Caribbean Project: The Emergence of the Cuban Black Undertow


In 1864, Cuban planter Cristóbal Madan rails against the free colored population – the emerging Black Undertow of Cuba – which at that time numbered around 226,000 or 16 percent of the population:

“The colored people scarcely contribute to the effective working class on the island, in proportion to their numbers. They do not dwell on their plots of land, but congregate in the towns and villages, where they degenerate more each day into a lazy and vicious bunch. Their women possess the most depraved habits, and it can be said that the race is almost of no use, either to itself or to the country in which it lives; a significant proportion is mulatto.”

In the United States, the Black Undertow emerged as problem during the Early Republic and Antebellum era, particularly in Northern cities like Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia.

Most of the Southern states passed laws during this period which required free negroes to emigrate out of state. Several Midwestern states also banned free negroes for the same reasons given by Madan.

As in Cuba, the ex-slaves descended on the Southern cities during Reconstruction. There is a scene in Gone With The Wind where Scarlett is assaulted by the Black Undertow in the shantytowns outside postwar Atlanta.

Note: Here’s an interesting except about the Catholic Church in Cuba during slavery:

“The Church was part of the system of slavery. It supported, reinforced, and reflected the status quo. It preached obedience to the white master among the slaves, and propagandized the then present inequality and suffering as preparation for an equitable afterlife.”

This is significant.

We often hear on the internet that Christianity is the cause of our racial decline – in the South and Cuba, the planters controlled the churches, whether Southern Baptist or the Catholic Church, and the real threat to plantation system came from external anti-slavery agitation, not from organized religion within slave societies.

Jesus is always on the side of whatever social group has the money in society – in the nineteenth century, Jesus was for slavery and obedience to masters, now Jesus is against “racism” and “anti-Semitism” and stands for “human rights.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Attacked by one Negro and a white if I duly remember. Scarlett was saved by a former slave. Not exactly the most damning criticism of negros in the movie if I do say so myself.

  2. “Jesus is always on the side of whatever social group has the money in society….”

    Almost, but not quite. The “Jesus” you are talking about, is the ‘wax nose’ Jesus of the apostate culture, whether black or white, rich or poor, capitalist or Bullshevik. It is sinful man’s attempt to ‘co-opt Christ’ to serve them, rather than the other way around.

    The drawing of ethnic lines around the True Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, the archetypical ‘Last Adam’ is not just a desire on my part to embrace what some deluded fools would call, ‘heresy.’

    It is to point out that (as per Schroeder- I can’t take credit for this) the Entire Bible record, goes from the general to the specific, and then only deals with the specific, from then on out- even (believe it or not) in the N.T. The General is the creation of the universe, the solar system, the sun, moon, the planet Earth, the continents, seas, fish, birds, flora and fauna, animals (bipdeal as well as quadruped), and, at the very end of that creative fiat, the Man, Adam, [“He who blushes [visibly] is ‘fair, rosy'” – per Strong’s] and his ‘kind,’ forever.

    That specificity is the calling and special creation of Adamkind as the ‘summum bonum’ of hominidity (for the White Homo Sapiens sapiens DOES come on the scene rather late… unlike the OTHER RACES), and that the God ‘with whom WE have to do’ clearly states in both testaments, that it is ONLY our race that is of interest- salvific interest, that is- to Him.

    Amos 3:2, Matt.1:21, Matt. 15:24, Acts 1:6, Eph. 1:4, Rom. 8:28, I Cor 11:28 (there is a definite article, ‘THE many’ in all of the accounts of the Eucharist – it is NOT an open communion invitation to ‘all’.), and finally, I Pet. 1:1, Jas. 1:1, etc.

    So, perhaps what we need to do, is to read the White’s disgust with the Blacks, and other non-Adamic races, from THAT vantage point, and NOT the modern multicultural mantra, which is nothing- if not outright anthropological AND theological heresy.

    We might actually start thinking like our ancestors, for a change…..if we did.

  3. “Jesus is always on the side of whatever social group has the money in society – in the nineteenth century, Jesus was for slavery and obedience to masters, now Jesus is against ‘racism’ and ‘anti-Semitism’ and stands for ‘human rights.’ ”

    True, but there is more than one Jesus, Hunter. The one you write about is a “different Jesus” than the one I trust, and find in Scripture: the one who was AGAINST the un-love and other sin of the Usurers, the Users, the SIDE WITH THE MONEY and the power.

  4. “the planters controlled the churches, whether Southern Baptist or the Catholic Church”: We can see something like this happening in most of our local church congregations even today: effective control by selfish and ignorant but WEALTHY board members, in cooperation with corrupt priests’ and ministers’ “unions” (the denominational hierarchies).

  5. An interesting note about the Catholic Church in the south. A Catholic friend of mine found out that in at least one southern state, the church refused to do interracial marriages. I presume this was also true in the other southern states too. So, the antebellum and probably the postbellum Catholic Church had nothing to do with promoting “equality” and miscegenation.

  6. Yes, but sadly, today, they keep active sodomites on the rosters, and the last forty years is the Church of Today, not the ‘semper edeam’ church of 1930’s Hollywood movies- more’s the pity.

    (I bawl every time I watch Bells of St. Mary’s- I want THAT America, back!)

  7. Instantly, the blacks form slums as soon as they get freedom.

    On another note there was a riot between German cops and Kurds in Mannheim the other day. 40,000 Kurds v 600 cops.

    80 German coppers injured. 30 arrests. Germany should begin mass deportations based on this rioting. Sling the scum out before it’s too late for you Fritz.

  8. The Jesus of scripture in his teachings assumed natural hierarchies and divisions. Those at the top of the hierarchy were called to a life of service to those lower on the hierarchy. Nations were set apart from one another. The apostate church is embarrassed by Creation, especially those parts of Creation where the Almighty made races with different aptitudes, and divided humankind into nations.

    Whites have betrayed that one of their failings is an almost childish belief in the malleability of these natural hierarchies and divisions – that it is within the power of whites to undo what the Almighty has ordained. The heresies associated with these attempts to recast creation have lately coalesced into liberalism.

    The worst purveyors of liberalism have morphed into fundamentalist fanatics who ignore natural hierarchies and cultural differences. They jumble hierarchies – seeking to promote those of obvious lower aptitudes over those with higher aptitudes. Further, liberals seek to spread their belief system to nations that are ill-suited for them.

    All-in-all, liberals are effectively refusing to perform their proper role in Creation.

  9. Do you mean applicable to the hierarchies of false “churches”? Perhaps the “Dolson Principle” is more applicable: “the higher the level, the easier the job.” Those at the higher levels of hierarchies get there politically.

  10. Most of the Southern states passed laws during this period which required free negroes to emigrate out of state. Several Midwestern states also banned free negroes for the same reasons given by Madan.

    You sure about that? Because according to the 1860 census there were more Free Coloreds (the official census bureau designation for them) in the South than in the North. The number of Free Coloreds in the slave states was about 251,000 compared to 225,000 in the free states and another 11,000 in the territories. Of course the Free Coloreds were heavily outnumbered by slaves in the South, who numbered 3.95 million in 1860.

    I didn’t realize that slavery was legal in the territories, but the 1860 census counted 3,229 slaves there, plus a further 18 slaves in otherwise “free” New Jersey and 2 slaves in Kansas. Some Southern states had very few Free Coloreds (less than 1,000), like Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi and Texas, but most had far more. Here’s a list of the ten states with the largest Free Colored population in 1860:

    Maryland: 83,492
    Virginia: 58,042
    Pennsylvania: 56,949
    New York: 49,005
    North Carolina: 30,463
    New Jersey: 25,318
    Delaware: 19,829
    Louisiana: 18,647
    Kentucky: 10,684
    South Carolina: 9,914

    The Free Colored population grew steadily in all states and territories from 1790 to 1860, so if there were laws passed requiring them to emigrate, they clearly weren’t very effective. Meanwhile during the same time period, the slave population grew in all the Southern states except Maryland and Delaware, while the number of slaves in the Northern states fell from 40,370 in 1790 to 18 in 1860.

    All this information is taken from page 611 of the 2012 World Almanac.

  11. Most blacks are in jail or have been or will be. They should be given something useful to do that is IQ appropriate. Mwuhahahaha mwuhahahaha. There’s very little to choose between slavery and freedom for these useless bastards.

  12. “There’s very little to choose between slavery and freedom for these useless bastards.”

    With the continued acceleration in the automated manufacturing of material goods there is, or soon will be, very little to choose between slavery and freedom for the rest of us.

  13. Jeppo, it seems like I read somewhere that slaves manumitted after a certain date had to leave the state by law. The requirement did not apply to those freed prior to the date unfortunately.

  14. “I read somewhere that slaves manumitted after a certain date had to leave the state by law.”

    The laws varied on that individually state by state.

  15. @Mosin Nagant: A “church” is not a necessary condition for hierarchies and divisions to arise. They are a result of the “natural law”, or rather how the Almighty ordained creation. In an apostate church the job might get easier with elevated position, but in the Church ordained by Jesus the jobs certainly don’t get easier with elevated position – witness the Lord’s passion and the sacrifices made by his apostles.

  16. “Jesus is always on the side of whatever social group has the money in society….”

    Yep, old Haysoos is almost as flexible and useful as the U.S. Constitution. Both he and the SCOTUS folks are dedicated followers of fashion.

  17. Rudel, since manumission laws were under state jurisdiction it goes without saying that they varied from state to state. But since it is possible that some people are woefully ignorant or can’t grasp the obvious thanks for that input.

  18. For some reason, I’m reminded of the atheist argument that religion is responsible for all the oppression in the world. Well, as the truth says, it seems that religion had good intentions.

  19. If you abandon God and ill fortune greets you, I suppose it is some comfort to blame the God that you abandoned for your current situation. It “feels” better than actually taking responsibility for your own role in your downfall.

    It also ensures that you never recover from your downfall.

    When you turn your back on the numinous, something else quite sinister will take its place. Its false appearance may ape the Lord, but it is not He. At best, it is only a straw man Jesus, essentially just another pagan idol. At worst, it is a demonic force that moves you toward your destruction. Like modern liberalism.

    As Fr. John has pointed out, “the ‘wax nose’ Jesus of the apostate culture” has replaced the true Christ as the object of worship in most churches today. A simple comparison of the concerns of Christians before and after the apostasy shows this rather quickly.

    Worship of man has replaced worship of God in the heart of the West.
    As a result, we can easily witness how capable western man is in saving himself.

    To quote the execrable Dr. Phil, “How’s that working for you?”

    Deo Vindice

  20. @ …..The apostate church is embarrassed by Creation, especially those parts of Creation where the Almighty made races with different aptitudes, and divided humankind into nations…..

    So very true. And thank you Fr. John for a great post.

    Europeans are in terrible trouble.

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