Matthew Heimbach’s “Uppity” Crusade


H/T Kosher Republic

This is getting bigger than I expected it would be.

If I was Matt, I would send a letter to the Towson University president in which I would formally invoke my “white privilege” to demand the creation of a White Student Union.

Then I would add something at the bottom like – “LOL, I told you so.” Afterward, I would write a press release in which I would act completely puzzled as to why my alleged “white privilege” was not recognized by Towson University.

Note: White privilege is a myth that liberals have created to explain why black people continue to demonstrate their fundamental lack of capacity to rise to “equality” after “discriminatory barriers” were removed.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “It befuddles a lot of people, and angers people,” Sampson said, of the proposed student union. “With the United States’ history on slavery, race, immigration, you have this white supremacist history, and white students are the predominant group of people [at Towson]. It raises flags. What are your intentions?”

    She’s acting like this is an organization bent on terrorizing minorities. Typical narrow minded liberal student.

    An online petition urging Towson University President Dr. Maravene Loeschke to denounce the formation of Towson’s white student union has garnered nearly 2,500 signatures toward their 3,000-person goal. The uproar prompted Loeschke to release a statement Tuesday, citing university policy which prohibits the formation of student organizations which discriminate on the basis of race. “At Towson University no recognized student group is permitted to discriminate against anyone,” Loeschke said.

    So then why are there minority-based groups? I hope if Matt’s organization gets turned down he tries to join all the others in an attempt to hold this woman to her words.

  2. A brave young man putting himself on the line IRL. This is an example of activism that works. He is doing a great job exposing hostility toward Whites, that they’re not anti-racist; they’re anti-white. As one of the free republic commenters said, he better have good security.

  3. It would help to have some copy cats at all other universities.

    Its time for the B.U.G.S. Swarm to shape the battlefield and start surfacing at universities: as others have pointed out, when they tell you “no” , invoke White Priveledge, when they outlaw white groups as discriminatory, it provides a concentrated example that anti-racism is just a code word for anti-white.

    Victory at each phase!

  4. Ha ha, I like the satirical concept of formally invoking one’s “white privilege.”

    But it won’t play out in the unmasking fashion you’re expecting. Remember that leftists are grim and humorless in these matters, they are cold-blooded and their unwavering goal is to exterminate white people. Here is what their reply would be to that line of play:

    “We know that you expected to have your way because of your white privilege. However the rules have changed and your day is over, and therefore your demand is officially denied.”

    In other words they won’t follow yoir logic of satire; rather they will take it quite literally and use it against you; and given their media backing, their chosen context will prevail and they will WIN.

    Never forget, they have murder in their hearts. That is essentially what being a leftist IS.

    If you tried to turn the tables on them by using MLK’s political vocabulary, daring them to sic the police dogs and the fire-hoses on you in order to show the world how they’ve beome the exact same despots, they would not be shamed in the least. Rather they would gleefully set the dogs and the hoses on you, cackling about how you deserve it.

    Have you ever read “White Lotus” by John Hersey? You better, because that’s your children’s future.

  5. At its most basic element, the Left is not about a coherent political system or theory.

    Leftism equals the Jews and their goal of Jewish Supremacy, aided and abetted by their hypnotized zombies and thought-slaves, who think they are serving Social Justice but in reality are serving the Permanent Hegemony of Jews.

    The J’s don’t really care how they achieve this goal: left-wing (Leninist intellectual vanguard –translate as Jews– and bureaucratic revolutionary class leaders –again, more Jews) or right-wing (ultra-capitalist bankers and neocons — which is again to say, Jews). So long as J is the first letter of the alphabet, and they get to sit and eat while the goyim sweat, they’ll be happy.

  6. I would pay good money for the professional jew investigators to actually call them anti-white, but instead we just get people calling them hypocrites.

    And to the other guy up thread about how lefties play unfair, well duh, that is what we at BUGs get them to do in front of an audience. Hell again I would pay good money for some crank lefty, a Tim Wise jr. to tell an audience “death to whitey is my goal.” We are taking their nice card from them, we are conducting an insurgency to make them over react. So all those muddle headed church ladies who mouth the slogans out of obidience cannot hide behind “anti-racism” (anti-racism only means anti-white).

  7. Good for that young man, he is brave. But may I add, that the Mantra is a good defensive tactic, much better than any abstract hooey he is tempted to respond with.

  8. As has been said many times, it must be exhausting to be a liberal, constantly making excuses for why reality doesn’t coincide with your world-view. I always laugh when liberals who beleive in african equality make fun of the devoutly religious- at least prayers come true from time to time, when have blacks ever demonstrated equal capacity for civilization?

  9. Part of the college statement was… “With the United States’ history on slavery, race, immigration, you….”

    “Immigration” is more and more conflated with the “slavery” meme; in their minds, held together by the God term, “Badwhite.”

    Africa is nearly all African, Asia is nearly all Asian. To import tens of millions of people (because they are “owed” something or are just “cheaper”), and to the point that the Africans no longer live in Africa, or the Asians no longer exist is Asia— is unthinkable.

  10. Hunter, how do you feel about Mr. Heimbach’s self proclaimed love for Israel? I recently watched a video on youtube where Matt described his activities with YWC and he talked about how much he loved Israel.

  11. EVERYBODY in the Respectable World agrees that there is this thing called White Privilege.

    EVERYBODY says that this Privilege can, should, and will be taken away.

    EVERYBODY says that there is one way and ONLY one way to solve this problem of White Privilege.

    When asked HOW whites are “privileged,” they say we were “BORN that way. We’re white.” Clearly, the solution to the problem of whites being born with White Privilege is to do away with the problem of us being here; to genocide our race. They might sugarcoat their program and say things like “We all bleed red. We’re all one race,” but what they really mean is “On Earth, whites have no place.”

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  12. Ha ha, I like the satirical concept of formally invoking one’s “white privilege.”

    But it won’t play out in the unmasking fashion you’re expecting. Remember that leftists are grim and humorless in these matters, they are cold-blooded and their unwavering goal is to exterminate white people. Here is what their reply would be to that line of play:

    “We know that you expected to have your way because of your white privilege. However the rules have changed and your day is over, and therefore your demand is officially denied.”

    Most liberals seem mildly autistic like that.

  13. Nice to see Heimbach made a magical change from full blown Israel loving, Black Confederate promoting Rainbow to whatever it is he is attempting to be at the moment. Wonder what it will be next year? Some of you people are being suckered and haven’t figured it out yet.

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