Dixie and Anti-Semitism


Andrew Hamilton has a new essay at Counter-Currents about the surprising relative lack of anti-Semitism in the Old South.

This paradox troubles some White Nationalists, especially those of the more National Socialist intellectual bent, who have traditionally laid all of America’s racial problems at the doorstep of the Jew – why was the most intensely “racist” section of the United States so oblivious to the Jewish Question?

It is a Saturday evening and I am about to engage in some weekend reveling, but the short answer is that Southern Jewry was not perceived as an antagonistic element in our society because they tended to claim whiteness and embrace slavery, segregation, and white supremacy.

Jews like Judah Benjamin or David Levy Yulee (both resigned their Senate seats after Florida and Louisiana seceded in 1861) were pillars of the Southern establishment. They were not the Chuck Schumers or Barney Franks of their day by any stretch of the imagination.

The mortal threat to the Southern social order emanated from the Yankee in the Northeast and Upper Midwest and was known at the time as “Black Republicanism” which meant the destruction of slavery, the overthrow of white supremacy, and the implementation of “social equality” between the races which would degrade the White man by lowering him to the level of the negro.

The menace of “Black Republicanism” was not associated with the Jew because it was Yankees like John Brown, William Lloyd Garrison, Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner who were pushing so hard for it – and significantly, after the war, succeeded in imposing that ideal on the South and America.

In the 1880s and 1890s, Ashkenazi Jews from the ghettos of Central and Eastern Europe who were immersed in the radical leftwing politics of Germany, Poland, and Russia began to flood into the Northern states in huge numbers. From those Jews developed what is commonly known as the “Jewish Question” in the twentieth century. The Sephardic Jewish experience in the American South, Caribbean, and Latin America had been quite different.

Whereas racial theories had been associated with anti-Semitism and oppression of the Jews and later genocide in Central and Eastern Europe, the Sephardic Jews in the Western Hemisphere had successfully claimed whiteness and blended in with the White population and had little incentive to antagonize them by fomenting social revolution among the blacks.

That’s why the Jewish Question wasn’t a subject of much interest in America until the late nineteenth/early twentieth century when the radicalized leftwing Jews of the Polish and Russian ghettos began their exodus to the American North.

The long answer will have to wait for another day.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, just did some background on the case. There’s two interpretations that appear plausible. The Jewish sweatshop boss predator with an assist from a nasty stepn fetchit, or Stepnfetchit by himself. I’ve seen how some Jewish bosses treat interns and desperate workers and it fits.

    Otoh there was that case in Italy with Amanda Knox and Rudy Guedi killing
    Meredith Kercher. The prosecutor there created a theory that had to implicate a white couple. Couldn’t it have just been the nasty nig?

  2. “There you go. Now make sure you got a Confederate flag on that truck and you’re all set.”

    C’mon Apuleius, you know nothing is gonna be able to change me of all people into anything but a Yankee. It’s just too deeply ingrained to ever be rooted out. LOL!

    The best that can be hoped for is that I remain a Copperhead sympathizer to The Cause.

  3. @Fr John: “What is ‘Celtic Christianity?’ Is that some New Age substitute for the real thing?”

    Notice that I wrote: “ANCIENT ‘Celtic Christianity,’ ” — meaning: orthodox Christianity as it existed/was practiced in the British isles before and during the time of Augustine, before the Saxons, long before the Normans and the full empowerment of the Roman papacy.

  4. John says:
    September 9, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    Otoh there was that case in Italy with Amanda Knox and Rudy Guedi killing
    Meredith Kercher. The prosecutor there created a theory that had to implicate a white couple. Couldn’t it have just been the nasty nig?

    Fascinating Case, read Candace Dempsey’s “Murder in Italy” one of the most obvious cases of innocence and Tabloid lies ever. (Tabloids made millions selling bizarre fantasies about the case to Euro scum who hate America so much they are willing to believe anything that casts us in a bad light.) Amanda Knox was not at all a “slut,” her history was a series of nerdy, mild manner white boys. She was however, a hopelessly naive, flaky Seattle girl who thought she had “platonic” friendships with African and Arab immigrants who owned some of the small businesses such as internet cafes in the Italian town she lived in. The cops knew a Black Man had raped Meredeth Kercher from an African hair found at the crime scene, and came to suspect Amanda’s reckless socializing with undesirable immigrants had brought the killer into the picture. The settled on the Amanda’s black boss at the part time job she had taken up and terrorized her all night into signing a statement written in Italian saying she had seen her boss committing the crime. Problem is her boss had an airtight alibi of being seen by dozens working at his bar the entire night when the murder took place. There was also no reason to believe Amanda wasn’t at her wealthy Italian boyfriends condo where she had been spending every night since she met him. (The foreign girls had naively rented rooms in a boarding house in a “bad” crime prone neighborhood and Amanda had basically only been using the place to hang her wardrobe after meeting a rich Nerd with his own two story Condo in a better part of town. Meredeth had been left alone all night in the place as a consequence, something local Italians who knew the “immigrant filled” neighborhood had WARNED the girls about.)

    Unfortunately, before the bar owner’s alibi could be checked, the cops had gone on TV and Paraded Amanda and the bar owner and confidently declared “case closed.” So when the whole thing was shown to be a sham, basically the prosecutor had been caught red handed trying to frame an innocent black man and went in the opposite direction to deflect heat from the Euro lefties, The evil white American, Bush loving girl did it all by herself, totally ignoring the arrest a few weeks later of a local Black Burglar who all the DNA and fingerprint evidence pointed to. Had they waited for the lab to come back with the results of the physical evidence before jumping the gun with an all night, Mexican Police style interrogation of a weak Seattle girl bound to crack and say anything they wanted her to say just to get out of there, the case would have been buried in the local media as just another case of black crime. (25 cops crowed into a small room and screamed at her all night until she signed a document written in Italian legalese, clearly not her own words.) Instead the bizarre scenario with Amanda as a Mansonesque ringleader took on a life of it’s own as it fueled preexisting Anti American, Anti White attitudes rampant amongst Euro lefties and fat, middle aged miserable women who are jealous of young pretty girls. The case was literally The Hoax of the Decade.

  5. “Notice that I wrote: “ANCIENT ‘Celtic Christianity,’ ” — meaning: orthodox Christianity as it existed/was practiced in the British isles before and during the time of Augustine, before the Saxons, long before the Normans and the full empowerment of the Roman papacy.”

    So it’s like Wicca, but with crosses?

    St. Augustine died in 430. The next year, 431, Pope Celestine I sent Palladius (St. Patrick?) as the first bishop to the Irish.

    Deo Vindice

  6. “The best that can be hoped for is that I remain a Copperhead sympathizer to The Cause.”

    Rudel, that’s good enough for me. Just understand when I use the word yankee, I am not referring to good people like you. Copperheads are always the best of people.

    Fr. John, I’m sure you agree that while we watch the slow motion suicide of western civilization, there is no point in moping around about it. Despair is a mortal sin, after all. At the Bonfire of the Vanities, I would have shown up with a bag of marshmallows and some sticks. Toasted marshmallows…mmm.

    “Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he
    That every man in arms should wish to be?”

    Deo Vindice

  7. Apuleius says: ‘Anti-white Jews in Amurrica are just following the yankee playbook.’

    Sorry, the jews have their own playbook and have screwed Whites long before the creation of America.

    Apuleius says: ‘They picked up their anti-white credentials with their citizenship at Ellis Island, where they found yankeeism to be most simpatico with the Marxism they brought from the old country. The same goes for all other northern immigrants.’

    Sure, ALL the northern immigrants. Your anti-Northern hatred has addled your brain.

    Sam: “If you would ask the average guy on the street what is the root of all social evils you would get a variety of answers like, communism, atheism, religious fanatacism, Satan, liberalism, conservatism, capitalism, corporate greed, corruption of morals, hatred, jews, islamofascists, militarism, fags, intolerance, multiculturalism, racism and so forth. The South would be at the bottom of a long list if mentioned at all.”

    Apuleius says: Most of the above evils are yankee “innovations.”

    Sam: They are?

    Communism? No. Atheism? No. Religious fanatacism? Not hardly. Satan? No. Liberalism? No. Conservativism? No. Corruption of morals? Pffft. Hatred? No.

    I’ll not bother with the rest of the list. If you think all of that are yankee innovations it proves how ignorant of history you are.

    Apuleius says: ‘Chris and Sam appear to be vying for the award for most disingenuous yankee.’

    Ha ha ha. Give me a break. YOU proclaim others as being disingenuous? LOL!

  8. It’s my yankee straw man, and I’ll treat him however I want.

    He’s a problem for yankees to deal with, I know. They often resemble B’rer Rabbit in the old story “B’rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby,” when they attempt to deal with him.

    Most Haitians would tell you that my yankee straw man is only a voodoo doll I use to torment guilty white yankees. Like you, Sam.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Jewdel – LOL! My rants are just FINE. You are just sulking cause you are going to lose some sort of finanical interest, in the coming Iran war. Boo hoo hoo……

    Leo Frank was an exceptionally depraved specimen. John – the old Negro Step ‘n Fetchit character ineptly tried to clean up Frank’s mess – but Frank murdered little Mary Phagan. Not that Jim Negro person.

    This is one of the most fascinating episodes of Jewry’s mask slipping off. Hunter – Sephards in America were NOT harmless. By the time of the Phagan atrocity – they were beginning to do what Jews DO.

    Poor Mary. Read up in her case, John. Frank was guilty as Hell. Would you like me to elucidate “why”? In any criminal case, the most likely suspect us usually the guilty party. EVERY action Frank took proves his guilt. The Jews that have tried to “clear his name”, ever since, confirm his guilt.

  10. Re: southern Zionism

    Southern anti-Zionism is akin to Spartan anti-Alexanderism. A rational for backwaterism.

    Stonelifter is the ideal western man because he intellectually opposes the current domestic degradation and occupation of his nation (Dixie) while participating in military action against barbarians. Stonelifters are the classical heroes of our race that rise above politics while others use it to justify inaction.

  11. “Jewdel – LOL! My rants are just FINE. You are just sulking cause you are going to lose some sort of finanical interest, in the coming Iran war. Boo hoo hoo……”

    It’s you and your girlfriends who will be the ones crying, sweetie when gas is $15 a gallon.

  12. @Tamed of Savages

    “Stonelifter is the ideal western man, blah, blah, blah…Stonelifters are the classical heroes of our race, blah, blah”

    LMAO!!! Wisdom from the guy who lusts after his own cousins!! Birds of a feather flock togethor, eh Tamer?

  13. Hunter puts too much influence on the ghetto mentality. Northern Jews merely embraced northern culture.

    The one sound idea Denise supports is war on Iran. Iran needs another dose of western culture. Many will greet us as liberators. Iran is NOT Iraq. Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of joining the military as it is my family tradition. The last of my clan to fight flew during Gulf War I. The soon to be brother in law was a sniper in Gulf War II. My lack of service pains me greatly.

  14. “Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of joining the military”

    What, and lose the respect of all your actor and fashion designer friends!?!

  15. The connection one experiences during an erotic encounter with one’s cousin is hard to describe. It is a beautiful thing, especially on the beach at OBX when you’re both in your late teens. Hard endogamy refines a family.

    Lower-middle class tumbleweeds, especially Slavs like Chris come from fractured families. They don’t live near one another. They don’t vacation together. They don’t have the chance to fall in love.

  16. John – war is what’s coming. The Jews will their war. There will be loads of dead everything.

    Jewdel – I am not worried a bit about $15.00 gas. That would be just the ticket. You are such a pussy, though. You’re not ready for a thing. Are you?

  17. @ Fr John: “So it’s like Wicca, but with crosses? St. Augustine died in 430. The next year, 431, Pope Celestine I sent Palladius (St. Patrick?) as the first bishop to the Irish.”

    What I refer to has nothing AT ALL to do with “Wicca,” nor with “New Age.” I wrote plainly: ANCIENT Celtic “indigenous Christianity,” which was LONG ago, and seems to have really been the REAL thing, NOT a syncretism with the indigenous Druidic religion of the time, nor with the Greco-Roman.

    Fr John, all the dates you listed come well after (more than a century after) the widespread appearance and establishment of Christianity in Britain — as Tertullian noted in “Adversus Judaeos” at the close of the second century: “all the haunts of the Britons, even those inaccessible to the Romans, have been subjugated to Christ.”

    Christianity was established in Britain INDEPENDENTLY of the Roman papacy and BEFORE the time of Augustine, and continued to function INDEPENDENTLY of the Roman papacy as late as the fifth century when Bishop Diaothus’ replied to Augustine on the authority of Rome: “as for…obedience, we know of none that he, whom you term the Pope, or Bishop of Bishops, can demand (…) we are ready to pay (respect) to him as to every other Christian, but…our obedience is…to the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Cærleon, who is alone under God our ruler to keep us right in the way of salvation.”

    Some of the Pope’s commands carried to the Celtic bishops through Augustine were to make their observance of Easter coincide and become uniform with the Roman, to CHANGE THEIR RITE OF BAPTISM (!!!) and to participate fully in the Roman missionary work with the Saxons — and the Celtic tonsure of monks and other unique features of their indigenous Christianity were also to be changed to bring them into full conformity and control. According to Bede, the Celtic (British) bishops were warned by a hermit monk that they SHOULD NOT OBEY Augustine’s orders if he did not stand to greet them when they met; and at the council, Augustine kept his seat, and the British bishops refused to recognize his authority, and the Pope’s, over them. Earlier, the Celtic (Welsh) monk Morwen took it upon himself to go to Rome to oppose the authority of Augustine.

    Ancient indigenous Celtic Christianity predates and looks beyond Augustine back to the apostolic age, in several traditions of INDEPENDENT apostolic succession: one being that Joseph of Arimathea was founder; another that it was Arthur alone who upheld the true faith after the fall of Rome; and another that Jesus himself visited Britain after his resurrection to establish the true church in Britain (mentioned in Blake’s poem and the “English Anthem”: “did those feet in ancient time walk upon England’s mountains green…and was the holy Lamb of God on England’s pleasant pastures seen…and was Jerusalem builded HERE?” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnBnjO7F8MM&feature=related )

    Fr John, I brought up “ancient Celtic indigenous Christianity” only in response to YOUR tantalising mention of “indigenous Christianity” in one of your earlier comments, and I asked whether you thought Celtic Christianity was something like what YOU mean by “indigenous Christianity.”

    This is not entirely irrelevant to many of Hunter’s recent post topics either, or to his comments about the value (to a future, seceded South) of a uniquely “southern Christianity” perhaps similar to colonial-era Anglicanism.

  18. “The one sound idea Denise supports is war on Iran.” Sarcasm or misunderstanding?
    I think she means that such an UNJUST undertaking could have the unintended but beneficial (for us) outcome of weakening, bankrupting or destabilising “BRA.”

  19. Do I understand YOUR position, Tamer? Do you want this yet-another “humanitarian” war to destabilise BRA, or to “help” Westernise the Aryan Persians, who will (many of them, you say)”greet us as liberators”?

  20. It may be yet another brother-against-brother conflict, like gathering the rest of the white world against the Germans to reform Germany, or the northern whites against the southerners to reform them.

  21. The people in Iraq did great us as liberators. That lasted4 months give or take. Took another 2(ish) months for them to get restless, and another 2 after that for AQ to show up and make something of it. I figure the same would occur in Iran too. The place has a sizable dissident community.

    The real problem with Iran is Russia and China. Military it wouldn’t be that hard to crack Iran open ( if we fought instead of pussyfoot around), but we would want to rebuild and that’s the other quagmire

    Denies wants war with Iran because she hates White military men and wants to see them die.

  22. I want ALL those that serve ZOG to be cleansed from the Earth, as well as ZOG. Let God sort ’em out. Its there’s anything left but protoplasm.

    My whole Tea Party is going for Romney. Mittens thinks budget cuts for the military are bad things….woo hoo hoo.

    Go Russia!

  23. Mosin – a man does not write such things. A miscegenating, incestuous Kahazar worshipping pussy that runs away from Nigras does.

    I hope there’s a draft.

  24. Rudel – have you ben experimeting with dosages, again? Stop Script Shopping. You are drooling on yourself again…I can tell by your posts. At least consult with a credible pharmacist, before doubling up on your meds. You are evidently getting cross-reactions. Could be bad. I’m only trying to help you.

  25. My understanding is that she does NOT want to kill Persians, but that IF the global war IS carried to Persia, perhaps the victory will be so “Pyrrhic” that “BRA” will be weakened, and destabilised.

  26. “I hope there’s a draft.”

    You better hope Romney wins then. If it’s Obama then you best watch out your own self. He might just declare the ERA in full effect by executive order! 🙂

  27. “Re: “ERA in full effect”: Lesbians may dominate in some military units already.”

    Hard to believe that there would be any girls in a mortar or machine gun section, but maybe I’m wrong. I hear everyone in the Army drives to work nowadays.

  28. “Rudel says:
    September 10, 2012 at 3:48 am
    “and Israel occupies Lebanon.”

    That didn’t exactly work out for them so well last time as I recall.”

    Heh heh heh heh….maybe your palsky Runner Away from Nig Nogs can get a Sapphic Field Commander. He can suck up to her by bringing her his Bubby’s favorite recipe for lox and bagels…..

    Heee heee heee heee! Romney 2012! War 2013! GooooooOOOOooooo Russia! Woo HOO!

  29. Israel did an ok job last time in Lebanon.

    Syria is too weak to help Hizbollah this time around, Hizbollah is actually helping Assad kill his own people currently. Nasrallah has been fully discredited outside the slums of south Lebanon and Sadr city.

  30. Mosin, isn’t Sinead O’Connor a Celtic Christianity priestess or something like that?

    Denise, you will never be taken seriously as Celtic warrior woman until you have a name like Sinead or Siobhan or something like that. Of course you will also need to volunteer for duty in Iran. Otherwise, it is time for the brank.

    Why would you want to fight another war for ZOG, Denise?
    WWBD (What would Boudica do?)

    Deo Vindice

  31. @Timid of Savages

    Are you talking about the war of 2006? Israel suffered a lot of casualties, and got exposed as something of a paper-tiger. Hezbollah seemed to come away with a new respect and legitimacy in the Arab world.

  32. “Are you talking about the war of 2006? Israel suffered a lot of casualties, and got exposed as something of a paper-tiger. Hezbollah seemed to come away with a new respect and legitimacy in the Arab world.”

    Israel won every battle and withdrew due to leadership failure by Olmert and overall lack of direction. Was it a rescue mission or a punitive mission? Al-Manar propaganda was weak and rings hollow now that Nasrallah turned his back on the Arab street to ally with his syrian and iranian handlers against sunnis.

  33. @ Apuleius: “Mosin, isn’t Sinead O’Connor a Celtic Christianity priestess or something like that?”

    That WOULD be “something like Wicca but with crosses” or something “New Age” as Fr John was responding, above. I simply meant the indigenous orthodox (“real thing”) Christianity of ancient Celtic Britain prior to the Papal takeover through Augustine and the conversion of the Saxons.

  34. “Mother Bernadette Marie”(Sinead) is now “Archdeacon” of the “Latin Tridentine Church.”

    Again, that has nothing to do with the place and need for “indigenous Christianity” instead of global-ecumenical.

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