The Cost of the Union: Diversity Overwhelming White Communities

USA Today

USA Today is crowing about it … fortunately, Mitt Romney will stop this after he wins the presidential election in November:

“The number of nearly all-white communities has plummeted since 1980, dramatic evidence that the nation’s growing racial and ethnic diversity has spread far beyond large metropolitan centers into smaller towns and rural parts of the heartland, new research shows.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Multiculturalism, diversity, and tolerance” is the anti-white, anti-Southern mantra of the Left. It is poison and death to white Western Christendom. If you are white and accept it, you are complicit in your own destruction.

  2. From the article:

    “The Penn State research … found that California cities dominate the list of most diverse places (Oakland, Vallejo and Suisin City).”

    And yet if you visit Oakland as I recently have, you find that it is highly segregated with neighborhoods like Piedmont and Montclair with nary a black face in sight. And despite the opportunity for blacks to attend any elementary school they want, Negroes still self-segregate and send their children to exclusively black neighborhood schools.

  3. This entire COUNTY had ONLY ONE non-white household all through the sixties into the seventies, but now there are dozens, and soon to be hundreds, established mostly in the new “low income housing” and centers of the deteriorating small towns.

  4. Missouri fought on the Union side. So did Kentucky. So did West Virginia. Just because a particular state preferred to have niggers segregated, doesn’t automatically make it part of “Greater Dixie”. As if the South has some monopoly on racial realism.

  5. Chris,

    What’s the matter, you dissentious rogue?
    That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion,
    Make yourself a scab?

    Missouri was occupied territory.

  6. “Missouri fought on the Union side. So did Kentucky. So did West Virginia. Just because a particular state preferred to have niggers segregated, doesn’t automatically make it part of “Greater Dixie”. As if the South has some monopoly on racial realism.”

    Listen again you dumb fucking wop. I’ve showed repeatedly that all three of those states sent far more Confederate regiments into battle than Union ones. Stop lying.

  7. Go stick your little kraut pecker in your childhood nigger-Mammy’s crotch, you fucking dumbshit. All three of those states formally rejected Confederate claim and remained seated in Congress. They were, and are, part of the Union.

  8. This entire COUNTY had ONLY ONE non-white household all through the sixties into the seventies, but now there are dozens, and soon to be hundreds, established mostly in the new “low income housing” and centers of the deteriorating small towns.

    That is their new favorite weapon and is happening everywhere. We had folks use environmental laws to keep them out last time, but who knows how it will go next time? Forced busing was the 1st shot, which triggered White flight. Building low income housing in high income/ rural settings is the latest round.

  9. they were debating putting up a high speed rail to the suburbs in Boston. It was called the ” Greenbush’ line i think, it went to a couple of all white mid-upper income towns/ Scituate, Hingham. I worked with a guy from around there, and one day I said to him
    ” Do you got any good hip/hop, rap stores in your town?” and he just kind of laughed,albeit a little nervously. ” Yeah-go ahead and laugh” I said ” And start planning on selling your house” The thing is though-there ain’t a lot of places to move to .
    We’re done/ break it up/ bring it down

  10. “That is their new favorite weapon and is happening everywhere. (…) Building low income housing in high income/ rural settings is the latest round.”

    That, and older people forced to sell their homes cheap (unable to maintain their homes in the downtown areas due to crushing public school taxes and exploding home maintenance costs), government housing assistance for the invaders, and realtors not discriminating….

  11. Interesting Mosin. We don’t have anysuchthing as a down town in my county. If you’re on the forums, I’ll send you a PM about where I live but it’s pretty unusual in a lot of respects, all because of one landmark. But as you know, farm land goes the same way, sold on the cheap by old folks in tough times to developers who want to turn a profit by making the land into neighborhoods. Low income housing is still profit to the rootless merchant class.The county is trying to pass zoning laws which basically say all new houses have to have 4 acres of land. On the one hand, I get what they are trying to do and support it, but on the other hand, they will price a lot of younger life long county residents out.

    So was much of Md Steve. Men from Md who enlisted in the union army were promised they’d only have to pull garrison duty and not fight Southrons. Most of the men I’ve meet from Southron Illinois seem pro South, and are quick to trot out their Confederate credentials

    West Va if I recall broke down by sections, with many of the men ext to Ohio being staunch unionist and many of those closer to the Confederacy being, well Confederate. Sure do see a lot of stars and bars in West Va.

    The interesting thing about union regiments form Confederate states is… often when you read their history, they were nothing more then bandits looting, burning and pillaging with the blessing on lincoln. Basically doing to their own people what sherman would do latter on. May they be damned forever. Or they were negro regiments. Rudel’s link is handy, but doesn’t really bare that out. nature of Wikipedia and all. Some of those regiments were never more then 200 men at any given time

  12. The article is misleading. Whites are still very strong in most of the land area of the USA, that is, outside the large metro areas.

    In American communities of :
    — <50,000 residents (effectively, 'rural areas'):
    For every 100 Whites, there are only 19 Blacks+Hispanics+Asians. 44.4 million Whites (23% of all Whites in the USA) live in such communities, versus 8.5 million Blacks+Hispanics+Asians.

    — Metro areas with <500,000 residents plus rural areas: For every 100 Whites in such communities, there are 26 Nonwhites. 84.1 million White Americans (43%), vs. 22.2 Blacks+Hispanics+Asians.

    –Metro areas with over 5-million residents: For every 100 Whites in such communities, there are 119 Nonwhites. 33.4 million Whites (17%) vs. 39.6 Nonwhites.

    See here: USA Metropolitanization by Race.

  13. @ Rudel. The desire to increase miscegenation was in the works in the 1940 with the Gunnare Mydrdal study of US race relations. The problem, white resistance to white females and black males being together ( one wonders why ).
    Take a look at the link starting with 1941 Gunnor Myrdal………

    It has been the desire of our “elites” to encourage sex between the two since then. Any one with earlier evidence of this genocide should post.

  14. “It is poison and death to white Western Christendom. If you are white and accept it, you are complicit in your own destruction.” -M. Hill

    Mr. Hill- how right you are. Unless you are in a small town, with land and water available to you, are under a pastor who preaches the awareness of Whites as unique within the panoply of Man, and points out that it was White Europe (who most clearly, and for the longest time, embraced Christianity, as the fulfillment of Biblical Mosaicism) are that “Chosen People,” you also, are not resisting the voice of Satania, as Cambria notes in his weekly blog.

    HW preaches a variant on a ‘come home to Dixie’ secession, but lives in the midst of the most racially mixed area of the USA. HAC, and the Wesley Rawles types preach a NW White-a-ho secession, but only geographically, for the latter seems to think that niggers are their ‘brothers in Christ’ when Christ clearly stated he was to save only ONE people. [Matt. 15:24]

    I have been and am continuing to preach both- and a more concrete form of it- geographic, religious AND racial secession, to start anew in the Midwest redoubt.
    (It’s no coincidence that the largest group that is growing are the Amish- precisely because White folk need land, water, Lebensraum in the context of a Christian civilization- but the Amish are nothing but filioquist anabaptists, and cannot sustain Christendom, because they deny the technological progress ‘hard wired’ in White, Adamic Man. One can live on the land, and be separate, but one cannot hide one’s head in the sand- especially when Satania uses this technology to advance THEIR bastard worldview!)

    If folks are still attending ‘synagogues of Satan’ where multiracialism is the eighth sacrament, and/or a nancy boy pastor/priest who won’t speak out on a woman’s place, a man’s right to rule/headship, or someone who forgets or denies the Bible- that is, someone who does not note that ‘those who say they are Jews, and are not,’ per St. John [Rev. 2:8,9] are the greatest evil that Satan’s seed every spawned- well then, those folk are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem, as well..

    All of life is religious. It just depends on whether your religion is true….. or false.

    Racial set-apartness. Self-contained communities, fenced in with the first/last/only freedom one has- the Creed of a God that is as racially exclusive as you. (Even though they are TOTAL imposters, why do you think the Khazars/”Jews” have had both the ability to critique the West, and remain in their enclaves… for those who aren’t the multiracial bastards their entire race actually is!? [ Gen 3:15-16]

    All of life is religious. It just depends on whether your religion is true….. or false.

  15. True, useful meme: “All of life is religious. It just depends on whether your religion is true….. or false.”

    There is a lot of false religious community available, such as “where multiracialism is the eighth sacrament, and/or a nancy boy pastor/priest…won’t speak out on a woman’s place, a man’s right to rule/headship, or…forgets or denies…(Rev. 2:8-9) ‘those who say they are Jews, and are not’….” The true sort is harder to find.

  16. “Most of the men I’ve meet from Southron Illinois seem pro South, and are quick to trot out their Confederate credentials”: There is one Pennsylvania county (the most rural in the state, no large town in it) touching the narrowest part of the Maryland panhandle, the southern HALF of which seems to have always identified with Virginia and being of the South, and the one place the Confederates held for a long time north of the Line. There is another touching Maryland further east that has somewhat the same local anomaly.

  17. A lot of folks living north of the Ohio River were called “butternuts” due to the color of their Confederate uniforms.

    I still maintain that if Jefferson Davis and the rest of the snobs in Richmond had replaced the infamous bungler Braxton Bragg with Nathan Bedford Forrest then Sherman would never have have been able to leave Tennessee and McClellan would have defeated Lincoln for President in 1864 . This would surely have led to a negotiated peace.

  18. @ Hail,

    That’s some interesting information about the racial demographics of metropolitan areas at your blog. I posted something similar here a few months back listing the percentage of whites in the 51 metros with a population over one million, but based on census bureau estimates from 2006. With the 2010 numbers that you’ve compiled, we can now compare the two.

    And it’s not a pretty picture. The white percentage fell in every large metro between 2006 and 2010, in many cases drastically. Whether that’s because the census bureau overestimated the number of whites in 2006 I’m not sure, but the lists are good for comparative value and can show us the cities where the white percentage is shrinking fastest and slowest. First, the bad news. Here are the top ten large metros where the white percentage has fallen fastest between 2006 and 2010:

    1) Las Vegas: -7.4%
    1) Riverside: -7.4%
    3) Orlando: -7.3%
    4) Houston: -6.4%
    4) Miami: -6.4%
    6) San Jose: -6.3%
    7) Sacramento: -5.9%
    8) New York: -5.7%
    9) San Diego: -5.6%
    10) San Francisco: -5.4%

    Five of the top ten are in California, and all are in the Warm States except for NYC. Most of these cities are already largely non-white and they are growing quickly, further reinforcing the fact that population growth in the US is now virtually all non-white population growth. Here are the top ten large metros where the white percentage has fallen slowest:

    1) Pittsburgh: -1.3%
    2) Detroit: -1.5%
    3) St Louis: -1.7%
    4) Cincinnati: -1.9%
    5) Birmingham: -2.3%
    6) Cleveland: -2.6%
    7) Buffalo: -2.7%
    8) Nashville: -2.8%
    8) Richmond: -2.8%
    10) Columbus: -3.0%
    10) Louisville: -3.0%
    10) Memphis: -3.0%
    10) Salt Lake City: -3.0%

    Eleven of the thirteen are in the Cold States (except Birmingham and Richmond), with rust belt cities overrepresented near the top. Most of these cities are slow-growing, with the notable exception of Salt Lake City. Must be the high Mormon birthrates keeping the white percentage there from shrinking as quickly as it has in other fast-growing cities.

    It’s no surprise that most non-whites live in large metropolitan areas. But not in comparison with other Western countries, where virtually all non-whites (except aboriginals in Canada, Australia and New Zealand) are urbanized. The US has large populations of rural Hispanics and blacks that are basically non-existent in the rest of the West.

    In Canada for example, 60% of “visible minorities” (non-Europeans excluding aboriginals) live in just two metro areas, Toronto and Vancouver, and only 5% of vismins live in non-metropolitan areas. Australia is probably the same way, with Sydney and Melbourne substituting for Toronto and Vancouver. In France, how many Muslims and other non-whites live in rural areas? Though there are no statistics to back this up, I’m going to guess that it’s exceedingly small. Most non-whites in France live in the largest cities like Paris, Marseille and Lyon, and the same could be said about the rest of Europe.

    I suppose that back-to-the-land WNs might see a silver lining in this urban-rural demographic distribution, but I disagree. It would be much better if whites still totally dominated our larger cities, and if we have to have large numbers of non-whites in our countries (which we don’t), it would be better that they would form a rural peasant caste far away from the centres of power. We could rule indefinitely as an urbanized elite over the non-white masses in the countryside as long as we controlled the major cities, the crown jewels of our society where the real money, power and influence are. Alas, we are giving them away first.

  19. There’s a problem with saying St Louis. The municipality itself isn’t the greater county area. Atlanta isn’t strickly the same thing as the burbs around Atlanta.

  20. The cities are the seats of wealth, power and administration, always have been, and always will be. Athens, Rome, Paris, London, NY. Back to the land is a LOSING strategy.

  21. “The cities are the seats of wealth, power and administration, always have been, and always will be”

    Actually, that is a thoroughly modernist idea. Only in modernity has urban existence taken on such extreme importance. In pre-modern, Medieval, and Ancient times, the cities were where the rich and powerful lived, yes, but rural dwellers got on with their lives well without them. The cities then were mostly parasitic islands in oceans of agrarian life.

    As for us surrendering the cities to non-whites, do you really think they will continue to be “centers of power” when whites are almost completely gone? Look to examples like Detroit, the former “Arsenal of Democracy”.

  22. The Anglo-Saxon didn’t like to occupy the cities after conquest.

    “The Cities are traps.” according to an Anglo Saxon proverb.

  23. Rodger says:
    “As for us surrendering the cities to non-whites, do you really think they will continue to be “centers of power” when whites are almost completely gone? Look to examples like Detroit, the former “Arsenal of Democracy”.”

    That is a very good point.

  24. Rodger is correct. Lew’s position isn’t entirely wrong – yes, in the context of civilization, cities are the seats of power. But, as a result of their parasitic nature, cities are the first places to suffer from shortages of goods and services in lean times – which are not at all unlikely in the coming years. And they don’t prosper when taken over by coloreds (except for Asians, e.g. Asian-dominated SF is still prosperous, although it’s a hideous fag-loving pesthole due to liberal ‘tolerance’).

    Note also that those cities that have undergone a Renaissance in recent times are ones where the white population has increased – e.g. New York, DC – while the ones in decline are associated with fewer whites – e.g. LA.

  25. The slopes don’t “dominate” SF so much as they infect it. They should have been forced to remain in Chinatown instead of ruining the Sunset and Richmond districts by tearing down all those fine wooden buildings and putting in stucco monstrosities that go right to the limit of the property lines.

    Al these Southerners here don’t realize it but it isn’t the Negroes who are a threat it’s the Asians.

  26. “Diversity = the elimination of White people”


    Diversity = the elimination of White people by White people (and sometimes White-looking people (you know who)) using non-White people

    Let us not forget the real enemy…

  27. While every city isn’t valuable, there has never been an advanced society that wasn’t ruled and dominated by city-dwellers.

  28. What is to be done about the ongoing race replacement?
    How do you take these lemons and make lemonade?

    Assuming that at some point in the future, whites would be able to retake/retain political control over some localities, areas, or even states, what policies might evolve?

    One interim solution might be to set the browns against the blacks some way, using them as proxies to essentially “denegrify” localities and areas. If they’re here, they might as well do some good. This could be followed by expulsion/repatriation as a “reward” after the deed is done.

    The process of “denegrification” will become more important in the future. We should begin to examine this process and what it would look like. Are there any historical precedents?

    Deo Vindice

  29. Cities are, historically, not morally good places. I recall the verse in the King James text: “Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquitie of their fathers, that they DOE NOT rise nor possesse the land, NOR FILL THE FACE OF THE EARTH WITH CITIES.”

  30. This time Wycliffe for a repetition: “Make ye redi hise sones to sleying, for the wickidnesse of her fadris; thei schulen not rise, nether thei schulen enherite the lond, NETHER THEI SCHILEN FILLE THE FACE OF THE ROUNDENESSE OF CITEES.”

  31. “But not in comparison with other Western countries, where virtually all non-whites (except aboriginals in Canada, Australia and New Zealand) are urbanized. The US has large populations of rural Hispanics and blacks that are basically non-existent in the rest of the West.” Worrisome, for us in the states.

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