Why Do So Many Southerners Think They Are The Only Real Americans?


The latest from Chuck Thompson:

” Southerners love trashing the rest of the country (when did you last hear a kind Rebel word for New York, Detroit or San Francisco?), but when their blood is really up the go-to move down South is to dismiss their fellow citizens as un-American.

“If we secede, the U.S.A. would become Canada South,” an otherwise likable history major at the University of Georgia told me. “We are the real U.S.A.”

By “we,” of course, he meant the South.

In no other region of the country is the need to define one’s moral and patriotic superiority such a fixation. Spend 30 minutes in a Southern church or listening to country radio and the self-congratulatory “we’re the salt of the earth” pathos is impossible to miss.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I guess because the bulk of the population mirrors the founding stock more than any other region. The other regions are filled with a polyglot of Europe’s unwanted that came after the most of the hard work was done.

  2. “In no other region of the country is the need to define one’s moral and patriotic superiority such a fixation. Spend 30 minutes in a Southern church or listening to country radio and the self-congratulatory ‘we’re the salt of the earth’ pathos is impossible to miss.”

    Interesting observation. A similar “salt of the earth pathos” is not so blatant, but clearly IMPLIED in German Anabaptism — the certainty of being the “peculiar” people of the New Testament who are specially blessed, who were given and belong to this “Promised Land.”

  3. @ Snowhitey: That’s the best two sentences I’ve seen in a long time ===> I guess because the bulk of the population mirrors the founding stock more than any other region. The other regions are filled with a polyglot of Europe’s unwanted that came after the most of the hard work was done.

  4. “The other regions are filled with a polyglot…that came after the most of the hard work was done.”

    Many Germans arrived late 1600’s and early 1700’s, and did do some of the hard work: cleared virgin forest, created farmland.

  5. “If we secede, the U.S.A. would become Canada South,”

    Canada is 2% black – almost all in Toronto or Montreal. That is why socialism kinda works there.

  6. Germans contributed greatly to this country but there aren’t too many in the South. At least not that I know of.

  7. I have to say I like Southerners. Most of the best people I’ve seen in WN, have turned out to be Southerners. 🙂

  8. I’m still wondering what the hell an “American” really is. It doesn’t refer to a shared language, religion, shared history, shared culture, shared values, shared ethnicity, shared race any more. Is it shared respect and devotion to the Declaration of Independence or Constitution? It can’t be, seeing as 95% of he population has no idea what either of them are about.
    Most would say it’s a belief in equality and freedom, but the sheeple have confused equality before the law (if that was ever possible in the first place between different races) with equality of outcome, and they’ve confused license with liberty, freedom with perversion. They talk, talk, talk about all this freedom they have but are afraid to think for themselves or speak their minds. They worship the military who they claim won our liberty for us (in actuality it was white men who did all that), but how do they honor our ancestors who paid with their blood? By passing in our globally like cheap gumballs to foreign people who don’t want it and don’t know what to do with it once they have it.
    Best I can tell “American” simply means you were born under the governmental authority of the central power in Washingtion, D.C., or overseas to at least one parent who pays their taxes to Washingtion. Anyone who manages to cross the border magically becomes “American”. The only thing they have in common is the “desire for a better life” (in other words, make money). The state religion is Equality, the motto is “In Diversity We Trust”.
    But you all know this already. Please forgive the rant.

  9. And Yankees don’t have a superiority complex themselves? This is another great example of finding every speck in your neighbors eye while ignoring the plank in your own. Unbelievable. Has he ever heard of the Puritans? The “shining city on the hill”?

  10. John: I fear the US of A has turned it’s back on her roots and cast her lot with the turd world, sorry to say. Diversity means that our only culture is what is brought to us from outside. Same as the old saying about tolerance being the last virtue of a people bereft of any notion of right or wrong, or something to that effect.

    What was once our country has been hijacked and is being used as vehicle to install globalism. I copied this excellent post from a commentor called “Wednesday” the other day over on SBPDL:
    “In case some of you don’t realize this yet, the USA is no longer a republic. It is an Empire. The change was finalized over the Cold War period. It is now complete. Did you expect Caesar marching on Rome and declaring himself Emperor? Methods have changed. Multiculturalism is the State Religion of this new Empire. The unsanctioned Christianity of the Republic, like the Constitution itself, has been done away with.
    Why multiculturalism? Because the Empire seeks global domination, it must preach the values of inclusion to all its would-be subjects. To all whom it would rule, it must say to them, “Ye belong.” To those of us who can see, it sinisterly says “You will be assimilated.” Multiculturalism as State Religion means one thing: Equal Opportunity Enslavement. The Constitution and its attendant Rights, notably the Right to Free Association, will not be restored without Force of Arms.”

    Couldn’t have said it any better.

  11. Snowhitey for the win

    Wayne, your post wondering what American really is…. damn close second and you nailed it. It is no longer anything but where you were born or moved too

  12. I’m up north on vacation. Mostly white but brainwashed Lutheran whites. I’m leaving for Alabama which is my home SOON. Give me a gun toting freedom loving biscuits and gravy southerner any day of the week. America is over. Succession now.

  13. Hell must look like this convention hall. I’m hoping the matrix hunter/killers drill through that roof soon. The noise in there is pure hysteria.

  14. American is a meaningless term I consider my nationality to be “White American” I consider that just as legitimate as French German or English etc. White people calling them selves a separate nationality-White American makes it clear we don’t consider Blacks Hispanics etc our fellow countrymen but leaves them free to call themselves whatever they like and gives a distinct identity compared to our European brothers, we are not just generic whites. The distinct ethnic group White American is an oppressed nationality under the heel of the US Government our situation is similar to the oppressed Eastern European who lived in the Austro-Hungarian empire it took two world wars to stabilize the situation there hopefully are problem will be solved with less trouble.

  15. Yeah, I have actually started to preach to my fellow patriotard Southerners that the ‘America’ they think they represent better than anyone else is actually the modern form of the Confederate States—primarily white, protestant and English. The ‘America’ that actually exists is BRA. The trick will be to get those otherwise well meaning Southerners to understand that the yankee rag should mean nothing to them anymore. The rag is the flag of BRA. We owe it nothing.

  16. Aryangoddess wrote: “I’m up north on vacation. Mostly white but brainwashed Lutheran whites (…) America is over. Succession now.”

    You’ve experienced another state that has effectively become two states. Michigan north of the Detroit area is still nearly 100% white, but the much larger population of the much smaller southern urban area sways and controls all of it — and furthermore, the predominant Swedes, Norwegians, Finns, Dutch and Germans of northern Michigan still don’t notice anything.

    Why can’t counties within states secede too, as well as states within the union?
    When some entire states finally secede, some BRA-surrounded and oppressed red counties in blue states should be prepared to follow.

  17. Look forward to the reversal of the course of nineteenth to twentieth century history, to the reconciliation of northern and southern blood relatives and all Europeans in a renewed Christendom.

  18. folks here are funny, especially when they don’t intend to be. We tried a multi White ethic nation and it didn’t work, and the founding stock up north wasn’t happy about it all.

  19. Stonelifter, note that I wrote “reconciliation,” not “political union” of northern and southern and European ethnic nationalities. But in Christ Jesus we are one, whereas even inter-ETHNIC INTRA-racial blending or political union is the first step towards global multi-culturalism and one world government, and apostasy.

  20. “We tried a multi White ethnic nation and it didn’t work”: I don’t think the Founders even conceived of “TRYING a multi-ethnic nation” — except for William Penn, who travelled to Germany to invite them to come to his English colony. In the southern states, especially South Carolina, their founders tried a multi-RACIAL nation.

  21. Yea it wasn’t the founders who tried it, but we did try it and it triggered the second version of the klan. I do think reconciliation is possible and likely after political separation. I miss understood you and stand corrected

  22. “I do think reconciliation is possible and likely after political separation.”

    Only in a renewed Christendom. I mean: renewal of common Faith, NOT involving ANY unnatural political union! “Of the heart,” NOT another “Holy Empire”!

  23. “East is east and west is west, and never the twain shall meet….” Differences are real, natural, created, must be respected. Even INTRA-racial ethnic differences.

  24. I have been planning on writing an OD article on what is like for a healthy, racially aware White, non Southerner to move to the South, live a healthy, productive life in the South, even participate in local politics. I have done this in my life, lived I the great state of Tennessee.

    I promise that it will be one of (my) best OD articles ever.

    I will just say this now:

    The North is a direction, but the South is a place, a very specially place, with unique history, myths, a great women, everything that my current/past Chicago S.S. neighborhood doesn’t.

    For outsider Whites contemplating moving to the South, think of the move as something like trying to move to France and hoping to fit in, be accepted. The locals inFrance and the South are never going to accept you as 100 percent one of them, but if you work hard, learn the language, respect the history and show that you are a great White person, yeah, you can make it. I did.

    Southern women are worth all the hard work.

  25. Hell real America is almost entirely White, semi-rural and Conservative. Thats mostly the South but includes parts of the West and Midwest and even a few bits of the Coast.

  26. “Look forward to the reversal of the course of nineteenth to twentieth century history, to the reconciliation of northern and southern blood relatives and all Europeans in a renewed Christendom.”


  27. @ Canada is 2% black – almost all in Toronto or Montreal. That is why socialism kinda works there.

    OT, but Toronto is 50% foreign born. Most of it is Asian. Maybe they were indoctrinated in China before becoming “canadian.” A first wave of Asians (like Vietnam/Korea) tended to be anti-communist, radically. Later, more left-indoctrinated.

  28. I swear I have a connection to the South that goes beyond living here. I feel it in my bones, my blood, my vision of what America is supposed to be and what I long for every day. The unstressful work ethic, thick drawals, polite responses, unpolluted – but committed – beliefs, neighborly comraderie, and even those little shotgun dwellings…. yes, Dixie, you’ll always be my favorite. My affinity for the South is infinite!

  29. @Snowhitey You don’t notice the Germanics in the South because they were the early settlers, and Protestant, and blended in easily with the English & Scotch-Irish, western Maryland, the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia & what today is the eastern pahhandle of West Virginia, south to the Cumberland gap, parts of North Carolina and South Carolina. Also they refered to themselves a Dutch or Deutsch which is the proper German language term. Btw there was no Germany in those days of early America. Germany as a country didn’t exist until 1870.

  30. When you do, Jack, hope you consider that there are also various “Souths.”

    TN has the feel of what it is, a border state. Like KY or WV.

    The upper and deep HW has written about.

    Nowadays (and with reference to the past) is the Gulf, the Louisiana experience.

    Old Virginia is different from Louisiana, ethnically, as are the border states like TN (less english more Ulster-Scot, also WV)

  31. The most Generational Americans —with real family ties to colonial days— have been treated badly by the later comers.

    And that is the big difference. We may have genocided Indians, but make museums to them. We didn’t want to BE THEM, or supplant them in the same way as the others who came into the u.s.

    It would be like, instead of genociding Indians, we moved into their teepees, and put on their beaded outfits, and dressed up in feather hats, and smoked whateverthehell they smoke in those pipes.

    Others did not want to “give credit where it was due” and a nod to the colonial group, even a seat at their own table, and yet… they want THEIR NAME, to pretend their government (constitution) still exists, their flag, their clothes, their history…

    It’s bizarre, imo.

    Maybe because a hostile elite flies them in from other places.

  32. “TN has the feel of what it is, a border state.”

    Tennessee feels like Tennessee. That is three completely different states and it is recognized as such. Western, Middle, and East Tennessee. Middle TN is a lot like central Kentucky, Memphis feels like the Mississippi Delta and East Tennessee is hillbilly country and has always voted Republican.

  33. Thanks Earlmundo for the info. I love Germans. But the region, until the 20th century, was dominated by the Anglos and the Celts.

  34. Earlmundo wrote: “You don’t notice the Germanics in the South because they were the early settlers, and Protestant, and blended in easily with the English & Scotch-Irish, western Maryland, the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia & what today is the eastern pahhandle of West Virginia, south to the Cumberland gap, parts of North Carolina and South Carolina. Also they refered to themselves a Dutch or Deutsch which is the proper German language term. Btw there was no Germany in those days of early America. Germany as a country didn’t exist until 1870.”

    Yes, they somehow “blended in” long ago, having appeared in the south very early, beginning with Penn’s invitation, moving south from “Penn’s Woods” searching for signs of the most fertile soil marked by certain kinds of virgin forest trees. The Shenandoah Valley and parts of the Piedmont were some of the best places to begin their farms. The “founder” of the Amish finally settled and probably died in central North Carolina. Moravians also settled there very early, and they were active in Georgia, and traces remain.

  35. “But the region, until the 20th century, was dominated by the Anglos and the Celts”

    He said that they were assimilated into the local population.

  36. The formula “North is a direction, but the South is a place” may be too simplistic. Traditional small farmers and other truly rural folks, even small town folks, almost all have a very strong “sense of place.” For many of them, south may be just a direction.

    Suppose that northern whites all began “gravitating” south, now — say, to the Smoky Mountains, or to the blackland cotton belt? What are you encouraging, Jack? Do you think conservative southerners would welcome the migration?

    Suppose all southern whites would gravitate, or migrate north, now, to enjoy the nice cool weather, or snow and ice half the year, and maybe even see the northern lights? We are already too crowded here. There would soon be no room left for the natives.

    White flight out of cosmopolitan metropolitan areas is reasonable and necessary, but pulling up our roots entirely and leaving our ancestral homes behind to pile on top of each other into one designated white paradise is foolishness!

  37. Mosin Nagant – thank you for your inquiry about how I feel Whites for the North should act when considering moving tomthemSouth and how Southerners I their beloved South should respond to the migration/invasion of Whites from the North and other regions/countries.

    I plan to write a full article for OD on this subject based on my personal experiences.

    For right now, I will just suggest at Whites from the North consider the experience to be something similar to moving to France – yeah, expect the locals to test you, mess with you, but if you work hard you might just make it.

  38. He said they were “blended.” And there weren’t so many that the Anglos and Scots-Irish were diluted to any large degree. They were still the dominant ethnicities. Most of the Germans went to the mid-West, the Great Lakes region, Indian territories, etc. The largest ethnicity in the United States did in no way dominate the South.

  39. That’s for sure. @Snowhitey The South was majority English, Scotch-Irish, and very Protestant.

  40. That’s for sure. @Snowhitey. The South was majority English, Scotch-Irish, and very Protestant.

  41. No. The original point was that there were some founding stock Germans that settled in the South in the 1680-1750 time frame although most of them settled in Pennsylvania and New York. Later waves of post-Colonial Germans populated the Midwest. You fail to understand the distinction.

  42. I guess what I fail to understand – or perhaps accept – is that the Germans were “founding stock.” I am far more familiar with their heavy impact on Pennsylvania and westward. So much for public schools…

  43. “I guess what I fail to understand – or perhaps accept – is that the Germans were “founding stock.””

    The Pennsylvania Dutch (Germans) started to arrive in numbers decades (1680-1750) before the Scotch-Irish. (Although the first German settlers were part of the James town Colony of 1608.) Something like 10% of the Colonial population spoke German in 1750. They settled the mountains and forests of Pennsylvania and New York in Colonial times and elsewhere such as the Shenandoah Valley as the map I provided shows. Culpeper Virginia was originally called Germania. “Germantown” is a major part of the City of Philadelphia. That makes them “founding stock” whether you want to accept it or not. There were something like 250,000 German settlers in America before the Revolution. What the hell do you think founding stock means?

    It was German craftsmen mainly in Pennsylvania who built the famous “Kentucky Long Rifle” flintlock and sold it to the Scots-Irishmen who were traveling through the Cumberland gap to Kentucky.

  44. I like how they put it on the memorial in Strasburg, Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley: Dedicated to the memory of the Germanic Pioneers…the first White men George Washington met west of the Blue Ridge while surveying the Shenandoah Valley were Pennsylvania Dutch.

  45. The early Germanic settlers came to the American colonies to escape from the French, Spanish & Austrian Catholics who were attacking the Protestants of western Germany & the German Swiss Cantons.

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