Conservatism, Inc. Pushback Against Secession


(1) Some foreigner named Charles C.W. Cooke who writes for National Review has some great advice about secession for conservatives in the Deep South. Perhaps the lectures of these valuable intellectual properties at Conservatism, Inc. HQ would be taken more a little more seriously if they could figure out how to win New York?

(2) In four years, Eric Erickson will have to register a new domain name for his blog, “Blue State.” The only thread propping up the Georgia Republican Party is the monolithic support of White voters.

In Erickson’s hometown, SBPDL has shown that easter egg hunting and trick-or-treating is now too dangerous because of the unmentionable Black Undertow problem. Such is the success of decades of listening to these “mainstream conservatives.” We’ve lost easter egg hunting in Macon!

Erickson can’t support secession without losing his little CNN gig. Do you think he is going to give that up?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Precisely why real conservatives must eschew these so-called conservative leaders. The depth of my loathing of them is so unfathomable.

  2. Looks like Rand Paul has joined Conservatism Inc. in supporting amnesty. Like father, like son I guess.

    In the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection win and ahead of a possible 2016 White House bid of his own, the Kentucky Republican plans to mix his hard-line tea party conservatism with more moderate policies that could woo younger voters and minorities largely absent from the GOP coalition. It’s the latest tactic of the freshman senator to inject the Libertarian-minded views shared by his retiring father into mainstream Republican thinking as the party grapples with its future.

    Paul plans to inject himself into the middle of the GOP’s emotional immigration debate in the wake of Romney losing swing states with heavy Latino populations like Florida, Colorado and Nevada. Paul is working on a novel plan that he says would “assimilate” many of the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the country.

  3. ‘Respectable conservatives’ deserve none of our respect. They have sold us out time and time again. They have nothing of substance to offer. They should be ignored when they offer defeatist advice.

  4. They are neither conservative, nor are they respectable, Palmetto Patriot. There’s no integrity there, anywhere.
    Mitt was a good candidate for them after all.

  5. “Even here at RedState, while we may not much care for him, President Obama is still our President and we are still quite happily citizens of the United States. If we must drain this fever swamp that’s taken hold of a few people on the right over this past week before we can drain the swamp in Washington, so be it.”

    The new Republican party. Democrats with a conservative problem. He loves being a citizen of Obama’s America, WE’RE the ones he REALLY hates. This guy got a little attention from the establishment, now he’s their pathetic puppy.

  6. If these “conservatives” really beleived any of the crap they spew about freedom, and consent of the governed, states rights, etc., they would know better than to scoff at the idea of secession. The EU is about to go tits up, don’t say it can’t happen here.

  7. “Respectable conservatives… should be ignored.”

    I’d say they deserve something a bit stronger than “ignored.”. They should, to a man, be placed in a giant catapult and hurled directly at the fast-approaching world-destroying rogue planet Melancholia.

  8. O’s reelection continues to pay dividends:

    (1) Yankees discredit themselves in the eyes of the South.

    (2) Secession fever is sweeping the Lower South.

    (3) Republicans discredit themselves in the eyes of their own base.

    (4) In their moment of triumph, Democrats let everyone in the South in on their little secret that “colorblindness” and “post-racialism” was a mirage for suckers all along and that “White people are history!”

  9. Bernie,

    I saw that earlier: yes, Rand Paul has hopped on the amnesty bandwagon. It was on MSNBC an hour or so ago. That’s why I didn’t vote for Ron Paul in the 2012 primary this year.

  10. There’s a great line in the movie “Michael Collins” (an increasingly a propos figure btw) where the head of the Irish rebels (and future president of the Republic) Eamon de Valera says to someone “We shall defeat the British Empire by living our lives as if it did not exist.”

    Something similar will have to happen with respect to mainstream “respectable” conservatism. A new and genuine conservative movement will have to be built by acting as though the Kristols and Krauthammers and Goldbergs did not exist. Someone should actually start a conservative magazine called National Review and state that there is a pressing need for a conservative magazine called National Review. Someone should demand that the GOP nominate a speaker of the House, seeing how at present there is no Speaker. etc etc

    Eventually, if/when amnesty passes, it will be necessary to simply refuse to recognize Latinos as citizens or as fellow Americans. People should begin demanding amnesty for themselves, for all manner of infringements small or large. Since apparently there is no law any more, it will make less and less sense to continue respecting it.

  11. “Even here at RedState, while we may not much care for him, President Obama is still our President…”

    Aka Erikson has a cushy CNN tv gig and would rather be the minority loyal opposition. Same with Ed Morissey at Hot Air and Newt Gingrich. Its the Harlem Globetrotters vs Washington Generals. Everyone else is a slave to the beltway masters.

    Whats that definition of insanity again? Why that would be GOP policy.

  12. Alabama and Georgia are about 2,000 signatures away. North Carolina and Tennessee are about 3,000 signatures away. Florida is about 600 signatures away from 25K. South Carolina and Mississippi need to hurry up!

  13. Cooke makes a fine argument against secession; by artfully avoiding racial and cultural concerns. He is a deserter from a fallen land and newly determined to make a last stand, on our soil. May his wish be granted.

  14. I see all sorts of calls from Democrats to Republicans to “become relevant” and find a way to “appeal”. Translation: they need a willing foil and don’t want to be caught holding the bag by themselves when it all goes tits up.

    Erika says: “Yes! Make me your appointed loser, you can blame me, please blame me, just keep inviting me to parities and stuff”.

  15. (3) Republicans discredit themselves in the eyes of their own base.

    I personally think this is the most important for us. This needs to happen before any real politics can begin.

  16. @ #18 — yes. As a press stunt, somebody ought to found a new political party called the Republican Party, claiming “at present there isn’t any party called the Republican Party.”

  17. Aka Erikson has a cushy CNN tv gig and would rather be the minority loyal opposition.

    Exactly. Why in the world would they ever support secession? Secession means the death of the Republican party which also would mean the death of all the lucrative book deals, socialite party hours with the Manhatten elite, etc.

    Of course he is quite happy with being an Amurican. He’s got quite a gig doing nothing and getting paid huge $$$. It beats “serving your country” in those desert hellholes or going to work everyday at Walmart doesn’t it?

  18. Wait, Red State, isn’t that the site that banned Ron Paul? It’s not just secession, they balk at anything that threatens “their” party from being anything but an establishment foil.

  19. The enemy looks like us but has no loyalty to us.

    Our race has and has had many nations: America is not indespensible. I have chosen this path because I want there to be white skin on planet Earth in 100 years. Neocons are agents of white genocide. They have my undying enmity.

  20. If there were a law that said you had to be in the country 3 generations before you could hold a political opinion (so you’d at least “get” half of what goes on), and that you had to be around for six before holding any office— wonder what things would look like.

  21. @… “….Someone should actually start a conservative magazine called National Review and state that there is a pressing need for a conservative magazine called National Review. Someone should….”

    Why not you, Oscar?? Do it RIGHT NOW. I elect you to do your Idea. Go forth.

  22. “If there were a law that said you had to be in the country 3 generations before you could hold a political opinion (so you’d at least “get” half of what goes on), and that you had to be around for six before holding any office— wonder what things would look like.”

    It would be worse than a restricted golf club. There would be a lot of really dumb ass cousins running everything. On top of that almost no one can identify all 64 of their great great great great grandparents although the number would be somewhat less due to cousin marriages of various degrees and removal.

  23. Good article at The Occidental Observer:

    A Party of Plutocrats Has No Future

    The reason why Blacks are not impressed with the Blacks who speak at a Republican convention or are made titular head of the RNC may be that they understand something that Whites should also understand. Those people speaking at Republican conventions do not represent any racial identity: they represent a cosmopolitan bourgeois identity. Bourgeois Republican Blacks no more represents the Black community than Mitt Romney represents the White community. They are simply money-people.

  24. I learned everything I needed to know about conservatives a few decades ago when I read the “Turner Diaries”. They were flip-flopping bitches in the book and they are flip-flopping bitches now. Fuck ’em. They are just tools to use.

  25. P.S., The North might secede, no one else in the country would fight to keep them in the union, but the South will never be allowed to secede. The North and Midwest would fight to prevent that happening. They would probably cast it as a war to protect black and minority rights and safety, but the real reason would be that they don’t want all the blacks from the South flooding into their territory.

  26. We should start a petition to have Beohner removed as speaker.

    By the way, did,anyone notice the petition to have all signers of the succession petition have their citizenship removed and be deported?

  27. We should start a petition to have Beohner removed as speaker.

    By the way did anyone notice the petition to have all signers of the succession petition have their citizenship removed and be deported?

  28. Rand Paul calls for amnesty for illegals further pushing “libertarians” to white nationalism.

    I love it!

  29. Republicrat Party and its Kosher-NeoCon commmentariat have for a quarter-century been nothing more than a Jewscam aimed at getting Whites to vote themselves into a mass grave. This election, they did not get away with it. Nor will they ever again. The Grand Old Pedophiles are finished as a national party. Gone with the Whigs. And when the DemoncanRepublicrap Gang in DC legalizes 20 million spic illegals, another 20 million Whites will abandon the ballot, and go the bullet.

  30. “By the way did anyone notice the petition to have all signers of the succession petition have their citizenship removed and be deported?”

    This is typical marxist/Jewish ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. Find who the originator is, and send a ‘hit’ team out on him. Most likely some operative for the ADL.

    We’re on to this charade called ‘Judaized government.’
    Death to FEDGOV, and all its minions.

    Ba-na-na-na, Po-ta-to.

  31. “The North and Midwest would fight to prevent that happening. They would probably cast it as a war to protect black and minority rights and safety, but the real reason would be that they don’t want all the blacks from the South flooding into their territory.” – John the 2

    You overlook one thing. Short of MN, IA, and WI, the ‘midwest’ was ALL red states.

    They’re on OUR SIDE.

    I say this as a born and bred Minnesotan- unless “the land of 10,000 liberals” changes and joins in the secession, I’ll personally act as the NIGGER TRANSFER CZAR to ‘enrich’ the idiot Liberals in my home state with EVERY SINGLE BLACK,BROWN, or Jewish resident of the Entire SOUTH, when the exodus of the few sane Scandics and German residents of this state who will leave, once Dixie 2.o comes into existence.

    32 States, and counting, at last look. THIS IS NOT GOING AWAY.

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