Amurrica Series: Madonna Shows Her Ass, Literally

New York

40,000+ are packed into Yankee stadium to see Madonna:

“I’ve seen some scary things. I’ve seen people being locked up and put in jail for speaking their minds, for being gay, for not practicing the right religion, for not dressing the proper way,” Madonna said to the crowd of 40,000, AOL music reported. “Yeah, it’s scary. But what it made me realize is how lucky I am to be living here in America. It doesn’t mean that this is the perfect country. We have a long way to go.”

The singer went on to voice her adoration for First Lady Michelle Obama, according to The Hill, saying, “Thank god for Michelle Obama.” Later, that love was aimed at President Obama,“Tonight I’m not going to show my a–. I’m going to show my feelings. How’s that for living dangerously?”

The 54-year-old then ripped off her shirt to reveal an “OBAMA” tattoo painted across her lower back.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. She’s insane. Her embarrassing antics, however, are exquisite anti-propaganda for the globalist multikulti Left. She’s her/their own worst enemy.

  2. Even an old entertainer desperately struggling to stay relevant can be useful to us.

    Remember when that aging comedian lady made a video offering to perform a sex act in exchange for a donation to Obama, and demonstrated it on a dog?

    This is even better.

  3. Speaking of entertainers and celebrities, I really wish someone would do a “Sal Mineo” on Madonna, the sooner the better.

  4. I’ve seen people being locked up and put in jail for speaking their minds, for being gay, for not practicing the right religion, for not dressing the proper way”

    Sounds good to me. In a just and sane world Madonna, Lady Gaga and Pussy Riot would be staring forlornly through the same barbed-wire fence each day.

  5. “In a just and sane world Madonna, Lady Gaga and Pussy Riot would be staring forlornly through the same barbed-wire fence each day.”

    Well I hope you would let Gaga out once in a while for performances likes this one. Two New York Italians singing a song by two New York Jews in a definitely Negro sounding swing time.


  6. Don’t know why y’all are so down on Madge. Hell, Minnie Pearl had a rich & rewarding career well into her 80’s. Phyllis Diller, too.

  7. “Remember when that aging comedian lady made a video offering to perform a sex act in exchange for a donation to Obama, and demonstrated it on a dog?”

    Peppermint- YOU and Hunter’s post are talking about the same event.
    Think. about. it.

  8. The WORST thing that could happen to loathesome foul horrors like Mad-onna and GagGag would be to be completely ignored. Let them spend every penny they have on botox, and other assorted plastic enhancements. They older a surgery hound gets – the worse they look. In Ragnarok – NO ONE will have time for their filth. The BEST revenge would be to allow them to crawl aroundd, begging for attention – and then mockng the bad outcomes of their botched plastic surgeries. I know this type; I know what would hurt them the most.

  9. “Wow Rudel. That certainly belongs in the Amurrica series.”

    I like it. Who knew Gaga could actually sing real music. And it’s great to see that Tony can still nail it right on at 84.

  10. “If people are offended I’m sorry.””

    He shouldn’t have apologized. Jacqueline Woodhouse didn’t apologize for her rant against some Pakis speaking foreign gibberish on the London underground , lost her job, and got 21 weeks of jail time and five years of probation.

    Tory cabinet minister Enoch Powell lost his job too:

    If this sort of prosecution for thoughtcrime comes to America and then the only option will be to pick up the gun.

  11. If someone starts taking out federal judges or congressman the posters on Stormfront and sites like this will be the first people taken into custody and the recently passed Defense Appropriation Act allows us to be held by the feds incommunicado and without habeas corpus.

    These will be some of the tactics the feds will use in their death throes as the money runs out due to economic collapse over the unpayable debt. Hell, if they hire the likes of Stonelifter to augment their Homeland Security forces (as they undoubtedly are doing even as we speak) we will temporarily be in a world of hurt! 😉

  12. “The Whore of Babylon.”

    I generally find Madonna (and most post 60’s rock music) to be unwatchable. The only performance of hers that I ever liked was her role as Breathless Mahoney in the 1990 movie Dick Tracy. Perfect casting.

  13. I know, that’s the rub. Not that I’d advocate such a thing, but they may face actual uprisings.

    I’ve looked into the bad behaviour of the IRA (which is incidently not listed as a terrorist organization in the US). It seems that they were coopted by MI5 and Adam’s and Martin McGuinness were at various times working for the crown. But they lorded it over “Norn Iron” crown court judges who were quite right petrified of shoving the Catholics too far.

    Never the less it’s quite possible race riots directed at black could break out if white people in the UK pushed too far. Noone will cooperate with the state, then it will turn into race riots and expulsions. Much of the lawyerly class will be cowed into

  14. I don’t think obscure websites are a target. I want to make a correction to above post. If the white population is pushed too far they will revolt.

    Much of the power of the state is geared toward a slow simmer. Turning up the heat is no use. If they punish whites for being mouthy they are going to lose power.

    Whatyou have in the states is Pat Buchanan losing his gig or Derb or whatnot. We are minnows.

  15. David Starkey was able to go on TV and express the blackness of the rioters…
    So there are folk in the establishment who are seeing clearly. The coppers in London are also still race realists.

  16. “The coppers in London are also still race realists.”

    How could they not be with so many niggers committing violent crime (just like everywhere else in the world.)

  17. The OD excommunicated “Joew” is trolling over on Mindweapons …..

    Joe says:
    September 8, 2012 at 11:49 am

    “Oscar the gringch” is another handle for ” Fr John” . “Fr John” has alot of handles. He’s a liar : A jew troll. He’s all about causing confusion, mistrust, and division ; He’s all about disambiguation and hegelian dialectics.

    [ oscar the grinch / fr john ] is a jew commie troll.

    He’s up to his old tricks.

  18. Entertainment reflects a society’s moral code. The use of “clean” flirtation or suggestive innuendos can be just as effective as the use of outright filth. Since the entertainment industry is low on genuine talent, it frequently uses violence, foul language, and nudity as a substitute. Vulgarity is often a last resort when there is no natural “gift.”

  19. “The use of “clean” flirtation”

    Spare me the bluenosed Baptist lecture. Every Western society “flirts.” Otherwise there wouldn’t be a next generation. What do you prefer? Arranged marriages of pre-teens?

  20. Jeezus, Rudel, give me a break. As always, picking apart other people’s posts.

    The intelligent know what I mean.

  21. “I guess you’re still pissed I don’t view Germans as founding stock!”

    Since you are so often and obviously wrong it doesn’t really matter. You clearly don’t even know what the term “founding stock” even means.

    And yes I do pick over folks mis-statements and deluded ideas of history. There is much ignorance and stupidity here. It lowers the tone and usefulness of the discussions.

  22. “I guess you prefer the bending over flirtateous type.”

    Who doesn’t?
    We’re wired that way, Snowhitey. You should be damn glad of it, too.

    Deo Vindice

  23. “I guess you prefer the bending over flirtateous type.”

    No. You denigrated clean flirting. Are you a Seventh-Day-Adventist or just a run of the mill anti-dancing, anti-drinking (ever read about The Wedding Feast of Canaan?), anti-Christmas Baptist?

  24. So, you sit there and analyze everything to the nth degree and if you don’t agree with them, it’s not polite discord but insults. I am not denigrating clean flirting at all. I said you don’t need to sink to the level of outright filth to entertain. You can get the same results with clean flirting or suggestive innuendos. You need to re-read my post.

    I am not religious and Ive stated that in the past. You’re as bad as the Lefties with the attacks.

    I refer to the stock of the Founding Fathers as founding stock. Many Americans do.

  25. “Intellectuals are not so emotional.”

    So you’re not an intellectual. We already knew that and you certainly confirmed it with your statement that “most” Americans confound the Founding Fathers with the founding stock of this country. Very few of us with family here in 1789 are descended from the signers of the Constitution. Related maybe, but not usually direct descendants. BTW, do the French Huguenots who settled in New Amsterdam in the early 1600’s not count as “founding stock” either? That statement would definitely have pissed off some of my wife’s old biddy DAR aunts.

  26. I go from a blue-nosed Baptist lecturer to a Seventh-Day-Adventist to an anti-dancing, anti-drinking, anti-Christmas Baptist, to an ignorant American who doesn’t know Rudel’s official definition of “founding stock” all from a well-bred gentleman who doesn’t properly read – or understand – someone else’s comments.

    As for the founding stock, I disagree with you more than ever. Heck, lets include the Jews and slaves while you’re at it! My understanding is less than 10% of the population didn’t even want to break away from England. So they’re founders? Wow, American history redefined, ONCE AGAIN. I say they were pioneers/settlers. I’ll buckle, I’ll include your wife’s spinster DAR aunts as founding stock. Happy?

    It appears Rudel’s nudel has been drinking and dancing and it’s not even Christmas!!

  27. My understanding is less than 10% of the population didn’t even want to break away from England. So they’re founders?


    My understanding is less than 10% of the population wanted to break away from England. But they’re all founders?

  28. “My understanding is less than 10% of the population wanted to break away from England. But they’re all founders?”

    If they didn’t run off to Canada or get burned out then yes they are founding stock and you are surrounded by their descendants. Quit trying to confuse the issue by conflating the terms “founding stock”, “Founding Fathers”, and “founders” you weasel.

    And I bet you have German blood in you like many Americans do. And no, don’t try and tell me you can provide a complete family tree going back to 1776. Hardly anyone can name all of their dozens and dozens of great grandparents from over 250 years ago.

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