Live Thread: Republican National Convention


Update: Live commentary at @occdissent on Twitter.

I just flipped on the television to the Republican National Convention in Tampa for the first time and there was some negress on the stage talking about how Amurrica is the last best hope of the earth.

Note: It will be a slow night. I’ve already hit the gym this afternoon. I’m going to watch this tonight just for the lulz.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Russian birthrate started to decline in the late 70s, this lead Emanuel Todd to conclude in “La Chute Final” that the USSR would implode within a decade.

    Believing Russia to be a threat after understanding the demographic impact of lower fertility rates is mad or absurd.

  2. There is no need to villify them either. Not sure why we cannot come up with some new version of the Monroe Doctrine where we and Russia agree which parts of the world we’ll play ball in and which parts we’ll leave alone so we don’t rub the others rhubarb

  3. The only thing a Romney victory will do for me is the satifaction of watching that nigger bastard and his ghetto trash nigger wife leaving the White house.
    I just want to see the look in the coons eyes when he gives his departing speech after a humiliating defeat.
    A one term presidency, the legacy of a failed nigger, should be forever attached to him and his babbon ghetto filth wife.
    I would love to see the niggers bitter and angry because their golden boy is OUT and is replaced by a White man.

    But, once Romney is in, nothing will change, the anti-White agenda will
    still be moving full speed ahead. Immigration, support for Israel and Wall Street will still be intact.
    Romney will bend over backwards to accomadate niggers and wetbacks to prove he is not racists.

  4. The blowhards of the press have pounced on everything already. So Romney appears to have rattled them. He came across as credible but too proIsraeli.

  5. Even though both parties are controlled by the Jews, my gut tells me that Obama is less Zionist than Romney, in his heart. It’s therefore very difficult for me to vote for the man who has a greater capacity for that which I hate more than anything in non-Jewish human beings.

    The less I go down for the Jews, the better. Look at Romney. Look at Bush. Look at Obama. Who has the smallest Star of David on their sleeve? Obama.

  6. The hostility to Russia makes no sense. It makes no sense, that is, from the standpoint of an ordinary American looking for answers. How does making Russia an enemy help with jobs or the economy? It doesn’t, obviously; however, once you raise the question, “how does it benefit the Jew,” the reasons for Romney’s hostility become perfectly clear.

    1) Russia is impeding American/Zionist geopolitical goals the middle east re: Syria and Iran.

    2) Apart from Iran and Syria, Putin has a history of not always going along with what Jews want. Putin threw Mikhail Khodorkovsky and a number of other “Russian” oligarchs in jail. Usually described as “Russian” in Western media, Khodorkovsky is actually a Jew. He was the16th richest person in the world at one time. Despite this, Putin clapped his ass in irons and threw him in jail for massive theft of Russian wealth.

    Jews think in global terms. Putin is blocking the Jewish agenda on Iran and Syria, and he threw one of their billionaires in the slammer — a direct assault on Jewish power. It’s a safe bet Jews have Putin in the cross-hairs. They need a goy front man to do their dirty work, and Mitt Romney is the man for the job.

  7. Obama may be less of an Israel supporter than, Romney.
    But he is comprimised, I am sure they have loads of dirt on him. His homosexuality, his citizenship, his college records, ect.

    In the big picture, no way Obama can stand up to the tribe. In an instant they could ruin him in the media, he knows this.
    They made him and they can destroy him any time they want. He will do thier bidding when the time comes, he has no choice.
    The anti-White agenda of the tribe is just fine with Obama, don’t expect anything out of him, he hates YT more than he dislikes the tribe.

  8. “Rudel says:
    August 31, 2012 at 4:55 am
    Putin has actually been trying to take active steps to reverse this

    Bingo . Also – what Lew said.

    Putin is an old fashioned CZAR. A real one. He’s patiently rebuilding Russia, after the Talmudic destruction. He’s putting the clamps back on the Hebes. I can assure you he is NOT quaking with fear over Mitten’s empty threats.

    Romney is obviously a Zionist. It’s been to his advantage, of course. But I beleive inthe Law of Unintended Consequences. Romney’s America will to be able to do a bloody THING to Putin. Romney will have his hands more than full with America. Romney said “Jobs and Family” – and that’s what people will EXPECT. He will fail, of course – any-one will. America is too broken. So…interesting things will happen…

    Michael Moore is whining already, abour a Romney Presidency. It’s a Done Deal.

    The Nigs have begin whimpering. The Grand Mal Chimp Out is already building. We will get our Grand Mal Chimp Out. You’se guys haven’t noticed yet – but his speech contained a literal dismissal of Negroes tonight. Nigs are DONE.

    2012 America.

    Hitler’s Revenge.

    I can hear Putin chuckling, even now…..

  9. While I don’t think Putin is a good guy, that doesn’t make him our enemy in any fashion. I do believe he is dedicate to making Russia great again, however I also think he wants to skim a lot of money out of the process too. As well as a engage in all sorts self aggrandizing behaviors. Like I said, not a bad guy, not the enemy but necessarily our pals either. Which is ok by me

  10. Sean,

    I believe “they” know that Obama is not competent enough to be the face of WW3.

    If he were elected, their plans would therefore be stalled, giving us time.

    The most dangerous times for any country is wartime. We know the Church Commission report found that interests inside the US long ago decided that war was the easiest way to change the domestic population. One more massive war and the TSA will be doing proctology exams at the grocery checkout.

    The best chance we have is to not be diverted outside again. We need focus inside. We need to be locked in and deal with this situation. The enemy of the warring US is us, not them. No government that cared for their people would send them off to kill and die for ridiculous reasons. They hate us. War makes them stronger. Obama may do anything he is told, but he’s not the face of WW3. Romney? That’s another story.

  11. No government that cared for their people would send them off to kill and die for ridiculous reasons. They hate us. War makes them stronger.

    Well said Landshark. Well said. War is not strength it’s spending your strength and you best make sure the return on investment is worth it. Not sure how or when folks forgot that

  12. Good point, Landshark.
    But, if the tribe wanted, Romney. It would be clear in the leftist media outlets.
    If Obama wins, expect a lot of “change” this time around. Domestic change especially.
    Limited strikes on Iran (covert, but more out in the open) will start, not a WW3, but small enguagements setting the stage and tying us in a long conflict.
    I don’t see the tribe really wanting Romney to win.
    Obama will be much more brutal on White America than Romney would be and that is thier main goal. Getting YT out of the way to pave the way for a police state, that is a cake walk with anti-White Obama.

  13. It is not all about Isarel with the tribe. It is about their racial war against Whites first and foremost.
    Obama/Holder are perfect soldiers for them, perfect. They hate YT, they will not give any resistance to any anti-White agenda. Romney might.

  14. I was encouraged to watch the big speech, but forgot to begin counting the number of times the words “jobs” and “business” were used. I missed hearing ANYTHING about restoring our liberty and ending the Fed, welfare and income tax, etc. “Small business” came up once, as I remember, and I suppose the other references were to global mega-corporate “business.” The Mormon cult came up several times as the word “church.” I didn’t stay through the WAR section but returned just in time to see the beautiful family scene on stage afterwards, the highlight of the show.

    Now everyone must support (enthusiastically) this lesser of the two evils (all the while telling everyone the whole truth that it is indeed evil) since even 1% less is significant for us in the present crisis; and in the next election cycle, if there is one, everyone be involved (fully actively) but not follow all the directions of the Neocons who run the party machine.

  15. “A one term presidency, the legacy of a failed nigger, should be forever attached to him and his babbon ghetto filth wife.
    I would love to see the niggers bitter and angry because their golden boy is OUT and is replaced by a White man.”

    Aye. The chimpout will be epic. And goooooood for us.

    “But, once Romney is in, nothing will change, the anti-White agenda will
    still be moving full speed ahead. Immigration, support for Israel and Wall Street will still be intact.
    Romney will bend over backwards to accomadate niggers and wetbacks to prove he is not racists.”

    Once in, we begin browbeating Romney. Because, eviction of Onegro accomplished, next on the to-do list is putting the Frankenstein currently masquerading as the White People’s Party out of its misery.

    The Tea Party can help us, because, remember the lizards in the Republican leadership CHANGED THE RULES at the ending buzzer of the game when they inserted a post-facto clause at the convention that candidates must get 10, not just 5, states’ majorities in order to be eligible for nomination.
    The anti-White neocon Republican old guard did this so Paulites and other, future upstarts, couldn’t use the rules IN PLAY at the time to win the game.

    So, everything Romney does, us grassroots conservatives scream at the top of our lungs UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Give him not a second’s peace.

    Polarization is awesome!

    The Stupid Party hath gored itself to death by its own RINOS.

  16. There was nothing but neocons in the primaries, and Paul is an open borders, negro are oppressed, queers should marry and be in the military DWL

    We’ve been browbeating pols for decades and the left marches on. Why would browbeating Romney be different?

  17. I missed hearing ANYTHING about restoring our liberty and ending the Fed, welfare and income tax, etc. “Small business” came up once,

    I hope you realize that when the GOP demands “tax cuts for small business!!!” the GOP is actually demanding tax cuts for mega-corporations? The GOPs tax cuts for small business are another one of their schemes to funnel wealth from the white middle class to the elite disguised with a talking point to fool to the stupid (the typical Limbaugh/Hannity listener, Free Republic reader).

    When the conservative lumpen hears “tax cuts for small business,” they assumes the GOP means their friend’s locally-owned repair shop or corner grocery. This is not true.

    When the GOP says small business, they mean mega-corporations like Bechtel and Pricewaterhouse Cooper. These companies are huge but organized in ways that fit legal definition of a “small business.” Bechtel has 49,000 employees. Hence, they will be the beneficiaries of GOP policy.

    When are the lumpen drones in this country going to stop falling for GOP talking points? Lord.

    Never trust the GOP. They have no agenda but Israel and sending your money to the top without cutting off the bottom. It cannot be said often enough.

  18. Typical. The Menfolk are debating over each point and detal. The Women SEE the BIG Picture.

    Barb – RIGHTO. Amen Sister. PREACH!!!!!!!

    FYI – Big Hebes do want Romney. Obama’s not allowing them to gut and refashion Syria. And we still are not at war with Iran.

    By by OBummer.

    The other thing – the TV Nogs and Hebes are flipping out over Eastwood’s little bit. I thought he was hilarious. They literally don’t understand the language that White Men speak. He was as Old Guard WASPY as you can be. He was completely skewering ONegro – but they…don’t….get…it.

    This is great.

    Polarization Embodied.

    I can’t WAIT for the Democrapic Convention. The stark racial differneces are going to GLARE.

  19. Landshark – you are revealing your naivete and shallowness. I’m not trying to insult you. It’s just true. Lenin and Trotsky are the same beast.

    That’s like saying you will choose one poison over another poison.

    FYI – war will work for us. If you are afraid of getting called up – go AWOL. Bug out now. It’s OK. The smart Whites will go AWOL.

  20. Yet another war would ruin us. Stonelifter nailed it: “War is not strength it’s spending your strength”

  21. We are going to war with Iran – by hook or by crook. The Hebes want it. So DEAL with it. I’m not making the rules. I’m just calling it likes I sees it. Gottfried.

    I WANT the JooSA to break. Hunter uses the name “The Union”. I don’t care what you call Leviathan – ZOG must end.

  22. Denise says:

    “That’s like saying you will choose one poison over another poison.”

    Yup. That is the choice.

    Denise, our domestic agenda is thousands of times more vulnerable during wartime than peacetime.

    Women do not see the big picture. If women saw the big picture this world would be on the verge of greatness with the great unleashing of female power over the last 80 years. Instead we are on in a living hell.

    No. No. No. Your agenda is completely heinous Denise. Sure, the Jews want war with Iran. I don’t. You admit the likelihood of that war is less with Obama at the helm. The liberal left would freak and the republicans would be all over him. I am not naive. I want the trouble at home, where we deal with it. Period.

    If we have any integrity left as a nation, we need to use that to confront these domestic issues you are convinced Obama will unleash in his second term, not throw it down the drain in an attack on Iran. After Iran, win or lose, we will be so demoralized as a nation there will be nothing left worth preserving.

    One more act of Western brutality unleashed upon the world and they will take our guns. And we’ll be too sapped to fight it.

    This Iran War will have 5 times the propaganda leverage as WW2. And it will go in the same direction, and it will be starting 70 years past where it began.

    You think they are going to throw the army into Iran and we’ll be free to further our agenda here at home without that trouble. But the whole purpose of throwing the army into Iran is so that there will be absolutely no way we can further our agenda here at home.

    The only way through this is inward. We make them drink the Lenin poison so we’re not diverted by the Trotsky poison. We need them looking right as us. Staring at us, bug eyed and bowed up. Right into the whites of our eyes.

  23. Some local Tea Party audience thought his speech was especially good because it offered hope for their struggling small busineses. But as Lew wrote above: “(W)hen the GOP demands ‘tax cuts for small business!!!’ the GOP is actually demanding tax cuts for mega-corporations. (…) The GOPs tax cuts for small business are another one of their schemes to funnel wealth from the white middle class to the elite disguised with a talking point to fool to the stupid (the typical Limbaugh/Hannity listener, Free Republic reader). When the conservative lumpen hears ‘tax cuts for small business,’ they assumes the GOP means their friend’s locally-owned repair shop or corner grocery. This is not true. When the GOP says small business, they mean mega-corporations like Bechtel and Pricewaterhouse Cooper. These companies are huge but organized in ways that fit legal definition of a ‘small business.’ Bechtel has 49,000 employees. Hence, they will be the beneficiaries of GOP policy. When are the lumpen drones in this country going to stop falling for GOP talking points? (…) Never trust the GOP. They have no agenda but Israel and sending your money to the top without cutting off the bottom. It cannot be said often enough.”

  24. We are at a point, not unlike the one that Chamberlsin faced. He’s in control of the largest political power in the world, but not the biggest economic power in the world.

    Making war in such a situation should be a last ditched effort to stave off doom.

    Either way the US breaks up.

  25. “We’ve been browbeating pols for decades”

    Not even.

    Up to now Rush Limbaugh (arguably the most influential guy among middle class White American men) has been shilling for the Republican Party — irrespective of the tinpot dictatorial bolshevist inclinations of said “conservative.” But even ol’ RUSH is wandering off the reservation:


    We’ve not yet BEGUN to browbeat.

    We burnt down Capitol Hill’s phone lines when Republicans tried to sneak through amnesty in 2006, just on the say-so of John and Ken. Utterly stopped that particular little sneaky trick in its tracks.
    What tarring and feathering will the Dittoheads do if Rush says sic ’em? It would be spectacular.

    “Why would browbeating Romney be different?”

    Because if *Rush Limbaugh* is doing the browbeating, forced into it by his pissed-off listeners, impeachery upon Romney quickly becomes within the realm of possibility.

    Rush is the reason “this time it’s different.”

    I’m not kidding myself that Romney will be our friend and do something for White folks. But, just preventing him from furthering the screw-Whitey agenda is a huge something.

  26. “We’ve been browbeating pols for decades”

    Not even.

    Up to now Rush Limbaugh (arguably the most influential guy among middle class White American men) has been shilling for the Republican Party — irrespective of the tinpot dictatorial bolshevist inclinations of said “conservative.” But even ol’ RUSH is wandering off the reservation:


    We’ve not yet BEGUN to browbeat.

    We burnt down Capitol Hill’s phone lines when Republicans tried to sneak through amnesty in 2006, just on the say-so of John and Ken. Utterly stopped that particular little sneaky trick in its tracks.
    What tarring and feathering will the Dittoheads do if Rush says sic ’em? It would be spectacular.

    “Why would browbeating Romney be different?”

    Because if *Rush Limbaugh* is doing the browbeating, forced into it by his pissed-off listeners, impeachery upon Romney quickly becomes within the realm of possibility.

    Rush is the reason “this time it’s different.”

    I’m not kidding myself that Romney will be our friend and make life better for White folks. But, just preventing him from furthering the screw-Whitey agenda is a huge something.

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