Live Thread: Republican National Convention


Update: Live commentary at @occdissent on Twitter.

I just flipped on the television to the Republican National Convention in Tampa for the first time and there was some negress on the stage talking about how Amurrica is the last best hope of the earth.

Note: It will be a slow night. I’ve already hit the gym this afternoon. I’m going to watch this tonight just for the lulz.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Maddow just called Northeastern Republicans an endangered species – this was more true before 2010, the Republicans won big in New Hampshire and Maine, and Scott Brown is ahead in Massachusetts.

  2. Hell yeah, boys. F*ck America. I’m having a post-workout Bacardi and Coke with a big, rare Texas steak and contemplating blowing off the evening with the cute bartender and showing up late in the morning as a result.

    She just proudly pointed out to the “secede” sticker in her truck window…and she’s strawberry blonde.

    It could be love.

  3. “It is true though that Obama will win the Northeast.” Yes, probably, very sadly, true. But hurrah for rural New Hampshire and Pennsyltucky, the exceptions that “prove the rule.”

  4. The backdrop.

    It’s a fractured American flag.

    It suggests Partition. Someone could hack a few screens and put up state flags. Or the Stars and Bars.


    This is the only reality we need concern ourselves about. Unless we kill or ship these sand niggers back to their hellholes they came from, we WILL be at war in less than 5 years. I saw a sight this past week that made me want to scream.

    A Somali Muslim family, all in their bloody robes, and in their midst, a WHITE MAN in a Muslim Robe, MARRIED TO ONE OF THEIR HAGARENE NIGGERS.

    Dhimmitude is in Minnesota. Death to them all.

  6. Just tuned in and haven’t heard any of the others, but damn, could Rick Santorum be any less inspiring a speaker?

  7. @ Fr John: Happening in Charlotte:

    The Charlotte area, the Triangle, Asheville, all taken over. What’s left of North Carolina now? It could go for Obama.

  8. Republican National Convention equals White men begging for the non White man vote

    But they’ll have a few statements thrown into the mix that will get the Romney will save us crowd fired-up

    Romney might not win the north east but my God he should. I can’t imagine a more effeminate and liberal White man then mittens. He is literally the poster child of how White men can piss away their masculinity and then a nations greatness. Far as I can tell Romney is the north east in a nut shell. TDR was a liberal of his day, and a city breed, but no pussy. Wonder what he thinks of mittens. Hear tell now Romney is crowing about doing the dishes, probably in an attempt to get the woman vote. If so, he’s tossed his man card on the trash heap and woman don’t vote or like betas. Plus, Romney the kitchen bitch will be a laughing stock if he has to deal with Putin or hajjis

    Good luck Eric, with the secessionist bar tender. I know how yo feel because if miss Va here mentions Southron Secession…

  9. Eric, you’re right. F*ck Amurrica. Now go do your duty for Dixie!

    Years from now, on some future Southern Independence Day, I will walk past a small strawberry blonde child in the crowd holding a Confederate flag. I will then smile broadly knowing the future of the South is secure.

    All because you and your lady friend decided to secede together. Cuba libre!

    Deo Vindice

  10. Yes sir, gents, she is the real deal apparently. Still bringing the drinks and tellin’ me about how she hates the “N” in the white house. All talk about how “daddy and grandaddy” taught her right from wrong. Pretty green eyes. Dammit, I love the south. How could you not? Its just about the last place in the West where anything resembling sanity exists. Plus we really do have quite a few lovely girls down here.

    Ahem, again… F*ck America.

  11. The Ron Paul people are starting their move towards Gary Johnson and all things not Romney.

    Why not tell them that you are strongly opposed to the central government and you want to break away? That you want to go back to the America of the Founders?

    It’s a good conversation starter.

  12. “Years from now, on some future Southern Independence Day, I will walk past a small strawberry blonde child in the crowd holding a Confederate flag. I will then smile broadly knowing the future of the South is secure.”

    How? I see no hope. How?

    The only avenue for change is total economic collapse, the likes of which the world has never seen. I wish it weren’t true, but we all know it is.

    I mean fuck, just look at the multicultural charade tonight.

  13. Everyone is so utterly plugged into the matrix that is Amerika. I see it in my family, I even see it in my blond haired, green eyed, [S]outhern girlfriend. She comes from good stock, too. She told me that when she was a little girl, she asked her granddaddy who is the man in the picture hanging on the wall … he replied “Jesus”, and she countered, “that’s not Jesus”. Her granddad went on to say that that man is Robert E. Lee, and he’s the might as well be Jesus.

    WTF happened. It’s that open sewer line called the television. It’s the most potent weapon in the history of mankind and we all know who controls it.

    The only solace is the understanding that this social experiment can’t last. I’m sick of this nightmare, I want it to end. But when will it end? No one knows.

  14. Its the last gasp, guys. The “multicultural parade” is just that…a parade. Everyone not on the stage tonight is white. The last gasp of the baby boomers and their hokey semi-conservative “Americanism”.

  15. Is it over yet, for tonight?

    Good idea, Afterthought. Ron Paul’s many, mostly young followers must be guided away, not to return to wallow in that mire.

  16. The key is to integrate Ron Paul supporters (especially the youth) in the South into a Confederate reactionary movement. Be innocent as doves and wise as serpents. Move them into our camp.

  17. Even the Free Republic is up in arms about Romney’s Rules of Order power grab.

    Essentially in the GOP primary, Money will decide who wins Florida, and that will be the nominee no matter who wins in Iowa and New Hampshire (two white states, I might add).

    Even a quixotic run from a Ron Paul can end nowhere against the money men who write and rewrite the rules at will.

    As Hunter Wallace pointed out using the Texas redistricting ruling, in order to “take back America” you have to not only win elections, but defy the courts. SO even if the first half of your strategy is electoral, the second half must be outside of the written rules.

    It’s far simpler for the majority white areas to simply start from scratch; in one fell swoop no more “fiscal” dilemma, which is really just code for having a black/brown ball and chain around the white economy.

  18. Eric, my son in law mentioned my daughter knowing more negro jokes then him was a turn on when they 1st meet….

    I start in with negro jokes pretty quick when I meet women. If they protests, I next them

    Apuleius, what a fine vision you have my freind

  19. Don’t be so pessimistic, Mighty. Things are never as bad as they seem.
    The Yankee BRA empire is doomed, not the Southern people.

    The multicultural charade you saw tonight should remind you why the “party of Lincoln” will never be fit to represent white Southerners. It came in to existence solely for the purpose of setting negroes over white Southern men. It has not ever changed.

    Of all the speakers tonight, how many were Southerners?
    Where do you think white Southerners really stand in the GOP?

    The opportunities to reclaim Southern independence will present themselves over the coming years. Of that you may be assured. If it takes total economic collapse to change, then that’s what it takes. We have no future in BRA. That much is clear.

    If the only thing we are willing to fight for is what is in our wallets, then I think we are indeed very far gone. Maybe we just need to forsake worship of the Yankee greenback to realize that our people and our progeny are what is really important.

    When you look at BRA you will see no hope for us. BRA is designed for our subjugation.

    Look a little closer to home if you want to find reason for hope. Personally, I find it impossible not to have hope for the future whenever I am in the presence of a small child. Assuming of course, that the child is not some pickaninny from Haiti, Somalia, or wherever… Some people find them cute. I don’t.

    If it is on teevee, it is not to be believed.
    Reality is far better than the kabuki theatre of Amurrican politics.
    And far more hopeful.

    Deo Vindice

  20. Stonelifter: great stuff!

    Guys its shifting. I say completely racist stuff to the 30 and younger crowd and it goes over quite well. X2 if they have kids in school. We are the tip of the sword here, but a big, mean blade is following us. It will kill BRA. Mark my words.

  21. You guys are watching the Republican Convention? Holy cow! Talk about being starved for entertainment. I don’t have TV in my home, but if I did I’d sooner watch the quarterfinals of the National Paint-Drying Competition than any political convention. I mean, good grief. Go outside and admire the moon. Look at cat pictures on the Internet. Watch a Barnaby Jones rerun on YouTube. Do anything but sit in front of the teevee looking at that bunch of clueless dopes and their stupid balloon drop.

  22. E.H.: “The key is to integrate Ron Paul supporters (especially the youth) in the South into a Confederate reactionary movement. Be innocent as doves and wise as serpents. Move them into our camp.”

    Tell us more, and what about guiding the northern supporters, the most numerous?

  23. No, I lost interest when they cut to The Weather Channel which is more interesting than these speeches. BTW, the Republicans had several non-White speakers, but if you were watching MSNBC, you didn’t see them because they cut to commercial.

  24. Good stuff with Coulter.

    As for Northern Ron Paulistas…theyre on their own. I know a lot of Paulistas in Texas. Thats all that concerns me at the moment. The breakup of the Union is the obsession of my life from this moment on.

  25. ” I don’t have TV in my home, but if I did I’d sooner watch the quarterfinals of the National Paint-Drying Competition”

    You’re missing a good match. The media types love their wonderboy, krylon gloss black with fancy nozzle but me and the other dudes in my fantasy leauge that aren’t as impressed with showboating like dupont 25xx series epoxy primer. My second fav is aliphatic polyurethane in mil color 383 Forrest green but that SOB just sucks in the quick games. More of an endurance type of coating ya know?

  26. “If so, he’s tossed his man card on the trash heap and woman don’t vote or like betas. Plus, Romney the kitchen b*tch will be a laughing stock if he has to deal with Putin or hajjis…”- Stone

    Occasionally, it’s statements like this, that make coming to this website worthwhile.
    I can do without the perpetual use of swearing, but once in a while, a good Anglo-Saxon word does cut through the fog…..


    God Bless America and the GOP!

  28. “Reality is far better than the kabuki theatre of Amurrican politics.
    And far more hopeful.”- Apu

    Ditto to this one.

    And yeah, ditch the TV. It’s the “American IDOL”. And ye shall not practice idolatry.

  29. Hale,

    If you consciously strip your words of French, Greek and Latin you are left with extraordinary poems that raise the hairs on your neck.

    Orwell did this as a matter of course in his great works.

  30. “If you consciously strip your words of French, Greek and Latin you are left with extraordinary poems that raise the hairs on your neck.”

    I think what you mean to say is, “If you willfully strip your words… left with poems men will mark, that raise the hairs etc”

    See what I did there?

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