Dixie and Anti-Semitism


Andrew Hamilton has a new essay at Counter-Currents about the surprising relative lack of anti-Semitism in the Old South.

This paradox troubles some White Nationalists, especially those of the more National Socialist intellectual bent, who have traditionally laid all of America’s racial problems at the doorstep of the Jew – why was the most intensely “racist” section of the United States so oblivious to the Jewish Question?

It is a Saturday evening and I am about to engage in some weekend reveling, but the short answer is that Southern Jewry was not perceived as an antagonistic element in our society because they tended to claim whiteness and embrace slavery, segregation, and white supremacy.

Jews like Judah Benjamin or David Levy Yulee (both resigned their Senate seats after Florida and Louisiana seceded in 1861) were pillars of the Southern establishment. They were not the Chuck Schumers or Barney Franks of their day by any stretch of the imagination.

The mortal threat to the Southern social order emanated from the Yankee in the Northeast and Upper Midwest and was known at the time as “Black Republicanism” which meant the destruction of slavery, the overthrow of white supremacy, and the implementation of “social equality” between the races which would degrade the White man by lowering him to the level of the negro.

The menace of “Black Republicanism” was not associated with the Jew because it was Yankees like John Brown, William Lloyd Garrison, Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner who were pushing so hard for it – and significantly, after the war, succeeded in imposing that ideal on the South and America.

In the 1880s and 1890s, Ashkenazi Jews from the ghettos of Central and Eastern Europe who were immersed in the radical leftwing politics of Germany, Poland, and Russia began to flood into the Northern states in huge numbers. From those Jews developed what is commonly known as the “Jewish Question” in the twentieth century. The Sephardic Jewish experience in the American South, Caribbean, and Latin America had been quite different.

Whereas racial theories had been associated with anti-Semitism and oppression of the Jews and later genocide in Central and Eastern Europe, the Sephardic Jews in the Western Hemisphere had successfully claimed whiteness and blended in with the White population and had little incentive to antagonize them by fomenting social revolution among the blacks.

That’s why the Jewish Question wasn’t a subject of much interest in America until the late nineteenth/early twentieth century when the radicalized leftwing Jews of the Polish and Russian ghettos began their exodus to the American North.

The long answer will have to wait for another day.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Apuleius says:
    September 10, 2012 at 4:38 am
    Mosin, isn’t Sinead O’Connor a Celtic Christianity priestess or something like that?

    Denise, you will never be taken seriously as Celtic warrior woman until you have a name like Sinead or Siobhan or something like that. Of course you will also need to volunteer for duty in Iran. Otherwise, it is time for the brank.

    Why would you want to fight another war for ZOG, Denise?
    WWBD (What would Boudica do?)

    Deo Vindice”

    LOL! Thanks for the kindly advice, on the name change.

    As per usual – my statements are completely twisted. I don’t wan ANY-ONE to fght a war FOR ZOG – I want war because I think that war, with Iran, is the only thing that will DESTROY ZOG.

    The JooSA in in dire financial and social straits. The American military is LOADEd with non-Whites. Alas – most of the people fighting and dying FOR ZOG have bene White men. Right now – the mid-level command are nothing but Non-Whites, and form I’m hearing, Lesbians. They are sucking all the good bennies up – pay, swet offices, free travel, etc, while White men die for them.

    1) White men of the West have ben dying on behalf of their Racial enemies for what – a century now? I know previous generations have been duped – but there is NO excuse now. The smarter White males are alreay speaking out – and are clued in, or are cluing in. Idiotic Flag Waving RETARDS have been doing the bidding of the Spawn of Satan for 100 year as well. Soldier and civilin. North and South. THAT sort of mindlessly obedient morons have been fully complicit in the genocide of Whites. aware or not. THEY NEED TO GO. Any so-called Whites that works on behalf of MY racial Enemies is MY enemy as well.

    3) Iran has REAL armies. If you are not familiar with their training methods – aquaint yourself. War with Iran means war with Russia and China. Good.

    4) I know TONS of young Ron Paul folks. War is COMING. I will be working 25/8 to exhort all young folks to desert ,and go AWOl.There ar loads of ways for young Whites to ride it out. The Whites that go marching off to die for ZOG – GOOD RIDDANCE.

    5) I have been reading up on a war with Iran, via Pentagon war-gaming, for years. We go in there – the ZOG Army is CRUSHED. Once all the Flag Waving Retard White males DIE – what’s left? The Nogs, Orcs, and Dykes. Batter up!!!!

    6) Timid of Savages asserted that “Iraelis won’t die”. Oh yes they will. The ONLY thing propping the Kikenvermin DEVILS up is the “American Military”. Once the US ZOG ORC Army is crushed – tick tock tick tock. The rest of the world is on to the Jew. When the military goes – ZOG goes.

    7) War is COMING. Better now than later. We still have numbers. We still can rebuild the White Race. Vote Romney. You are a young guy, right? Hide out. ZOG’s thugs wil be way too busy with everything else, than hunting down random Whites. You WILL get your Secession, and Independent Dixie, if Iran kills ZOG’s Thug Army. War, right now – it’s PERFECT.


  2. Apelius – finally -the Hebes are REALLY ramping up on the war-mongering, and exhortations for Jew Worship. They just tried ot get CA to pass a “law” that prohibits all criticism of Die Holy Jude”. It was defeated – but they will of course try try again.

  3. You’re wasting your time Denise! This board is Full of Jews and Soroswine Underwear Bombers in their Mother’s Basement smoking Pot or Crack!

    Blackie McChimp doesn’t want War with Iran because he’s a mooslim, which means if he wins the Election he gets Impeached or Assassinated by Mossad! Doesn’t matter to me if that Urban Ape gets killed, but the Idea of a State Funeral for a Kenyan Ape sickens me.

    Let these fools cling to Fantasies of a Dixie LONG DEAD, and listen to Paid Announcements from NWO/ZOG/BRA employees of the Bilderbergers!

    America cannot survive these Depredations! It is Truly Unsustainable! Civil War II is just around the Corner. All that is required is a Massive Chimpout followed by a Complete Financial Collapse.

    I expect these Southrons to be sitting on the couch watching Foolsball, while the Real Revolutionaries take back the Country from the Jews and their Orcs!

    They won’t be able to fly their Fool Confederate Flags though, because Meanie Old Jew and his Pet niggers won’t let ’em! Let them sit on their asses watching magic negroes playing with their balls on Talmudvision!

    I and others like me will be fighting for White Supremacy, not some Fool Old Movie about genteel gentlemen and ladies on the plantation with Mr. Mandingo picking the Cotton and Plowing their daughters rows!

  4. Fr John, I found the comment I was referring to: “I am for an INDIGENOUS NATIVE ORTHODOXY, the sort that the early church encouraged, before Rome decided to make everyone vassals of the pope. English Church for the English, French for the French, German for the Germans, etc.” Ancient Celtic church was that? What about present-day application of “indigenous”? See earlier comments on this thread.

  5. @ Dr. Doom: “won’t be able to fly their Fool Confederate Flags”:

    I always thought the stars and bars is one of the best if not the best-looking design, among all the flags of the world.

  6. Someone is flying a big one over their front lawn now along a local main street, and strangely enough, a series of smaller ones flew all day recently over a Republican information booth at a local fair.

  7. Mosin, do you think our flag becoming the default symbol of anti BRA or is it Southron transplants?

    Sam’s lists of evils aren’t yankee inventions but they are yankee gifts, and many brought here by ethnic White immigration. However, if the typical yankee thinks they are evil, why do they vote to double down on those things every chance they get?

  8. I think these cases are very exceptional. Some are thinking of it as a symbol of the states’ rights and nullification issues. The Gadsden flag is of course much more common here.

  9. “if the typical yankee thinks they are evil, why do they vote to double down on those things every chance they get?”

    Conservative rural folks nearly everywhere do think they are evil and generally vote against them. But the metropolitan masses think evil is good if they think at all, and do “vote to double down.”

  10. I’ve always preferred the First Naval Jack to the Gadsden. Right now, the only flag I hang on my porch is Commodore Perry’s Lake Erie flag.

  11. That answer was about (I assumed your question was about) wha difference it makes why the Confederate flag is displayed here, whether it is just a symbol of “rebellion” displayed by motorcyclists, etc., or in other cases, a political symbol of the states’ rights position, etc.

  12. Fly whatever fashionable flag you want. The more esoteric, the more confused the message. More chaos, more diversity of expression. Less impact.

    The Confederate flag is a de facto symbol of white rule and white freedom.
    Just as the flag of the proposition nation is the flag of non-white rule and black freedom.

    That is why our enemies despise the Confederate flag and want to completely destroy this potent symbol of whiteness. The Confederate flag flies wherever whites are not ashamed of their whiteness.

    Deo Vindice

  13. Stars and bars was being called “the American flag,” and the stars and stripes called “the Obama flag,” at some event!

  14. I’m thinking our flag as the symbol for Whiteness will be better received across the usa then any of the German/ pagan signs folks try to come up with

  15. http://tinyurl.com/cma9jrm

    We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
    Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
    And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    As long as the Union was faithful to her trust
    Like friends and like brethren, kind were we, and just
    But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
    We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand
    Then came Alabama and took her by the hand
    Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida
    All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Ye men of valor gather round the banner of the right
    Texas and fair Louisiana join us in the fight
    Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen rare
    Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Now here’s to brave Virginia, the old Dominion State,
    With the young Confederacy at last has sealed her fate,
    And spurred by her example, now other states prepare
    To hoist high the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star.

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Then cheer, boys, cheer, raise a joyous shout
    For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out,
    And let another rousing cheer for Tennessee be given,
    The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven.

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Then here’s to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave,
    Like patriots of old we’ll fight, our heritage to save;
    And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer,
    So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

  16. “I’m thinking our flag as the symbol for Whiteness will be better received across the usa then any of the German/ pagan signs folks try to come up with”

    Probably true, but I also like the English flag, which is all white background with a simple red cross.

  17. Revisiting this thread, noticed your last comment, John: The Archbishop of Canterbury has a clasp on his vestments with the image of the “Wessex” White Dragon and the Red Dragon (of Wales) facing each other across the Saxon Cross of Canterbury. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canterbury_cross What symbolism should the ideal flag design for Western, Christian white civilisation include?

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