Southerners Want Their Country Back

New York

H/T Palmetto Patriot

Honestly, I can’t help but laugh at this, and wonder why anyone would call Amurrica a “nation,” or desire to preserve the Union with people as loathsome as Harold Meyerson.

We have more in common with foreigners like the Australians or the English or even the Russians and Japanese than we do with the Black Undertow in this country that lives in a parallel universe.

“The Republican ticket may hail from Massachusetts and Wisconsin, but Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan head the most Southernized major U.S. political party since Jefferson Davis’ day. In its hostility toward minorities,exploitation of racism, antipathy toward government and suspicion of science, today’s Republican Party represents the worst traditions of the South’s dankest backwaters.

No other party in U.S. history has done such a 180. Founded as the party of the anti-slavery North and committed to deep governmental involvement in spurring the economy (land-grant colleges, the Homestead Act, the transcontinental railway), today’s GOP is the negation of Abraham Lincoln’s Republicans. It is almost entirely white — 92 percent, compared with just 58 percent of Democrats. It is disproportionately Southern — 49 percent of Republicans live in the South vs. 39 percent of Democrats.

The beliefs of the white South dominate Republican thinking. As the white share of the U.S. population shrinks and the Latino share rises, Republicans have passed draconian anti-immigrant laws and opposed legislation enabling immigrants brought here as children to gain legal status.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Enjoyed this article by Palmetto Patriot.

    Pittsburgh, where Meyerson writes from, is a strange place. There’s a displaced largely catholic working class from the steel industry, who are very decent like a lot of the “rust belt” “de-industrialized” people. Then university people. And then jews, since an area there, Squirrel Hill, is 50% orthodox jew or something. One of the few places outside new york that has areas like that. Those 3 groups clash in weird ways there.

    It’s no good place for a Southerner, imo.

    But after “de-industrializing” they really hyped up the hospital-pharma-academic axis; there are a lot of schools there in a very concentrated area, (Carneigie Mellon/ University of Pittburgh, then many smaller ones).

    Met more people on SSRI’s per capita there than any other place.

    Guess this Myerson guy is another candidate.

  2. Yeah, I agree with Hunter. Why must we live with them? They hate us with a capital H and we simply don’t worship them enough to suit them. Let’s call a divorce and bid this ashkenazim one less goy to have around.

  3. it is good we have enemies like this meyerson; it proves out position and that we are what holds back BRA from having everything they want

  4. It isn’t just the south.

    White Americans are discovering what the Russians discovered, those other nations within a supra-nation hold you back; even if you hold a dominant position. That’s the main difference between this generation and previous generations embodied by McCain and Romney: they want to dominate the other nations in a shotgun marriage, we want a divorce.

    This wasn’t possible during the Cold War and the fight against Communism;

    it is now.

  5. “Republicans have passed draconian anti-immigrant laws and opposed legislation enabling immigrants brought here as children to gain legal status.”

    And a fat lot of good it will do them as the federal judiciary becomes even more infested with graduates of the top law schools where they now learn Marxist “critical race theory.”

  6. One thing the “Right” always misses and its because they have an inferiority complex, the moral dimension, they including the wonderful people here simply do not believe they are in fact moral. Quibbling details is super, but inefective beyond salving one’s vanity.

    The Left is simply an anti-white genocidal outfit.

  7. Here’s an interesting line from the article:

    The fact that Barack Obama is our first black president coincides with the United States’ transformation from a majority-white nation to a multiracial country no longer destined to remain the world’s hegemon.

    They openly acknowledge that their goal is to use race as a weapon to knock down (white) America on the global scene, and tacitly acknowledge that non-whites will drag it down.

  8. I am really disappointed in the staunch support of RINOism in the Republican party.

    In my opinion there is no GOOD political party in the USA.

    WE HAVE:

    1- Liberal/Socialist Left – pro social welfare at the expense on those who produce.
    2- Republican leftists – pro corporate welfare and Globalization at the expense of the people of the world.
    3- Libertarian’s who want to concede to any immoral, unethical, and totally destructive whim citing civil rights.

    I found this (my first post) when searching Google about forums discussing racial topics.
    When I saw the following quote in the above topic – I became ILL!

    “The Republican ticket may hail from Massachusetts and Wisconsin, but Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan head the most Southernized major U.S. political party since Jefferson Davis’ day.

    Romney has supported too many liberally embraced issues. He is in fact a Rino (Republican In Name ONLY)

    People – we need to get back to core values. Those values which allowed America to be the Super Power it once was.

    Our nation’s positive values have been destroyed one at a time.

    The right to a free enterprise so an American Dream to do better can be achieved.

    They were torn down when our small business ventures were told we had to hire people who did NOT hold to the values which allowed us to maintain our ethical standards.

    They were torn down when our small business ventures were told we had to hire OTHERS even if someone had less experience than other applicants.

    The right to help those we wanted to help
    We have been forced to help unproductive people who resent our success.
    We have been forced to help productive corporations who resent our success

    Until OUR GOVERNMENT understands that they can NOT legislate rights and freedom without taking our rights and freedoms we will always be under a repressive thumb which fails to uphold ethical standards and values which made this country what it was.

    I believe people need to hear a different beat so they can gain a better understanding of how we have become
    owned by a Globalist/Socialist economy focusing on the well being of those who are harming us.

  9. @ Dixiegirl

    You get 50 ~ 60 miles South of Pittsburgh, PA, and near the Mason Dixon Line and you are in a whole other world. LOL. Just get South of Uniontown, PA. I always thought it was funny that Confederate hero Stonewall Jackson was from Clarksburg, WV a far suburb of Pittsburgh, PA.

    The Pittsburgh newspapers have always covered WV, and the Pittsburgh pro sports teams are followed closely in WV.

  10. Meyerson,

    he says all these things but god forbid America becomes protectionist!

    Fkn pretend support for working class skilled labour… This guy would call anyone who
    called for tariffs a naziwhopkanstokillsixmillionjews isolationist.

    He doesn’t live in Pittsburgh does he?

  11. Dixiegirl – Pittsburgh is a beautiful city. Pennsylvania is a beautiful State. Outside of the 2 Kike and Nog dominated cities – it’s a lot more like Dixie than you can imagine. The Bonnie Blue flies here, as well. You might be surprised at the Friends you’d meet, in PA, once outside of the Hebe Fortresses.

  12. “Sheila says:
    August 31, 2012 at 6:07 pm
    So Meyerson is convinced the repukes represent the remnant of White conservatives? Such as his coethnic Adelson and daughter?”

    Ha ha! They can have (or print) all the shekels in the world, and they are still greasy, slimy, barbaric Shtetl vermin!

  13. Well Denise we do have one advantage over Hebrus Ominpotentus, they refuse to grow up, even one of their own David Brooks is frustrated by it.

    As I tell them, those wonderful hate crime laws are to be used against them and their incitements against whites. Perhaps not effective as shrieking “kike” in their face or quibbling WWII train schedules, but it is my way of being an asshole.

  14. “No other party in U.S. history has done such a 180.” – Would that this were true.

    “today’s GOP is the negation of Abraham Lincoln’s Republicans. It is almost entirely white” – a subtle jab at the black republicans?

    “It is disproportionately Southern — 49 percent of Republicans live in the South vs. 39 percent of Democrats.” – southern voters seem more politically active, can’t have that.

  15. The Republican party is criticized soley for being more “white” and more “south” than the other party. This is of course because both “white” and “south” are bad, and southern whites do not have any legitimate interests to advocate for as do any other ethnic or geographic division of the country.

    Nationalism and ethinic solidarity are good for everyone else, but if whites merely congregate on one side of a political issue, it’s a big problem to our rulers. White people will continue to have their interests undermined as long as they tolerate this Orwellian dissonance.

  16. Lew says:
    August 31, 2012 at 7:02 pm

    “What is wordism?”

    Anytime any white person replaces their organic identity with an abstract principal……..that abstract principal becomes wordism. In short, you will see this happen in white people every time they put some -ISM in front of being white. (that is a simplified explanation).

  17. One of the few places in the U.S. that hasn’t had the gift that keeps on giving from Mexico is Pittsburgh so it makes sense for this commie to spread his lies about immigration there. However, I have it on good authority that the word is out on Pittsburgh and the Mexicans are on their way.

    Then again, a huge chunk of the city consists of legal immigrants from India and China who are all probably stinging with resentment over the benefits illegals get.

  18. Pittsburgh has a few Jew conclaves. I was visiting some family in an old Irish section out there with heaavy Jew population a few months back. Old man neighbor I remember as a kid wondered over and welcomed me to west Zion.

    This was shortly after reading Paul kerseys Detroit vs Pittsburgh piece and it instantly clicked why Pittsburgh stayed white: the Jews don’t want niggers near them either.

    I guess that’s how my Irish working class side managed to stay middle class. Do semi skilled blue collar work while living in the heart of a Jew nest. All those Goldstein lawyers and dentists need their mckikemansions wired and plumbed afterall.

  19. Electricians and plumbers are skilled labor. Operating the stamping machine at the foundry is semi-skilled labor. Sweeping the floor is unskilled labor.

  20. Denise says:
    August 31, 2012 at 6:42 pm
    Dixiegirl – Pittsburgh is a beautiful city. Pennsylvania is a beautiful State. Outside of the 2 Kike and Nog dominated cities – it’s a lot more like Dixie than you can imagine. The Bonnie Blue flies here, as well. You might be surprised at the Friends you’d meet, in PA, once outside of the Hebe Fortresses.


    I’ve lived in Pittsburgh. Know it well. Have been all over the state. Pittsburgh’s truly a very standard Northeast town. After the steel industry, the axis shifted to the economy of academics, r&d at the hospitals, etc., just as I said. And it’s one of the more anti-southern places I’ve ever endured, although the rural people are ok (rural people usually are; also there’s a fair amount of Northern Europeans still there, which I like, but they aren’t southern).

    Outside Squirrel Hill, (jews) you get where, anywhere in P.burgh proper… The South Side with its faux East Village funk? East Liberty or Wilkinsburg, which is black-black? The block of Walnut Street in Shady Side, it’s faux Soho?

    It’s entirely Northeast, and every NE town has these same sorts of neighborhoods that make them tick, imo, although I like the older architecture, even the South Side with its tenement flats and mill-worker row houses. The belching smoke how it got the name “the two-shirt town,” after all.

    But ZERO compatibility with Southern life. Locals in the suburbs are decent enough people (the Penn Hills, Mount Lebanon’s etc.). And the genuinely rural people are fine, as they usually are. Know some of them. Actually spent a day with some PA Amish just in the place few weeks.

    All in all, though, Earlmundo is right— get an hour away south, is the best ticket there for any southern person. At that point, you’re in another world. Hit I79 south, and you’re fairly well home free, into the WV mountains, over the MD, and bye to all that crap.

  21. meant past few weeks.

    Also, know other PA rurals to this day. In fact, had one PA German in the family. But they’re not southern, and even they —in a southern area— serve to undermine the cultural memory of the south. Usually, they are deeply socialized by the north, and have all the ideas about “the war was just about slavery” (which is was ALSO), as well as yankee attitudes about industry, time, seasons, manners of living, etc.

    Btw, also Palmetto Patriot—- since I just mentioned Time and it jogged my mind, your podcast (think it was on yt) about Time was also really great.

    That would better explain what I was trying to say to Denise. PP— is talking about that deeper level of how people perceive the world around them, interpret it, and so on. The factory sense of time verses the planter sense of time.

    Until you get truly rural in PA, they are on factory time. The mill workers left their mark in the area. Upstanding hard-working whites, but definitely northeastern in feel

  22. Anyway,

    It’s that line NY-NJ people say in the “New South” (i.e., their south): “If you’d have gone to upstate NY, or down to the Jersey shore—- then you’d know the people are just like southerners, just like you…”

    Implied is the idea that if you’d just get out more (and weren’t such a stupid southern rube) you know that we’re all really the same, and they’re so lovely, and etc (which, for the southerner, isn’t even the point).

    The main thing no one mentions: is that the WHOLE REASON this is even being said at all is that they have decided they are going to live with you, and this “we’re all people here” thing is supposed to make it ok, or at least make you shut up.

    They often rely on the “southern rube” meme, or references to their personal proximity to Great Leaders to make their points, but part of the Southern Way involves not falling for those tactics, lol. So it doesn’t work.

  23. Rob Roy hit the nail on the head when he commented about morality, and Hunter mentioned it months ago–conservatives surrendered the moral high ground long ago. Every attack from the left has been from the moral high ground the tool during the Civil Rights movement. Every time a true conservative opens his or her mouth the are waging an uphill battle. As a result the only thing the Repubs can talk about now is the economy. We must retake the moral high ground, now held by entrenched cultural marxists. We cannot do so until we ourselves believe in our souls that our position is true.

  24. Battle of France 1940.

    How many of the French soldiers were pro German? Reasonable question. Who’d fight for Leon Blum? Or Sarkozy for that matter?

    Expanding from that what self respecting white soldier will fight for a black chief?

  25. “what self respecting white soldier will fight for a black chief?”

    Plenty of them obviously. But then what would someone like you know about soldiering?

  26. So sayeth Rudel. Victor of 150 aerial combats, sinker of destroyers. Don’t paint a target
    on your back with that handle.

    If you look at the winding down of active combat operations since Obama became President it does appear that the Army, Airforce, Marines are not being used aggressively. It suggests an implicit recognition that loyalty to the chief is actually lacking. Not that the armed forces are unreliable tactically and operationally. But instead politically uncommitted.

  27. One reason that the Germans fought on after Kursk or the Normandy landings was a personal oath to Hitler. Rational men knew that Germany was screwed in 1944, yet they fought on for no purpose.

    Some part of the Iraq and Afghan invasion was loyalty to the boss at the time.

  28. Not that the armed forces are unreliable tactically and operationally. But instead politically uncommitted.

    That becomes truer the lower down the ranks you go

  29. …possibly the calculation that Iraq would be overrun quickly too, but the soldiers appeared to genuinely like Bush (I have no idea quite why)

  30. Politics among the generals means something closer to rivalry over promotion. Instead Im using politics in terms of ideological faith or even fanaticism.

    I recall that Skorzeny admired the Red Army soldier because he was indoctrinated much more than the average German soldier and could absorb heavier losses before cracking. He also said that the USMC was heavily indoctrinated and the best unit in the western allies Orbat.

  31. Quote: “As the white share of the U.S. population shrinks and the Latino share rises…”

    By why is it shrinking?

    The speaker makes these ominous words sound as if they “just happened”, like a sudden rainstorm, or an eclipse. No where in that statement is the Truth: that whites are shrinking because they were made to shrink – by bastards like the individual who uttered this statement.

    If whites want to stop our steady erosion, we must craft a demonstrably superior socio-political platform – which we haven’t. We are light-years from it, in fact. And no, I don’t believe the Northwest Project is likely to save us, now or later.

    Hold Back This Day
    The Towers of Eden

  32. Wayne we have the moral highground, no ifs ands or buts about it. The only problem is that our intellectuals are drawn off of it to assuage their vanities. I have no problem with being smart or showing off, but they go unarmed and they get neutralized.

    Hell half the time if they would just call their detractors “anti-whites” then they could go and quibble the details and still dominate.

  33. Obama could care less about the military, hell the casualties they are taking from the Taliban’s superbly executed strategy of infiltration and then back shooting probably delights him. First the casualties are probably not black and if they are non-white their commitment to the left might be shaky, its all political with Obama and his ilk, no honor whatsoever.

    But Obama is what he is and I blame the stoopid right and their whooping for an Afghan surge for this debacle, not some passive-aggressive psychopath in the oval office.


    It’s not just the south, as others have said. I won’t be happy till we’ve gotten rid of every sodomite, jew, and liberal in the entire nation. Heretics can at least be brought to a proper frame of mind. Apostates are damned.

    Clearly, they are demon possessed, who care nothing for infants, normal sexual relations, or calling massive theft, ‘assistance’. That they also worship the Nigger as Idol, clearly indicates they follow Satan.

  35. Ward K- “Hold back this Day” was the best darn book I’ve read in a coon’s age about White self-identity, a vision for the future, and the hope that all is not lost- at least on the literature front.

    As you wrote of the Mars Museum:

    “It was a magnificent panorama of achievement the likes of which no other rac on Earth had ever come even close to equaling. No wonder World Gov had stopped at nothing to wipe out the truth, Jeff thought. For the truth revealed within this great musiem was the most damning indictment against multiculturalism that he had ever seen.”

    Bravo. Thank you.

    (Off topic, but hey, the author’s right here!)

  36. Anytime any white person replaces their organic identity with an abstract principal……..that abstract principal becomes wordism. In short, you will see this happen in white people every time they put some -ISM in front of being white. (that is a simplified explanation).

    Jimmy, thanks. I quickly checked Whitaker’s site and couldn’t find a definition for “wordism” which I thought odd since the term appears often on various white sites. Now that you’ve explained it, I’m not sure why Whitaker decided to invent his own term for this basic concept. Don’t put abstractions and ideology ahead of identity. Anyone can understand that. In contrast, nobody knows what “wordism” is. It’s a term that confuses rather than clarifies.

  37. @Lew says:
    September 1, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    “Jimmy, thanks. I quickly checked Whitaker’s site and couldn’t find a definition for “wordism””

    Bob might discuss wordism in his book, “Why Johnny Can’t Think”.

    That was a very simple explanation I gave. You would have to read his blog regularly and combat anti-whites, to really get wordism and understand the hold it has on people’s minds.

    Bob is the only person I know of, that has coined a name for this mental condition, discusses it regularly and encourages people to combat it. And the majority of people that BUGS combats are wordists. Pretty much all of them in fact.

    “In contrast, nobody knows what “wordism” is. It’s a term that confuses rather than

    Bob sometimes invents New words and encourages his readers to push them into the public consciousness, so people understand them immediately. Practical politics is about controlling the message. If you don’t control the message, you have no control, period. Pushing certain words into the public consciousness, takes a lot of effort and that is what practical politics is all about.

    “Gay and Straight”, is terminology gay groups worked to get widely used by the public, to give themselves legitimacy. “Racist” is a word anti-whites use to intimidate whites. “Anti-white” is something we encourage whites to use, to defend themselves and take back moral authority. “Respectable Conservative” is another one Bob put out there, to label cowardly conservatives, that sell white people out. “Wordist” is yet another Bob has put out there.

    Most intellectuals don’t understand the power a well chosen, oft repeated word has. They really have no clue.

  38. “So sayeth Rudel.”

    Indeed I do. I have always been appreciative of the efforts on my behalf by those who provided me and my comrades on the ground with close aerial support and Hans-Ulrich was not only the greatest combat airman in history he also always flew fighter-bombers.

  39. Dixiegirl wrote: “Until you get truly rural in PA, they are on factory time.” I know what “planter’s time” is, but those very few of us who know that here are NEVER coming your way. We few truly rural have our own “sense of place” and will continue to occupy our OWN lands.

    Best wishes in dealing with your rat race invaders you call “the Yankees,” who follow “factory time” and bring you their evil foreign culture, which is foreign to us as well.

  40. “NY-NJ people say in the ‘New South’ (i.e., their south): ‘If you’d have gone to upstate NY, or down to the Jersey shore — then you’d know the people are just like southerners, just like you…’:

    Urban-metropolitan-cosmopolitan people ARE generally the same everywhere, and become predominant, while rural, indigenous people, who maintain local and ethnic traditions, exist mostly in scattered pockets and patches between the highways and development.

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