Live Thread: Republican National Convention


Update: Live commentary at @occdissent on Twitter.

I just flipped on the television to the Republican National Convention in Tampa for the first time and there was some negress on the stage talking about how Amurrica is the last best hope of the earth.

Note: It will be a slow night. I’ve already hit the gym this afternoon. I’m going to watch this tonight just for the lulz.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Strip off the Latin, strip the garment to cloth, loosen this old bodice and let a new world breathe…

    @ A Somali Muslim family, all in their bloody robes, and in their midst, a WHITE MAN in a Muslim Robe….

    The tide turns when all tools are assured it’s not CLASSY to go around like that. That only rubes do this. Sad but true. They must be made to feel EMBARRASSED. Like this is not a sign of being in anybody’s “in” crowd, but a sign of being gutted, like a fish.

    Just bitching about it does no good.

  2. lol, didn’t notice the robe juxtaposition—

    Oh! Anti-White with blacks in Muslim robes…rubes all!

    Strip off this Latin, the garment to cloth, loosen this old bodice and let the new world breathe and speak its brave address…

  3. I wasn’t writing a poem Grinchy.

    Tear out the sick words of the outsider from your mouth
    Then your truth will be brighter in your own house.

    It’s actually quite a good idea for ad people too.

  4. Unlike Fr. John, I make a healthy distinction between Muslims in regards to his sentiments which distinction pretty much travels the line of Muslims hailing from, for example, sub Saharan Africa, whose environs the American military this far has not committed war crimes against, and Muslims hailing from lands such as Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya etc etc whose lands Zionist-owned America has occupied, is occupying , has invaded and decimated on false grounds, etc.

    It is quintessential chutzpah to demand deportation of Muslims living here who are from lands which the US military has occupied or is occupying, waging war, has bases, are funding because they have puppetized themselves, refraining from war with Israel, etc. If we want them out of here we must concomitantly get out of there
    and I would advise such as Fr John there is no violation of the rules of English to
    conflate the two desired actions in one sentence.

  5. Well I can say that after just seeing 2016 we can now put the “Frank Marshall Davis is Barrak Obama’s real father” myth to rest. In it Dinesh D’Souza interviews Barrak’s half brother who lives in the Kenyan Slum and the guy is a splitting image of Barrak Obama, just much darker. He has the EXACT same face, mouth, and body posture. I’ll admit I didn’t see much resemblance in the few photos of B. Obama Sr. and the magic one, but unless Frank Marshall Davis was busy siring children in Kenya, Obama Sr. has to be the real father.
    I’d also recommend seeing the movie as it is a new perspective of Obama you don’t get from conservative blogs who see him in the same vein as the secular Jewish left we are all so familiar with. It even uses the term “anti-white” but is something that won’t scare away the average viewer. It also tackles head on the white guilt phenomenon that propelled an unknown state senator into the White House over insiders like Hillary and McCain, saying in no uncertain terms that the only reason Obama got where he is was because white people felt morally superior inside by supporting him. Very persuasive to show suburban white women who got caught up in the feel good insanity of 2008 by warning them just how bad four more years of this America hater will be on their pocketbook and the future of their children, something they can understand.

  6. FYI – Paul is feeding the crowd what it wants to hear.

    It’s terrifying to know that these Liberal RINO’S are the only thing between us, and Holder. But they are….

  7. I got into a nasty bitch-slapping fight, with a Rapid Republican. A REAL Conservative….heh heh heh…Booyah!

    Race is still THE Prime Taboo in the USA. The GOPukes are complete Marxists, these days. Hysterical, vicious, deranged and infinitely more xelf-deluding than open Lefties.

  8. Gooks will side with niggers whenever it’s advantageous for them — like in the 2008 election. However, after 4 years of flash-mob attacks and the Africanization of America, gooks are now afraid that if white people are taken out of the picture, then gooks may end up being the new “white people” — in a black country! Oh noh noh noh! Mee soh sahree meestah wyta man! Prees cuhm bah! Bracks sumash my stoh!

  9. Caught a glimpse of Huckabee on the screen when passing by, and that was enough. I heard the Baptist calming worried Christians, saying he cares less about where Romney goes to church than about where he can take the country. Theology is less important than economics. Or is it?

  10. amspirnational says:
    August 29, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    Unlike Fr. John, I make a healthy distinction between Muslims in regards to his sentiments which distinction pretty much travels the line of Muslims hailing from, for example, sub Saharan Africa, whose environs the American military this far has not committed war crimes against, and Muslims hailing from lands such as Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya etc etc whose lands Zionist-owned America has occupied, is occupying , has invaded and decimated on false grounds, etc.

    It is quintessential chutzpah to demand deportation of Muslims living here who are from lands which the US military has occupied or is occupying, waging war, has bases, are funding because they have puppetized themselves, refraining from war with Israel, etc. If we want them out of here we must concomitantly get out of there
    and I would advise such as Fr John there is no violation of the rules of English to
    conflate the two desired actions in one sentence.

    Who cares where they come from?? I see the black robed hags in my once all white American suburb of Houston and I want them out!! Along with the Sari robed Indians who have taken over our neighborhood!!

  11. JimBob, linking the deportation of Islamic “refugees” with getting out of their countries ourselves, once and for all, is an excellent plan.

  12. nothing in islam is compatible with the West or the ideals of limited govt. What’s his name would know that if he knew anything about islam in reality vs their propaganda and if he wasn’t a liberal on these things. It’s so easy to spot the liberal/ indoctrinated around here

  13. We have learned tonight that porn use is only a small thing, and that there is nothing about Islam that is incompatible with Western civilisation.

  14. Isn’t it funny how these neocons demand we fight Islam, then they invite Islam into all white countries?

    Fight Islam, invite Islam???

    Does that make any sense?

    It only looks like nonsense, if you make the assumption these people mean us well.

    On the other hand, their policy makes perfect sense, if you assume they know exactly what they are doing and they mean whites harm.

  15. Same tricks as Ummayad Spain. Osama didn’t want the caliphate back. It’s actually something that is in Jewish interests to recreate. A constant series of conflicts between mulsim and Christian in all nations. The chaos of race mixing is their ambrosia.

  16. Have you read large portions of the koran and the hadith? Studied the history of islam or lived in moslem nations? or do you know the topic based on your yankee-ness and superior German-ness?

  17. I actually agree with you (that there is nothing COMPATIBLE) but my mis-reading of your comment (nothing INcompatible) surprised me and I wrote too quickly without re-checking. The other poster maintained it is not necessarily incompatible, with which I disagree as much as you do.

    I have studied those works rather casually, over many years, since long before 9/11, but haven’t thought them worthy of spending much time, or any deep, serious study, and yes, I have VERY little first-hand experience with Muslims, and I’m not seeking any.

  18. JimmyGears: It’s because the YKW want Muslims to be a problem for the West, just as they are a problem for Israel. That way, the West can be duped into fighting their wars.

  19. The only thing that can make Yankeeness worse than it is by itself is to add superior Germanness to it.

  20. most folks don’t get islam is a form of govt and a religion all in one with no separation between the two

    Mosin you insult every group of Whites there are in PA expect Germans; that’s a clear sign you think you and Germans are better then other Whites. This type of thinking comes out in a large number of your posts

  21. LOL, what is there in the convention to pay attention to? We all know the convention is words from lairs

  22. I do get that about Islam, and I’m sorry I mis-read that comment and responded without re-checking. But the porn thing and the slavery thing had me going.

    Germans are not necessarily superior to other white ethnic groups and have many distinctive weaknesses or faults, but they have been the superior farmers in PA, over the Quaker English for example, as I explained above.

  23. “313Chris says:
    August 30, 2012 at 1:34 am
    Gooks will side with niggers whenever it’s advantageous for them — like in the 2008 election. However, after 4 years of flash-mob attacks and the Africanization of America, gooks are now afraid that if white people are taken out of the picture, then gooks may end up being the new “white people” — in a black country! Oh noh noh noh! Mee soh sahree meestah wyta man! Prees cuhm bah! Bracks sumash my stoh!”

    LOL!!1 For real. Chris – I love you, and always will. After the day I had today, trying to deal with Nigger loving Marxist Conservatives (Chris – I have a STRONG stomach – but I had to stop…listening….) – that last bit made me laugh.

    For this I thank you.

    I’ve made my decision. I’m holing up inthe TN National Forest for the next 30 years. That’s it. I’m done. They have deer, and polecats. That’s all I need.

  24. In terms of bombing raids Hamburg was far more effective than any other raid. Basically like dropping a nuke. Dresden overrated.

  25. “I’m holing up inthe TN National Forest for the next 30 years. That’s it.”

    No, Greenland. Farming abandoned Viking lands in Greenland. Potatoes, turnips, sheep.

  26. “They have deer, and polecats. That’s all I need.”

    Polecats? Why would you need skunks? We have plenty of those in Washington…

    “Isn’t it funny how these neocons demand we fight Islam, then they invite Islam into all white countries?”

    “Invade the world, invite the world” has been the standard playbook for the federal government since the Spanish-American War. Why do you think we have so many Cubans, Phillipinos, Puerto Ricans, Koreans, Laotians, Hmong, Vietnamese, Somalians, and Arabs in Amurrica?

    The only thing the convention demonstrates is how far off the deep end the GOP has gone. And I thought the Democrats were insane. The retarded sociopathic Republicans remind me of Carl in the movie Slingblade.
    Just tell them to bring an ambulance or a hearse…

    Deo Vindice

  27. There is no West left if you mean a West that can stand on its own independent of both the US and Russia.
    That being the case, Germany in particular, but others also, must at least loosely align
    with White Russia and away from Zionist-dominated multicult America. Both need each other also to keep Islam at bay, but also as friends,junior partners when possible to defeat AmIsrael. A Russ defense of Syria and Iran just now for example
    impedes AmIsrael’s attempts to neuter the latter.
    When the Evil Amisrael Empire is defeated, we can come home and get back to the task of rebuilding our Nation here. “Euro-Russ” will be helping us in the long run.

  28. It was bottom of the barrel pathetic: a stream of GOP pablum, followed by a call for US subservience to Israel/Sheldon Adelson.

  29. First thing I heard about it was a top of the hour radio newsbreak where they played a “man on the street” interview with a flaming homo (or a regular guy who talked like a flaming homo) who couldn’t have been more excited about Romney and planned to volunteer for the campaign.

    I said oh no, that can’t be good.

  30. The Clint Eastwood bit was really amusing….

    Romney did great, until he bowed down before Adelson. But he’s just pleasing his boss.

    He brought it back up again.

    The enrgy was there. The CROWD was there.

    The visuals were there. The stage was filled with VERY PRETTY WHITE people, at the end.

    I know Romney’s a jerk, and a Globalist, blah blah blah – but except for his Hebe genuflection detour – he did great.

    He talked aobut family, and jobs. That IS what most folks care about. I kw he won’t do FOR Whites, as a group – but he LIVED what Kevin MacDonald calls implicitly White.

    He’s a true WASP aristocrat. (Yes I know he’s a Mormon) Yup. He and Ann. It’s in all the little gestures and inflections.

    All the kids are little blondes. That matters.

  31. I got home earlier, walked in the door and the TV was on the RNC. I simply walked over, grabbed the remote and hastily changed the channel.
    I can not even stand to hear any of that garbage. They are all traitorious bastards.
    All of them make me sick. There is not one person I have any respect for in this whole entire Government.
    It is such a load of crap.

  32. It’s a very bad idea to villify other euro populations. Certainly now that whites in the US are facing minority status in less than a generation.

  33. @John

    The GOP is a political party composed almost totally of white people, but it is absolutely not a “white” party. It doesn’t in any way represent the interests of white people in America or anywhere else.

    Russia (& China) has angered the neocons cause they support Assad and protect Iran from attack. The Israel Firsters want Assad gone and Iran attacked.

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