much a yankee thing from the start of the nation.

    jews are an issue no doubt, very secular, very far to the left, hostile to the West and Christ. Sounds a lot like big city yankees all the way around. yankees where on the leftist, consolidating power, utopian ideals bandwagon, before the jews showed up. Can’t get around that fact

  16. Good point and I agree with the single cause theory you bring up.
    However, trend setting does bring on a collective change.
    Media and finance are trend setting entities. Both totally jewish and financial control as well as mental subversion/lying, have been the hallmark of yhe jew

    Absolutely Sean, I am not trying to make an argument that jews aren’t a problem. My argument is, all these things were in place up north before the jews showed up in numbers and we’d be more or less in the same place we are now, jews or no jews.

  17. The problem most people have in believing that Jews are behind it all, is that it also seems to be harmful or not advantageous to Jews to destroy Whites, since they have a parasitic need for Whites to feed upon, but consider for a moment the Aesop fable of the scorpion and the frog. The scorpion asks the frog for a ride on its back to get past an impassable stream, but the frog is reluctant because he’s afraid the scorpion will sting and kill him. However, the scorpion tells the frog he won’t sting him, because then both of them would drown. This argument convinces the frog to let the scorpion on his back and he swims towards the other side, but the scorpion stings him anyway! The frog is outraged and asks the scorpion why he stung him because now both will drown! The scorpion answers simply,”because I’m a scorpion and stinging is what I do!”

    It seems inconceivable that a creature would do something that dooms itself, but what if instead of a thought causing action, it is instead a compulsion or even a genetic-based instinct? Could not some creatures act destructively based entirely on compulsion or instinct? Even if it dooms them as well?

    What if there are creatures whose nature is nihilistic? Consider the locust, for example. All the locust does is destroy crops -literally eating until they die. They seem to serve no higher purpose than to destroy a harvest, and act similarly to a natural disaster like a drought or a plague, even though they are living creatures.

    Are Jews a natural disaster like a plague or a drought or a swarm of locusts? They seem intent on destroying any society or civilization that allows them entrance, and only leave through the use of force or the threat of death. The Jews never learn from this experience and repeat it whereever they go or end up. It seems just to be natural for them to wreck nations and betray friends. Are they even sentient? Is a locust sentient?

  18. @ Dr. Doom

    I agree. It,s in their genes. Like nwords doing nothing else as behaving like nwords. Both have destructivity in their genes. There can,t be other explanation.

  19. It’s there in the beginning with Abraham. Pimping the wife to Hittite King and Egyptian Pharoah. The patern set many years ago. Very few people think to look at those stories as simply advanced warning about Jewish chicanery and double dealing.

  20. I read lots of debates:

    “Jews are the leadership of all the leftist nonsense.”

    “No. It’s Yankees.”

    What I never hear in these debates is anybody suggesting actually testing their hypothesis.

    Come on, folks, we’re White people here. We *invented* the scientific method.
    Instead of endless speculation how much damage the left could do without the Jews,
    let’s find out.

    Let’s run a scientific experiment. Like all good experiments, we need to change just one variable at a time. Let’s remove Jews from power in finance, media, education, the law and government, and SEE where that gets us.
    If that’s insufficient to restore to sane, reasonable and reasonably intelligent White Americans our self-determination, then we disempower the Yankees.

    We should start with the jews because, since there’s few of them, it should be easy to do, right?
    After all, the argument that it’s NOT the jews always includes the factoid about how few in number they are, therefore how mild in influence they must be.

  21. remove jews from the equation and you have…. yankees were on this path before jews showed up in numbers. they say the same things, laugh at the same jokes, vote the same way, see the world in the same way etc etc etc

  22. It was Puritanism (Presbyterianism and Baptist), Congregationalism, Quakers, and Unitarianism preaching coming directly from the pulpit that was the bedrock and source of the Abolitionist movement in the North East. Nary a Jew in sight.

  23. Christ but you bunch of monomaniacs are a bunch of dimwits.

    Huh, that’s probably even a tautology. Well, whatever.

  24. Anyway all this PC turns into sadism, it always does as the truth starts to poke thru and the despotic turn to sadism to uphold what is come to be seen as lies and deceit.

    Take the Jim Jones cult and scale it up and expand the time frame.

    Without “respectable CONservatives” to uphold the lies of the Blank Slate Theory and to testify to the goodness of the left wing friends BRA would have collapsed already.

    The sad sack doom and gloom Right has one advantage, the sadism of the Left to maintain their power, as the lies crumble. So actually we will probably see more crazies on our side talking about conspiracy theory to distract us.

  25. William Wilberforce was monomaniac. He made Banastre Tarleton ( yes Banastre was
    a slaver) his rival on abolition look normal.

  26. Lord, on assigning blame—

    There’s The Royality, El Pope, the Bank.

    Any entity will do whatever works to get the populations to do what they want, to move them where they want, (like across borders, en masse, as now), to get them to agree to be fleeced to whatever point is desired at that time.

    Given this— wouldn’t it be more likely that jews ARE being removed, which is the only reason you’re even allowed to talk about them right now as much as you are. (That or they are just jotting down your name). Or both.

    If you remove them—- you will still have the Gamaliel Foundation writ large (and 1000 other such religious orders and venues and foundations that could be named). Whatever the jews and marx did, the catholics clearly thought it was a very good idea, too, and made their own version of it for their own south american ex-slaves (“liberation theology” complete with its usual cornerstone of “anti-angloism” which is just a code word in the u.s. for protestants).

    One reason you KNOW it’s sometimes catholics, not jews, is that “CULT” is THEIR WORD, lol. Jews speak of “observance,” goys, and “adultery” (adultery is jew-speak for what the catholics mean by “cult”). When you see burning alive people (auto da fe) justified on the basis of they are a CULT, (i.e. “heresy” which jews do not have, and protestants treat differently) you are NOT dealing with jews, (obviously), and if they are Cubans named Reno, that could be another hint (lol). Also, spanish speaking jews, sephardics, are looked down on by ashkenazis, and they don’t really love them, (the ashkenazis are the ones you see on t.v.). Their open borders for spain is not a personal endeavor, (obviously), but is a trade for their middle east endeavors (which are personal for them).

    And the idea that Jim Jones —mentioned above— is a “cult” QUITE, is not so. This was a manufactured group— bound up with the (puritan, to be sure) Moscone elections in San Francisco. Moscone, who just happened to be offed in his office the week the Jim Jones thing went down, (and found by Dianne Feinstein), and of course— then Hollywood makes the movie about how it was all about “gay issue” and Harvey Milk, since he bit the dust in the same “psycho off the street” hit.

    Anyway, there’s so much military water there, including all the military families surrounding Jim Jones, that to write this off like a “Cult” (implying there was anything religious about it) would be irresponsible to the spirit of truth. Not even the “congregation” there bothered to ever try to make a case that religion was involved, lol.

    Oh— let me modify my cosmos: Royalties, El Pope, The Bank and— Puritans!!!

    (John Milton… John Dryden… Anne Bradstreet… and George Boughton’s paintings…, etc, Emily Dickenson, and how her evil father founded Amherst College…. OMG!!!)

    People who think jews are the sole issue in life— or even that this stuff started with new england yankees— really need to get out more.

  27. As a Southerner, whenever I look at BRA, I do thank my lucky stars that at least the old New England yankees and pilgrims were vanquished by 1900s Northeasterns. How much worse it was— when they taught Anne Bradstreet’s poetry in schools!

  28. “the old New England yankees and pilgrims were vanquished by 1900s Northeasterns.”

    The members of the 1900’s Progressive movement were the descendants of the old founding stock from New England and New Amsterdam you silly woman!

  29. It’s not Jews per se, it’s people acting Jewish. It’s people getting Jewish ideas downloaded into them, and then poisoning the well.

    Ideas are far more poisonous than any genetic influence. Which is why you burn the carriers of bad ideas if they refuse to stop spreading them.

    That’s what serious people do. Builders of worlds care about ideas, not genetics. It’s not what you start with, it’s what you get downloaded into you.

  30. “And that’s only if wild self-replicating nanobots don’t cover the entire surface of the planet with a thick layer of seething, churning, mechanical dust as they eat the planet in the mean time.” – I’m not too worried about the future from a technology perspective, as for nanobots specificially, that is blatant future magic. We’ll see what they can do when we can build one, and they are not likely to be an invincible supercomputer with no way to stop.

  31. They don’t have to be very intelligent. Chromosomes and genes aren’t very intelligent. They just need to be able to replicate really fast. Escapees from a lab are probably the worst threat.

  32. “They don’t have to be very intelligent. Chromosomes and genes aren’t very intelligent. They just need to be able to replicate really fast. Escapees from a lab are probably the worst threat.” – We already have that in bacteria, of course to be fair we are living in a sea of bacteria right now. The grey goo scenario posits super strong, hardened, and intelligent nano-scale machines overrunning planet Earth.

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