Caribbean Project: “Beyond The Line”


I’ve come across this phrase “beyond the line” several times during my research and have begun to realize its immense importance to understanding how the British West Indies and the South evolved into race-based plantation slave societies:

“The West Indies had always been ‘beyond the line’. As early as the mid-sixteenth century, the French and Spanish, unable to settle their disputes over the Americas, had agreed there would be a line in the Atlantic beyond which accepted European treaties, and, in effect, accepted European codes of conduct, would not apply. The English, in treaties in 1604 and 1630, implicitly accepted the same agreement. Thus, from the earliest days of the Spanish Empire, the Caribbean was a constant theater of violence and war – declared or not – infested by privateers, pirates, corsairs, call them what you will. It was a lawless space, a paradise for thieves, smugglers and murderers.”

Beyond the line … the usual rules of European international law, the usual cultural standards of European Christendom were suspended in these formative years for the sake of maintaining the peace in Europe.

Slavery had been illegal in England for centuries by the Early Modern Era, but “beyond the line” everything was permitted. In the Arab world, racialism and slavery was normative and their cultural legacy in Iberia left their stamp on the Portuguese, who with the indispensable assistance of the international Jew had created an Oriental-style tropical slave society in late sixteenth century Brazil:

“It was a golden period for Brazil. By the end of the sixteenth century, a narrow coastal strip boasted more than 120 sugar mills in what had now become the richest European colony anywhere in the world. James Drax, visiting around 1640, would have seen all this: the fabulous opulence of the local planters, their tables laden with silver and fine china, their doors fitted with gold locks; the women wearing huge jewels from the East, precious fabrics everywhere and an army of prostitutes and slaves always hovering.”

So, you are a struggling English planter living “beyond the line” on an impoverished, marginal colony that has just gone through “the starving time,” and your tobacco and cotton is plummeting in value on the European market, and you take this trip to fabulously wealthy Brazil where the cultivation of sugarcane has created enormous prosperity and you draw the conclusion that this will solve your immediate problem.

Little do you know that you are setting in a motion a cultural hurricane that will sweep through the Caribbean before making landfall in South Carolina.

Update: Of all the things in the entire world to waste time on, I have realized that pretending to be a “mainstream” Republican and a true believer in the Mitt Romney presidential campaign is one of life’s least attractive activities.

Note: This excerpt comes from The Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West Indies.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I thought this was a site for Southern Independence..the prospect of our conservative God fearing population finally becoming independent of the leftist rest of the country, with the possibility that white states like Oklahoma will join us,,,the white Dakotas,, So Hunter, why all these articles about why slavery was just peachy keen in the New World?? Look, these Blacks are not like us, they are a different species of human, but slavery was barbaric..Rome did the slavery thing to fellow whites. Trying to justify this corrupt institution will just lead to any Southern independence movement being discredited. They may have been tribal negroes from Africa, but nobody, let alone the greedy planters you seem to love have the right to enslave people. And that corrupt economic system has left with millions of violent niggers in our midst,

  2. “slavery was barbaric..Rome did the slavery thing to fellow whites” — and browns!

    The Italians set us a bad example to not follow. The good lesson for us is that they are now a darker, mixed people.

  3. “…their doors fitted with gold locks; the women wearing huge jewels from the East, precious fabrics everywhere and an army of prostitutes and slaves always hovering”

    …is NOT real wealth, but evidence of DEEP spiritual poverty.

  4. Italy is fairly modern state. It’s younger that the Second American Republic in some ways. What is an Italian circa 1800? All pedandry aside, if you look at a map of the US you will see that it lines up On similar parallels with North Africa. The sun alone will select for us. It’s amazing that any whites exist at such latitudes. One reason was the comfort slavery provided for fair people.

    With Italy I’d wager much of the darkness is of Saracen and Turk origin. The Romans were spreading out sending colonies to Carthage and Alex, Ceasarea… They lightened up North Africa and the levant. The dark ones are recent and arrived in the wake of Islamic raiders.

  5. This reminds me of something I read decades ago:

    Ship me somewhere East of Suez
    Where the best is like the worst
    Where there ain’t no Ten Commandments
    And a man can raise a thirst.

  6. Re: Publius

    (1) I’m bored with American politics.

    (2) I’m writing a book about the destruction of slavery in the South and the Caribbean. Therefore, I am trying to understand how this all got started, how the system evolved, how it was destroyed, and particularly the aftermath.

    (3) That requires a lot of research.

    (4) Writing these posts about the subject allows readers to follow my progress and learn something instead of being left completely in the dark as to how I reached my conclusions.

    It’s really that simple.

  7. That’s one way of looking at the subject.

    Personally, I don’t expect any progress to be made toward Southern independence as long as we live under this suffocating black cloud. I’ve also discovered that this cultural black cloud arrived over the South with the progress of the abolitionist movement.

    I’ve definitively traced the black cloud back to the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century. Everything that has followed in the wake of that black cloud is the equivalent of a thunderstorm and then a flood.

    It first started raining “anti-slavery” and “liberty and equality.” Then it started raining “civil rights” and “women’s rights” and “world peace” and “temperance” and various other things. Now it storming with “white guilt” and “racial suicide” and and “gay marriage.”

    It goes back to that black cloud. I’m sure of it.

  8. As for the “anti-slavery” crowd, I will just observe that Whites who were slaveowners were virtually immune to the sort of destructive ideological and moral appeals that have “progressively” wrecked our civilization.

    It was the crusaders against slavery who became crusaders against “racial prejudice” and for “civil rights” and for all sorts of absurd ideas that have a genealogy that traces back directly to abolition.

  9. Hunter, Well I understand your motivations, no problem. As far as the black cloud, I agree with you. My point is.,we would have no War of Northern Aggression, no black cloud or BRA if the African slaves hadn’t been brought here in the first place.

  10. BRA is the inevitable result of that cultural black cloud. I’m trying to understand it and its origins. I’m also making rapid progress.

    Watch the video. Read the excerpt. You can see that men like Henry Morgan, James Drax, Blackbeard and so forth were living in another era. The black cloud hadn’t arrived yet when “sugar and slavery” got started in the Caribbean and spread to the mainland.

  11. The slaveowners were the 19th century version of our present day cheap labor lobby that want to flood us with illiterate mestizos

  12. “if the African slaves han’t been brought here in the first place”

    Or had been methodically repatriated (best solution) or (second best) had been quarantined in a segregated self-governing free state/protectorate, say in Florida or New Mexico or Baja California.

  13. I disagree.

    Abolition was just one reform. It was just one sign of the arrival of the black cloud over the West. What’s more, the black cloud came from Western Europe, not from the Caribbean or the South.

    If slavery had really been the cause, then the people who practiced slavery would have been the most affected by it, would have felt the most guilty about it. Yet the black cloud didn’t come from the South or the Caribbean or even more tellingly from Portugal or Spain.

    The people who had practiced “racism” and slavery and “imperialism” continued to be unperturbed and culturally self confident as they had been in the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

  14. I disagree.

    Slaves were chattel property. They were the legal responsibility of private masters. The Cheap Labor Lobby of today is the descendant of the Northern capitalists who brought millions of European immigrants to the Northeast to work in their factories.

  15. Who would have been so crippled by White guilt that they would have demonized their own civilization and set it down a path toward its own destruction by barbarians?

    John C. Calhoun, who argued that slavery is a positive good? What about John Brown, Thaddeus Stevens, William Lloyd Garrison, Thomas Clarkson, and William Wilberforce?

    Who was the carrier of cultural AIDS? Certainly not Calhoun who lived his entire life surrounded by racism and slavery without being disturbed by it in the slightest.

  16. “Black cloud” from Western Europe is an interesting idea. Christian apostate worldliness assuaging its guilty conscience with holier than thou reform projects? Talmudic influence?

  17. You must read Vathek. Beckford is expressing the spiritual anxiety he feels because his family (forefathers) exploited slave labour.

    That’s the black cloud, at least the outline of it. Beckford was describing the core of the sugar trade. It’s almost satanic.

  18. I think you guys in general fail to give proper credit to black mass psychology.

    They look at low-level scut-labor in a kind of “been there, done that” way, without acknowledging that they lack the collective ability to ascend to the ranks of bank presidents and pharmaceutical researchers.

    The basic problem is that in a fully integrated society, lacking AA constraints, they naturally sink to the bottom and whites/Jews/Asians naturally rise to the top. This naturally makes them resentful, reminds them of slabery, and makes them peevish and lazy and unwilling to do the scut-work which is necessary to any society and to which they are more naturally suited than biochemistry and high finance. Thus they refuse their natural place and become a public charge, or aspire to socially useless careers as rappers and affletes, while greasy mestizos are imported to do the work, not that “Americans just won’t do” but which negroes “just won’t do.”

    But in segregated society, black stratification naturally occurs and blacks are content with it. In a prosperous, functioning all-black community there will be black bank presidents and black dentists (Miles Davis’s father was a bourgeois black dentist), and while they might not be quite as excellent as the Jewish and Chinese professionals who would naturally displace them in a freely competitive society, they would be good enough to function, and emotionally/culturally preferred by their black clientele.

    All of which is a roundabout way of suggesting that many racial problems can be peacefully solved simply by speaking frankly and honestly and clearly about them, instead of in absurdist non-realistic code.

  19. If you look at the plot of the book there’s a barely concealed Jewish magician. Beckford is the caliph Vathek seduced by blackmagic and the sacrifice of children. The demon of the underworld is solimon.

    Beckford had his family lore and business as a basis for his fiction.

  20. Underneath the cultural black cloud, which arrived in the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century, everything that clashes with it is delegitimized and stigmatized and condemned as immoral.

  21. “But in segregated society, black stratification naturally occurs and blacks are content with it. In a prosperous, functioning all-black community there will be black bank presidents and black dentists (Miles Davis’s father was a bourgeois black dentist), and while they might not be quite as excellent as the Jewish and Chinese professionals who would naturally displace them in a freely competitive society, they would be good enough to function, and emotionally/culturally preferred by their black clientele.” Very good, Oscar. The key word is segregation, or separation — that occurs or develops naturally, unless the course of nature is altered, disturbed, by “black cloud” reformism by guilty, worldly apostates?

  22. “the cultural black cloud, which arrived in the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century”: the period of the decline (growing worldliness) of Puritanism and primitive Quakerism.

  23. “the Jewish and Chinese professionals who would naturally displace them in a freely competitive society”:

    There are some excellent non-Jewish, German and Anglo-Celtic medical professionals around also.

  24. Oscar Wilde diagnosed the whole thing without realizing it (he was talking about something else), nevertheless he nails all of black pathology in one keen sentence:

    “The rage of Caliban at seeing his face in a mirror.”

    Take away the comparative basis (i.e. prevent him from looking at whites so he has nothing to seethe with envy and covetousness about), et le-voila! Problem 85 percent solved.

  25. @ Oscar: The segregated “Gammas” will compare themselves to themselves: “It’s good to be Gamma ’cause Gammas are good.” Sci-fi wisdom.

  26. Well, I have ruled out “Christianity.”

    In the seventeenth and early eighteenth century, there was little sign of the cultural black cloud. By 1750, the Christian nations of Western Europe had conquered the Americas, started the slave trade, and were engaged in “racism” on a truly massive scale.

    How do you know the black cloud did not exist at that time? Because a place like Barbados could have never evolved under its shadow. The slave societies in the Caribbean were created in the seventeenth century when that region was considered “beyond the line.”

    Watch the Pirates of the Caribbean video. Notice the complete absence of the black cloud when James II knights Henry Morgan for his services as a ruthless privateer.

    By the time you get to William Wilberforce in the 1790s, as we will see tomorrow in my review of Amazing Grace, the black cloud is casting a dark shadow over England.

    It is weakening the national character. It is givng the British their peculiar moralizing, crusading, pussifyied ethnomasochist national character which has completely rotted the foundation of their society.

    Now, I should add here this is not an ethnic trait. Just look at what Cromwell and James II had sanctioned in the Caribbean. In the eighteenth century, the English were the world leader in the slave trade and were ruthless in pursuing their interests.

    So how did England become a nation of highminded sissies? It happened somewhere between 1750 and 1850. There was a major cultural change. I should add here that I am using England as an example only because of greater familiarity.

    France was also infected. We have already seen the Jacobin disaster in Haiti. By the time you get to Jacobinism and Wilberforce, you unquestionably have the black cloud in Europe, and you have it in America by the time of Garrison and John Brown and Thoreau.

  27. Make sure you note Tarleton’s role in that film review. Same bloody ban of American revolutionary lore. Here he is in later life defending slavery. A trade he partly controlled.

    Vathek is critically important as a cultural marker. It’s early gothic horror and romanticism. Mary Shelly used it as a basis for Frankenstein. There’s a whiff of indulging in emotions and sentimental notions. Young Werther by Goethe is another variation of this period. Self indulgence, morbidity, suicide.

  28. The people who had practiced “racism” and slavery and “imperialism” continued to be unperturbed and culturally self confident as they had been in the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

    Yes, Mr. W., but that was just a sign of their obtuseness. They thought their limited powers–to clear land, to sail ships, to tame animals and non-whites–secured them preeminence. Behind these imperial ventures, one senses, is the guidance and drive of the Jews, whose superior commercial powers are what really determine what does and does not happen. What do the Jews care, ultimately, about a bunch of pirates? The millennium of you Teutons is over. The Jews put you on the world stage; now they’re sweeping you off of it. At websites like this one, you sputter as you feel your range of free activity steadily being reduced. You’re helpless against the onslaught, because it’s an intellectual one. Mere lion tamers have no power to oppose it. Do you think you can deflect the charge of racism by constantly putting the word in quotation marks? That’s just one of your many ineffectual counterattacks. Go to YouTube, go anywhere on the internet. You’ll find plenty of videos and subliterate essays by whites who will explain firearms or machine tools or grooming of horses–but whites can’t build even a single notable publishing house that advances their political interests. Each of you, as I’ve said in another post at this site, pays some Jewish-run telecommunications company Thirty Dollars a month for the internet service that enables you to come to websites like this one and whine about your impending extinction. You can’t even complain about your adversary without filling his coffers. When you get tired of complaining, you use your cable television–for which you pay him another Thirty Dollars a month–to watch the professional sports he controls and which he’s convinced mindless you is your “culture,” your “national pastime.” You cruelly scorn the Negro for the silly personal names he gives his children, but that is only his pathetic attempt to preserve his dignity in the world in which he flounders–the world into which you dragged him at the Jews’ behest. I’m sure the Jews find your own, present helplessness infinitely more amusing.

    “Oh–but what will the Jew do without us?” Plenty. Vikings come and go–but the Jew is forever.

  29. Very insiteful comments John Bonacorsi. I love the Jews, but I hate Israel and believe that it is important for us to support the peace-loving and oppressed Palestinian people. It is undeniable that Jews have had a disproportionate influence, however, and there is nothing you segregationalist trogledytes can do about it. All that we can ask for is for each of us white people to become highly-ranked in the Jewish/BRA/Mestizo/Asian-Run-America system. There will be plenty of room for those of us who are awake, especially those of us who aid in the destruction of our race by marrying outside of it. On a later post I will discuss the ways in which we can take the best ideas of all factions of liberalism, using the ideas you white supremacists cleverly initiate, and turning them on themselves.

  30. As Alex Linder described in a previous post, Christianity has provided a great service, although sometimes inconsistently, in the weakening and destruction of our white race. I am proud to be in the most holy and universal Roman Catholic Church, which is doing what it can to keep the borders open, keep abortion rates down so that more minorities can be born, and allow all people to associate together in brotherhood and sisterhood regardless of race. Christianity, liberalism, Romneyite/Ryanite neoconservatism, libertarianism and socialism; all have ensured that you supremacists are marginalized; we gladly ensure that most people philosophically understand the horrors of slavery, and those of us who care to, can watch you torture yourselves with the anticipation of an awakening that will never happen, and flog each other with internal squabbles. God bless the Pope, God bless Barack Obama, God bless Wilberforce, and God bless the BRA; amen.

  31. John Bona,

    That’s interesting. I’m quite sure a Jewish conspiracy isn’t responsible for slavery though. The Caribbean was a lawless frontier area. Lots of people went there (Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Jews) to advance themselves and leave behind what they had known.

    In the context of the seventeenth century Caribbean, slavery was obviously just something that worked and flourished in those conditions. It was a wealth generating mechanism like piracy that allowed marginal colonies to survive and was a rational solution to the well known land-labor problem.

  32. Oh, how beautiful is the black cloud you describe on these pages. It leads to one holy truth; you cannot defeat the Jew and the Negro until you become the Jew and the Negro.

  33. John B. of Philly: your analysis is ridiculous. It’s late so I’ll leave it til later to explain why. Meantime, though: I had thought better of you than this ahistorical bilge.

  34. I suppose that some would think it superfluous to observe that before the “most Holy and Universal Roman Catholic Church” can assume a position of moral superiority on any social issue, its priests will simply have to stop raping little boys. Now then, while there was a time, many years ago, when the Church served as a beacon of moral authority for many, that time has long since passed. The contemporaneous social epiphany non-Catholics have experienced regarding the Church’s ugly criminal history, and its involvement in everything from the slave trade to war crimes have paralyzed it, and ultimately reduced it to a laughable, pathetic, impotent, farce. Nevertheless, there is one redeeming feature of the Catholic Church; it is very, very racist, and very, very, pro-white. In its entire history, it has never elected a non-white Pope. So perhaps there is hope for Catholics after all.

  35. In the context of the seventeenth century Caribbean, slavery was obviously just something that worked and flourished in those conditions. It was a wealth generating mechanism like piracy that allowed marginal colonies to survive and was a rational solution to the well known land-labor problem.

    I see you’re quite the economist, Mr. W. Maybe you should do a weekly show on the White Nationalist Television Network. Oh, wait–there isn’t one.

  36. Publius, would we have had Southron cotton which was the economic engine of the early republic? and for colonial America as well?

    The War was not about slavery. Leastwise not the driving cause. lincoln promised to defend slavery with a constitutional amendment

    ever pick cotton? My old man made me do it when my grades sucked. You don’t want White folk doing such things and as Hunter has shown many times over, Whites died in droves in these areas. negro slavery was the soultion.

    While your view is a common on, its also very simplistic and leaves out a lot of factors

  37. ps there is nothing racists about the Catholic church of today, just the opposite is true with the church playing a heavy role in the mexican invasion of NC

  38. Bona is a grown up Joe. Or a non senile version. I’m very interested in this concept of funding a Jew communications company and not being able to fund a single publishing house, when virtually every single book publisher and newspaper company is a loss leader.
    Traitorstein is far more interesting. He’s taking Wallace’s bait.

  39. John B and Traitor, I’ll take your comments at face value and ask you both a question:

    Do you believe White genocide is justified?

  40. John Bona,

    I have a much simpler and more compelling explanation for the rise of slavery:

    (1) Suppose you arrive in Virginia or Barbados. You’re there to start a colony. What do you have in abundance? Land.

    (2) Every man who arrives in your colony obviously aspires to be a landowner. But if everyone disperses to work their own land, labor becomes enormously expensive in your colony, too expensive for your colony to prosper.

    (3) So your colonists turn to an obvious, practical, well-established solution to the land-labor problem: indentured servants, who are bounded laborers, who for a time are prohibited from becoming landowners.

    (4) The price of indentured servants is always fluctuating though. Your ability to procure indentured servants depends on things like wages in England and the amount of surplus population.

    (5) In the 1640s, the English Civil War is the bloodiest conflict in British history except WW1. A huge percentage of the population is killed off in England. Wages rise. Your labor supply evaporates.

    (6) So how do you solve the land-labor problem? Fortunately, there is an institution which bounds laborers for life at a cheaper price, which is ideal for frontier conditions.


  41. The English colonists who came to the New World didn’t come here to create a White Nationalist utopia – instead, racial consciousness evolved out of proximity to hostile Indians and the threat posed by slave insurrections, and then was mitigated by the fact that the French, Spanish, Dutch and so on were hostile rival nations.

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