Why Do So Many Southerners Think They Are The Only Real Americans?


The latest from Chuck Thompson:

” Southerners love trashing the rest of the country (when did you last hear a kind Rebel word for New York, Detroit or San Francisco?), but when their blood is really up the go-to move down South is to dismiss their fellow citizens as un-American.

“If we secede, the U.S.A. would become Canada South,” an otherwise likable history major at the University of Georgia told me. “We are the real U.S.A.”

By “we,” of course, he meant the South.

In no other region of the country is the need to define one’s moral and patriotic superiority such a fixation. Spend 30 minutes in a Southern church or listening to country radio and the self-congratulatory “we’re the salt of the earth” pathos is impossible to miss.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “ ‘Hog grease defiles the bullets. – Mosin

    I laughed over that one- great observation. And exactly how we should see the Hagarene invader- filthy scum of the earth. Negro AND Muslim. Anathema sit.”

    Fr John, what I wrote and meant was that hog-grease-based oil “makes…defiling” (“defiling”: making ritually unclean).

  2. Stonelifter and Fr John both commented on the Moravians in North Carolina, both correctly. They were a colonial-era EASTERN German utopian evangelical movement degenerated long ago into a liberal, dead but attractive “museum church,” existing now mostly in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. They were not active in clearing virgin forests and advancing the frontier, but busied themselves with Indian missions (not very successfully) and maintaining monastic-communal regional headquarters. The early colonial-era WESTERN Germans and Swiss were much more responsible for advancing European settlement.

  3. I didn’t know they did,however they would be mistaken in a big way.The North and my ancestors had to beat them senseless just to stop their slavery idiocy and then they formed the KKK and murdered civil rights activists.The South is the toilet of America and people with long Southern roots are all rubes,white trash and rednecks.The south is full of scum.

  4. “Stonelifter and Fr John both commented on the Moravians in North Carolina, both correctly. They were a colonial-era EASTERN German utopian evangelical movement degenerated long ago into a liberal, dead but attractive “museum church,” existing now mostly in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. They were not active in clearing virgin forests and advancing the frontier, but busied themselves with Indian missions (not very successfully) and maintaining monastic-communal regional headquarters. The early colonial-era WESTERN Germans and Swiss were much more responsible for advancing European settlement.”

    Stone has changed his tune considerably since going over to the other side in Slavic Czecho.

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