United States
American politics can be very depressing. The presidential campaign seems to go on forever and the dark forces of BRA seem to be calling most, if not all the shots.
Some Occidental Dissent readers and writers are even calling for the dissolution of the United States – Southrons wanting to break the South away and form a new/old/sorta old or new White Southern nation that will somehow manage to get a handle on crime, immigration, finances, EBTs, BRA etc. Looking at too many of my Chicago neighbors, Chicago pols – yeah, I can understand our Southern Kinfolk’s desire to….
Break away.
And there are so many of our folks looking for some populist folk hero – a Glenn Beck, Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr., Toby Keith, some NASCAR driver – a regular man of the (White) people who will lead us, save us from the over/miseducated elites that dominate American politics, academia, international finance etc.
Well here’s a movie break that examined all of these themes and featured actor Andy Griffith, showing a dark side – Mayberry, NC sheriff gone bad, well, not completely bad, more like “film noir.” Andy Griffith always had that populist appeal to seduce our people. Check out this great movie, A Face in the Crowd, directed by the immortal Elia Kazan (On the Waterfront).
Here’s a short summary, review of this great, overlooked movie that is finally getting noticed and appreciated. It’s Andy Griffith’s greatest acting performance and the subjects presented speak to our current situation:
“Andy Griffith makes a spectacular film debut in this searing drama as Lonesome Rhodes, a philosophical country-western singer discovered in a tanktown jail by radio talent scout Patricia Neal and her assistant Walter Matthau. They decide that Rhodes is worthy of a radio spot, but the unforeseen result is that the gangly, aw-shucks entertainer becomes an overnight sensation not simply on radio but, thereafter, on television. As he ascends to stardom, Rhodes attracts fans, sponsors and endorsements by the carload, and soon he is the most powerful and influential entertainer on the airwaves. Beloved by his audience, Rhodes reveals himself to his intimates as a scheming, power-hungry manipulator, with Machiavellian political aspirations. He uses everyone around him, coldly discarding anyone who might impede his climb to the top (one such victim is sexy baton-twirler Lee Remick, likewise making her film debut). Just when it seems that there’s no stopping Rhodes’ megalomania, his mentor and ex-lover Neal exposes this Idol of Millions as the rat that he is. She arranges to switch on the audio during the closing credits of Rhodes’ TV program, allowing the whole nation to hear the grinning, waving Rhodes characterize them as “suckers” and “stupid idiots.” Instantly, Rhodes’ popularity rating plummets to zero. As he drunkenly wanders around his penthouse apartment, still not fully comprehending what has happened to him, Rhodes is deserted by the very associates who, hours earlier, were willing to ask “how high?” when he yelled “jump”. Written by Budd Schulberg, Face in the Crowd was not a success, possibly because it hit so close to home with idol-worshipping TV fans. Its reputation has grown in the intervening years, not only because of its value as a film but because of the novelty of seeing the traditionally easygoing Andy Griffith as so vicious and manipulative a character as Lonesome Rhodes. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
I’ve always enjoyed that flick. It skewered the media even before Network and Being There.
I remember the Andy Griffith Show, an all White community, non threatening lawmen, with a bumbling town drunk as the most dangerous character. No wonder the show was so popular.
It’s a shame old Andy turned on his own.
more of the same says:
September 28, 2012 at 2:16 pm
I remember the Andy Griffith Show, an all White community, non threatening lawmen, with a bumbling town drunk as the most dangerous character. No wonder the show was so popular.
It’s a shame old Andy turned on his own.
Jack Ryan responds.
I share your feelings. It’s true that Andy Griffith did the usual Lefty politics in later life just to try to have some/any acting opportunities in Left Coast Hollywood. But, Andy Griffith never turned with venom on the Andy Griffith Show itself. The anti White thought police will push for Whites to publicly denounce their past and publicly expressed their complete faith in BRA. Andy Griffith never did this. Sure, Andy Griffith’s later acting roles “Matlock” weren’t anything special, and his later life politics were anoying, but hey, America actors are in a profession that is very, very similar to the life of a prostitute. They are not whores, they’re prostitutes – paid to do rather degrading things. Let’s hope things get a little better.
And the pimps of those prostitutes? Jews. You know this. I know this. WE ALL know this. One look at the names involved with this one movie alone, bespeak volumes:
Elia Kazan
Walter Matthau
Budd Schulberg
And, of course the myriad studio bosses, heads, owners/manipulators. As HW has noted of that Frank Sinatra ‘In my house’ video, the Yids have been brain manipulating us, since DW Griffith stepped down. More’s the pity.
“the immortal Elia Kazan”?! http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAkazan.htm
“And there are so many of our folks looking for some populist folk hero – a Glenn Beck, Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr., Toby Keith, some NASCAR driver”?! Glenn Beck? NASCAR?
Hollywood was, is and will be anti-our-cultural, anti-moral, anti-Christian (subtilly or openly), etc.
Fr. John+ says:
September 28, 2012 at 2:45 pm
And the pimps of those prostitutes? Jews. You know this. I know this. WE ALL know this. One look at the names involved with this one movie alone, bespeak volumes:
Elia Kazan
Walter Matthau
Budd Schulberg
And, of course the myriad studio bosses, heads, owners/manipulators. As HW has noted of that Frank Sinatra ‘In my house’ video, the Yids have been brain manipulating us, since DW Griffith stepped down. More’s the pity.
Jack Ryan responds.
Elia Kazan was/is (did he die in the last couple years?) most definitely not a standard anti White, Hollywood Jew. Kazan co-operated with the McCarthy committee investigating Communist influence in Hollywood, Kazan named names because he was a good America. Kazan’s On the Waterfront presents the issue about testifying against the Mob/Communists.
I am not 100% sure Elia Kazan is all Jew or even a Jew. He might be Greek, though I agree the name sounds Jewish. Don’t just write off all of Hollywood, the entertainment industry as Jew, anti White America. There were/are some guys on our side. I highly recommend both On the Waterfront and A Face in the Crowd.
“It’s a shame old Andy turned on his own.”
Andy was always a Democrat as were most of his generation from the South.
Elia Kazan was born to Greek Orthodox parents George and Athena Kazanjoglou in Istanbul in 1909. They emigrated to America in 1913.
You of all people should be pleased about that Fr. John, you dumb fuck.
Lee Remick twirling that baton is a memory I am grateful for!