Why Do So Many Southerners Think They Are The Only Real Americans?


The latest from Chuck Thompson:

” Southerners love trashing the rest of the country (when did you last hear a kind Rebel word for New York, Detroit or San Francisco?), but when their blood is really up the go-to move down South is to dismiss their fellow citizens as un-American.

“If we secede, the U.S.A. would become Canada South,” an otherwise likable history major at the University of Georgia told me. “We are the real U.S.A.”

By “we,” of course, he meant the South.

In no other region of the country is the need to define one’s moral and patriotic superiority such a fixation. Spend 30 minutes in a Southern church or listening to country radio and the self-congratulatory “we’re the salt of the earth” pathos is impossible to miss.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My family (German side), some of the persecuted religious stock invited by Penn, arrived on the frontier around 1690.

    In addition to their “Kentucky” rifle, add the Conestoga (Lancaster County) wagon and several other important frontier inventions.

  2. I like the Puckle Gun as a concept and the manufactured version was pretty cool.

    Round bullets for Christians. Square bullets for the infidel. More painful deaths for infidels. It’s a real gun. Seriously.

  3. “He said they were “blended.” And there weren’t so many that the Anglos and Scots-Irish were diluted to any large degree. They were still the dominant ethnicities. Most of the Germans went to the mid-West, the Great Lakes region, Indian territories, etc. The largest ethnicity in the United States did in no way dominate the South.”

    Exactly. They left their traces of family names (including Amish names in the Carolinas), inventions and agricultural technology, and of course DNA, in the south as well as elsewhere. And yes, the very earliest, “founding stock,” colonial-era Germans ventured into the south much more than the larger, nineteenth-century wave of German immigration.

  4. Jack, most yankees move to places in the South already infested by yankees and have no need to change the way the act. You can move to Raleigh or Charlotte and never meet a generational Southron White man. When they move to rural locations like mine… they are use to social isolation and don’t understand the locals are snubbing them. Most don’t last 5 years. They think they want a new lifestyle but years of urban conditioning makes it tough and they end of divorced and broke. However I think few realize they are socially ostracized

    Germans were 10% or so of founding stock. There were more total Scots, Irish and Ulster Scots then Germans. More Ulster Scots alone then Germans. Germans are Founding Stock, but major source of Founding Stock/ impact on colonial life…. I wouldn’t think so. Not at 10%. They did give us the rifle, but folks here seem to worship these early Germans and think the whole endeavor rested on them. And their impact in central NC is… again I would have to say limited. I know a few places that were German, and they have persevered a wonderful Moravian village/ college in Winston but I don’t see the impact that folks like to claim.

    The outliers of Ulster Scots started showing up in the 1680’s, after an Irish up rising and in larger numbers after a larger Irish up raising in 1689 ( if I recall the dates correctly). The ball got rolling in the early 1700’s. My paternal forefathers arrived in the colonies in 1682. Running from the law as the story goes, but how do you quantify such a thing?

  5. “Germans are Founding Stock, but major source of Founding Stock/ impact on colonial life…. I wouldn’t think so.”

    You’ve obviously never travelled to Pennsylvania. I don’t blame you though. The last time Southerners were up there in any appreciable organized force things didn’t turn out so well for them.

  6. Prussiancroat says:
    September 5, 2012 at 3:33 am

    “American is a meaningless term I consider my nationality to be “White American” I consider that just as legitimate as French German or English etc. ”

    Actually I think you should narrow it down to you are “American”, because Americans are whites. It says so very clearly in the preamble to the US Constitution:

    —-> “to ourselves and our Posterity” <—-

    And since anti-whites love to call the Founding Fathers, "racist old white guys", it only makes that point stronger.

    As for non-whites with papers, I would never use their race + American. I would just call them U.S. citizens.

    The same goes with France and Germany. Everyone knows French and Germans are white people. Non-whites with papers in France and Germany are just French and German citizens. They are not of the nation of France and Germany.

    Nation means people of the same race, history, customs and language. Nations are not made of paper.

  7. If you want to make that point stronger:


    U.S. paper citizens
    French paper citizens
    German paper citizens

  8. It didn’t turn out so well for the Germans, either.

    The Yankee XI Corps, the “German” corps, was completely routed on the first day.
    Worst corps in the Union army. Even the negroes performed better.

    Deo Vindice

  9. “When they move to rural locations like mine… they are use to social isolation and don’t understand the locals are snubbing them. Most don’t last 5 years”

    A good friend of mine of Scots-Irish extraction that I grew up with in Pennsylvania bought a farm in a nice valley in far, far western Virginia about 15 years ago and he is a pillar of his local community nowadays, Yankee roots notwithstanding. Hillbilly Nation is what they all call their neck of the woods and they don’t want or need a whole lot of government in order to get by just fine.

  10. There’s nothing wrong with Yankee roots. The Yankee ideology is the problem.
    All white Yankees have the potential to be good decent people once removed from the overwhelming social pressure to conform to negro worship and other forms of Yankee degeneracy.

    There is hope. The mere accident of birth in the North is an impediment that can be overcome. Stop placing negroes on a pedestal is an easy step. Letting go of the incessant desire to change others instead of focusing on what one can change in oneself is another healthy step.

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    Deo Vindice

  11. No need to get testy.

    G-d damn it, it’s Scots-Irish. Scotch is just for drinking.

    “What the hell do you think founding stock means?”

    Well, a helluva lot more than ‘they landed here.’ Those groups who overwhelmingly fought the British for independence and created the early nation state (government). I’m not talking just settlers. Heck, then we should include the French and Spanish, et al.

  12. “They built the nation that crushed you.”

    All for the sake of the negro…

    Way to go, Germans! Thanks again.
    Nice follow up with the complete destruction of Europe in the twentieth century.
    Twice even. You all are really on a roll. Trying for a Rome redux, I guess.
    How many more white civilizations can we destroy?

    Deo Vindice

  13. I don’t give a shit. My ancestors who were here had enough sense to stay the fuck out of it. Southerners didn’t always have that option but they were stupid enough not to negotiate a peaceful resolution to eliminating slavery like the rest of the world did. The Brits had it right, they compensated the slaveholders for their property instead of waging a genocidal war with their fellow whites. We decided to kill 600,000 of ourselves. I call that criminally insane stupidity.

  14. And as far as this Scots – Scotch thing, that’s stupid too. It’s a relatively modern example of false gentility. People (including those from Scotland) used to call themselves Scotch or Scottish all the time. Now it’s al la-de-da Scots. Fuck that. I despise false gentility.

  15. I have been to PA. Things went fine for me, not so much for the folks I had business with. And those Southron men back in the day were much better behaved to the ordinary folks in PA then the folks of PA were to ordinary Southron people. Germans are a big influence in PA no doubt, but that is not the sum total of colonial/ early america. The notion that is, is very… yankeeish

    That’s us Hillbilly nation folks. Rudel, did your friend come from rural roots? They seem to do the best when moving to the country. There are some success stories but not many. The ones that come out here have unrealistic expectations. Certain parts of Hillbilly nation make an industry out of selling land to transplants that won’t stay.

    JimmyGears, that was pretty good on american vs citizen. I don’t care to be american at any level but it’s a solid explanation for those that do

    Post colonial Germans have been a tool for the expansion of govt and the establishment of BRA, as has been all the other ethnic Whites up north

  16. Ulster Scots aren’t all that Scottish. The last thing I read on our DNA says we’re pretty much mutts. Predominately Scottish and English, but lots of Norse markers too. Looks like the location was a draw for all sorts of folks outlaw/ war parties for a long time

  17. “I have been to PA. Things went fine for me, not so much for the folks I had business with.”

    Why not. Did you rob a bank or swindle someone?

  18. “Predominately Scottish and English, but lots of Norse markers too”

    The lowland Scots were Gaelic from Ireland around 500 B.C. Fought the Britons and the Picts. The entire British Isles are still predominantly Celt with accretions of Roman, and lots of Germanic/Scandinavian tribes that invaded over the course of time. Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Jutes, Vikings, Norwegians, Danes, and Frenchified Normans.


    That’s why English has so many names for the same thing like brook, stream, and creek.

  19. “That’s why English has so many names for the same thing like brook, stream, and creek.”

    There are places in the UK, where a location name is the same word, repeated 3 times in 3 different languages.

  20. “I know a few places that were German, and they have persevered a wonderful Moravian village/ college in Winston but I don’t see the impact that folks like to claim.”
    – Stone

    Stone, I can tell you that that Moravian college and the whole facade of ‘Old Towne Salem’ is a hotbed of liberal, leftist, and lesbian theology/ideology. A VERY leftist, fag-friendly, multiculti b*tch of a woman (but hetero) known to parishioners of mine, worked there, and had to leave, it was so liberal- and she is no ‘conservative’. So, imagine how ‘Yankee Supremacist’ those folks are, underneath the veneer of Moravian piety. They are basically nothing more than the Teuton equivalent of the UCC.

  21. “Hog grease defiles the bullets.” – Mosin

    I laughed over that one- great observation. And exactly how we should see the Hagarene invader- filthy scum of the earth. Negro AND Muslim. Anathema sit.

  22. (I’m thinking primarily of the Somalis, but the rest of the demon worshiping Mohammedans aren’t that ‘wonderful’ and ‘diversity’ whoopie, either.)

  23. “I’m still wondering what the hell an “American” really is. It doesn’t refer to a shared language, religion, shared history, shared culture, shared values, shared ethnicity, shared race any more. Is it shared respect and devotion to the Declaration of Independence or Constitution? It can’t be, seeing as 95% of he population has no idea what either of them are about.”

    But that’s what the Founding Fathers noted of us. That we have strayed from that truth, doesn’t make it any less true. It just means (as Mosin noted) that we have to be ‘reconciled’ to our past, our racial identity, our culture, cult (Christianity as social transformer via laws, and customs- what we ‘small c’ Catholics call ‘Tradition’) and covenant. (To borrow a Reformed term)

    “For outsider Whites contemplating moving to the South, think of the move as something like trying to move to France and hoping to fit in, be accepted. The locals inFrance and the South are never going to accept you as 100 percent one of them, but if you work hard, learn the language, respect the history and show that you are a great White person, yeah, you can make it. I did.”

    Learn the Language? Well. As I speak fluent French, I laughed out loud (My wife asked me what was so funny) at this comment. We ‘Yankees’ have always known y’all speak a “furrin tongue” down south, but now here’s corroboration! You betcha!

  24. Stone, I can tell you that that Moravian college and the whole facade of ‘Old Towne Salem’ is a hotbed of liberal, leftist, and lesbian theology/ideology. A VERY leftist, fag-friendly, multiculti b*tch of a woman (but hetero) known to parishioners of mine, worked there, and had to leave, it was so liberal- and she is no ‘conservative’. So, imagine how ‘Yankee Supremacist’ those folks are, underneath the veneer of Moravian piety. They are basically nothing more than the Teuton equivalent of the UCC.
    Fr John

    About 10 years ago my eldest daughter and I went to check out that college and she wasn’t as kind as you on the description part. She walked out of the intro speech and we spent the day walking around it. Yea it’s horrible on the inside but oh so lovely when you are walking around it, like you are walking in a Dickens Christmas village

  25. Rudel says:
    And as far as this Scots – Scotch thing, that’s stupid too. It’s a relatively modern example of false gentility….

    Part of that change seems attached to people trying to reclaim their roots, also. Many in the south-appalachia were told they are “Scotch-Irish” and grew up erroneously thinking they are Irish, or a mix of Scotch-Irish, when it originally indicated they were Scots who had come through Ireland (like in the Ulster Plantation).

    Due to being among the oldest population in the country, they “forgot” their roots were really scottish and their real trajectory to the country.

    Jim Webb’s How the Scots Invented America goes into that a bit. Some Americans shifted to using Ulster-Scots to clarify their real history, and that they weren’t Irish.

  26. Lowland Scotland is and Cumbria/Tweed is very odd place. Armstrong and Nixon ate two surnames you might be familiar with. Steelbonnets by George MacDonald Fraser
    would appear to be the same group that holed up in Appalachia after a sojourn in Ulster.

  27. I’ve understood them to be Scots or Scottish. Americans aren’t too keen on using the correct words all the time. It’s a matter of respect. It’s like confusing Dutch for Deutsch/Deutsche! I want to use the correct words and titles. Not doing so makes one ignorant. No?

    I’ve also heard Ulster Scots were more Irish than Scottish.

    I am proud of America’s German heritage although I do not have German ancestry. All European contributions to this nation and the world make me proud. I still believe Germans are the best engineers, and often scientists, in the world bar none. This nonsense going back and forth about who screwed up the nation is a waste of time. We all did – all ethnicities had a hand in it although the English were the biggest fools of us all!

  28. “And the best light cavalry in western Europe.”

    LOL! Maybe the bet light cavalry in Northern England. All they are good for now is knitting wool and brawling.

  29. “NO-ONE did more to blacken Scotland’s name than the 70 lawless clans of Borders “mafia” who specialised in murder, kidnapping and cattle-rustling for more than three centuries. ”
    fro John’s link @


    Those are the things I’m proud of. The author is a limped wristed fag with no balls and is displaying the weak willed pussy attitude which is killing off the White race.

  30. “The study also suggests that the large number of Roman troops stationed along Hadrian’s Wall may have left a strong impact on the genetic heritage of the people of the Borders.”

    Seems reasonable enough. Roman Legionnaires were certainly not recruited for their peace loving personalities but for their ability to fight hard and win.

  31. Stonelifter says:
    September 6, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    “Those are the things I’m proud of. The author is a limped wristed fag with no balls and is displaying the weak willed pussy attitude which is killing off the White race.”

    Ha! He is just whining, because his clan was beaten and driven north. This happened to many clans, so he should stop whining. Scots were natural warriors, they loved battle.


    “Chisholm is a Scottish surname. It is derived from a habitational name from Chisholme, near Hawick, in the south of Scotland. The name is derived from the Old English elements cese, meaning “cheese”; and holm, meaning “piece of dry land in a fen”. In the 14th century, members of the Chisholm family migrated into the Scottish Highlands”

  32. These a story about a combat between 2000 riders and 400 from another riding family. The 400 were backed into a corner but still won. They were skilled lancers too.
    Imagine the scene! Matchlocks, swords horses, spears, lances. No
    infantry at all. Maybe a small cannon here or there. Legendary.

  33. “Stuart would have to be one of them.”

    He met his match and death in Philip Sheridan during the Overland Campaign although by that late in the War cavalry units were being used en masse as shock troops in major battles rather than exclusively for reconnaissance or raiding a la Mosby’s Rangers.

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