Dixie and Anti-Semitism


Andrew Hamilton has a new essay at Counter-Currents about the surprising relative lack of anti-Semitism in the Old South.

This paradox troubles some White Nationalists, especially those of the more National Socialist intellectual bent, who have traditionally laid all of America’s racial problems at the doorstep of the Jew – why was the most intensely “racist” section of the United States so oblivious to the Jewish Question?

It is a Saturday evening and I am about to engage in some weekend reveling, but the short answer is that Southern Jewry was not perceived as an antagonistic element in our society because they tended to claim whiteness and embrace slavery, segregation, and white supremacy.

Jews like Judah Benjamin or David Levy Yulee (both resigned their Senate seats after Florida and Louisiana seceded in 1861) were pillars of the Southern establishment. They were not the Chuck Schumers or Barney Franks of their day by any stretch of the imagination.

The mortal threat to the Southern social order emanated from the Yankee in the Northeast and Upper Midwest and was known at the time as “Black Republicanism” which meant the destruction of slavery, the overthrow of white supremacy, and the implementation of “social equality” between the races which would degrade the White man by lowering him to the level of the negro.

The menace of “Black Republicanism” was not associated with the Jew because it was Yankees like John Brown, William Lloyd Garrison, Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner who were pushing so hard for it – and significantly, after the war, succeeded in imposing that ideal on the South and America.

In the 1880s and 1890s, Ashkenazi Jews from the ghettos of Central and Eastern Europe who were immersed in the radical leftwing politics of Germany, Poland, and Russia began to flood into the Northern states in huge numbers. From those Jews developed what is commonly known as the “Jewish Question” in the twentieth century. The Sephardic Jewish experience in the American South, Caribbean, and Latin America had been quite different.

Whereas racial theories had been associated with anti-Semitism and oppression of the Jews and later genocide in Central and Eastern Europe, the Sephardic Jews in the Western Hemisphere had successfully claimed whiteness and blended in with the White population and had little incentive to antagonize them by fomenting social revolution among the blacks.

That’s why the Jewish Question wasn’t a subject of much interest in America until the late nineteenth/early twentieth century when the radicalized leftwing Jews of the Polish and Russian ghettos began their exodus to the American North.

The long answer will have to wait for another day.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. On a personal level I like most of the Jews I know. There are two or three I hate.
    Tbe ones I hate are most stereotypical.

  2. One more thing. America is the new pale. One without restrictions on Jewish power.
    Hitler did the Poles a long tern favour by gutting the population of Jews that sat on the thrifty, tough, hardworking Polish.

  3. Sephardic Jews in the Western Hemisphere had successfully claimed whiteness and blended in with the White population and had little incentive to antagonize them by fomenting social revolution among the blacks

    I think the Sephardics were just biding their time. Any gentile who trusts a Jew of any background is a fool.

  4. Most of the Jews we have over here now were in Germany, Poland, and Russia and were causing problems there before coming over here.

    The ones that were here before the Great Wave were not notable for being anti-white or revolutionaries out to overthrow our social order.

    IMO, much of this has to do with the culture of 19th century Europe, particularly the radical leftwing politics that thrived in Eastern Europe at the time.

  5. I suspect the Jews from the South were part of the establishment, because they profited from slavery. The reason they are part of the anti-white northern establishment, (other than being anti-white), is because they profit from it.

    So it seems to me, if you make it profitable to be anything at all, all kinds of people will compete to make money from it.

  6. The Pale Jews are the Civil Rights confidence tricksters. Very specific attitudes.
    But the Spanish connected population might have been biding time as was pointed out upthread.

  7. John says:
    September 9, 2012 at 12:42 am

    “But the Spanish connected population might have been biding time as was pointed out upthread.”

    If you mean Leo Frank, wasn’t the ADL created because of his lynching? If they start lynching whites without trial, if the blacks kill all the whites in South Africa, I’m sure we’d get our act together, create our own version of the ADL and start a 1960s style, counter revolution.

  8. yankee suspires at the South’s lack of anti-semitism( or anti Catholicism) is based on the yankees central belief the South is the root of all social evil. Since they see anti-semitism as evil and the South as evil, it only follows in their logic that we are/ have always been anti-semites as well

  9. North: Bad Whites and bad Talmudists
    ———— Mason Dixon Line ————–
    South: Good Anglos and good Talmudists

  10. Stonelifter says:
    ‘yankee suspires at the South’s lack of anti-semitism( or anti Catholicism) is based on the yankees central belief the South is the root of all social evil.’

    Yankees have disagreements with slavery and lesser issues I do not deny, but to contend that their central belief is ‘The South is the root of all evil’ is paranoia gone to seed.

  11. Simon Baruch, the father of the famous financier and political consultant Bernard Baruch, was a surgeon with the Confederate Army from South Carolina. Supposedly while he was away, his fiancee and future wife, who lived in an area occupied by federal forces around Charleston, began spending time with a Union officer. Her father put an end to it with the statement that it was bad enough marrying a gentile, but a Yankee never! Interesting story.

  12. Suspires?

    moonshine is good for the soul, but bad for the spelling

    I tell you what Sam, make a list of every tv show movie etc where the Southron White male is the bad guy, stupid guy, can’t read, inbreed, racist, sexist or portrayed in a negative light in general. Make another list where we are portrayed in a positive light. Do this for 2 years and get back with me. And this type of thing goes way back to the 1840’s at least

  13. “Hell on Wheels” portrays the character ‘Cullen Bohannan’ in a sympathetic light.

    I watched “Gettysburg” (all 4 hours if it) for the first time recently, and I thought it was a very fair treatment of the Confederate army. There are others. Not everything on television is personal attack on Stonelifter’s family history.

  14. Gettysburg got flack for portraying Southron men in a good light when it was made. And Chris you are anti Southron and wouldn’t notice it if it was there. You could take the same challenge I offered to Sam, but you won’t

    It is an interesting challenge. I did the same thing for White men vs women, negros etc and the like once to convince someone tv is anti White man. It always works when folks take the time to do it.

  15. Stonelifter says:
    ‘I tell you what Sam, make a list of every tv show movie etc where the Southron White male is the bad guy, stupid guy, can’t read, inbreed, racist, sexist or portrayed in a negative light in general.’

    Well, I wonder who owns, controls and dominates every aspect of the motion picture and television industry?? The same can be said for the media in general.

    If you would ask the average guy on the street what is the root of all social evils you would get a variety of answers like, communism, atheism, religious fanatacism, Satan, liberalism, conservatism, capitalism, corporate greed, corruption of morals, hatred, jews, islamofascists, militarism, fags, intolerance, multiculturalism, racism and so forth. The South would be at the bottom of a long list if mentioned at all.

  16. For those of us forethinking to the day when we will need at least the passive consent of at least 80% of whites to really effect change, what are the problems?

    Anti-semitism? Yes.

    The Jews themselves? Yes.

    I think it was the dream of the Buckley types that if they just brought the Jews in, they would stop stabbing us in the back and plotting our downfall. That didn’t happen.

    But I have to echo a previous poster that few middle class and below Jews are all that off-putting. And I’ll reckon that if you genotyped them, they would be as white as the next fellow. Most “Jews” aren’t Semites at all, but rather Mediterraneans, Armenoids, and Khazars. Most of the true Semetic Jews were swept up into Islam, ironically or not.

  17. The people who form their ideas Sam, have us on the top of their list of evils, which is why we have been portrayed the way we are. And like I said, that has been going on way before jews showed up in large numbers. It’s a yankee thing which goes back to the 1840’s at least

  18. “The popular assumption is that ‘God’s Chosen People’ could not have survived in a place infamous for its ruthless racial repression.” (p. 26) Yet, “Far from being a center of anti-Jewish discrimination, the Southern white culture enabled a Jewish integration so complete that the region became known as a ‘hotbed of philo-Semitism‘—for its extraordinary love and acceptance of the Jewish people.” (p. 27)

    A ‘hotbed of philo-Semitism’, eh? Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Today, the South is still a hotbed of conservatism, race realism and grovelling subservience to Jewish interests and Israel.

    My question is, how did the heresy of Christian Zionism ever get started and why is it so wildly popular with millions of otherwise right-thinking Southrons? They can’t possibly still think that the Jews are their friends and allies, can they?

  19. “My question is, how did the heresy of Christian Zionism ever get started and why is it so wildly popular with millions of otherwise right-thinking Southrons? They can’t possibly still think that the Jews are their friends and allies, can they?”


  20. Lynching that Jew pedophile and child murderer Leo Frank might have been the South/White America’s last hurrah. It was a gruesome sex murder. Still, someone on VNN computed that Jews from the northeast raised today’s equivalent of about $20,000,000 to help Frank escape justice.

  21. Chris and Sam appear to be vying for the award for most disingenuous yankee. Anti-white Jews in Amurrica are just following the yankee playbook. They picked up their anti-white credentials with their citizenship at Ellis Island, where they found yankeeism to be most simpatico with the Marxism they brought from the old country.

    The same goes for all other northern immigrants. Immigrants who arrived in the South were not subject to yankee “education,” so they lack the antipathy for whites, especially Southern whites, that exists among yankees.

    “If you would ask the average guy on the street what is the root of all social evils you would get a variety of answers like, communism, atheism, religious fanatacism, Satan, liberalism, conservatism, capitalism, corporate greed, corruption of morals, hatred, jews, islamofascists, militarism, fags, intolerance, multiculturalism, racism and so forth. The South would be at the bottom of a long list if mentioned at all.”

    Most of the above evils are yankee “innovations.”

    Christian Zionism is one of the results of the assault on Christianity in Amurrica. It is a toxic admixture of so called “Bible Christianity” and PC that only gained a following after the liberalization and collapse of traditional mainstream Christianity.

    Most Southerners instinctively recoil against PC. Unless Pastor Bob can show them that “it’s in the Bible.” The literalism that is a byproduct of the “sola scriptura” doctrine is a form of idolatry that lends itself well to the PC cause.

    The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
    Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice I. iii. 93

    Deo Vindice

  22. “Christian Zionism is one of the results of the assault on Christianity in Amurrica. It is a toxic admixture of so called “Bible Christianity” and PC that only gained a following after the liberalization and collapse of traditional mainstream Christianity.

    Most Southerners instinctively recoil against PC. Unless Pastor Bob can show them that “it’s in the Bible.” The literalism that is a byproduct of the “sola scriptura” doctrine is a form of idolatry that lends itself well to the PC cause.” – Apu

    Amen, amen, amen.
    cf. Rev. Stephen Sizer, ‘Christian Zionism- Road-map to Armageddon?’ (Inter-Varsity Press, 2004,Leicester, England) ISBN 130978-0-8308-5368-7.

  23. More on indigenous Christianity, if you will. Ancient “Celtic Christianity” an example, would you agree?

  24. “The Phagan murder looks like the African American was guilty.”

    I beg to differ, John. Leo Frank was known for his obsession with his female employees, often watching them undress/dress in the changing room. That is where the murder took place. The old negro janitor saw something he shouldn’t have and would have remained quiet about it until he himself became a suspect.

    Thanks to Reconstruction, Southerners had adopted methods such as lynching to ensure justice despite corrupt political manipulations. New York Jews would never forget their “defeat” by Southerners regarding Leo Frank. They would ensure the full force of the federal government would be used to destroy these Southern adaptations to bad government.

    The case can easily be made that Jewish involvement in the CRM was indeed motivated by a desire for revenge for Leo Frank.

    “More on indigenous Christianity, if you will. Ancient “Celtic Christianity” an example, would you agree?”

    What is “Celtic Christianity?” Is that some New Age substitute for the real thing?

    Deo Vindice

  25. Didn’t realize the blacks invovled were old. That shifts the story a great deal.
    I don’t think the lynching was motivated by hostility towards Jews though. Just a desire to get the most likely culprit.

  26. People like the guy in the vid on Frank just crack me up. A Northeasterner, has got to be a catholic speaker (which is all he really shows us there), talking about how there were no jews in the south, lol. There were some and significant ones, as pointed out.

    But it’s more than that. (And I’ve read the speaker’s book and Kevin Mac, listening to hours of D. Duke, etc.) At least the jews don’t intentionally create a dumbed down society. Their temple is called “shul” (school), and their people who read and study the bible and religious history are called “scholars.”

    All and all, it’s a fairly smart religion. It might not be yours, and they may not be your friends, but give the devil his due.

    By comparison to what catholicism has done (and continues to do) to Europe, it’s a disgrace for europeans. And Christianity is not (as catholics are taught) simply synonymous with “christianity.” That’s a total INSULT to all protestants and Orthodox., obviously (not to mention one suspects it’s due to their desire to cover up the Catholic Lobby, the CQ, and the devastation of european peoples, (genoocides for which they do not apologize, although they apologize to the jews they obviously work very closely with).

    The protestants who actually founded the u.s. are the only real out group, imo.

    When the Catholic Lobby is not blaming Jews, they are blaming Puritans, or the “enlightenment,” never one day closer to understanding how their own error necessitated (and will continue to necessitate) very particular kinds of resistance, (if anything intelligent is even to survive under the name europe), and the one thing one NEVER hears: is any admission of ANY wrongdoing on their part.

    By and large, the Catholics, imo, have not shown themselves to be that helpful to the core base of the American people (Kennedys, HART- (Irish Roman banker) of Hart-Celler Act, all the Hollywood and music people, such as Madonna/ Lady Gaga (even coming from the same catholic training school in nyc), Tarantino, Deniro, Scorcese, and endless others.

    But rather than examine all that— they point a finger. It’s very non-noble behavior, to go around like that, in the estimation of many people. It’s the opposite of what one usually calls “white behavior.” Just pointing fingers all the time, when you’re seriously as dirty as anybody, if not way dirtier.

    So, imo—- Jews and catholics are on a par. Not the workaday catholics, (just simple people who know nothing about history really, and believe t.v., and want to “do the right thing,” and say they believe in Jesus), but the organizational people who push the Open borders (Ryan, Biden, etc, etc.), and who created Liberation Theology (Jews didn’t do that), and so much more.

    Also— you can talk all you want about the importation of commie Jews (and that’s a real fact, have MET them personally, and their families, and they are real commies, all right). However, the picture is totally incomplete unless you consider that AN EQUAL NUMBER OF militarist-corporatist-medicalist types were imported.

    It is only the T.V. version of Hitler (the “germanic” fall guy for all the militarist-corporatists) that makes “fascism” out to be “racism”. Mussolini did not describe it as such, but as military-corporatism. There were PLENTY of militarist-corporatist, but only the GERMAN ONE is “racist.” (No one hears of Franco, Mussolini, Tito, whatever)

    T.v. has spent billions making all fascism to be German, and for it to mean, only “racism” of blondes. Billions.

    Meantime, fascism marches on, and the u.s. has gone from 99% protestant to 50% in just 50 years—- and well… a real silence on that genocide.

    The South is, in the view of the Northeast today, just as protestant as the New Englanders, and there’s the root of why, once the New Englanders were supplanted (which they were) by a replay of commies-versus-militarist-corportists imported from Europe, the drive to get rid of them INCREASED, and was lumped with destroying “flyover country” too— like how William Macy is destroyed in Mamet’s (a jew) “Edmond,” a movie all should see.

    At any rate, real Americans now have to stomach the idiot commie-v-fascism routine that they had already left behind, in many ways, 500 years ago.

    Those stupid protestants, those stupid Puritans— why can’t they see the commie threat better? The jews? The fascists! (what the commies see) The catholic slaughter in croatia???

    These groups are like polarized idiots who cannot take a step back and see any larger picture of which they are just one part.

  27. Dixiegirl, most people who know me would tell you that I don’t cotton much to intelligent, overly intellectual women.

    Nevertheless, after your diatribe above, let me be the first to assert that you are a most attractive woman.

    Deo Vindice

  28. Denise, you might make more sense if you tried to restrict each individual idea to only one per sentence, or better yet, one per paragraph. Have you considered getting medical help? Some mood stabilizing drug might improve your incohate ranting and also stop you from advocating for the murder of white men and children.

    I must say though, that I do like mentally coherent racist blondes but that was from having grown up with them and not from watching TV.

  29. Which do you like more, Rudel, the mentally coherent part or the racist blonde part?

    Nevermind the pro-white/anti-white dichotomy and all this JC stuff, are you pro-bimbo or anti-bimbo? I, for one, am very much pro-bimbo. How about you?

    The future of Amurrica lies in the hands of its bimbos. They are our truest national treasure. They are the reason we fight so hard against BRA. It’s all for the sake of the bimbos.

    When you realize this, yankee negro worship becomes all the more surrealisticly (word?) absurd. The bimbos will show us the way. They don’t like smelly niggers.

    The contributions of intelligent women are extremely overrated. Just look at feminism and prohibition as examples that show why the nineteenth amendment was perhaps not the brightest idea…

    Just as the emancipation of negroes meant the future binding of white men, the “liberation” of ugly, intelligent women meant an ongoing existential threat to bimbos.
    They are our natural allies in the future struggle to overthrow BRA.

    Deo Vindice

  30. “I, for one, am very much pro-bimbo. How about you?”

    I like ’em. Especially if they are sitting up close to me in the middle of my old bench seat pickup truck! 🙂

  31. “I like ‘em. Especially if they are sitting up close to me in the middle of my old bench seat pickup truck!”

    There you go. Now make sure you got a Confederate flag on that truck and you’re all set.

    Deo Vindice

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