Chick-fil-A Caves To Gay Lobby


I’m not surprised at all: Kevin DeAnna called it back in August at the height of the mania.

Note: I would be less surprised if Mitt Romney won the 2012 presidential election and was pushing for “comprehensive immigration reform” by May.

“A press release was issued Tuesday from The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) confirming that Chick-fil-A will no longer donate money to anti-gay organizations. TCRA is the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy organization in Illinois.

Alderman Moreno finalized his negotiations with Chick-fil-A. A confirmation was released stating that Chick-Fil-A will not only no longer give money to anti-gay organizations but they have also clarified an internal document to read that the company will treat every person equally, regardless of sexual orientation.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Absolutely, undeniably yellow bellied, they stopped backing their principles in a cowardly fashion. Their resitance to faggotry and perversion was miniscule yet so much as giving out some small change to an organization that simply does not kowtow to the degenerates whims and fancies. A christian of any stripe should know that buggery is unequivocally a sin. The question here is why do “conservatives” surrender so easily? The answer cowardice for no matter what aggrevaion or retribution a man cannot forgoe his principle in the face of any danger. Cowards should be spat upon; this may sound venomous but when the alternative is seen, there can be no doubt it must be denigrated most thoroughly.

  2. Yet again, the ten-ton conservative elephant quivers and submits to a six-ounce homosexual rat ridden by a tiny little Jew with a kippa for a cowbody hat.

  3. That is one thing our society is legendary for, total cowardice. I have never seen anything other than that my entire life from anyone of any power whatsoever.

    It is always the same, lot of lips flapping and lots of bluster and then a sudden apology or complete folding most of the time because of a financial caculation.

  4. They should have folded immediately. This won’t net them any customers, or end the lawfare campaign being waged against them.

  5. @ Hunter I would get confirmation from Chick-Fil-A that this story is true. It seems odd that a vp of real estate would be doing a policy change of this magnitude.

  6. @Earlmundo Armand Pitts III
    I’ll retract my statement if the story isn’t true. After the overwhelming support they got from the public, there is zero reason for them to sell out their beliefs.

  7. Pussies. Also known as modern-day Christians. They wouldn’t whip the money changers, they’d set up shop right next to ’em.

  8. I’m disappointed, but this could be the opportunity for practical politics, ie a white boycott of Chick-fil-a.

    Make them chose, economic boycott of a degenerate minority or economic boycott of a white majority. By flexing a muscle, no matter how weak, you gain strength. Flex the boycott, don’t give in to the practical politics of anti-whites.

  9. Dumbest move ever. Now everyone is pissed off at CFA and only people who don’t have a dog in the fight over sodomy and who likes the food will eat there. Surely there is something more going on because it’s just too idiotic on the face of it.

  10. “Yet again, the ten-ton bull elephant quivers and submits to a six-ounce homosexual rat ridden by a thimble size Jew with a kippa for a cowbody hat and a Ballerina Tutu for chaps.”

    Comedy gold with edit.

  11. Jim says:
    September 19, 2012 at 11:18 pm

    “Pussies. Also known as modern-day Christians. They wouldn’t whip the money changers, they’d set up shop right next to ‘em.”

    Definitely not the fire and brimstone, God Fearing Christians. What you are talking about is the Second Generation Communism creation, televangelist Krischans.

    Not that I am religious myself, but Westboro Baptist Church are the real deal. They don’t care about respectability and proof of it, respectable folks hate their guts.

    Respectable Conservatives value their respectability, far more than their conservatism. They are the real enemy, they always were.

  12. Corporate is corporate. Always on sale to the highest bidder. This is what happens when you abandon an honor based culture for a mercantile one.

    No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
    Matthew 6:24

    Deo Vindice

  13. I’m fine with the “born this way” meme. They can also “hang that way”. If a pedophile tried that with any of my kids and they will WISH they were dead.

  14. No man can serve two masters

    Yet somehow the homosexual manages. I guess he’s not a man. Still manlier than a southern christian, of course.

  15. If a pedophile tried that with any of my kids and they will WISH they were dead.

    Your kind said that about niggers too. You’ll find a way to tolerate it. Trust me.

  16. I have a feeling the era of tolerance is drawing to a close.

    It’s piling on so fast and furious now something has to give eventually. And Jimp, if a nigger harmed my child he’d get the same thing.

  17. Of all of the prognostication from this summer, I’m really disappointed there weren’t more chimp-outs. This being an election year, it must be a combination of muzzled media and a tight leash from the zoo-keeps.

  18. Already mailed them telling of our intent to boycott,, funny.,..I never even knew who they were until this queer shit came up

  19. “And the world awoke, and groaned to find itself Multicultural.”

    (with apologies to St. Jerome)

    You know what’s next, don’t you? Prison terms for daring to speak out about sodomy in America; “and then shall the end come.” What do you know? Hal Lindsey was right- this IS the ‘terminal generation.’ Maranatha, Lord Jesus.

  20. “And the world awoke, and groaned to find itself Multicultural.” (with apologies to St. Jerome)

    You know what’s next, don’t you? Prison terms for daring to speak out about sodomy in America; “and then shall the end come.” What do you know? Hal Lindsey was right- this IS the ‘terminal generation.’ Maranatha, Lord Jesus.

  21. I too am disappointed; however, as a business owner, I can understand CFAs decision. No business owner wants his business embroiled in political controversies. CFA knows the government won’t protect them from this abuse. In fact, CFA knows the government and the court system are going to be used to harass them.

    It’s easy for you loudmouths to run off about Mammon worship (as if you don’t care about money yourselves…please…don’t make me laugh). You look a little silly. I doubt any of you know shit from shinola when it comes to running a business, something that you have worked for and built your whole life, and it’s easy to talk big when it’s not your money or job at stake.

    This incident ought to be kept in perspective and the blame placed where it belongs. It primarily belongs on JEWS in the media and their DWL useful idiots inside and outside the government. They’re the ones promoting the homosexual agenda and bullying everyone who disagrees.

    This incident gives an object lesson in the power of economic intimidation. In this case, the standard attempts at cultural intimidation did not work. They went at the owner of CFA with the usual bullcrap about being “anti-gay” and “homophobic”; he didn’t back down. Instead, he doubled-down (I support Biblical marriage; guilty as charged). People supported him. However, like all anti-system dissidents, CFA is up against The Borg. In this society, as every OD reader ought to understand very well, resistance is literally futile unless you’re willing to reach for a gun.

    The Jew/DWL/Homo axis accepted their temporary set back, and then moved on to plan B: not cultural but economic intimidation. It’s how the Jews ultimately defeated David Duke when he ran for governor in Louisiana 20 years ago. Every company doing business in Louisiana threatened to pack up and leave people unemployed if Duke won. It scared off enough Whites worried about losing their jobs to cost Duke the election.

    When you can credibly threaten a person’s livelihood, you can make a person do things they don’t want to do. Because they have no choice. There is a lesson here for Southern secessionists. When and if the momentum ever builds for secession, every person with a financial stake in the federal government’s activities will likely oppose it.

  22. Re: mainstreaming pedophilia, see Andrew Hamilton’s article on Counter Currents:

    I learned from the SPLC’s profile of Brown—I had not known it before—that the party line on homosexuality now is that homosexual child molesters such as college football coach Jerry Sandusky are not homosexual: “Researchers established long ago that chronic pedophiles like Sandusky [who is married] have no sexual interest in any adult and can’t be considered homosexual or heterosexual.”

    Evidently that is why the words “homosexual” or “gay” appear nowhere in Wikipedia‘s long entry on Sandusky, and why “LGBT” is missing from the Categories section at the end of the article.

    Because “anti-gay” is not what the people identified here are solely about, this category more correctly illustrates two developing trends in System ideology and policy.

    One is the extension of the “hate” model of censorship to any criticism of homosexuality.

  23. Lew says:
    September 20, 2012 at 4:54 am

    “I too am disappointed; however, as a business owner, I can understand CFAs decision. No business owner wants his business embroiled in political controversies. CFA knows the government won’t protect them from this abuse. In fact, CFA knows the government and the court system are going to be used to harass them.”

    The man made a point of pushing Christian morality and when challenged, he caved in on everything real Christians believe in. Christians Fear God, more than anything on Earth, that is where the term ‘God Fearing Christians’ comes from.

    So he clearly does not fear God, as much as he fears his business doing poorly, which even so, makes no sense at all, considering the record support he was given. Chick-fil-A was in a far better position than any, to stand up to these people and beat them.

    If anyone wants to see real Christians, standing up to real persecution, again I suggest they see the court cases and violent harassment of Westboro Baptist Church. The Youtube videos where they discuss their experiences, are very interesting.

    WBC cannot be defeated, no matter what is thrown at them. They see each attack, as a badge of honor and that is the mindset that is required to win. Anything less and you will lose to these people, every time.

  24. Lew, the owner of Chic-fil-A used this Christian “schtick” for years to make gobs of money from God-fearing southerners. Then as soon as it threatened his bottom line in one small area, he caves. Unfortunately the trade-mark on the word “Christian” expired 1,970 years ago, and lying is easy. Gullible Christians, when will they ever learn?

  25. I didn’t see anything on their corporate site about this so I can’t say for sure. However, if it is true, then my guess is that these brave Christian soldiers were facing a major lawsuit of some sort, along with a massive media assault, and simply threw in the biscuit. Pathetic, but given what Christianity has become, I’m surprised that it took them so long to get with the Jewish program.

  26. This isn’t just about Chick-Fil-A. This is about the right. This is about the GOP. And since so many align with them this is also about us. This is another example of why the GOP and the so called right is not on our side. This is what the respectable right ALWAYS does. Until whites stand up as whites, until unapologetic Christians & Westerners stand up with no equivocation we will continue to be pushed back until at some point we go over the cliff.

    “it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. ”

    Remember vote Romney!

  27. Well, assuming the story is true I imagine there will be a huge influx of fudge packers and rug munchers flocking to C f A.

    Just like Romney’s pandering to blacks and Hispanics will have them flocking to him.

  28. White Innovations says: Cowardly, but that’s okay. You and I can give these “anti-gay hate groups” money directly instead:

    Focus on the Family (labeled by the SPLC as a “hate group”).

    I support Focus on the Family, but if you can’t support Focus directly, support them indirectly by giving gifts of Focus Magazines to younger relatives. Educate them before they become poisoned. My sisters say Clubhouse is very good and that the kids really enjoy it.

    Lew said: It’s easy for you loudmouths to run off about Mammon worship (as if you don’t care about money yourselves…please…don’t make me laugh). You look a little silly. I doubt any of you know shit from shinola when it comes to running a business, something that you have worked for and built your whole life, and it’s easy to talk big when it’s not your money or job at stake.

    I have to agree with Lew here. Those who can, and who hold values contrary to “official policy”, are going to have to at some point “Go Galt” and cede from society takining their assets (ability is an asset) with them. Read Ayn Rand. I can’t say it enough.

    JamieG says: If anyone wants to see real Christians, standing up to real persecution, again I suggest they see the court cases and violent harassment of Westboro Baptist Church. The Youtube videos where they discuss their experiences, are very interesting.

    WBC cannot be defeated, no matter what is thrown at them. They see each attack, as a badge of honor and that is the mindset that is required to win. Anything less and you will lose to these people, every time.

    Agreed, and while I don’t go out looking for it, I consider being called a “racist” a badge that brings a smile to my face.

    Chick-fil-A may not have been fully part of GayBRA, but now it is. The company bio’s, especially Dan’s, read like a who’s who of negro helpers. Give them a full years and they’ll be getting sodomized by negroes.

    Give GayBRA a few more years, and a statement and change in principles will no longer be enough to prove you have changed, you will literally have to take it up the ass.

  29. what the fuck do yankees have to be proud about? they are the driving engine of all the things we bitch about here. yankees should rip their clothes, but dirt on their heads and beg forgiveness for their sins and the sins of fellow yankees

  30. “yankees should rip their clothes, but dirt on their heads and beg forgiveness for their sins and the sins of fellow yankees”

    I beg forgiveness from no one. In fact since I’m already so clean and well dressed I’m taking the wife out to dinner tonight!

  31. TCRA got away with what we would call defamation (claiming that the Cathys went PC) spread for them unquestioningly by mainstream media, and some weblogs.


    “Thursday’s statement by Chick-fil-A, though, reiterates the chain’s corporate commitment “to be responsible stewards of all that God has entrusted to us.” It continues, “Because of this commitment, Chick-fil-A’s giving heritage is focused on programs that educate youth, strengthen families and enrich marriages, and support communities. We will continue to focus our giving in those areas. Our intent is not to support political or social agendas.”

    A report published today on CitizenLink, an affiliate of the group Focus on the Family, says that Wednesday’s news reports were incorrect and that Chick-fil-A “did not agree to stop making donations to groups that support the biblical definition of marriage in exchange for being allowed to open a franchise in Chicago.””

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