Historical Escapism


Meanwhile, while OD is immersed in historical escapism and globetrotting through foreign countries, the sluts are uniting at the DNC and putting on a big show over “women’s rights,” and the Republicans are desperately trying to figure out why they have lost the black vote:

Townhall and The Blaze

“How is it that the party of Lincoln, a party that led the way in opposing slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynching, the KKK, poll taxes, led the way on integration and voting rights for black Americans, and percentage wise, voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act in greater numbers than Democrats is now only getting about 10% of the black vote? Democrats say racism, but any objective observer would quickly discard that explanation given the significant number of popular black Republicans. If even a large percentage of Republicans were racist, certainly Allen West, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Condi Rice, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Star Parker, and Larry Elder couldn’t exist, much less be popular with conservatives. Additionally, although Republicans don’t support Affirmative Action, very few black Americans actually benefit from it and many are harmed as well.”

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s the Civil Rights Acts plus the welfare and affirmative action programs of the Great Society that closed the deal. The blacks are still pissed that they still have segregated schools due to White flight despite the Brown v. Board of Education decision, hence the current push for “regional” control of schools in cities BRA has destroyed.

  2. Rudel nailed it. The DNC/ democrats use to appoint a lot of Southron White supremacists to important positions. Johnson broke that unwritten pact and things have moved from there

  3. The Republicans are like domineering eldest brothers who are absolutely convinced that they are right about everything. Domineering eldest brothers are totally oblivious to the fact that they often choose their positions not based on “facts or truth” but on whatever gives them the opportunity to display “power and dominance”. As a consequence, they often persist in positions even when proven wrong for the same reason – because it gives them an opportunity to demonstrate power and dominance.

    The republicans made a fundamental miscalculation about blacks, and now cannot extract themselves from the situation. Like the domineering eldest brother, the republicans can never admit that the average black is not up to the republican program (e.g., republican efforts at implementing standards-based educational reform) – and go on with the program anyways as a dominance display. “You little folk gotta tolerate the situation whether you like it or not because its the right thing to do and good for you!!!”

    Under the republican program, it would only be the “talented tenth” who were ever promoted to their appropriate rank in society. The average black probably thought that this was just a scam by whites because so few of them can make the grade. “YT be settin’ up a system where the bare minimum of us get sumpin'”

    So the blacks hitched their wagons to the democrats who were perfectly willing to hoax everyone by alternately shaming and threatening whites until racial quotas were accepted, lack of ability and aptitude be damned. Under quotas and set-asides far more blacks benefit than under a merit system.

    The damnable thing about the democrats (which makes them almost as intolerable as the republicans) is that they can’t be honest about the reality – not only do whites have to pay for the system, they also are buffaloed into lying about its reality and pretending that it is actually merit-based. The democrats aren’t satisfied unless they rub our noses in it by making everyone a party to the lies and falsehoods of affirmative action and racial set-asides.

  4. Maybe Allen West, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Condi Rice, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Star Parker, and Larry Elder are nigger-hating racists. The handful of niggers that we have in Granbury, TX seem to hate ’em, so it is possible.

  5. “Johnson broke that unwritten pact and things have moved from there

    He actually bypassed all those Southern Democrat congressional committee heads and passed that Civil Rights and welfare legislation with more Northeast liberal Republican votes than Democrat ones.

  6. I was way young during the fall out of all that, but I remember my father and grandfather trying to figure out what to do. My father eventually started vote rep in the federal elections because he thought the gop would set things right to curry Southron votes. My grandfather boycotted presidential elections. Which is what my father did after Regan

  7. Stone- All well and good. But it doesn’t solve the PROBLEM.

    HW is clear- as each new news item trickles down from ‘on high’ – the cocktail party World Gov throws, in which the hero of ‘Hold Back this Day’ comes to mind-right before he’s thrown into prison/isolation- we see daily, not just the erosion of our freedoms, but their TRANSFERRANCE.

    I refuse to live, if I have to live in a USA where some G-D Nigger is my ‘boss’ rather than my ‘servant’- even a ‘civil servant.’ Reading Dixon’s ‘The Clansmen’ and the section where the ‘freed Negroes’ made a mockery of the legislatures of the various towns and cities of the South, put the entire edifice of BRA into proper perspective.

    I would rather fight, but I cannot fight alone. I would rather die a martyr, so that generations yet unborn of WHITES KIDS will live free from this Nigger Yoke. I would rather say, ‘I will never, never, never be a slave’ – precisely because I am a free Briton- than watch TEOTWAWKI happen.

    But, as long as we remain separate, we shall assuredly (as our ancestors said) ‘hang together.’ Unity, collaboration, homogeneity, utter resolve are needed, more than ever.

    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

  8. Nonetheless, free blacks from Greensboro offered their assistance to the State, slaves produced foodstuffs and materiel for North Carolina troops away at war, and fought alongside their white neighbors in integrate units – Northerners segregated their colored soldiers. The Dempsey brothers for example, Charles and Henry, surrendered at Fort Fisher along with their white compatriots in Company F, 36th NC, as did Daniel Herring of the same company; also Arthur and Miles Reed of Company D, 40th NC, and James Doyle of Company E; plus Everett Hayes of Company F, 10th NC. You are right, black North Carolinians should be made aware of these patriotic contributions to our struggle for independence 1861-1865.

  9. How is it that the party of Lincoln, a party that led the way in opposing slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynching, the KKK, poll taxes, led the way on integration and voting rights for black Americans, and percentage wise, voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act in greater numbers than Democrats is now only getting about 10% of the black vote?

    Because Republicans, try as hard as they may, will never be capable of out pandering their Democrat brethren. And when the Republicans try, the Dems begin to wave the “bloody shirt,” which is ironic since it was the tyrant Lincoln that did more than anyone to destroy the South, and “free” the negro. I think at this point, Republicans have mostly given up, and are betting the farm on browns, for all the good that will do them.

    Oh, and by the way, 10% of the black vote is awfully optimistic. Still, these “Glenn Beck talk radio mafia Republicans” would like nothing better than to get all blacked up, if they only could.

  10. Republicans don’t support Affirmative Action,

    false. Have Republicans ever made any effort to repeal it? Of course not. That’s because they support it.

    very few black Americans actually benefit from it

    false. Look at Uncle Omar, fighting deportation since 1989. Would a white illegal alien still be in the country after being arrested for drunk driving?

    and many are harmed as well

    True. And nobody will ever care about them, least of all the Blacks who benefit from Affirmative Action.

    Only a Republican would be stupid enough to believe that crap.

  11. http://www.vdare.com/articles/where-do-we-go-from-here

    The ultimate in historical escapism. Retreating to a valley in land-locked Montana
    that’s pretty close to HAC’s ‘vision’ – albeit with a Baptist fundie who actually believes that race doesn’t really matter (yet, who lives in an increasingly WHITER and WHITER area- disingenuousness, thy name is Baldwin).

    Not only is this area so land-locked that escape is impossible, there is also the fact that it is so cold in the Winter in NW MT, that I – as a Minnesotan, don’t even find it appealing.

    HW, if you could just get rid of the niggas, Dixie would make a HELL of a lot more sense. Oh, yes. Here’s some ‘intelligent’ muslim discourse on the ‘joys of diversity- from Britain… though you’d never know by the ‘nigspeak.’


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