The Cost of the Union: White Protestants, Look Out


CNN is running this article:

“(CNN) – Attention white Anglo-Saxon Protestants: Your days of running things are over. You have jumped the shark.

But there’s no need to feel bad for WASPs.

They’ve had an amazing run. Every single president in our nation’s history, except for John F. Kennedy — a Catholic — and Barack Obama, has been a white Protestant. Except for a handful of exceptions, for over 200 years the presidential nominees of both major political parties have been WASPs. WASPs had almost as many victories in a row as The Harlem Globetrotters.

But it’s over. Look at this year’s presidential tickets: A Mormon, an African-American, and two Catholics. Even some of the keynote speakers at the Democratic and Republican conventions were not WASPs. The GOP featured Italian-Irish Catholic Chris Christie and the Democrats tapped Latino-American, Julian Castro.

Times are so bleak for WASPs that there’s not a single one on the Supreme Court. Likewise, in Congress, the percentage of Protestants fell from 74 percent in 1961 to a slim majority of 55 percent today. Neither the current Speaker of the House (John Boehner: Catholic) nor the Senate majority leader (Harry Reid: Mormon) is WASP.”

Note: There are millions of White Protestants in Dixie. The problem is not demographics. It is the existence of the Union and the political institutions we have inherited that are systematically marginalizing us.

Dissolving the Union will solve the problem: secession gets rid of liberal immigration laws and federal civil rights laws and most importantly the mass constituency and the centralized government that has imposed those laws on us against our will.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Let me clarify… for most Jews, the one drop rule applies”

    Nope. According to halakhic law one’s mother must be of Jewish blood. Even the children of a Jewish man and Gentile woman must undergo a formal process of conversion to Judaism.

  2. “it’s fascinating that you flipped a bit on the quantity of the Jewish among us. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if they were double or triple the census figures.”

    I haven’t flipped but I would make two major points. Firstly, among non-Israelis, non-Hasidic Jews breed at far below their necessary replacement rate, a rate far lower than Gentiles. They also inter-marry with Gentiles at a rate of 50%! The offspring of these marriages are even less likely <25% to choose a Jew as a marriage partner.

    Secondly, as the Wermacht moved east, the Ukranian and Russian Jewish populations retreated en masse behind the Urals. After the war many no longer self-identified as Jews. (This is one of the reasons that the 6 million deaths figure of the Holocaust Industry is so severely inflated.)

  3. “Let me clarify… for most Jews, the one drop rule applies and they will always identify as Jewish regardless of the remainder of their makeup. What’s good for the Jews is always first and foremost. Their collective is always at work with them.”

    Absolutely not true. One thing many here are completely incognizant of is the number of “Mischling” or part Jews that exist in America. Many of them do not identify at all with their Jewish side, as they often face rejection from “purer” Jews.

    Jews are not nearly as monolithic as you might think. Which is not to say that the most powerful Jews are anything like these other marginal Jews. Nevertheless, these are very different groups of people with very different loyalties. How many here know that many German generals and officers in the Third Reich were “Mischlinge?”

    Jewish assimilation has happened throughout history, and is viewed by most “pure” Jews as a great existential threat to Judaism. At one time Mississippi had a very large Jewish population. Almost all of them were completely assimilated. Anyone here actually think that Judaism was an important part of Elvis Presley’s identity?

    Negroes are not superman. Neither are Jews. That might be hard to see when they have achieved such dominance over our politics and culture. They are a lot weaker than most imagine, hence the hysteria and shrillness you see in the media. It is not a question of whether they can maintain their hegemony, it is only a question of how long.

    Every dog has its day.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Speaking of Negroes and Jews – props to Obama for telling Bibi the UBERVERMIN to get stuffed. Good for him. I know it’s temporary – but good for him.

  5. “Rudel says:
    September 11, 2012 at 8:42 pm
    “Remember the one drop rule applies to Jews, too! “

    Not really. One eighth Jewish ancestry would have gotten you a pass in the Third Reich and 25% in the Wermacht officer corps or even 50% Jewish blood in certain cases if you were in the officer corps of the Kriegsmarine! (The U.S.Navy was considerably less tolerant of having Jews as officers.) ”

    And THAT is where the Reich went awry! The NS were WAY too Liberal. Snowy Whitey is CORRECT. One drop is all it takes to turn a Human into a Demonic Spawn of Satan.

    John re: Mischlings and Mamzer bastards – up the totals by a power of 5.

  6. “Hell, I love her. So dumb and yet so gorgeous. And I’m pretty sure only her maternal grandfather is Jewish so technically she doesn’t even officially qualify.”

    She qualifies to me.

  7. “Nope. According to halakhic law one’s mother must be of Jewish blood. Even the children of a Jewish man and Gentile woman must undergo a formal process of conversion to Judaism.”

    They bend the rules with Jewishness as much as they bend the rule of ethics, finance, free speech, etc.


    “Absolutely not true. One thing many here are completely incognizant of is the number of “Mischling” or part Jews that exist in America. Many of them do not identify at all with their Jewish side, as they often face rejection from “purer” Jews.”

    The number is so tiny it amounts to nothing. Maybe in the old days when imaginary anti-semitism was everywhere. Oops, it still is.

    As for Elvis, my understanding is he contributed very heavily to Jewish causes, when asked. But, I don’t know that for sure. As for his Jewish blood, I think that is questionable and what would it be 1/8 or 1/16 yet he still contributed more to them than his own church. Again, from what I have read. Besides, is Wikipedia really reliable and, in addition, it is run by a Jew. Surprise!

  8. “Jews were also heavily involved with Stalin. They always take the good jobs.”

    No they were involved with Lenin and Trotsky. Stalin got rid of most of them in the 1930’s.

  9. “The number is so tiny it amounts to nothing.”

    Wrong again Snowy and I showed you some numbers that back it up. You are sounding more and more like a liar. Constantly repeating a false assertion does not make it so. Stop posting.

  10. I thought this thread was about the decline of WASP power, not the finer points of Jewish culture?

    The Jewaholics have taken over the asylum! lol

  11. Sometimes it feels good to vent – in the moment. Yesterday I was on the phone for a good time with my Pop. Our conversation was fresh in my head as I read this article. I was drinking and flipped. My posts in this thread were insensitive, stupid, trashy, inflammatory and highly regrettable. My nerves are frayed from work and I’m taking it out on all the wrong people in my life and now online.

    I’m sorry guys.

  12. “I thought this thread was about the decline of WASP power”

    Knowing that Semitic blood is assimilating itself into the White gene pool is totally relevant. I think it will become common for Whites to ask for their potential mates to reveal their DNA test results both to verify that they are free of matching disease causing recessive genes and to verify purity of ancestry.

    Race and ethnicity matters.

  13. “No they were involved with Lenin and Trotsky. Stalin got rid of most of them in the 1930?s.”

    Yes, you’re right. It was Lenin. My error.


    “Wrong again Snowy and I showed you some numbers that back it up. You are sounding more and more like a liar. Constantly repeating a false assertion does not make it so. Stop posting.”

    What am I repeating? I erroneously said Stalin instead of Lenin and you’re going to beat me to death or until you feel bigger. Growing up in NYC – in a bastion of Jews and Jewish power – I disagree. And, f-u. You won’t leave me along with your overbearing German personality. You have an axe to grind. Get lost and ignore my posts.

  14. “And THAT is where the Reich went awry! The NS were WAY too Liberal. Snowy Whitey is CORRECT. One drop is all it takes to turn a Human into a Demonic Spawn of Satan.”

    Denise, they’re not spawns, they’re the real mccoy.

  15. It is interesting to note that after 1934 Stalin became increasingly anti-Semitic. Although Stalin had numerous Jewish mistresses over the years, the Great Purge of 1936-38 eliminated many Jews from the Old Bolsheviks mainly due to the fact that the Old Bolsheviks were heavily Jewish. After the war Stalin at first endorsed the Partition of Palestine but when this elicited large Jewish pro-Israeli demonstrations by Jews in Russia he became increasingly anti-Semitic denouncing them as “bourgeois nationalists” and started shutting down Jewish museums, Yiddish theaters, and sending thousands of Jews to the Gulag declaring the fifth columnists of the United States. This anti-Semitism climaxed with the Doctor’s Plot where those liquidated for treason were mainly Jewish. Stalin disapproved of his children who married Jews and although not a systematic racist like the Nazis those on his “main enemies” list always seemed to be Jewish like Trotsky. Perhaps it all sprang from his early academic training at a Jesuit seminary in his native Georgia.

  16. Something Rudel said doesn’t add up. In the 1930s? That’s a bit general. Certainly an overstatement. Stalin got rid of his own friends in the 1930s might be more accurate.

    I smell an agenda here.

  17. Desmond, you’re good… and straight from the horse’s mouth no less.

    John, the agenda is… he’s always right and he’ll strong-arm his way to it…

    When exposed to Jews, sooner or later everyone becomes anti-Semitic.

  18. “Stalin got rid of his own friends in the 1930s might be more accurate.”

    What doesn’t add up? He rarely promoted Jews to top positions after the Purges. Stalin was always a bit of an anti-Semite and most decidedly so in his last five years . Nothing hidden about it.

  19. “He rarely promoted Jews to top positions after the Purges. Stalin was always a bit of an anti-Semite and most decidedly so in his last five years . Nothing hidden about it.”

    Except in Poland.

    The reason was Stalin’s decision not to use Poles, whom he did not trust, but a more cosmopolitan element. The situation was aptly described by Abel Kainer in his essay The Jews and Communism, in the political quarterly Krytyka:

    “The archetype of the Jew during the first ten years of the Polish People’s Republic was generally perceived as an agent of the secret political police. It is true that under Bierut and Gomulka (prior to 1948) the key positions in the Ministrv of State Security were held by Jews or persons of Jewish background. It is a fact which cannot be overlooked, little known in the west and seldom mentioned by the Jews in Poland. Both prefer to talk about Stalin’s anti-Semitism (the “doctors” plot, etc.). The machine of communist terror functioned in Poland in a matter similar to that used in other communist ruled countries in Europe and elsewhere. What requires explanation is why it is operated by Jews. The reason was that the political police, the base of communist rule, required personnel of unquestionable loyalty to communism. These were people who had joined the Party before the war and in Poland they were predominantly Jewish.”

    Hence the hierarchy: Stalin in Moscow at the pinnacle, issuing orders to Berman orally during his visits and all-night feasts or by direct telephone line; Berman assigning duties to the directors of the various departments of the Ministry, every one of them Jewish. Since the Ministry of State Security exerted at the time the power of life or death, it held Poland under a reign of terror in the years 1945-1955, at the cost of many lives. Accurate statistics are lacking, but it is well known that thousands perished in prison under torture and maltreatment, for example, the chairman of the Council of National Unity, Kazimierz Puzak. Some were simply executed, such as Wladyslaw Kojder and Narcyz Wiatr, who were commanders of the Peasant Battalions resistance against the Germans. The victims of the reign of terror imposed by Stalin and carried out by his Jewish subordinates during the first ten years after the war numbered tens of thousands. Most of them were Poles who had fought against the Germans in the resistance movement. The Communists judged, quite correctly, that such Poles were the people most likely to oppose the Soviet rule and were therefore to be exterminated. That task was assigned to the Jews because they were thought to be free of Polish patriotism, which was the real enemy.

  20. “Here’s a long, detailed and gruesome article about what’s going to happen when the EBT cards stop working:”- Jeppo, thanks for the link.

    People need to HEAR this stuff.
    Immediately, if not sooner.

  21. “The Yankee Wasps chose to stop having children. They chose to disappear.

    One of my students has 27 brothers, 10 sisters, and three mothers. All of his siblings have finished tertiary studies, are in tertiary studies, or will enter teritary studies.”

    Robert- where is this? Where are you? Are they black, hispanic, muslim, what?

    Don’t ever forget that only Christians are legally, sacramentally wed, and (realistically, as the Church has thought/acted for 20 centuries) only their children legitimate. Spawn of whores are still bastards, and ‘not true sons.’

    If it comes to ideology, Christendom has a complete pedigree just waiting for white to appropriate… again. It’s ours, after all, and none others.

  22. “How many times have you seen the “black and the blonde” MEME on your t.v., daily?

    Every time I see a white woman with a bi-racial child, I want to scream “WHORE! SLUT! Race tramp!”

    And then I remember they are women, the weaker sex, and have done this primarily because some ass in a college class, or some ‘star’ in Hollyweird made it seem ‘normal’ or ‘optional’ to these tramps in Jr. High, or on a music video. And then I pity them.

    But don’t think I dismiss thoughts of Ps. 137:9, when I see the spawn. It’s actually my prayer, every time I see them. And I will tell you now. I prayed that a lesbian ‘couple’ who had undergone AI, lose the child, that it never be born to a perversion such as that… and the woman miscarried. God is just, and I was amazed that ‘prayers of malediction’ actually worked. But then, God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. And we are God’s Israel, now. [Gal 6:16] Why SHOULDN’T it work?

    THAT is what “Incarnationalism” means, folks. THAT is virile Christianity. That is our faith, that hath ‘overcome the world.’ [ I John 5:4]

  23. you are totally owned by the feminist agenda Fr John in the sense you will not hold a woman accountable for her actions

  24. “Dixie Girl, the Catholics who advocated for open borders are liberal, Catholics In Name Only. This includes bishops, priests, monks and nuns, as well as lay CINO’S like the Kennedy’s.”

    Confednorth, come ON!

    In MN, we are discussing two very important issues/social causes on ballots this Nov. “Gay Marriage” is on the ballot, and so are ‘VoterID’ laws. Both of them are the proximate reason a plethora of orange ‘NO on Freedom to [sic] ‘Marry’ signs, along with ‘Vote NO- Don’t deny the right to vote for EVERYONE’ signs all over the Metro area.

    Well, I was in Mpls yesterday, on business, over near HHH’s grave (I symbolically spit in his general direction every time I go by Lakewood Cemetery). I saw the two ‘telling’ NO signs everywhere, saying (in essence): ‘Vote YES-for illegals to vote us out of our own country, and for faggots and dykes to make a mockery of your mother and father.’

    I also saw a number of signs that made me want to wretch and call down the wrath of God on these VERY EXPENSIVE HOMES on “King’s Highway” that said…. are you ready for it?

    “Another Catholic voting NO.”

    In other words, these were ‘good’ RC’s who were going to vote NO on two bills that would uphold both our racial dignity, as well as our nation for Free, White, Christian folk. They were CATHOLICS VOTING FOR OUR GENOCIDE AS A NATION, and for faggots to marry- sacramentally, if they are Catholic!

    These folks are not CINOs- that IS the Catholic Church, these days!!! Sodomite clergy, liberal/feminazi nuns, entire parishes so full of social cause liberals, all saying the rosary, and acting as though ‘they were doing God service.’ And a pope that entertains gay acrobats in the Vatican, while periti are saying, ‘The Next pope SHOULD be an African Nigger?’

    The catholic you think still exists, only exists in some SSPX enclave in Winona (and even there, the SSPX has ‘given the anathema’ to Bp. Williamson!), or your own mind.

    The Pope is Dead. Long live the Antichrist. Cuz that’s what Benedict and the last five of those bastards have been. The Whore of babylon, serving the Antichrist. And DixieG, you are right. WHAT RC has done ANY American ANY service, since JFK died? Not one. Esp. not Pat Buchanan, who for ‘fear of the Jews’ pulled EVERY SINGLE ONE of his ‘punches’ when he still HAD a pulpit to speak from.

    Misericordie, Domine.

  25. “Knowing that Semitic blood is assimilating itself into the White gene pool is totally relevant. I think it will become common for Whites to ask for their potential mates to reveal their DNA test results both to verify that they are free of matching disease causing recessive genes and to verify purity of ancestry.

    Race and ethnicity matters.” – Rudel

    I have adopted a policy for any of my children, that DNA tests will be administered to any person my children bring to me for approval for marriage. I have also thought, once the congregants are educated sufficiently, to make it a congregational norm as well. The old Israelites had their genealogies, why shouldn’t we?

  26. “you are totally owned by the feminist agenda Fr John in the sense you will not hold a woman accountable for her actions”
    – Stone


    I did not say that they were guiltless. I said I pitied them. And they ARE the ‘weaker sex’ and would not have gone astray if more men, like you, had taught them godly submission and patriarchalism as the Biblical norm. As our parents should have done with us.

  27. This is an old timeline but BRJ will give his take on this. The little secret of the War Between The States is that the South, while losing all of it’s political standpoints WON the war in the matter of preserving the blood of DIXIE. The Anglo-Saxon Elite, largely centered in New England was decimated by the Army of Northern Virginia.

    The Yankees were so decimated after the war the Phenomenon of Boston Marriages or two unmarried women living together swept the North. Factor in simply that Yankee women, who abhorred sex, had on average stopped having more than five children sometime after the Revolution and the WASP of Yankeedom, the Abolitionists and Radicals within 75 years their progeny was extinct.

    What happened in Dixie after the war? The Ashley Wilkes types for the most part died off but the gritty men symbolized by Rhett Butler survived. They had 8-10 children, raised them on fatback, greens beans and cornbread and worked the fields. In 1900 a survey of families found that the South while much poorer because of the War, had double the amount of children. Average Couple in the North had about 4 children, in the South it was 8 to 10. I dont have that survey handy but its a fact.

  28. Because of Urbanization and the below-replacement rate reproduction of the Yankee elite and the old Anglo/Dutch Patroon families of New York City, the Irish took over all of the major cities, then they were joined by the Italians and Jews.

    The 1950’s saw another political upheaval. World War I and WWII had brought thousands of Negroes north. This resulted in the old ethnics leaving for the suburbs. The Jews and a coalition of the willing formed a Negro power base and eventually elected Negroes who by 1990 had destroyed most of the North’s cities. Only city below the Mason Dixon that went through the exact same thing the rest of the North did was Baltimore.

    The Decline of the Core South’s cities was similar yet under different circumstances.

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