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The ex-slave Charlie Davenport remembers slavery during the Great Depression:

“Insisting that “us didn’t b’long to no white trash,” Davenport, like many slaves and former slaves, expressed great pride in his master, “one ob de richest en highest quality gentlemen in de whole country,” and took special delight in the character of the Surgets, the wealthy family of his owner’s wife: “Dey wuz de out fightenist, out cussinest, fastest ridin, hardest drinkin, out spendinest folks I ebber seed. But Lawd, Lawd, dey wuz gentlemen eben in dey cups.” (that is, when drunk.”)

Reading this passage you know instantly that he is describing our people and their weltanschauung which couldn’t be further removed from the morose, moralizing Yankee Puritan.

Compare the tone of Dixie to Battle Hymn of the Republic which talks about holy Yankees dying to make the negro free:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Oh sure, slavery was just wonderful. Those niggers had such a great life, belonging to those rich, rowdy Southern gentelmen! Nothing but good times! Until the the day came that they wanted to leave… or didn’t want to pick cotton… or didn’t want one of their children sold to another plantation… or didn’t want to have sex with Massa…

    But, they were living better here than they were in Africa, so it’s all good, right?

  2. They’re doing pretty well for themselves in Illinois and Michigan.

    In a typical self righteous holier-than-thou fit, Yankees invaded the South, abolished slavery, altered the Constitution to make them citizens with equal rights, repealed their own black codes and the Fugitive Slave Law which had previously kept tbem out, and invited millions of them to move en masse to the North.

    Perhaps if Yankees had minded their own business it wouldn’t have happened. That’s next to impossible for a race of busybodies though.

  3. Here is how former slave Harriet Mcfadden Payne remembers her slave community;

    “…I used to love to walk down by that row of houses. It looked liked a town and late of an evening as you’d go by the doors you could smell meat a frying, coffee-making, and good things cooking. We were fed good, and had plenty of clothes to keep us dry and warm…”

    Oh the horrors! Actually the “free” negroes in the North could only dream of achieving such a standard of living.

  4. “But, they were living better here than they were in Africa, so it’s all good, right?”

    Actually some of them were living better than even poor Southern Whites. You need to read Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery by the economists Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman.

  5. Anyway, the point of this thread is that the Old South was a confident and contented culture. We were relatively free of White guilt and that comes across when you compare Dixie to Battle Hymn of the Republic.

    Listening to the latter you know where the sickness that has “progressively” undermined our culture came from. It came from the peculiar culture of the Northeast.

    A culture that is strong enough to embrace slavery as a positive good was moving the opposite direction of Yankee culture.

  6. If you read many of the old slave narratives compiled in the 1930’s, you will find that most of these darkeys actually preferred their lives as slaves to their lives as freedmen. Many of them are wistfully nostalgic for the good old days of slavery. Their remarks are enough to make the head of any yankee schoolmarm explode.

    Deo Vindice

  7. Harriet continues her narrative, and desribes her owner:

    “,,,Our Miss Sallie was the sweetest best thibg in the world! She was so good and kind to everybody and she loved her slaves too…”

    Make it stop!!

  8. We’ve been dragged down into this bottomless pit of navelgazing over violations of “equality” and “human rights.” If we had only succeeded in getting out of the culturally degenerate Union, it would have never happened.

  9. Hell, even during Jim Crow the blacks in the south had their own businesses, they attended black churches and developed their own unique Christianity and Gospel music. Look at black music during segregation as compared to today. Fact of the matter is, a little “oppression” (i.e. structure provided by whites) and the natural gifts of black people absolutely flourish.

    Liberalism was predicted in the Bible: Satan disguised as an “Angel of Light”. Destroys everything in the name of Love.

    They openly tell you that the end result of embracing “diversity” is the end of diversity itself.

    Reprobate minds. All of them.

  10. “Southron” vices of “out-fighting, out-cursing, out-drinking, out-spending, etc.” are preferred to “morose,” “Northern” virtues of “Love thy neighbor…sound speech that cannot be condemned…be not drunk with wine but be filled with the Spirit…waste not, etc.”?

  11. I’ve had the misfortune of spending the entire week with a Yankee woman who, if there is a Southern dictionary, ought to have a photo of her goddamn face next to the definition of Yankee.

    She is materialistic to the nines. Spends at least 90 percent of her time running down everyone who does not march to the beat of the drum that she thinks a person should march to. Wants everyone to cut the grass the very same direction she thinks it ought to be cut. That is how demanding they are that everyone conform to their self-righteous ways. Expects everyone to jump everytime a Northerner wants something. Anyone who doesn’t, according to her, is trash and a bum. Cannot even conceive that anyone would not aim to the very same “values” that she holds to. Everything is in terms of money and materialism. Only a dirtbag, lazy bum would not live their life and associate with the people she feels are Okay.

    I am flat sick of them all. I am sorry that I moved back up North. The woman I am speaking of is my sister. This week we are in Kentucky getting a house that belongs to my mother ready to sell. My sister has nothing but contemp for the people down here. A carpenter, for example, hasn’t jumped to attention quick enough for her. She has spent two days now bitching about why he hasn’t called back with an estimate to do somr work. She talks about how he must not want money. I told her the man has money, owns everything he has, including two houses, and doesn’t live his life kissing people like her’s ass everytime they hold out a dollar. He will get back to her in a day or two when he feels like it and has his other business done, whatever it may be. My sister cannot comprehend that kind of attitude.

    I think I will move back down here before too long. I’m tired of the North and the people there who mind everyone’s business but thier own. I’m tired of their moralizing; the way they think I ought to cut my grass everytime they all cut theirs–three or four times weekly; how I should only speak to the people they like; many other things.

  12. “The woman I am speaking of is my sister.”

    A gentleman should not run down his family like that to a bunch of strangers even if it is true.

  13. Iam here to tell everyone: Northerners do NOT have to be liberals and/or supporters of BRA, they still almost all display the very worst characteristics of the Northeastern Yankee.

    They are materialsitic control freaks.

  14. You spend a week with her, Rudel. I wonder how much of a gentleman you would be after one of her fits where she cussed you like a drunk sailor seldom ever cussed. That is another lovely feature she displays non stop.

  15. @ Hunter Those slave narratives were a WPA project during the 1930’s and have probably never had a critical look over. You ought to get Senator Sessions to get you into those WPA slave narrative archives, and some research money too.

  16. Remember, the Puritans in New England believed that you were one of the “Chosen” if you were “blessed” with material prosperity. They’ve always been this way. Money, money, money; contempt for those who don’t have it, and disbelief that anyone wouldnt want more of it at any cost.

  17. Brutus says:
    September 21, 2012 at 2:27 am

    “I’ve had the misfortune of spending the entire week with a Yankee woman who, if there is a Southern dictionary, ought to have a photo of her goddamn face next to the definition of Yankee.

    She is materialistic to the nines. Spends at least 90 percent of her time running down everyone who does not march to the beat of the drum that she thinks a person should march to. Wants everyone to cut the grass the very same direction she thinks it ought to be cut. That is how demanding they are that everyone conform to their self-righteous ways. Expects everyone to jump everytime a Northerner wants something. Anyone who doesn’t, according to her, is trash and a bum. Cannot even conceive that anyone would not aim to the very same “values” that she holds to. Everything is in terms of money and materialism. Only a dirtbag, lazy bum would not live their life and associate with the people she feels are Okay.”

    I am related to someone like that. Take out the materialism and that is the standard liberal female/shemale mindset, in every white country. Anyone that does not think like them, must be attacked and controlled. They just can’t mind their own business.

  18. “Remember, the Puritans in New England believed that you were one of the ‘Chosen’ if you were ‘blessed’ with material prosperity. They’ve always been this way. Money, money, money; contempt for those who don’t have it, and disbelief that anyone wouldnt want more of it at any cost.”

    BOTH northern AND SOUTHERN high-church, and middle-church, well-to-do Calvinists consider it the most certain proof of their chosenness (of their predestinated, eternally secure “Election”) to be seen by others as “richer than thou.”

  19. And if I may add:

    The truth is more like this: “Dixie” was a Yankee pop song. It was an 1859 hit for Bryant’s Minstrels. It caught fire in NYC. It was the hip-hop of its day. The blackface minstrels were, in a sense, the wiggers of their day. Oddly enough, that’s Dixie’s foremost contribution–to the U.S., to the West, to the world: wiggerism.

    That the song was embraced by the South and is now, as you would have us believe, Mr. Wallace, the Confederate National Anthem is one of those bemusing American phenomena like the Republicans’ patriotic embrace, decades ago, of Bruce Springsteen’s jaundiced “Born in the USA.” “Dixie,” is arguably the most successful manifestation of wiggerism in history. There, as the Civil War was approaching, Northern minstrels scored one of the biggest hits in the history of songwriting with one of their sentimental treatments of a darkie who’s longing for life back on the plantation. Romanticization of the South–and slavery–courtesy of the Yankees.



  20. Very good, factual comment, John Bona. I had sensed un-whiteness in “Dixie,” and I never cared for the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” but then I’m pretty narrow, not eclectic, in musical taste.

  21. Brutus wrote: “I’m tired of the North and the people there who mind everyone’s business but thier own. I’m tired of their moralizing; the way they think I ought to cut my grass everytime they all cut theirs–three or four times weekly; how I should only speak to the people they like; many other things.”

    Yes, there is a lot of that, and the freedom zones in rural areas of the North are shrinking, but beware those gated communities south of the Line, where the same dictatorship is established.

    “Northerners do NOT have to be liberals and/or supporters of BRA, they still almost all display the very worst characteristics of the Northeastern Yankee.” Some that display all those worst characteristics aren’t even northern.

  22. @313Chris

    Those niggers had such a great life, belonging to those rich, rowdy Southern gentelmen! Nothing but good times! Until the the day came that they wanted to leave… or didn’t want to pick cotton… or didn’t want one of their children sold to another plantation… or didn’t want to have sex with Massa…

    The HORROR … so much better working for Yankee Corporation Inc., with no health care, no loyalty, etc. You all would better off complaining about how lovely mocha Camisha “was forced” to sleep with “Massa” – as if that was so difficult.

    Which is it, Yankee? The mocha honeys were “raped” by evil White Southern Men, or the Evil Southern Men “exploited” the pure innocent mulattoes?

    You can’t have it both ways. Oh wait – you can. The Mocha Honeys had sex with their “liberators” the Puritan Yankees that “freed them” to be their “free” housekeepers and “secretaries” while their White wives looked the other way – wait, sounds familiar?

    Come on – are we allowed to be adults here?

    Christianity – the religion of women and slaves. Sure, we can use euphemisms for the ladies – but, what, you supposed to be a man? Pfft.

  23. @NietzscheNow

    “Which is it, Yankee? The mocha honeys were “raped” by evil White Southern Men..”

    – In many cases, yes.

    “..or the Evil Southern Men “exploited” the innocent mullattoes?”

    – That too.

    “You can’t have it both ways?”

    – Have what both ways?? I don’t even know what you’re asking.

    “Oh wait — you can.”

    – Okay then.

    “The Mocha Honeys had sex with their “liberators” the Puritan Yankees that “freed them”

    – To be exact, there many Catholics and probably Atheists in the Union Army. And Midwesterners did as much fighting as New Englanders. As for the Mocha Honeys, who knows? Light-skinned black girls throw themselves at me all the time. Personally, I don’t fool around outside my race, but shit happened a century and half ago, so what can ya do?

    “..to be their housekeepers and “secretaries” while their White wives looked the other way..”

    – If the Mocha Honey went work for the Yankee Puritan Liberator, of her own free will, then that’s her choice. At least she isn’t a slave. My own belief, is that it’s only right to pay someone, even a Mocha Honey, an honest dollar for honest work. But I know that’s heresy to a Johnny Reb like yourself. Why does the Yankee Puritan Liberator’s wife need to look the other way if they have a housekeeper or a secretary?

    “..wait — sounds familiar?”

    – I still don’t even know what you’re talking about.

    “Come on — are we allowed to be adults here?

    – Who’s being a child? Besides Stonelifter?

    “Christianity — the religion of women and slaves.”

    – Well that’s a stupid thing to say. Some of the greatest heroes of the white race were Christians. I’d take Christianity any day of the week over any of the childish cults that excrete out of the diseased rectum that is White Nationalism.

    “Sure, we can use euphemisms for the ladies — but, what, you supposed to be a man? Pfft.”

    – Yeah, Johnny Reb, I’m quite certain I am. And shove your ‘fighting words’ up your ass.


    – Funny that you question my masculinity, and then make a sound like that, because that sound actually reminds me.. well, on second thought, I won’t.

    Nice talking to you.

  24. If the Mocha Honey went work for the Yankee Puritan Liberator, of her own free will, then that’s her choice. At least she isn’t a slave.


    “Slave” “housekeeper” “secretary” “Christian Lady us Yankee White men are giving a helping hand to until she gets back on her feet …”

    Whatever, Yankee. I’m sure you are “liberating” the Mocha Honey only for your Christian Charity, right? She “threw herself” at you, yes, Yankee?

    All for Christian Charity, sure thing, Yankee.


    How seriously are we supposed to take these people, exactly?

  25. For that man with the yankee sister, all you have to do to these lumps is to tell them they wouldn’t say boo to a “person of color” and they are cowardly POS. They all are, take atheists for example, a bunch of white punks with daddy issues thinking they are all brave and such, they wouldn’t say squat to a brown complected moron with a 90IQ and koran in one hand while promising death to those who insult Mo the magic arab.

    Only white shlubs from our demographic, from Limbaugh on down to the barfly drunk are the only ones who pay any attention to these fading cultists.

  26. I rember when in SEC football games during halftime, the marching band on the field would play “Dixie” and the whole stadium would stand up and cheer. Now the song is almost completely gone from everywhere.

    “Look away, Gone away, Far away, Dixie Land”

    Here is a recording of it from a Georgia Fiddle Band from the 1920s:

  27. “Southron men are men. That means fighting, drinking and living hard, not the womanized version of muscularity yankees prefer today.”

    That’s why I enjoy being in the company of Southron men–like over in those battlefield cemeteries in Europe.

  28. Or to put it another way: He who thinks manliness lies in fighting, drinking, and living hard should not be surprised if his tribe loses out to the Jews–who believe in thinking hard.

  29. ps, every thing you blame om jews was kick started by damnyankees way before the jews showed up in large numbers.

  30. “you’re simply upset john b because you could never measure up to a traditional sense of masculinity”

    Maybe you’re right, Stonelifter. Just a week or so ago, in fact, I passed the house of one of my former elementary-school classmates, who, as I recall, subscribed to a traditional sense of masculinity–while I was busy doing my homework. At least, I think it was his house. I couldn’t quite see past the weeds and the dilapidated garage.

  31. @Stonelifter

    Then you give me yours, toughguy. You’re brave enough to make death-threats, but only from behind the anonymous safety of a ridiculous usename.

    And cut this “traditional masculinity” crap, will you?. There’s nothing “masculine” about forcing someone else to do your own work for you. There’s nothing “masculine” about outright owning another human being. And there’s damn sure nothing masculine about forever CRYING LIKE A BITCH because your ancestors GOT THEIR ASSES KICKED by “damnyankees” in a war that concluded 150 years ago.

  32. “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    September 21, 2012 at 4:43 pm
    Or to put it another way: He who thinks manliness lies in fighting, drinking, and living hard should not be surprised if his tribe loses out to the Jews–who believe in thinking hard.”


  33. Chris, and John B – StoneCRAZY routinely threatens ANY-ONE with ruin, attack, killing….woof woof.

    What a TOOL. If StonedoutofhisMIND is a Merc – then a war with Iran would be a lovely lovely housecleaning thing!

    Vote Romney 2012!!!!

  34. Well, at least he answers to piss313 now. Looks like you’re getting good at training snapping turtles, Stonelifter.

    Every white man should live his life on his own terms. This is something most yankees tend to forget. Yankee negro worship is a violation of this common sense.

    We shall soon see yankeedom wrought to its uttermost with the reelection of King Nog. Only the yankee BRA nation could sit idly by making excuses while its ambassadors are being slaughtered by turd world trash.

    Imagine a world where the federal government is nonexistent or largely impotent, having been brought low by its own profligacy. Such a world will follow the end of BRA, presently enjoying its “high water mark” with the upcoming second term of Barry Soetero. The silver lining behind the dark cloud of BRA.

    The remains of the federal carcass are about to be consumed by the army of parasites in our midst. What will be left will not be recognizable after BRA goes “full cannibal.”

    Deo Vindice

  35. Actually, it was the Confederates who did the ass-kicking. Had that war been fought on anything even remotely resembling equal terms, the USA could never have prevailed. This so commonly known and understood, that it is almost trivial to re-state it.Y et despite this, the USA igonres, like it ignores its own culpability for slavery, this irrefutable truth.

  36. @Cadwell

    Since when does war have “equal terms”?

    “We’z only lost cuz theyum Damnyankeez wuddn’t faghtn’ us eekwul-like!”

  37. Chris,
    Count your war dead, then come talk to me.

    “i tells ya, dem dere ‘federates wuz da fightinist folks you ever seed! day dun killed neer ’bout 350,000 of our boys in bloo.”

  38. “Had that war been fought on anything even remotely resembling equal terms…”

    What rubbish. And if I had fifty million dollars they’d call me Mikey Millions. But I don’t. Equal terms, my ass. What planet do you live on?

    Face it, asswipes. You picked a fight with a people much bigger and richer and smarter than you, in order to preserve your right to oppress people much weaker and poorer and stupider than you.

    And you got your fucking asses kicked. You got your asses kicked up and down the street, with your pants down around your ankles, and welts on your butt-cheeks redder than a May Day parade in Leningrad.

    And here you are now, 150 years later, still sobbing about it like a bunch of whiny little ass-kicked bitches, while you puff yourselves up about your “masculinity.”

    What a bunch of clowns. I’d give you far worse, but my parents tught me not to mock retards.

    Dry your fucking tears, hop in the fucking time machine, and fast-forward to 2012. Your race and your people and your language and your culture and your religion and your children’s future are all being eradicated at a dizzying pace, and it’s not the “damnyankees” who are doing it.

    Grow the fuck up.
    Open your eyes.
    Take two Non-stupid Pills and wash ’em down with a glass of Clue Juice.
    There’s work to be done.
    So start doing it.
    Dismissed, sailor.

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