Caribbean Project: “Beyond The Line”


I’ve come across this phrase “beyond the line” several times during my research and have begun to realize its immense importance to understanding how the British West Indies and the South evolved into race-based plantation slave societies:

“The West Indies had always been ‘beyond the line’. As early as the mid-sixteenth century, the French and Spanish, unable to settle their disputes over the Americas, had agreed there would be a line in the Atlantic beyond which accepted European treaties, and, in effect, accepted European codes of conduct, would not apply. The English, in treaties in 1604 and 1630, implicitly accepted the same agreement. Thus, from the earliest days of the Spanish Empire, the Caribbean was a constant theater of violence and war – declared or not – infested by privateers, pirates, corsairs, call them what you will. It was a lawless space, a paradise for thieves, smugglers and murderers.”

Beyond the line … the usual rules of European international law, the usual cultural standards of European Christendom were suspended in these formative years for the sake of maintaining the peace in Europe.

Slavery had been illegal in England for centuries by the Early Modern Era, but “beyond the line” everything was permitted. In the Arab world, racialism and slavery was normative and their cultural legacy in Iberia left their stamp on the Portuguese, who with the indispensable assistance of the international Jew had created an Oriental-style tropical slave society in late sixteenth century Brazil:

“It was a golden period for Brazil. By the end of the sixteenth century, a narrow coastal strip boasted more than 120 sugar mills in what had now become the richest European colony anywhere in the world. James Drax, visiting around 1640, would have seen all this: the fabulous opulence of the local planters, their tables laden with silver and fine china, their doors fitted with gold locks; the women wearing huge jewels from the East, precious fabrics everywhere and an army of prostitutes and slaves always hovering.”

So, you are a struggling English planter living “beyond the line” on an impoverished, marginal colony that has just gone through “the starving time,” and your tobacco and cotton is plummeting in value on the European market, and you take this trip to fabulously wealthy Brazil where the cultivation of sugarcane has created enormous prosperity and you draw the conclusion that this will solve your immediate problem.

Little do you know that you are setting in a motion a cultural hurricane that will sweep through the Caribbean before making landfall in South Carolina.

Update: Of all the things in the entire world to waste time on, I have realized that pretending to be a “mainstream” Republican and a true believer in the Mitt Romney presidential campaign is one of life’s least attractive activities.

Note: This excerpt comes from The Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West Indies.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t drink soft drinks. So that’s 25,000,000 nigs I’ve not contributed to the breeding of. Remember everytime you buy Coke you are muliplying the black plague.

  2. “I think of it as an unfortunate natural event.”

    How can it be natural…formed by nature ? Surely it is artificial, as in produced by humans.

  3. See how easily just two of us critical commenters distracted you trogledytes? Got you fighting among yourselves, attacking each other’s classes, regions and nations, when you could have been canvassing white neighborhoods to form some sort of white political party. Oh that’s right, you’re too scared to go out and do that because you know that the majority of those you would talk to, would likely call the police. Maybe you are right; maybe all of you who think this way should just declare your own race, and let the rest of us identify as a different race. But what about your children? They could decide to join my race of enlightened liberal anti-white whites. If any of you have children, what would you do if they fell in love with a non-white?

    Regarding another topic of conversation here, it is most important to have white countries be given diversity, but Latin American countries are among the most diverse in the world. Also, some African countries have growing Asian populations, while some Asian countries have growing white and African populations. What about these white kids who go teach English in Korea and then marry Korean women?

    You may think I’m a troll. Do I really believe what I say, and why do I purposefully dumb down my argument? These are questions you will have to keep thinking about; I am here to blow your mind; I am here to distract you from your mission; one of the more easy tasks I’ve ever done.

    Finally, I would like to speak blessings on my white anti-white brother Matt Damon, and the Coca Cola corporation, for all they are doing for the advancement of humanity.

  4. Actually I’m liking Chris more after seeing him fight you Traitorstein.

    Anyway, watch out for magic Negroes like Oludah.

  5. Being anti america isn’t being anti White. Given what america is these days, I say being anti america is actually the pro White stance

    It’s not us brainless rednecks that cause these problems but all y’all dmanyankee “intellectual elites”

  6. How can it be natural…formed by nature ? Surely it is artificial, as in produced by humans.

    Desmond–I’m simply speaking of Jews and whites as part of the natural world. When I say it’s a natural event, I mean it’s like, say, the separation of oil and vinegar, in salad dressing, after they’ve been momentarily mixed by a shaking. There are two human types, in a contest. One is on top, because its natural qualities put it there. Because my love is for the one that’s not on top, I regard the impending eradication of that one that’s not on top as unfortunate (to put it mildly).

    I happen to love the white race. I love it more than anything else–anything. In my decades of life, I have arrived at the conclusion that success is a matter not of what one pursues but of what one avoids. As I observe Jews and whites, I recognize certain things that Jews avoid and that whites do not.

    I’ll give you an example. About a decade ago, when I was about fifty years old, I was walking to my parked car from a video store here in northeast Philadelphia, a neighborhood that was then already declining. I was walking along a main street, lined with stores, when suddenly I was shouted at by some white lout who was sticking his upper body out of a passenger-side window of the car in which he and other young white men were passing, in the direction opposite the one in which I was walking. Apparently, I, as a fifty-year-old, seemed aged to him, for he shouted, with evident self-amusement, something like, “Go get your diaper.”

    I couldn’t help but be struck by the brainlessness of that. The thought that immediately went through my mind was “No Jew would do that.”

    Do you doubt me? I’m not going to say anything more in this post–but how long do you think it will take before one of this blog’s semi-human followers posts some nasty comment in response to what I just said?

  7. I thought you were gonna say the dumbass got himself sheared in half as the car braked or crashed into something.

    That was a stupid story tease.

    Also is that it? Stupid louts? that’s very light on the evidence scale.

  8. “The thought that immediately went through my mind was “No Jew would do that.””

    No, I can’t imagine Adam Sandler or a Woody Allen doing anything like that. Nor any of the scores of Jewish comedians or entertainers. Nor any of the Jews who in Hollywood. I can’t imagine any of the Jews heavily involved in the homosexual movement doing anything so nasty.

    And I often have trouble picturing Southerners displaying Confederate flags.

    Irishmen drinking beer.


  9. “Seven minutes.”

    It wasn’t a nasty comment. Your post was simply an unthinking one, as my ironic comments above were meant to convey. You either made the post in an unthinking haste (my guess), or else know little about Jews.

    Jews are some of the crudest, most vulgar people on earth. Plenty of Jews would make the very same crude comment, John.

  10. “I’ll give you an example. About a decade ago, when I was about fifty years old, I was walking to my parked car from a video store here in northeast Philadelphia”

    I don’t believe you. Philadelphia has hundreds of thousands of Jews and I have heard plenty of loutish remarks made by Jewish teens and adults. Ever seen a middle age kike go off on a rant? You are a liar and a fraud and now we can add lying ass-kisser of Yids to nigger-lover in describing you.

  11. It wasn’t a nasty comment.

    It was close enough.

    No, I can’t imagine Adam Sandler or a Woody Allen doing anything like that.

    Neither can I.

    Do Jews joking about wet beds count, as a couterpoit to your own unverifiable anecdote? Would a Jew joke about bed wetting and the need for daipers. Yes a Jew would.

    Are you watching, Desmond? Notice John’s incapacity for civilized discourse. He considers nothing, weighs nothing. His every statement is nasty, defensive, reflexive–indistinguishable from that of the lout in the story.

    Notice, too, John’s gratuitous use of the word “unverifiable,” as if I went out of my way to raise questions about white behavior by fabricating a story about something that happened outside a video store a decade ago–a story so preposterous, so unlike any white behavior with which any of us is familiar, that, really, we don’t want to credit it without further evidence. This is white mental operation.

    Notice also that John implies that what was objectionable about the lout’s behavior was that it had to do with a foul subject, like that of an obnoxious Jewish joke, not that it was gratuitous insult of a stranger. Earlier, John characterizes the guy as but a “dumbass.” He, John, is incapable of identifying the behavior as what it was.

    Lastly, notice that John found the story unsatisfying because it didn’t end with the lout’s being harmed, right there, in a car accident or some such thing. That’s because John thinks short-term, as a Jew does not. The question isn’t what happened to that guy that night; the question is where is he now.

  12. I didn’t have to imagine a Jew making that sort of joke. The bastard filmed a joke he wrote and released to movie theaters.

    Your imagination isn’t that expansive, Bona. It’s pint sized.

  13. Lol. I’ll bite.

    “Lastly, notice that John found the story unsatisfying because it didn’t end with the lout’s being harmed, right there, in a car accident or some such thing.”

    Most stories have a moral. A dramatic denoument or catharsis. See Aristotle’s poetics. Or Jesus’s parables.

    “That’s because John thinks short-term, as a Jew does not.”

    you didn’t tell a story. Stories have a beginning middle and end. And a point.

    “The question isn’t what happened to that guy that night; the question is where is he

    We don’t know where he is now and no one here could know such information. Your story doesn’t have any bones, flesh or fat. The question here is: Are you senile? My guess is that you walked out infront of this car and doddered about for minutes blocking traffic. So someone gave you a call out for being an aggravating pedestrian.

  14. “Neither can I.”


    Are you sure you know who I am talking about?

    Are you drunk? It’s Friday afternoon, so…I wouldn’t care if that is the reason.

  15. Desmond–let’s review:

    I said the following:

    “Notice also that John implies that what was objectionable about the lout’s behavior was that it had to do with a foul subject, like that of an obnoxious Jewish joke, not that it was gratuitous insult of a stranger.”

    John’s reply was this:

    “I didn’t have to imagine a Jew making that sort of joke. The bastard filmed a joke he wrote and released to movie theaters.” (Emphasis added)

    Any questions?

  16. We don’t know where he is now and no one here could know such information. Your story doesn’t have any bones, flesh or fat. The question here is: Are you senile? My guess is that you walked out infront of this car and doddered about for minutes blocking traffic. So someone gave you a call out for being an aggravating pedestrian.

    Actually, I do know where the guy is. Without getting into details, I’ll tell you I happen to know he’s a contender for this year’s Nobel Prize in physics. And the Jews think they’re so smart.

  17. Yes. Why do you lie about Jewish behavior? Everyone knows they are rude and crude.

    No, Rudel, the question is why you are incapable of reflecting on white behavior, which isn’t leading whites anywhere good.

  18. So you told half a story then? As I noted above a “story tease”

    So what is he doing now? In jail because he yelled at you in the street?

  19. So what is he doing now? In jail because he yelled at you in the street?

    Presumably, he’s merely continuing to be antisocial and useless. That hardly gets you jailed in a white society.

  20. John B is replaying the ethnomasochistic Wurlitzer that Joe used repeatedly here. Is it something Italians specialize in?

  21. So the story ends with a whimper? Unfun.

    Also John B there is a pattern to Jews humour. It tends to denigrate everyone but Jews. For example the cute little blond kid is laid back down on his whiz covered by the NYT. That’s making light of neglect and abuse. It’s not funny. It’s not in the end much of a joke. It’s foul.

  22. John B is replaying the ethnomasochistic Wurlitzer that Joe used repeatedly here. Is it something Italians specialize in?

    More nastiness, more incapacity to reflect. Keep going, John; you’re like a lab specimen.

  23. On Romney,

    As the campaign crashes and burns before our eyes, the freakish outline of the shape of the GOP is lit up in pyre. It’s a default white party that cannot declare itself to be what it is, deep in denial it squirms and churns.

    Let it die.

  24. I’d take this writer’s advice with a bucket of salt:

    He’s being set up for failure if you read between the lines. But it’s probably true that Romney should relax, pretend like he doesn’t want it. He just needs to get Obama flustered once or twice.

    “you voters know that one way or another I’m going to be okay. If I don’t win, no big loss. But I do know how to organize a company and get things done. Go with the unworkable fairytale myths if you want, America, it’s up to you to decide your own destiny.”

  25. Chimpouts will heaviest and most violent in Chicago, Miami & Philadelphia. Possibly Orlando too. If anyone lives in one of these cities, you better get weaponed-up right now. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  26. Interesting story John B. Mine is a little different, if I may…My GP, many years ago, was Jewish and I came to know his son quite well. Somehow we happened upon the topic of WWII. He mentioned that essentially his father, my doctor, had slept out the war enduring banal anti-semitic insults. It was partly then, I think, that I too recognized certain things that Jews avoided and that my people did not.

  27. every time someone wants us to reflect on White behavior what they are asking us to do is condemn our forefathers and ourselves. Fuck that. Push all that swishy shit to the side and charlie mike

  28. @Stonelifter
    Anyone that says that, is inciting against white people. They are saying whites are inherently evil and non-whites never did anything bad in history, nor would they if they had any power. That is not an intellectual position, it is a declaration of war.

    Ant-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  29. preaching to the choir friend. One of the brothers here had an awesome anti navel gazing rant, but I cant recall who it was to give them their due. RRS maybe?

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