Caribbean Project: “Beyond The Line”


I’ve come across this phrase “beyond the line” several times during my research and have begun to realize its immense importance to understanding how the British West Indies and the South evolved into race-based plantation slave societies:

“The West Indies had always been ‘beyond the line’. As early as the mid-sixteenth century, the French and Spanish, unable to settle their disputes over the Americas, had agreed there would be a line in the Atlantic beyond which accepted European treaties, and, in effect, accepted European codes of conduct, would not apply. The English, in treaties in 1604 and 1630, implicitly accepted the same agreement. Thus, from the earliest days of the Spanish Empire, the Caribbean was a constant theater of violence and war – declared or not – infested by privateers, pirates, corsairs, call them what you will. It was a lawless space, a paradise for thieves, smugglers and murderers.”

Beyond the line … the usual rules of European international law, the usual cultural standards of European Christendom were suspended in these formative years for the sake of maintaining the peace in Europe.

Slavery had been illegal in England for centuries by the Early Modern Era, but “beyond the line” everything was permitted. In the Arab world, racialism and slavery was normative and their cultural legacy in Iberia left their stamp on the Portuguese, who with the indispensable assistance of the international Jew had created an Oriental-style tropical slave society in late sixteenth century Brazil:

“It was a golden period for Brazil. By the end of the sixteenth century, a narrow coastal strip boasted more than 120 sugar mills in what had now become the richest European colony anywhere in the world. James Drax, visiting around 1640, would have seen all this: the fabulous opulence of the local planters, their tables laden with silver and fine china, their doors fitted with gold locks; the women wearing huge jewels from the East, precious fabrics everywhere and an army of prostitutes and slaves always hovering.”

So, you are a struggling English planter living “beyond the line” on an impoverished, marginal colony that has just gone through “the starving time,” and your tobacco and cotton is plummeting in value on the European market, and you take this trip to fabulously wealthy Brazil where the cultivation of sugarcane has created enormous prosperity and you draw the conclusion that this will solve your immediate problem.

Little do you know that you are setting in a motion a cultural hurricane that will sweep through the Caribbean before making landfall in South Carolina.

Update: Of all the things in the entire world to waste time on, I have realized that pretending to be a “mainstream” Republican and a true believer in the Mitt Romney presidential campaign is one of life’s least attractive activities.

Note: This excerpt comes from The Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West Indies.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Hunter Wallace says:
    September 27, 2012 at 7:07 am
    I think someone is having some lulz.”

    A significant lack of a sense of the fine degrees and variations of humour is a distinct and pehaps fatal flaw in the Most Evil Hateful Bigoted NaziKlan White Supremacists Who Want to Kill Six Million Jews for Starters Movement.

  2. Denise is right about lack of appreciation of sense of humour.

    Hunter, your theory of the progression of dispersed free landowners too expensive to hire, to indentured white servitude (many of whom escaped into the wilderness to claim their own land), and finally to less expensive, African slavery is clear enough.

    Don’t rule out apostate “Christianity” as the possible cause, since worldly, materialistic, PRACTICALLY atheistic, apostates worked out their guilt by “reforming” others, society and the world (but not themselves) and the “take-off” of material prosperity in Western Europe and the colonies during that period (of the “Black Cloud”) coincides with the decline toward worldliness of Puritanism and Quakerism, and other originally un-worldly movements. Still no connection?

  3. John B. of Philly: your analysis is ridiculous. It’s late so I’ll leave it til later to explain why. Meantime, though: I had thought better of you than this ahistorical bilge.

    When you’ve finished demonstrating that my bilge is ahistorical, Oscar, be good enough to address the history of your ID. Even that’s taken from the Jews ( )

  4. Bona is a grown up Joe. Or a non senile version. I’m very interested in this concept of funding a Jew communications company and not being able to fund a single publishing house, when virtually every single book publisher and newspaper company is a loss leader.

    Have it your way, John. The Jews are powerless in this age of communications transition.

  5. There have been African popes in the past, though not since the first millennium. As for the Catholic Church’s crimes, those were due to satanic manipulation.

  6. Regarding More of the Same’s question, I do believe that white genocide under your definition is justified. That is, the weakening and genetic delusion of the so-called white race, which is a social construction of the past few centuries. Whites can only act so united and proud of themselves because European nations finally decided to stop brutally fighting each other, a process which only totally stopped a decade ago with the end of the Kosovo War. Anyway, genocide under the real definition is never justified; that is, the murder of people who are already alive. But the best way to cleanse the world from the evil of colonialism and imperialism is for the white race to be weakened and, through intermarriage, disappear.

  7. Killing isn’t genocide. Even killing large numbers. That’s just warfare. It’s only when the killing is designed to exteminate the people and their culture.

  8. Chris, I oppose abortion and believe it should be outlawed by all governments. There is definitely a genocide against fetuses, and this is a terrible setback in our culture. The white supremacist Margaret Sanger is at least partially responsible for this.

  9. “But the best way to cleanse the world from the evil of colonialism and imperialism is for the white race to be weakened and, through intermarriage, disappear.” It is NOT the best the way but a criminal plan, since it involves the extinction of fair-skinned, blonde-haired blue-eyed people as a race.

  10. PGRT makes me realize what an overwhelming success the Amurrican educaktion system truly has been for dumbing down Amurrica to third world standards.

    “the weakening and genetic delusion of the so-called white race”
    You mean dilution or dissolution, perhaps? Genetic delusion sounds more like what you are laboring under. Does your family have a history of inbreeding, perchance? You do sound like some sort of genetic dead end attempting to articulate the meaning of its tortured existence.

    “Whites can only act so united and proud of themselves because European nations finally decided to stop brutally fighting each other, a process which only totally stopped a decade ago with the end of the Kosovo War.”
    Where are these proud, united whites of which you speak. I would like to join them. The “process” hasn’t stopped. Only the dead have seen the end of war.

    “the murder of people who are already alive”
    As opposed to the murder of dead people, I presume.
    In the PGRT fantasy world, do people have 9 lives like cats are reputed to have?

    “the best way to cleanse the world from the evil of colonialism and imperialism is for the white race to be weakened and, through intermarriage, disappear.”
    Colonialism and imperialism are not unique to whites. I reckon human sacrifice, cannibalism, female genital mutilation, suttee, and other barbarities among the “aboriginal peoples” must pale to insignificance compared to the sins of the “white debbils.” Please continue sawing off the limb on which you stand.

    “There is definitely a genocide against fetuses, and this is a terrible setback in our culture.”
    Fetuses are not a race, so it can’t be genocide. Besides, this is not really a setback as our culture and people are rubbish in your eyes, so abortion just helps to “disappear” white people faster. It’s all good, right?

    I am normally opposed to abortion, but if it keeps people like you from being born, I’m all for it. Thanks for changing my perspective.

    We can agree on one thing. The world definitely needs fewer white people like you.
    I wouldn’t call it genocide or even murder in yours and similar cases, though.
    More like culling the herd for hygienic reasons.

    We can only hope that in your self loathing, at some point in the future you develop a taste for gun metal. Remember squeeze, don’t pull the trigger. I wouldn’t want you to miss…

    And never forget, PGRT, “Four legs good, two legs baa-d.”

    Deo Vindice

  11. John says:
    September 27, 2012 at 9:46 pm

    “Killing isn’t genocide. Even killing large numbers. That’s just warfare. It’s only when the killing is designed to exteminate the people and their culture.”

    No where does the UN Genocide law mention killing. They say destroy in whole or in part. That means any activity designed to destroy an identifiable national group is genocide. So this “Proud Globalist Race Traitor” is guilty of promoting genocide according to the letter of UN law. Heaven help them when sympathetic judges hear these cases.

    When they say they want a blended humanity, they are not talking about Asia or Africa… There are no anti-blacks in Africa demanding a blended humanity. There are no anti-Asians in Asia demanding a blended humanity. These anti-whites are only found in white countries, so their intention towards whites is quite clear.

    They say they are anti-racist, what they really are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  12. Do you believe White genocide is justified?

    Sorry for the belated reply, moreofthesame. I hadn’t noticed your question was directed to me.

    I don’t think of it as justified or unjustified. I think of it as an unfortunate natural event.

  13. Although PGRT is merely an amusing caricature (some of the stuff he says I think is very funny), he nevertheless represents a very real social philosophy that is pervasive throughout the left. And as much I detest men like Morris Dees and Tim Wise, I find myself instinctively adopting their perverse mentality. More specifically, since obama was elected president, I find myself becoming overtly anti-American. Because I find it appalling that my fellow white citizens could actually subordinate themselves to a negro, I now cheer, for example, the ascendancy of the Chinese. I applaud their general economic achievments, athletic accomplishments, and scientific advances.So as the U.S. increasingly and inexorably becomes a filthy multi-cultural cesspool, I genuinely welcome its demise. Can’t help it.

  14. @PhillyNiggerLover
    “The Jews are powerless in this age of communications transition.”

    Not yet entirely. Both the slowly dying MSM and the relatively healthy Hollywood music, TV, and movie entertainment industries are still unrelentingly PC.

  15. What’s more disturbing is that white self-loathing now extends to even Scandanavia. Russia seems to be the only majority white nation/region that is not afflicted with this toxic disease.

  16. “That is, the weakening and genetic delusion of the so-called white race, which is a social construction of the past few centuries. ”

    How do you genetically dilute a social construct?

  17. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    September 28, 2012 at 1:27 am
    “I don’t think of it as justified or unjustified. I think of it as an unfortunate natural event.”

    Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone, is not an “unfortunate natural event”, it is deliberate policy of genocide, targeting all white people and only white people.

    No one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them… “this is an unfortunate natural event” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

    No one is flooding Asia with non-Asians and telling them… “this is an unfortunate natural event” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Asia.

    Only white countries are doing this, only anti-whites are pushing it. They want White Genocide.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  18. Not yet entirely. Both the slowly dying MSM and the relatively healthy Hollywood music, TV, and movie entertainment industries are still unrelentingly PC.

    Rudel — please: Read what I wrote. I was mocking the view expressed by John.

    Your post exemplifies the white inadequacy of which I was speaking. Reflexively vicious (“PhillyNiggerLover”), obtuse (mistaking a rhetorical turn for a straightforward statement), and just plain stupid (suggesting that changes in the publishing industry represent impairment of Jewish power).

    Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone, is not an “unfortunate natural event”, it is deliberate policy of genocide, targeting all white people and only white people.

    You’re as dull-witted as Rudel, JamieG. You have no idea what I meant when I said it is an unfortunate natural event.

  19. Given that almost all newspapers are Bleeding money. Given that own a few shares in Apple myself and AT&T, I’m not that worried about my subscription plan. I do not as far as I know enrich implacable enemies. No more than I do when I fill the gas tank and funnel money to Saudis or Mexico’s oil cartels. I’ve got my sticky fingers in one or two pies myself.

    Thank you for your budgetary concern Bona.

  20. How could anyone be confused by your equivocation, John B?

    Perhaps the dull-witted are overawed by your obviously superior intellect.

    Their vicious, obtuse, and just plain stupid posts are far more interesting than your smarmy, overwrought, and just plain effeminately passive-aggressive ones.

    Inadequate is a good word to describe white people like you.
    If I wanted to celebrate an unfortunate natural event, I’d pick your birthday.

    Deo Vindice

  21. Ironic that Rudel would call Bonaccorsi a “PhillyNiggerLover”, when Rudel is himself a Philadelphia native who, while growing up, had black house-servants of whom he was very fond.

  22. Inadequate is a good word to describe white people like you. If I wanted to celebrate an unfortunate natural event, I’d pick your birthday.

    More dazzling rhetoric from the Son of the South.

  23. I’m watching Charlie Rose,

    They have Matt Damon on at the moment. They are discussing water sanitation. Africa
    keeps coming up. Bono is mentioned. Has it occurred to these do gooders to simply Cut these Africans off? The African population ought to be cut in half. Coca Cola keep purifying African water. Mutah Kent is there CEO of Coke. He is bragging about giving Africans clean water. He’s trying to do good. Boycott Coke products tell your assaciates to stop consuming This corporation’s products. They claim to send 10,000 Africans a month.

  24. John B,

    you lost that round. Admit it.

    Whom are you calling John B, John? I answer only to PhillyNiggerLover.

    What are you talking about? “Lost that round,” to Apuleius and his snarling. Do you think that the SPLC and other alert Jews who undoubtedly monitor a website like this are frightened by the uncivilized denizens of this place? In their eyes, Apuleius, you, Rudel, Stonelifter, and the rest of the man-apes who make up most of the commenters here are living evidence that their enemies are fated for disappearance. Do you think they’re as stupid as you? Is it your observation that the Jews are so lacking in engineers and scientists in the field of information technology that we may guess they’re unable to penetrate your magnificent cloaks of internet anonymity? I’m sure they know the addresses, phone numbers, and everything else of everyone who posts here. The unkind remarks that pour forth constantly from the likes of Apuleius and you are precisely what they expect from goyim. They know you for what you are; that’s why they haven’t had any trouble boxing you in.

  25. 10,000 extra blacks a month. 120,000 extra a year. 1,200,000 extra a decade (ignoring Exponential rates of increase) probably25- 50,000,000 in a decade.

    Coca Cola is breeding paracites in the millions.

  26. You must see the Coca Cola segment on Charlie Rose.

    By 2030 they will have 10s of thousands of these water booths in place in “Africa!”


  27. “Reflexively vicious (“PhillyNiggerLover”)”

    Thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment. And you’re right. I hadn’t followed the previous part of the thread.

  28. I don’t care John B. Monitor away. They will be wasting their time.

    Oh, yeah. Just what the Jews need from a white man: advice on not wasting time.

  29. From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.
    From magic negroes to magic Jews is but another step deeper into ridiculosity.

    “They” know where we all live and can read our minds! Is no one safe anymore!

    Get used to the phrase “overtaken by events.”
    I predict you will be using it a great deal in the future.

    Indoctrinated fools who spew the party line are seldom aware of anything outside of their narrow existence. The all powerful are only so in your fevered imagination.

    Enjoy your anti-whiteness now, it won’t last forever.
    We’ve been down this road before.

    Deo Vindice

  30. Now Matt Damon is talking about his charity work in Haiti.

    You gotta see this. White men down there building pipes, fitrstion units, wells.

    Matt Damon is providing clean water to retards.

  31. “Ironic that Rudel would call Bonaccorsi a “PhillyNiggerLover”, when Rudel is himself a Philadelphia native who, while growing up, had black house-servants of whom he was very fond.”

    Just the cook. She would even make me and me late night snacks. There is a big difference between having a good working relationship with one’s black servants and being a “nigger lover” in the general sense. In fact, they are actually quite the opposite. But low class guinea trash like you wouldn’t know anything about that.

  32. The chief engineer working with Damon is asking: Why do these water efforts fail?

    Market forces…affordable loans. Reaching 400,000 new people reached. Insane white liberals.

  33. Has anyone been involved in pipeline work or civic engineering in the thirdworld?

    The problem isn’t lack of infrastructure, it’s local nigs stealing the gas, water or electricty. Or simply not paying the bills. I understand black ghetto areas in the US are also like this. Illegal hook ups, resource theft.

    Noone explains to Rose that in 5 years the machinery installed will be stripped clean or idle.

  34. I’ll drink a muhkuckin’ Cherry Coke any time I want! I don’t care how many niggers they give water to! If you don’t like Cherry Coke, there’s something wrong with YOU!

    Bonaccosi! Jew monitors! Holla!

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