The Cost of the Union: White Protestants, Look Out


CNN is running this article:

“(CNN) – Attention white Anglo-Saxon Protestants: Your days of running things are over. You have jumped the shark.

But there’s no need to feel bad for WASPs.

They’ve had an amazing run. Every single president in our nation’s history, except for John F. Kennedy — a Catholic — and Barack Obama, has been a white Protestant. Except for a handful of exceptions, for over 200 years the presidential nominees of both major political parties have been WASPs. WASPs had almost as many victories in a row as The Harlem Globetrotters.

But it’s over. Look at this year’s presidential tickets: A Mormon, an African-American, and two Catholics. Even some of the keynote speakers at the Democratic and Republican conventions were not WASPs. The GOP featured Italian-Irish Catholic Chris Christie and the Democrats tapped Latino-American, Julian Castro.

Times are so bleak for WASPs that there’s not a single one on the Supreme Court. Likewise, in Congress, the percentage of Protestants fell from 74 percent in 1961 to a slim majority of 55 percent today. Neither the current Speaker of the House (John Boehner: Catholic) nor the Senate majority leader (Harry Reid: Mormon) is WASP.”

Note: There are millions of White Protestants in Dixie. The problem is not demographics. It is the existence of the Union and the political institutions we have inherited that are systematically marginalizing us.

Dissolving the Union will solve the problem: secession gets rid of liberal immigration laws and federal civil rights laws and most importantly the mass constituency and the centralized government that has imposed those laws on us against our will.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Americanism perverts and destroys all forms of Christianity because its a substitute religion whose evil doctrines are often incorporated either formally or informally into the Christian faith. ‘America’ has to go. Fortunately the Catholic and Orthodox Churches will survive in places beyond the grasp of the empire. But without the end of ‘America’ it is doubtful whether any form of Christianity will survive here.

  2. ‘Americanism perverts and destroys all forms of Christianity because its a substitute religion whose evil doctrines are often incorporated either formally or informally into the Christian faith. ‘America’ has to go.’

    Well said, White & Confederate.

  3. One of the great problems was the stupidity of George W Bush. He epitomized everything that could be pointed at as bad in a WASP. Although he was being lead around by a group of Jewish advisors and a bastard like Cheney.

    Imagine this for a moment. Kerry or Bush in 2004? Knowing what you know now?

  4. One of the reasons I voted for Kerry in 2004 (aside from the obvious catastrophe that was Bush Jr.) was that a Kerry presidency would have kept Obama contained for 4-8 years — a lifetime by American political standards. Some dirt on him would have come to light during that time, and the Democratic party would have abandoned him as a liability before he amounted to anything. But it’s a moot point now. So thanks again to all the Southern Evangical Zionists for voting for Bush in 04 and giving us Obama today.

  5. As much as I am Catholic, this is another reason I feel good about my inclination to write in Virgil Goode, a Baptist, where I live. My hope is that Protestant Americans be converted, not dispossessed.

    “One of the great problems was the stupidity of George W Bush. He epitomized everything that could be pointed at as bad in a WASP.”

    John, he was a teetotaler, and he wasn’t fat. That’s two points in his favor right there.

  6. A man should be able to drink, and a slightly overweight guy enjoys his foodage. I think it’s the opposite. No Bush second term no Obama. Quite simple. Bush was a fake good ol’ boy.

  7. I also voted for Kerry in 2004 purely out of hatred for the Republicans under George W. Bush. I voted for the Democrats again in 2006 because Bush attempted to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” in 2005 and 2006.

    In 2008, I voted for Ron Paul in the primary and Chuck Baldwin in the presidential race, but I voted against Democrat Bobby Bright for Congress. In 2010, I voted for Republicans in state and congressional races, and was pleased when the Alabama Republicans passed our now famous immigration law.

    The Alabama Republicans are a lot better than the national Republicans – Jeff Sessions and Terry Everett and now Martha Roby have opposed amnesty and the DREAM Act. We also passed the toughest immigration law in America at the state level.

  8. At the presidential level, the GOP is controlled by the big money donors because it costs so much more to compete at the national level with the Democrats.

    At the state and congressional level, you will find a lot more good people who are more sensitive to public opinion than you will at the presidential level. Because power is concentrated in Washington this means they are helpless to reverse our national decline.

    The two parties are very different at their base but bend toward the wishes of the oligarchy at the presidential level. This is what gives the appearance that “there is no difference” between the two parties.

  9. Does no one care that CNN is advocating GENOCIDE, and there’s not a PEEP?

    Whites are ALREADY a numerical minority. Do you want to become a political minority? Or are you massing to take over Dixie? Or a Carribean island?
    Or just content to die?

    Which is it?

  10. Communist News Network “But there’s no need to feel bad for WASPs. They’ve had an amazing run.” Western White protesant Men hailing from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Germany and France built this Country. Should that not reserve for them at least one judge in the Supreme Court? Rather there are two jewish females, one jewish male, one negro, one puerto rican female, three roman catholic males two of which are italian and one faggot atheist for lack of a better word male. Where is the founding stock? Why are there three jews in the “highest court in the land”? A mestizo socialist for president and a congress with so few I’m inclined to believe no true white protestant Men. Why, nay pray tell how could any consider it to be possible to retake “America”. Its army is brainwashed and diverse. It’s halls are filled with ill gotten booty. Its air waves spew forth the most vile bile and it is thoroughly corrupt to the marrow.
    In closing remeber Ruby Ridge, the Alamo and that this illigitamate goverment did not just suddenly become this bad over night but rather this has been going on for a long time.

  11. Jeppo, that’s why a couple of thousand rounds won’t do. We all need our own personal humongous arsenal.

    Virgil Goode looks like the best in the lineup with Merlin Miller as a second option.

    As for the WASPS in this country… well, they trusted the Jews. Now, the Jews own them along with everything else.

    Yikes, it is depressing seeing all the Kerry votes. Remember, he’s a freaking Jew!

  12. Fr. John+ says:
    September 10, 2012 at 11:32 pm

    “Does no one care that CNN is advocating GENOCIDE, and there’s not a PEEP?”

    The BUGS people were there pointing that fact out and CNN have since shut down the comments to hide it.

    But I am glad to see one person here, has woken from their slumber and is noticing there is no secret conspiracy, they have been quite open about their intentions towards white people for many years and they are openly inciting against us.

    I hope to see you posting the Mantra Fr. John+.

  13. 313Chris says:
    September 10, 2012 at 10:22 pm

    One of the reasons I voted for Kerry in 2004 (aside from the obvious catastrophe that was Bush Jr.) was that a Kerry presidency would have kept Obama contained for 4-8 years — a lifetime by American political standards. Some dirt on him would have come to light during that time, and the Democratic party would have abandoned him as a liability before he amounted to anything. But it’s a moot point now. So thanks again to all the Southern Evangical Zionists for voting for Bush in 04 and giving us Obama today.

    I agree with part of this, heaven forbid, except that I didn’t pull the lever for Kerry. I only vote for candidates who are substantially different on policy from the regime. Anyone who thinks Kerry would’ve been different than Bush would be different from Obama would be different than McCain or Romney…. spare me.

    That said, Chrissy, Southerns flocked to Bush out of reaction to eight years of “Southern” Clinton and the fear that it would worsen under a ‘man’ from Massachusetts. How soon they forget. But their willingness to do this does reveal something about them and their deracinated counterparts up your ways, no?

  14. Oh wait, the comments are still open there. I guess CNN have no shame.

    Feel free to post the Mantra over there Fr. John+. The more people doing it, the faster the anti-white system will come down. BUGS is a small group attempting to awaken the pro white sleepers and it is they that must awaken all the sleeping white people.

  15. FWIW, my voting record:

    2000 – Buchanan
    2004 – Nadar
    2008 – Primary: Paul | General: abstained
    2012 – Primary: abstained | General: Obama

  16. 313Chris says:
    ‘Kerry is NOT a Jew. The guy is a practicing Catholic and is mother was Episcopalian for Christ’s sake!’

    Google Kerry’s jewish roots. Evidence of him having two yid grandparents making him 1/2 chosenista. Grandfather Fritz Kohn changed his name to Kerry. Much easier to win elections in Mass. pretending to be 100% Irish.

  17. Fr. John+ says:“Does no one care that CNN is advocating GENOCIDE, and there’s not a PEEP? Whites are ALREADY a numerical minority. Do you want to become a political minority? Or are you massing to take over Dixie? Or a Carribean island?”

    It may be too late to do anything, Mr. F. Whether people like to hear this or not, if twenty years of WN speeches from blowhards like David Duke and Don Black – and lately from various nose-in-the-air “intellectual” WN’s like Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Greg Johnson, and Tom Sunic have not made a whit’s difference, then what else is there but armed insurrection?

    The problem with that idea is that no one’s willing to make the first move, since doing so almost certainly means death and/or life imprisonment. True, if enough WN’s simultaneously revolted, with consummate skill, bravery, and intelligence, we might shake this country down to its foundations and roll-back the genocidalists. I’m afraid violence is our last option. That, or do what some Confederates did at the end of the Civil War, and flee to South America.

    Hold Back This Day
    The Towers of Eden

  18. The Man from Mars wrote: “White Protestant men hailing from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Germany and France built this Country.” (Don’t forget the White Protestant colonial settlers from Switzerland and Sweden!) “Should that not reserve for them at least one judge in the Supreme Court? Rather there are two jewish females, one jewish male, one negro, one puerto rican female, three roman catholic males two of which are italian and one faggot atheist for lack of a better word male. Where is the founding stock?” Well said. Where is the fairness?

  19. “(F)lee to South America” where even greater overwhelming majorities of black and brown will interbreed and overcome.

  20. Ward Kendall…you may be right…let’s all just stay home from the polls where we can vote for the lesser of two evils

  21. Although looking at the field in 2004 there was an orthodox Jew and two crypto-Jews running. That is a bit alarming. Regulatory capture has been in place since at least 2000 though. Bush was so heavily favoured by the press In 2000 it was stupid.
    Gore whatever his faults is a WASP. Unless there’s a Jew in the woodpile too.

  22. We should be rejoicing: just as there is no “floor” under Romney and he is on the verge of complete collapse, there is also no floor under the politics he represents; for the neoconservatives nursed at the teat of Limbaugh et al., the folks who dog whistle about race, but care only for money and power, this is the last stand.

    This time, many whites are voting for an anti-white simply because he is white. In the future they won’t have to worry about choices like that.

    Nov 7th will be a “long night of the soul” for many whites; they will preminisce to 2016 when they will face Clinton and Castro and be drubbed electorally.

    They will consider that the Jews are locked into using new debt to make us feel that there is no debt problem.

    They will consider that within 20 years, Texas will be solid Blue, and with it, there will be no chance of a pro-white head of state.

    There is no floor under what we oppose, let us rejoice!

  23. @ JimBob: But Ward Kendall may also be wrong. Voting for the lesser evil costs nothing, and even the slightest relief in this crisis is worth the very limited effort involved. But we need to be certain WHICH is the lesser evil, and whenever we support the lesser evil we also need to tell everyone the whole truth about WHY we support, and HOW the lesser evil we support is still EVIL!

  24. @Afterthought: “There is no floor under what we oppose, let us rejoice!”: There is no floor under what we support, let us rejoice! Like another Romulus Augustulus or Julius Nepos, this LAST of the racially white POTUS’s is still possible, so let us vote for him, and bask in his setting sun!

  25. In a round about sort of way this answers chris’s interrogation of me.
    America is the frontier of my ethne. Anglo-Saxon, Irish, some Cornish a dash of French. I don’t want to see my people become refugees in this land. That’s why I’m here taking an interest in North America. On an intellectual level, on a metaphysical level. My sort must dig in their fk’n heels or perish. Arizona, Texas, Florida. Dig in push the enemy of your blood into the slough of despond.

  26. Mosin: “(F)lee to South America” where even greater overwhelming majorities of black and brown will interbreed and overcome.”

    I once believed that too. However, a little research will reveal to you that Argentina is a much whiter country than the USA. But don’t take my word for it – check the demographic stats for yourself. Actually, Argentina would make a far better potential Nova Whitelandia than Harold Covington’s Pacific Northwest location. It has beautiful mountains, with climates ranging from South Florida to California, plus vast natural resources, to name just a few of its attributes. Also, it’s not heavily populated, with very few black people.

    Hold Back This Day
    The Towers of Eden

  27. Ward Kendall says:
    September 11, 2012 at 1:27 am

    “Fr. John+ says:“Does no one care that CNN is advocating GENOCIDE, and there’s not a PEEP? Whites are ALREADY a numerical minority. Do you want to become a political minority? Or are you massing to take over Dixie? Or a Carribean island?”

    It may be too late to do anything, Mr. F. Whether people like to hear this or not, if twenty years of WN speeches from blowhards like David Duke and Don Black – and lately from various nose-in-the-air “intellectual” WN’s like Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Greg Johnson, and Tom Sunic have not made a whit’s difference, then what else is there but armed insurrection?”


    These “blowhards” have used ineffective political methods for decades and that is why we have no army to call on.

    Pro white leaders in the past, have done everything to ensure pro whites are demonized and do not have the moral high ground among white people.

    Don Black is the first to have changed his ways. David Duke has met us half way and is using anti-white.

    If no one is on your side, there is no point picking up a gun. There is no army out there. No one is on our side, while we do not have the moral high ground.

  28. Ward,

    Even here on OD, I was suckered into voting for Mitt Romney as recently as March, and a good number of commentators are still planning to vote for Romney in the November election as “the lesser of two evils.”

    All the speeches, essays, forum posts, blog posts, novels, and podcasts in the world on the internet can only create disaffection and undermine the legitimacy of the federal government, but so long as the vast majority of White people continue to follow the lead of the media and remain committed to the controlled Republican vs. Democrat shell game, there won’t be anything resembling revolutionary change in this country.

    And we’re shut out of the media.

  29. 313Chris,

    It doesn’t matter what religion they say they are or what they even practice for that matter; many Jews are atheists, some convert so as to make their camaflouge better as the Marrano Jews did during Columbus’s time, they also change their names to more non-tribal Gentile sounding names. True, Kerry said he was a “Catholic” but what did he vote for?…whatever was good for the Jews. Look at all the photos with his yamulke on in Israel/AIPAC and kissing Jew ass and tell me how much him being a Catholic matters…

  30. I’ve heard enough “White Migration/White Republic” idiot schemes for one lifetime. We already have a white republic. Either we reclaim it, ALL of it, or we cease to exist as a people. There’s no third option.

    If white people want to run away somewhere, then until the EU dies, which it will. There will be ethnic warring, sure, but when the smoke clears, there will be plenty of white countries to go back to, if spending the rest of your life as a pitiful refugee sounds good to you. Me? I’m staying here, in my homeland, to the end, whatever that end happens to be. I was born American and I’ll die American.

  31. Hunter wrote: “a good number of commentators are still planning to vote for Romney in the November election as ‘the lesser of two evils.’ (…) but so long as the vast majority of White people continue to follow the lead of the media and remain committed to the controlled Republican vs. Democrat shell game, there won’t be anything resembling revolutionary change in this country.”

    Simply abstaining from voting, all by itself, is LESS effective toward that end than voting for all the lesser evils WITH very vocal protestation against their evil. The latter, non-violent course of action exercises and tends to preserve our right to vote.

  32. Mosin Nagant says:
    September 11, 2012 at 3:11 am

    “Those who have abandoned the democratic course of non-violence tend to abstain from voting.”

    There is such a thing as “non-voting practical politics”, which the Jews have always used against whites, which was also used to take the Soviet Union down, without violence.

  33. I just watched a movie called “The World Without Us” on Netflix. NO, it’s not one of those dumbass movies about empty buildings that eventually collapse under their own weight. It’s about stuff that was happening in other countries until the U.S. intervened and stuff that will likely happen if we ever learn to mind our own fucking business.

    It convinced me BRA and the incompetent assholes who support it will soon bring down the entire world.

    Here’s a link that may take you straight to the movie if you have Netflix:

  34. Meanwhile, we sit here having an intellectual discussion, while our enemies are inciting against our people, on the above linked article and the comments are wide open over there. Opposing comments won’t always be allowed in the future, you can bet on that.

    New York Times bans comments, regarding white genocide. LA Times bans comments, regarding white genocide. The newspapers in Canada bans comments, regarding white genocide.

    CNN allows them.

  35. CNN is essentially a niggerama these days. The comments are the product of full retardation. It’s quite disturbing to read them. They are having a debate about atheism
    v agnosticism as the religious conviction of the President.

    Stupid nigs.

  36. @ Fr. John+ says:“Does no one care that CNN is advocating GENOCIDE, and there’s not a PEEP? Whites are ALREADY a numerical minority….”

    Thanks. But the whole thing just points to what I often try to point out.

    The author of the article is NJ born and half Italian, (catholic). He’s so busy gloating over getting rid —NOT OF WHITES— but of WASPS.

    Snowwhitey’s comment about “wasps trusting jews” is truly ridiculous. And in reality, though, many would be more likely to “trust” jews than catholics (AND WITH CAUSE). Why they can’t look at that, idk, lol. (Probably better to really trust neither, given the history—- a history that is evident right here.)

    WASPS are the vanishing folk in the article… not “whites.”

    That’s why I say the obvious. Jews and Catholics together changed the demographic of the u.s. (Hart is an Irish Catholic Banker— what the hell does his opening the border have to do with WASPS trusting jews? Looks like an Irish RC banker trusted them…right?)

    And should have. Jews have helped keep the border open to Crusader’s people. The country went from 99% WASP to 49% catholic.

    In return, Crusader’s people keep the money flowing to Israel.

    None of this has jack shit to do with WASPs. Hart-Celler…NOT WASP.

    The drive to Genocide Wasps (because they lived in the country and it was a successful country with lots of resources) just snowballed—- and sadly for some jews and some catholics (who did this but who won’t take a look at their part in it)— their proxies can’t tell us apart.

    Too bad a lot of you LOOK a whole lot like the very Wasps your leaders spent so much money vilifying in order to “rule the country,” lmao.

    Wasps were right to fight when they did—- they must have known the sort of changes the other groups would make to our way of life.

    And crusader while you pray for us to convert—- keep in mind even your pope says the next leader for your people will be African, and that catholicism is one of the lower IQ religions, (Hinduism attracting the smarter people), and that…well, it’s majority brown.

    I’m really glad you feel comfortable in it—- but protestants like their way of life —and their version of Jesus. (We liked our country, too, but that’s another story)

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