The Cost of the Union: White Protestants, Look Out


CNN is running this article:

“(CNN) – Attention white Anglo-Saxon Protestants: Your days of running things are over. You have jumped the shark.

But there’s no need to feel bad for WASPs.

They’ve had an amazing run. Every single president in our nation’s history, except for John F. Kennedy — a Catholic — and Barack Obama, has been a white Protestant. Except for a handful of exceptions, for over 200 years the presidential nominees of both major political parties have been WASPs. WASPs had almost as many victories in a row as The Harlem Globetrotters.

But it’s over. Look at this year’s presidential tickets: A Mormon, an African-American, and two Catholics. Even some of the keynote speakers at the Democratic and Republican conventions were not WASPs. The GOP featured Italian-Irish Catholic Chris Christie and the Democrats tapped Latino-American, Julian Castro.

Times are so bleak for WASPs that there’s not a single one on the Supreme Court. Likewise, in Congress, the percentage of Protestants fell from 74 percent in 1961 to a slim majority of 55 percent today. Neither the current Speaker of the House (John Boehner: Catholic) nor the Senate majority leader (Harry Reid: Mormon) is WASP.”

Note: There are millions of White Protestants in Dixie. The problem is not demographics. It is the existence of the Union and the political institutions we have inherited that are systematically marginalizing us.

Dissolving the Union will solve the problem: secession gets rid of liberal immigration laws and federal civil rights laws and most importantly the mass constituency and the centralized government that has imposed those laws on us against our will.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I went to church in LA at a catholic service. The priest was some African who could not speak English. It’s obviously deliberate now that I think about it.

  2. And crusader—

    Due to a half century of your people’s Genocidal policies, Wasps (99% of the country at the american revolution, only one catholic signer)— are now only about 50%.

    Your group (virtually nonexistent before) is now 50%.

    Ok…. So we now have a catholic country, a catholic supreme court, an open borders policy done by catholics, highly visible catholic leadership (Ryan, Biden, Pelosi, Napolitano, Reno, etc.) catholic-created liberation theology permeating many well-funded foundations, policy centers, and “welcome centers” for the “newcomers.”

    Bascially, it’s a catholic country.

    The author is catholic, gloating about “NO WASPS”— (gloating not about White Genocide, but the genocide of White Northern European peoples, which is what we’re really talking about).

    The whole thread is so dishonest.

  3. Dixiegirl wrote: “The country went from 99% WASP to 49% catholic.” I agree that is at least half the tragedy. The Romanising began with their own colony (Maryland) now fittingly the home of the capital of BRA/WRA/etc.

  4. I’ve noticed articles like this my whole life.

    It’s Genocide. The loss of wasp population is Genocide.

    Many Whites don’t want to look at it because they’ve gained so much by doing it. At the same time, they can only produce the same kind of warfare-welfare statist situations they did in Europe.

    Crusader is probably right, in saying Catholic Europe will be fine, (if ever browner). They will continue to attack Northern Europeans as they always have (just as they followed them to america, then imposed their way of life, then edge them out of their own government, then blame them –or jews— when they fail).

    It’s just so ghetto.

    There’s no difference between that—- and blacks blaming their failures on slavery 150 years after the fact. That’s how it sounds, when people go on about america’s failure due to the “Puritans” or “the Enlightenment” or whatever, blah, blah.

  5. Yes, Dixiegirl, “the genocide of White Northern European peoples” is what it’s about. The splendour of world-ruling Rome, as one great Pope boasted, “all built by the sins of the Germans.”

  6. Italians are especially hostile to Anglo-Saxons. It’s peculiar, but the crowd of eyties on here prove it in large measure.

  7. Correction: While I was thinking ethno-culturally, I momentarily forgot the one exception of the male/female “opposite attraction.”

  8. If the gloating tone of that article doesn’t set your blood to boil, you are not a man. The fact that there have been so many articles just like that is proof that the majority of whites are no longer men.

    And there will be no secession. That was settled 147 years ago.

    We must take back this country. There is nowhere else to go.

  9. “Italians are especially hostile to Anglo-Saxons. It’s peculiar, but the crowd of eyties on here prove it in large measure.”

    Being essentially half Anglo Saxon, half Italian, I’d have to say it cuts both ways. No other group of whites are as hostile to Italians as Anglo Saxons. Try not to play the victim.

    The real question is the complete demoralization of whites and how to overcome it. Anglo Saxons are particularly conspicuous because they were the leaders of the white race up until the current debacle, crisis of confidence, or whatever you want to call it. Are the erstwhile leaders of white people responsible in some small measure for the decline of whites? The case can be easily made.

    What is the cure for the soul sickness of liberalism and its suicidal march to oblivion? From England to America, the worst cases of PC and multiculti abuses exist in Anglo Saxon lands. Often those leading the charge against fellow whites are Anglo Saxon quislings and race traitors.

    These articles by the enemies of whites are designed to sow division among whites.
    Cui bono?

    Deo Vindice

  10. Dixiegirl is right. Let’s be honest. No one likes a mean wasp, lest of all “aware whites”.

    Sadly CNN knows a wasp better than those here that try to claim cultist Romney as a wasp.

    My first ancestors came to this country from Maidstone in the 17th century. The last from Leeds in the 20th. Hyphens, how about this: wallow in your shit! You applied to colleges; I was introduced to a legacy admissions officer.

  11. Apuleius says:
    September 11, 2012 at 4:23 am

    “These articles by the enemies of whites are designed to sow division among whites.
    Cui bono?”

    I have seen this game played over on another WN forum. There is a fellow over there that discourages pro white activism of any kind, says our countries were never white, pushes whites to accept living in a multicult with non-whites, and repeatedly says, Anglo Saxons are behind the multicult. He even admits he is a “former” lefty, but just hangs out with antifa, to get “intel”.

    Pretty obvious what he is up to, yet the mods have let him play his games for years. The mods on that forum are either retarded, or they have been infiltrated.

    But yes, I have seen this anti-Anglo Saxon game coming from people pretending to be Irish and German as well. We all know who they are.

  12. Romney: member of a weird, Christian-like quasi-cultish church, lover of Jews and all they represent. Ready to go to war with for Israel using Whites as front line soldiers. Son making pro-Hispanic campaign ads in Spanish.

    Obama, member of a weird anti-White black nationalist church, hates Jews and all they represent. Attorney General at war with Whites.

    It’s over folks. And it’s been over for a long time, we just don’t know it yet.

  13. “It’s over folks. And it’s been over for a long time, we just don’t know it yet.”

    White Supremacy/Complacency ends, when whites fully understand what you just said.

    When White Supremacy/Complacency ends, this movement will kick into high gear. Right now whites and the pro white movement in general, are still fast asleep and dreaming.

  14. The heritage of the Anglo-Saxons is most important because they represent the true concept of RIGHTS…of Englishmen (the free-est people of Europe with possible exception of the Dutch).

  15. “m” wrote:

    “Romney: member of a weird, Christian-like quasi-cultish church, lover of Jews and all they represent. Ready to go to war with for Israel using Whites as front line soldiers. Son making pro-Hispanic campaign ads in Spanish.

    Obama, member of a weird anti-White black nationalist church, hates Jews and all they represent. Attorney General at war with Whites.”

    Pick which one is the lesser evil. I still think the former is. Those who believe firmly in escape through Sudden Collapse will want to support the greater evil in the election or abstain from voting at all.

  16. I’m a bit torn on the Mormon thing. It’s actually a hyper English cult/religion/group.
    There are very few non English names in the community.

    I think it is a relic of New York waspiness.

  17. Timid of Savages says:
    September 11, 2012 at 7:47 am
    My first ancestors came to this country from Maidstone in the 17th century. The last from Leeds in the 20th. Hyphens, how about this: wallow in your shit! You applied to colleges; I was introduced to a legacy admissions officer.

    Awww! I’m so sorry that you weren’t able to obtain a college admission on your own intellectual merits! (Not a surprise….)…why .. this is kinds like Affirmative Action admissions….you know…like….for Niggers. The kind of Special Privileges needed by…Niggers…

  18. “m says:
    September 11, 2012 at 10:07 am

    It’s over folks. And it’s been over for a long time, we just don’t know it yet.”

    It’s NOT EVER over. It’s only just beginning…

  19. Denise,

    white people in the northern states love them their nig nogs.

    It’s the closing down of Historical America, right in front of your eyes. Obama will win, and then white people will have to get on with the business of partition (or perish). The niggers have overrun the demographic map and white working class guys still vote ideologically. Romney never had a chance with this underlying population of rust belt whites. No chance whatsoever. Only southern whites are intellectually prepared for what must be done.

  20. The Yankee Wasps chose to stop having children. They chose to disappear.

    One of my students has 27 brothers, 10 sisters, and three mothers. All of his siblings have finished tertiary studies, are in tertiary studies, or will enter teritary studies.

  21. The great northern workingclass white voter, Denise. He’s a beached whale.

    Listening to Romney I also get the sense that he’s playing to lose as well. A few comments here or there could have finished Obama.

  22. M says:

    “It’s over folks. And it’s been over for a long time, we just don’t know it yet.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    OK. So give up. How about give up posting comments on OD?

    My world is looking very good.

  23. “Hyphens, how about this: wallow in your shit! You applied to colleges; I was introduced to a legacy admissions officer.”

    Bad form Tamer, thoroughly bad form.

  24. @ Robert in Arabia says:
    The Yankee Wasps chose to stop having children. They chose to disappear….”

    Hate that sort of self-justifying anti-white statement MOST of all!

    It’s like reading that PUTRID page 188 of Pat Buchanan’s “SUICIDE–yeah right—of a Superpower.”

    “The reason the west is dying…children are no longer desirable…purpose is pleasure not sacrifice…children are too expensive…women enter labor market where they are rewarded (AS IF, LMAO…)”

    Pat Buchanan is one of the few Catholics in public life who often seems worthy of genuine respect. But he pulls up WAY SHORT when he suddenly spins Genocide as a “suicide.” He also tries to show solidly catholic nations like Italy, Portugal, Spain, Poland (if in name only because they really don’t go to church) as being JUST AS COMPROMISED by immigration as North Europe—- which is simply untrue.

    The OTHER UNTAKEN option would have been to create conditions for Generational Americans to continue to have children. They would have done so, just as in the past.

    There are MANY women with “late babies” or only one baby, or a baby “in under the wire,” and so on— who would have LOVED bigger families.

    The babies are expensive because the immigrants with more cost so much IN A NANNY STATE, Welfare-Warfare State. Even the whites who do have children are usually on the dole (on Warfare usually, instead of Welfare, since they think that is more admirable, why I don’t know…)

    The whole charade smells of such dishonesty!!

  25. It’s not a “suicide” where Selfish stupid Wasps (like you’re conditioned to see on t.v.) just “don’t want” little babies!

    How many times have you seen the “black and the blonde” MEME on your t.v., daily?

    Now, why is it not the dark-eyed, dark-haired Latin Southern Euro getting it on with the black male or the Asian?

    Get real on this “suicide” business…. And WASPs “choose” to cease to exist.

    Wasp— is just a code word for Northern European.

  26. @
    “m” wrote:

    “Romney: member of a weird, Christian-like quasi-cultish church, lover of Jews and all they represent. …”

    Exactly. Pretty funny for a sect that’s gotten called down for doing posthumous conversions of jews in their strange masonic-looking temples.

    LDS should be explored in the context of the WBTS. It has never smelled right. It’s “sold” because it does so many of the right things, the visible things people value, like big healthy families.

    But that’s about it.

    Someday—- we’ll know everything about the “face behind the face”—- and see who really ponied up all that money to create the LDS sect. Romney chose an Irish RC (fifth generation from the potato famine era, arriving just in time for the war….just about when LDS’s weird “plates” were discovered., again just in time for the WBTS…) And part of Romney’s family is still in MEXICO.

  27. Btw—

    Aware Wasps are really cool. When it comes to taking in societal bullshit, they’ve got the best seat in the house.

  28. Don’t respond to Lamer of Savages trolling.

    First, his reference being a legacy admit is what the gamer community would call a display of low value. In this venue, no one’s educational background matters. A comment is either convincing on its own or not. If Lamer were some exceptional mind, it would be obvious from his comments.

    Second, he pushes divide and rule nonstop. He calls normal, blended White Americans hyphens. The true enemy is the US federal government, elite DWLs, big business and the organized Jewish community. Lamer goes after everyone but them.

    When Lamer recently slandered Germans, Rudel caught him lying about his family and the Lusitania. Lamer is a troll who should be ignored. Advice as old as the Internet.

  29. The Lusitania claim is hard to credit. That’s like lightning striking.
    Additionally I was expecting him to say his Grammy was killed at Lexington.

    Anyway, the original post is a truth spoken in jest. It is goodbye Anglo Saxon! this year.
    The Episcopal church is gone, the faculty at Harvard is Jewish (mostly), no judges on the court, no candidates to speak of.

    It’s a disaster.

  30. White’s high investment parenting is what’s killing us. Sort of. It’s a good plan but doesn’t work well with

    High taxes and the like because we have to pay for welfare, and make work govt jobs for women, negros etc

    Low wages and a bad economic model of service based economy and importing workers

    having to live in high dollar areas to avoid integrated schools, negro crime etc

    Men are sketchy on marrying/ having kids with the way White women love to spend money, divorce men and steal their wealth and kids.

    And that’s a short list.

    There are reasons why the Klan made a come back in the early 1900’s. Folks might want to read up on it

  31. Dixie Girl, the Catholics who advocated for open borders are liberal, Catholics In Name Only. This includes bishops, priests, monks and nuns, as well as lay CINO’S like the Kennedy’s.

  32. A vote for Romney means a war with Iran, for sure, another trillion or two in debt and 10,000 young dead white men.

  33. Kerry is Jewish. The Jew is well-known for pretending to be something else. The surname Kerry is not his real paternal name. Jewish is not just a religion, it is an ethnicity and a race. As one other commenter said so straightforwardly ‘if Judaism is just a religion, why does the mother have to be Jewish for one to be considered Jewish?’ Jews are Jews in more ways than just belief.

    Kerry pretends to be Catholic because his wealthy wife (Heinz fortune) is Catholic (Portugese) and the Irish Catholics in Massachusetts vote for him because he has an Irish last name and is a “practicing” Catholic (the last part of this sentence is my own conclusion).

    Remember the one drop rule applies to Jews, too! And, if someone is screwing a Jew or being screwed by a Jew – literally – they are loyal to Jews, too. It’s a sick club that apparently is very successful. A group strategy….

    We need to put our ethnic and religious differences aside and create a mindset of white group strategy. Only the committed need apply. I still believe whites can turn this thing around. After all, we know what whites are capable of, especially when pushed into a corner. I may have given up on the majority of white Americans, but the white race will march on… though it may be limping. When it re-groups, watch out!

  34. “Remember the one drop rule applies to Jews, too! “

    Not really. One eighth Jewish ancestry would have gotten you a pass in the Third Reich and 25% in the Wermacht officer corps or even 50% Jewish blood in certain cases if you were in the officer corps of the Kriegsmarine! (The U.S.Navy was considerably less tolerant of having Jews as officers.)

    Since genetic analysis has shown that Ashkenazi Jews have as much as 40% Caucasian blood I’m sure that there are many Europeans with a certain percentage of Semite DNA in their genes of which they are totally unawares. There has been a non-trivial amount of admixture in Germany, and in the English upper classes lately. Have yours analyzed. You might be in for a nasty surprise!

  35. Rudel,

    Let me clarify… for most Jews, the one drop rule applies and they will always identify as Jewish regardless of the remainder of their makeup. What’s good for the Jews is always first and foremost. Their collective is always at work with them. Isn’t that how they achieve what they achieve? Of course, not just Jew aggressiveness but non-Jew passiveness. And, now that they rule the roost, look at all the Jews coming out of the closet…

  36. Ali McGraw is Jew through her mother. That’s not some distant unknown with her. And, the Jews love her…. almost as much as Barbra.

  37. “There has definitely been massive mixing among Jews and the Anglo elite on both sides of the Atlantic.”

    Sounds from the tenor of his posts like TamerOfAffirmativeAdmissions might be a likely victim.

  38. There is nothing royal about royal blood (talk about ruling over fools) and if the British and Dutch monarchies chose to mix their blood with Jew blood, then their blood is even more alien (wink, wink)…

  39. “Ali McGraw is Jew through her mother. That’s not some distant unknown with her. And, the Jews love her….”

    Hell, I love her. So dumb and yet so gorgeous. And I’m pretty sure only her maternal grandfather is Jewish so technically she doesn’t even officially qualify.

  40. Rudel,

    it’s fascinating that you flipped a bit on the quantity of the Jewish among us. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if they were double or triple the census figures.

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