Why I Love The South


Over the weekend, I was furious because I was convinced my wallet had been stolen by the Black Undertow while I was working out in the gym.

It turns out that I had set it on top of my SUV while getting gas and it had blown off when I absentmindedly got back on the road. It was gone at that point. It was a lost cause with no hope of recovery.

Today, I got a message from someone who had found my wallet: a White man on his way back from church who stopped in the middle of the road to get my wallet which was tumbling through traffic.

After making several failed inquires to various people he knows who live in my area, he finally found me on Facebook. Now I get my wallet back which contains all my personal information including various items which would be difficult for me to replace.

This is actually the second time that I have lost my wallet and a stranger has tracked me down and returned it. Both strangers were White Southerners and sympathized with my plight enough to save me from misfortune.

If I had lost my wallet in a place like New York City or Los Angeles, would someone have returned it?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Note that he “was coming from church”!

    Let the churches and the fear of God and the love for one’s neighbour die completely, and then ALL wallets will be stolen or driven over, and the nation also die and disappear.

  2. Born and raised New Yorker. Have have found two wallets in my lifetime (backseat of cabs) which I had the pleasure of returning both, interestingly, to Southern White women visiting NYC. One was from Alabama and offered me cash which I politely refused. A week later I received a case of fruit preserves from the woman. Southerners are class acts.

    In my own case, lost my wallet once. (Again, left in back of cab. Reflexively I do a double take when exiting now). It was returned to me by a cab patron, sans the cash. Lost cell phones have NEVER been returned to me in NYC. One was apparently sold at a flea market to a Hispanic invader who repeatedly called me from the phone’s contact info and demanded that I pay the SOB to get my phone back.

  3. As a person who is devoid of any religious beliefs….

    I have returned two wallets in the past two years (one man’s and a woman’s). I tracked them down by calling their credit card company, having the card company tell them where to pick up their belongings.

    In other news.. my city now has a group of black kids (one reported as young as ten) robbing people at gun point in broad daylights. Local press as usual, refuses to give any description that might hint at their race.

  4. I lost my ATM card a few years ago at a gas station here in South Florida. Within two hours of the loss, the negro who “found” it ran up a $800 bill for a shopping spree at Marshall’s and some other stores at a local strip mall. Thankfully, I was able to successfully dispute the charges and was informed when they caught the “finder” using video surveillance cameras.

    Most white Southerners are the salt of the earth and true Christians in both word and deed. They are too busy leading good and decent lives to attract much attention, which is why skeptics never seem to notice them. If I had lost that ATM card in my hometown, the outcome would have been completely different.

    God bless the South!

    Deo Vindice

  5. Chris says:
    ‘Lost cell phones have NEVER been returned to me in NYC. One was apparently sold at a flea market to a Hispanic invader who repeatedly called me from the phone’s contact info and demanded that I pay the SOB to get my phone back.’

    Same thing happened to my niece who teaches sixth graders. She has caught ‘youffs’ in her class digging through her purse on occassion. Once, her cell phone was missing, a few days later she got a call from a shwartz who said he found her phone and she could pick it up at a ghetto McDonalds for $50.00. Found it my ass. She told it -‘No thanks.’

  6. In NY/LA, they would sold it to the nearest identity theft merchant. Some of your writings on the South are so good I would print them for my grandparents if they were still alive.

    The fact that such Christians is one reason I have never been able to buy into WNist anti-Christianity. I’m an atheist but recognize most of them are harmless, decent, productive people who mind their own business and contribute to society. There is no doubt they are hardened racial egalitarians, but then again so is the rest of society including most pagans and atheists. The Christian rank-and-file is just dutifully following their leaders in going along with these ideas. Most of them, at least in the South, didn’t hold these views until fairly recently. My grandfathers attended a Baptist church for years and were segregationists until the day they died.

    Having been subverted, it’s the top Christian leadership and what they are teaching on the racial front that is the problem, not the rank-and-file like the person who found your wallet.

    The Southern Baptists change their name; the Catholics praise and support immigration; the Mormons renounce excluding blacks and create ads featuring mixed race couples. I’d bet money every one of these changes came from the top down rather than bottom up.

  7. Happy to hear Hunter. 🙂

    But since you mention NYC.

    I’ve had a driver’s license mailed to me by a Puerto in NYC.

    My Swiss-White Colombian friend biked to a guy’s house in Brooklyn with a wallet he found the other day.

    NYC is the belly of the beast but there is still good here.

  8. One was apparently sold at a flea market to a Hispanic invader who repeatedly called me from the phone’s contact info and demanded that I pay the SOB to get my phone back.

    No joke. This scam must circulates in the spic community. The same thing happened to my father except in New Orleans not NY. My father lost his cell phone. My mom texted the phone “if anyone finds this, please call/text…” She got a call from a spic (my word not hers) shortly thereafter. The woman said “I found your phone. Is there a $100 reward?” My dad didn’t need the hassle, so he met her at a gas station and gave the bitch the money. She had a couple of brown toddlers in tow, no doubt anchor baby welfare cases.

    It won’t be much longer for this country.

  9. The road to atheism is evaluating the Bible as a literal scientific document and then scoffing at the contradictions. The function of religion though is to regulate behavior within and between groups.

  10. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘If there is a moral to this story, it is that Christianity and ethnic homogeneity have many small benefits.’

    This should have Catholics and Chris Matthews doing cartwheels.


    Next pope will be African according to odds from Irish bookmaker
    Nigerian and Ghana cardinals are the favorites to succeed say oddsmakers

    The list comes at a time of increased health problems for Pope Benedict, who, at 85, has begun using a cane and is appearing more frail.

    Favorite is Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria, who is 15/8 (bet eight to win fifteen), while in second place is Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana at 9/4.

    That’s two top Africans in the top two spots according to the bookmaker’s odds.

    In third place in the odds is Archbishop Angelo Scola of Venice at 7/1 while in fourth is Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiago of Honduras at 10/1 while Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith at 33.1 rounds out the top five.

  11. As a Southerner who lived in Boston and then Lynnfield Massachusetts (west of Salem of witchy-fame), I’ve lost stuff in Boston twice. Never got it (Student ID) back. But I did loose my wallet once in Lynnfield (outside a convenience store) and had a stranger call me and return it.

  12. @Lew.

    It was your father’s property. Taking it back at gunpoint would’ve been justifiable imho.

  13. I currently see the bible as God’s warning to everyone else. This could change.

    The Bible: Watch Your Back With These People.

  14. God I love us. This kinda stuff happens to me from time to time and it just reminds me why I’m a Southern Nationalist. Best people in the world. Worth fighting for.

  15. @ John: “Why I like Southerners? They are the last English holdout. Apart from the Cotswolds.”

    Southern Delmarva (peninsula of southern Delaware, eastern Maryland and a little piece of Virginia, is a very English-heritage place, with just a trace of New Sweden and black slave descendents. Their local English dialect is unchanged for centuries.

  16. “the Mormons renounce excluding blacks and create ads featuring mixed race couples. I’d bet money every one of these changes came from the top down rather than bottom up.” – Lew

    As far as the LDS are concerned, it WAS a ‘top down’ event. The President of the Church (Kimball, at the time?) had a ‘REVELATION’ from ‘GOD’ that denied the Scriptural veracity of the D & C, which Smith had written, saying that Blacks would NEVER have the Priesthood. In 1979, ‘God’ changed his/her/its mind….. at least they say He did….

    Sam- “Next pope will be African according to odds from Irish bookmaker
    Nigerian and Ghana cardinals are the favorites to succeed say oddsmakers…”

    That would only prove my assertion that Rome is the Whore of Babylon, just as the Reformers called her, and the Orthodox view her, to this very day….. Anathema sit.

  17. Fr. John+ says:
    “the Mormons renounce excluding blacks and create ads featuring mixed race couples. I’d bet money every one of these changes came from the top down rather than bottom up.” – Lew

    ‘As far as the LDS are concerned, it WAS a ‘top down’ event. The President of the Church (Kimball, at the time?) had a ‘REVELATION’ from ‘GOD’ that denied the Scriptural veracity of the D & C, which Smith had written, saying that Blacks would NEVER have the Priesthood. In 1979, ‘God’ changed his/her/its mind….. at least they say He did….’

    They had a revelation alright. Wasn’t from God. It was from political pressure and impending loss of their tax exempt status.

    Interesting information on this page. How anyone can rationalize the new revelation with past teachings is a great example of cognitive dissonance.


    Events leading up to the revelation in 1978.
    The Church has maintained that the 1978 revelation giving blacks the priesthood was not due to any form of public pressure but was simply God’s will that blacks should not be given the priesthood until 1978. (Ha ha. Baloney. )

    Check out this heading at the site for the scoop.

    Consider the following events that directly proceeded the 1978 revelation:

  18. It’s a matter of high trust, dense social capital/ social networks environments vs low trust, thin social capital environments. You don’t have to be Christian to benefit from the high trust dense social capital that large number of Christians in your AO produces. Study after study shows rural and religious areas are of the high trust, dense social capital/ social networks vs secular and urban areas. Dense ethnic affiliation also create high trust, dense social capital/ social networks environments while diversity creates low trust, thin social capital environments. But here is the kicker, if I understand correctly White cities with a variety of White ethnic groups create low trust, thin social capital environments. Think Baltimore of the 1960’s in the link from Vdare I posted a while back

    “The road to atheism is evaluating the Bible as a literal scientific document and then scoffing at the contradictions…” Hunter

    My maternal grandfather had a Phd in physics. He use to say evaluating evolution is what turned him to God

  19. Always carry two wallets so if you get mugged you can give the old junky one to the criminal. Also, throw your wallet at his feet. When he is bending over to pick it up, SHOOT HIM!

  20. Sam: Next pope will be African according to odds from Irish bookmaker
    Nigerian and Ghana cardinals are the favorites to succeed say oddsmakers

    The list comes at a time of increased health problems for Pope Benedict, who, at 85, has begun using a cane and is appearing more frail.

    Favorite is Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria, who is 15/8 (bet eight to win fifteen), while in second place is Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana at 9/4.

    Interesting; the more so since, according to the prophecy of St Malachy (a 12th-centurry Irish monk on a visit to Rome), the next pope will be the last one. The prophecy identifies him as Peter of Rome. Or maybe Peter of Accra?

    Fr John: …denied the Scriptural veracity of the D & C, which Smith had written, saying that Blacks would NEVER have the Priesthood.

    To be fair, there is not, never was such a scripture. I was raised Mormon, and well remember from my childhood (alas, long before 1978, and before civil rights) that it was always acknowledged that the time would come when the negroes could receive the Priesthood, and this would be revealed to the prophet.

    I’m sure the timing was influenced by the societal pressures of the day, just as the abandonment of polygamy was. This doesn’t necessarily imply bad faith. I imagine that, if you sincerely believe that your calling as the head of a church entitles you to the gift of prophecy, then you might very well mistake a belief in the rightness of a course of action for the “promptings of the spirit”. I don’t think Mormons are unique in this.

  21. This doesn’t necessarily imply bad faith. I imagine that, if you sincerely believe that your calling as the head of a church entitles you to the gift of prophecy, then you might very well mistake a belief in the rightness of a course of action for the “promptings of the spirit”. I don’t think Mormons are unique in this.

    I would bet my last dollar you are correct.

  22. I read in the Iliad and Odyssey, the Bhagavad Gita, or the Edda nightly before bed, and I return wallets. Honesty does not require Christianity.

  23. By the way, Hunter, I’ve never been to New York or L.A., but I can tell you one other place, outside the South, where you would have got your wallet back. Provo, Utah.

    On my first visit to Provo, to visit my daughter, we went out for dinner. Afterward, she gave me her phone to hold while she strapped her baby in the car seat. She was having trouble, so I put the phone down to help her. We’d gone a couple of miles before I realised I’d put it, and left it, on top of the car. What can I say? I’m old.

    I thought that was the end of it, but she insisted on driving back to see if she could find it. We arrived in the parking lot, by now deserted, and, of course, no phone. Still she didn’t give up. She went to the one business still open… and came back with the phone. Somebody had found it and handed it in, in case the owner should come looking for it.

    What blew me away was not that the finder didn’t just keep the phone. Think of the multiple assumptions implicit in this series of events. This person found a phone, assumed that the owner would assume that it was at least possible he would not just steal it, assumed that the store owner would not steal it, assumed that the phone’s owner would assume the same thing… everybody just took it for granted that everybody else would act honourably, and expect the same of him.

    As I queued at the airport for my flight home, I got another reminder that I wasn’t in Africa any more. There was a quarter lying on a counter past which the queue wound. I picked it up, just to make sure it wasn’t glued down, put it down and said to the man behind me, “Only in Utah. All these people ahead of us have passed that coind, thought ‘Not mine’, and and left it lying there.” Of course, he spoiled it by picking up the coin as soon as I turned my back, but then, he was from out of state.

  24. Two reasons why I am dedicated to the South:

    I lost my wallet in Walmart in Jacksonville, FL (when I used to stupidly shop there on occasion). When I realized it fell out of the cart I ran to the customer service department teary-eyed. Low and below, two white women who had stumbled upon it turned it into customer service.

    Also, back in 1980, when travelling from New York to Texas with two female friends, we got a flat tire in Mississippi. Low and behold, a white truck driver – with Missisppi plates – stopped and changed the tire, refusing financial compensation.

    One reason why I question the South:

    On that same trip from New York to Texas, we stopped and asked a white man and white woman if there was a place we could go swimming to escape the hot Mississippi summer. They sent us to a nigger swimming hole! Either they were getting revenge for “that war” or they were nigger lovers themselves!

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