Update: Secession Petitions


The secession petitions have now topped 25K in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina! Texas is leading the pack at 93,994 signatures. Louisiana is at 32,536 signatures.

Note: Mississippi is at 15,095, Arkansas is at 18,650, Oklahoma is at 14,900, South Carolina is at 19,534, Virginia is at 5,339, West Virginia is at 5,280 and Kentucky is at 15,312.

Update: Clyde Wilson on the 2012 election and the Republican Party:

“The Republican party does not represent its voters (and never has). It represents only itself. Consider: the strength of the party is now in the Southern, Plains, and Rocky Mountain states. The presidential and vice-presidential candidates were both from the deepest and most liberal North. Republican voters are conservative Christians. Neither candidate could be said to represent that viewpoint. Republican voters are much concerned about the effects of recent immigration policy. Neither candidate had any sympathy for that position—quite the contrary. Republican voters are concerned about the loss of manufacturing jobs and the ongoing proletarianization of the middle class. Both candidates are on record with contradictory policies.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Reading over at Counter Current, it seems that Poland had a march that garnered 10,000 people from numerous nations in the EU, to protest….. the EU!

    Socialist Empires are the great evil of the modern era. Divorced from cult (religion) culture (indigenous two-thousand year old Christendom), and chromosomes (the racial homogeneity that must exist, for a nation-state to continue) they are a TOTAL COUNTERFEIT of the godly order, and are Satan’s pale imitation.

    As such, they are immoral, illegal, and irreconcilable with native peoples, cultures and conversation.

    Barak’s Obamanation is the quintessential ‘proposition nation.’ And we’re done with it.

    The next step is to make our voice heard. Outside of the small coterie of those who know about the existence of these petitions, the vast majority of Americans are CLUELESS as to the potential of a non-violent secession of these many states.

    We need to send emails to all of those on our list, to email the major talk radio hosts, and to keep the barrage (just like THEY have done to US) going, so that it does not die down.

    For Us, and our Posterity. For the Freedom of White Men everywhere.
    Death to tyrants is obedience to God!

  2. The secession of the heart— should be more discussed.

    Not disconnecting (like from voting, necessarily) but embracing another kind of life, (genuine western life) and meeting the issues of how that is done from within a society so antithetical to one’s own interests.

    Not even “beliefs” and “values” (those words seem overused). But when people concentrate on what they’re simply INTERESTED IN. What they LIKE to do that is allowable within what IS. The kinds of western articles, films, etc, they LIKE to view.
    Conversations about the difficulties of continuing with (genuine) western life, when “western life” has been redefined as a fascio-communist hybrid, under which the true “western human subject” will not even emerge.

    Maybe more critique will occur about the sort of people the system produces, how unhappy they always seem to be, how reliant on drugs and other methods of “getting by” emotionally, how psychologically immature, even if they have “families” and “wealth,” the false “support,” the isolation, the social dissatisfaction— blamed alternately on the “right” (capitalism alienates the human!!!) or on the “left” (libtards cannot think!!!)— but what really happens to the human subject under the left-right statist hybrid?

    People need advice on how to “live anyway,” and the old “moral majority” ideas worked in some ways for their time, but are otherwise useless. IE– Raising children without t.v., or in some truly isolated home school models, like they can grow up and live in “little house on the praire,” then thrust them into the psychosis the larger culture became. The moral majority was all about living as if the larger culture didn’t exist— and children from that era paid the price. No man is an island.

    So people need strategies for living a (true) western life in a foreign culture.

    Sorry for rant.

  3. “Republican voters are concerned about the loss of manufacturing jobs and the ongoing proletarianization of the middle class.”

    Which is why they will continue abandoning the GOP to vote Democrat. Proles get to pretend they’re middleclass in this country with ridiculous union wage and pension contracts. After they drive the operating costs through the fucking roof they complain about offshoring.

  4. Words from the past to remind us that this struggle is centuries old.

    “Our war is not a war of conquest. We are
    fighting in the defense of our homes, our
    families, and posterity. We have petitioned,
    and our petitions have been disregarded; we
    have begged, and they have mocked when
    our calamity came. We beg no longer; we
    petition no more. We defy them.”

    ~ William Jennings Bryan, Orator, Presidential Candidate, Patriot

  5. DixieG- secession of the heart we already have. We’ve become utterly tired of the continual wrangling for getting our positions heard.

    As the press release from the Hungarian Nationalist Party, Jobbik noted:

    “As far as foreign policy is concerned, it is clear that all past and future US Presidents enjoy very little freedom from various lobbies, including AIPAC, the most militant Zionist lobby.” – http://www.jobbik.com/us_elections_-_jobbik_welcomes_victory_lesser_evil

    THAT’S THE TRUTH, and we need to DEAL WITH IT, NOW.

    If you want a national vision for the New Dixie, or whatever the secessionist forces want to call our new nation, I can think of no better model to use, to form our platform for secession than the 2010 Manifesto that Jobbik used to articulate their position (with changes for different localities, of course). I’ve given the url before.

    Here it is again.


  6. An offshore ‘law’ site is noticing the reality of secession petitions, and articulating what I said two days ago.

    “33 States have Petition Filed with Whitehouse Now – That is a lot of states. Repeat a lot of states. The vote counting in Spain was how Obummer got the votes – deceit and vote fraud.

    People do not want this Kenyan Muslim not qualified to hold the office ruling over them unconstitutionally.

    This is getting legs. I think about 400,000 have signed petitions so far.

    Give them another week and it will be in the millions. Obummer will be ignoring people big time. His storm troopers will know what is coming. Problem is their families live in the community and when the people organize watch out for civil rights violations.”

  7. “After they drive the operating costs through the fucking roof they complain about offshoring.” – And why can’t the government just make offshoring illegal? You’re not going to win this one, either businesses pay whites enough to have families or America = Brown, there is no arbitrage there, not any more.

  8. Dixiegirl you complain about western culture not making people happy? I agree with that actually, but I don’t see most of the people on this site as being happy either (except Denise). The highest happiness comes from mixing the races and the cultures and all following the path of God together.

  9. Fr John, I’m starting an organization to help children like your children when they run away from their oppressive homes, and make sure they are educated about the truth, and learn about the brotherhood and sisterhood of all races.

  10. @Proud Globalist Race Traitor

    If you were IN EUROPE
    If you said you support White GENOCIDE, as you did yesterday, nothing would happen.

    But if you said you support the GENOCIDE of any other RACIAL group, other than White people, you would be going to JAIL for a long time.

    It takes NO COURAGE at all to be YOU.

    You are a “radical for the establishment”.

    Anti-racist is code word for anti-white.

  11. Anti-white says:
    ” The highest happiness comes from mixing the races and the cultures and all following the path of God together.”

    Using religion to JUSTIFY GENOCIDE against White people is BLASPHEMY.

    Why are there no anti-Africans in Africa, trying to GENOCIDE all the Africans, using religion as excuse?

    Why are there no anti-Asians in Asia, trying to GENOCIDE all the Asians, using religion as excuse?

    Only White countries are doing this, only anti-Whites like you are pushing it. You want White GENOCIDE.

  12. And why can’t the government just make offshoring illegal?

    So that low-priced, foreign-manufactured goods won’t be available to American consumers, including the same labor-union members whose government-backed demands have caused the offshoring in the first place? Fine–write up a petition that asks the government to make sure Americans will pay five times what they’re already paying for iPhones. See how many “working class” Americans sign it.

  13. Another example of the idiocy of the Retard leadership–they are about to cave on immigration, however, they are holding the line on the Bush Tax Cuts “across the board”. The Dems look to renew them for those making less than $250,000 per year. Tell me the middle class working man can get behind that!!

  14. “After they drive the operating costs through the fucking roof they complain about offshoring.” – And why can’t the government just make offshoring illegal? You’re not going to win this one, either businesses pay whites enough to have families or America = Brown, there is no arbitrage there, not any more.

    Because if offshoring was outlawed we’d have to bring in even more beaners and low-caste foreigners to work in country. Being born white doesn’t qualify a factory worker for bloated pay and benefits. The burden gets passed to consumers (read other white families). These schemes mean not only higher prices for us at home, but inability to compete abroad. Ultimately this endangers the very jobs “living wages” are supposed to benefit.

    Why not outlaw unions and let workers earn real (uninflated) wages? Maybe church could play a role in assisting young families. Maybe more whites would turn towards higher education in high demand fields. So long as whites refuse to sell their labor for market price they will live with rampant offshoring, immigration or both.

  15. ” So long as whites refuse to sell their labor for market price they will live with rampant offshoring, immigration or both.”

    You are justifying genocide against White people.

    It doesn’t matter what Whites do, or where we live, there is always a justification for White Genocide. Here are some other justifications:

    “For the economy” does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    “Low birth rates”, does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    “Because of history ” does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    “We all bleed red!” does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    “We are all human!” does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    “RACE is just a social construct!” does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    “We are all from Africa!” does not justify White GENOCIDE.

    And so on and so forth

  16. In Norway they justify GENOCIDE against white people by saying, “We are so rich so we must share with the third world.”

    In the UK they justify GENOCIDE against white people by saying, “We were a colonial power so it is punishment.”

    In Ireland, who never invaded anyone, they justify GENOCIDE against white people by saying, “We immigrated to other –>White countries<—, so non-white countries should be able to flood our country.

    When we also have "Pro Whites" justifying GENOCIDE against White people, what chance do White people have?

  17. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    And why can’t the government just make offshoring illegal?

    ‘So that low-priced, foreign-manufactured goods won’t be available to American consumers, including the same labor-union members whose government-backed demands have caused the offshoring in the first place? Fine–write up a petition that asks the government to make sure Americans will pay five times what they’re already paying for iPhones. See how many “working class” Americans sign it.’

    Too many Americans are financially illiterate. Having never owned a business or tried to make a go of an enterprise –they have no clue how difficult it is with mountains of regulations and leeches everywhere sucking the blood out of them.

    We don’t care! Jus gibs me dat.

  18. Why not outlaw unions and let workers earn real (uninflated) wages?

    It’s not a question of their being outlawed, which would not be right either. It’s a question of their not being backed by the government. Dealing with them should not be a legal requirement of engaging in business.

  19. The middleclass working man either voted for Romney or voted against his class interests. Non-Marxian class descriptors are fluff. Class is a matter of relations to the means of production, not some payscale or “percent” of the popularion average. Lumpen(mostly non-whites at this point), white proles in the midwest and a good chunk of coastal bourgeois types gave Obama the election.

    The full-spectrum of what’s called the “middleclass” in this country, along with the red-state bourgeois got shafted this time around by the FreeShitArmy and elite white yankees.

  20. “In Ireland, who never invaded anyone”

    Not true. Where do you think the Scots came from? They invaded Great Britain in the 5th Century pushing aside Britons and Picts after the Romans left.

  21. Scotland is a White Country, DUMBO.

    The Irish only ever moved to White Countries.

    For this “crime”, anti-whites say, Non-White countries must be allowed to flood Ireland and blend the Irish out of existence.


    It doesn’t matter what Whites do, Anti-whites always think up excuses and justifications, to turn White Countries into Non-White countries.

    They aren’t doing this to Africans, they aren’t doing this to Asians. They are only doing it to White people. They want White GENOCIDE.

  22. “The middleclass working man either voted for Romney or voted against his class interests.”

    Your definition of the “middle class” is as is the rule in this country far too broad. Independent professionals (the average doctor or lawyer, some shop owners, tenured professors, etc…) are middle class (petite bourgeois.) Most Americans are wage slaves.

    The top 1% in net worth (>$10,000,000) are the upper class. What Marx termed the Grand Bourgeoisie is even richer than that.

  23. The Ingvaeonic (followers of Friga) tribes formed what is known as England.
    More Dutch Danish than Kraut. Herring and Eggs not pickled cabbage and Sausage.

  24. In any British war substantial numbers of soldiers, many in high ranks were catholic Irish. See India and Africa and look at the enlistment rolls for British troops there and all will be revealed.

    Additionally the ONeills (Ulster clan) were shock troops for Spanish conquests. The wildgeese. They were badass and killed niggers too.

  25. “Your definition of the “middle class” is as is the rule in this country far too broad. ”

    That’s because the middle class isn’t a class but rather a muddled identity that unites the petite-bourgeoisie with the labor aristocracy and even patriotic remnants of the lower working class. Part of being “middle class” is the shared expectation of advancing or at the very least retaining one’s inherited social status. Saving for social issue freaks, a vote for Obama was plainly an abdication of personal responsibility of one’s future.

  26. When I took an Honors class We created a Constitution. It was a class about the time of the Revolutionary War period. We went to Locke, Plato, and other early authors to create this document from scratch. It limits the presidential powers. The President must have the OK of the people by vote on all laws. A law like the NDAA would’ve been immediately struck down by the people. It also allows the people to inspect any records of the Government. It sets up the election system on popular vote only. The Government is not above the law. It removes excutive privilage and the president can be arrested if he or she breaks the laws of the land.

  27. “Fr John, I’m starting an organization to help children like your children when they run away from their oppressive homes, and make sure they are educated about the truth, and learn about the brotherhood and sisterhood of all races.”- PigRot

    If I ever meet you in person, I will say it openly- I would strangle you with my bare hands, and be justified for doing so, as St. Nicholas was justified for striking Arius. You foul-mouthed dog. May God DAMN you, for insulting both my covenant seed, as well as your christophobic soul.

    HW, I truly ask that you ban this horrid, evil scum for his threats against my minor children.

  28. John I sincerely apologize as I can understand how that could seem threatening. I did go too far. I only meant to say that it does bother me that your children may not be allowed to make their own decisions once they become adults, without you disowning them.

  29. Crazy John+ writes:

    “If I ever meet you in person, I will say it openly- I would strangle you with my bare hands, and be justified for doing so, as St. Nicholas was justified for striking Arius. You foul-mouthed dog. May God DAMN you, for insulting both my covenant seed, as well as your christophobic soul.”

    – Now, now, John+ — threats of violence against someone over differences of opinion… doesn’t seem very Christian does it? What would Jesus do? And this St. Nicholas stuff… you’re saying Santa Claus actually kicked somebody’s ass once?

  30. Thanks Chris; for recognizing that I’m a real Christian and not’ the crazy one. Let’s definitely burn a Confederate flag together sometime.

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