Chinese Communists Chortle Over America’s Major Cities


This ties in nicely with our historical discussion of how Adam Smith’s free labor ideology was foolishly imposed on the slave societies in the Caribbean and the American South by nineteenth century abolitionists.

The result of abolition was the genesis of the immutable laws of the Visible Black Hand of Economics and the force which Paul Kersey has labelled the Black Undertow:

“If I ever want a good laugh, I imagine that right now in a military base or government facility in China, high ranking officers or members of the Chinese Communist Party are sitting around watching top-secret footage of major American cities.

The footage, captured by Chinese “students” – who are on a STEM scholarship at an American university -show the dramatic footage of the dilapidated state of formerly world-class cities like Cleveland, Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis, Gary, Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, Dallas, Kansas City, Oakland, and, of course, Detroit.

Built by a people whose descendants have long since fled these cities, the leaders of the Chinese business community, military, and government can only look upon the ruins of hundreds of acres of private property, abandoned commercial real estate – all with a plethora of graffiti upon the decaying edifices – and wonder why their supposed great adversary, the United States, tolerates such blight.

This is no mighty empire the Chinese see, with the video of Detroit’s tragic ruins bringing laughter to the room. The same variable is found in all of these cities, which goes unmentioned in similar meetings of American businessman, politicians, and high-ranking government and military officials.

Indeed, it is in those meetings of America’s brightest minds in academia, business, government, and military that the question of how to eternally uplift this variable, promoting it above all others, is the normally the topic for discussion.

The Communist Chinese speak freely about how in each of the blighted areas of these major cities they watch reconnaissance footage of, the one common theme uniting them all is Black residents. One high ranking member of the education system in China points out, without protest, that the cause of such Blight is obviously these same Black people, for it reminds him of the type of environment they have encountered in Africa.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Our morally bankrupt society tolerates this Blight because we have no direction, no courage, and no willingness to fix ourselves. The average American is too concerned with petty distractions like flat-screens, new cars, and the latest drama at their children’s middle school to care about anything important. So when the tribes riot and the Chinese start making military moves, the people will stare blankly and wonder how and why this is happening. The answer is: “because you’re useless, that’s why.”


  2. I’m sorry, but I find Paul Kersey terribly overrated. He’s extremely pretentious and basically says the same thing over and over again and has this really forced way of tying pop culture and cinema tropes in with his writings. OD on the other hand is far more unique and really has observations you don’t get anywhere else.

  3. Not to mention Kersey is afraid to admit jews exist.

    “The Communist Chinese speak freely about how in each of the blighted areas of these major cities they watch reconnaissance footage of, the one common theme uniting them all is Black residents. One high ranking member of the education system in China points out, without protest, that the cause of such Blight is obviously these same Black people, for it reminds him of the type of environment they have encountered in Africa.” ”

  4. Kersey has always avoided the JQ. He runs a decent blog, but I have never taken it seriously. He is with a brain, nothing more.

  5. The blog is “Stuff Black People Don’t Like.” It is about black people, not Jews. There is another website which people here also read called “Occidental Observer” which is about Jews, not black people.

  6. “Hunter Wallace says:
    September 22, 2012 at 11:54 am
    The blog is “Stuff Black People Don’t Like.” It is about black people, not Jews. There is another website which people here also read called “Occidental Observer” which is about Jews, not black people.”

    Every-one plays their part!

    I like Kersey a LOT. He’s tops. I frequently send him posts about Hebes – which he NEVER publishes… ; }

  7. The old GOP winning coalition was built upon three things: military power, business power, and social conservatism.

    Angles like these are important for putting the military wing in a radical mindset, rather than a conservative mindset.

  8. Just driving back from Chimpcongo. Few Coontacts.

    On a mote serious note, Romney might be the last roll, the death scream of classical liberalism. Ricardo, Smith and it’s contemporary Randian bastardchild Libertarianism.
    I think a fully conscious racial self identification is about to manifest itself in the electorate.

  9. I say we settle our debt with the Chinese by selling them our blacks to put to work as slaves over there. It would kill two birds with one stone, paying off debt and ridding ourselves of a useless burden. I’d love to see those cornrowed gang thugs and big fat welfare queens whine away about their “rights” when Colonel Ching Fing of the People’s Liberation Army puts them to work picking rice at the bayonet point.

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