The Cost of the Union: Michigan Affirmative Action Ban Overturned


Here’s the latest reason why even our Northern friends in Michigan should be able to agree that it is time to dissolve the Union:

“The federal appeals court decision striking down a statewide referendum banning affirmative action in Michigan universities likely represents the last gasp of a dying legal theory: That minority groups are entitled not just to equal protection under the laws, but special measures designed to correct past discrimination.

To conclude a law banning the state from considering race, sex or national origin in hiring public employees or granting admission to state schools was unconstitutional, the majority on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati resorted to an extreme interpretation of two U.S. Supreme Court cases that themselves are showing signs of wear. The decision by the full 15-member panel drew strong dissents from judges who said the reasoning stood the Equal Protection Clause “on its head” and enshrined a new doctrine of judicially-imposed racial preferences.”

Note: I predict the Roberts Supreme Court will uphold affirmative action in Fischer vs. University of Texas. The GOP already practices affirmative action by promoting the likes of Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Susana Martinez, etc.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The SC is majority catholic. They invented the “melting pot” ideology, so as to marry Northern European Protestants, and wipe them out of their own country by assimilation (as Wasps were, back in reality, the only Americans, and others wanted to have those wasp wives!)

    Without the “melting pot,” the new 1960s versions of “mix it up,” would not have happened, (obviously).

    Melting pot was the forerunner of all that is today. Now some say… we wanted to mix, but just not THAT much. We assimilated, we really did, but others can’t.

    The whole thing is just gross.

  2. Dixiegirl, we Catholics did not invent the idea of the melting pot. The word was first used by Israel Zangwill, a Jewish playright in his eponymous play, “The Melting Pot”. The play was about Jewish assimilation into America, not Catholic assimilation. BTW, you have a very bad track record for getting stuff about us Catholics wrong. Quit while you’re ahead DG.

  3. Oh, ConfedNorth, don’t be so abstruse. or lying.

    Papal Primacy, (coming on the heels of the Filioque controversy) allowed the Pope to claim its specious “universal Jurisdiction” over the ENTIRE EARTH. From that fallacy, they then realized that they needed a rationale to CONTROL the ‘Heathen’ and they then proposed the “Universal salvation” mantra, somewhere around the early 16th Century- the blasphemous idea that ALL races, hominids, and even goats (it would appear, cf. Matt. 25:33, with all this BS about the ‘Talmudics’ being our ‘elder brethren’) were to be the objects of their ‘conversion,’ doing to the Church catholic, what the Edomitic Jews had done in Jesus’ day- making such converts twice the sons of hell that they were! [Matt. 23:15]

    As the sovereign nation of Hawaii has on their website, it was this HERESY (Yes, it’s a G-D heresy!) that has fueled the supposed ‘conversion’ of those that NEVER WERE TO HAVE BEEN CONVERTED IN THE FIRST PLACE, as entire races. Individual converts to the “Israel of God” (white Adamics of Europe) would be like the occasional convert in the O.T. in the Davidic Kingdom… but this is not what ROME believed. THEY BELIEVED THEY OWNED EVERY RACE on the effing Planet, and that every race should call the Pope, GOD!

    Here’s an article that confirms this IS ‘secret’ papal teaching, much like the satanic nature of Masonry, once you get to ‘higher levels.

    So, as the sovereign Hawaiian people noted, the protestants also adopted this heresy, in their justification for Empire (not just Britain, but the Indian Raj is a good example of teh C of E, doing what they accused Rome of doing, while noting that ‘Rome is no true Church”- yet they did this as well! )

    “…This (Doctrine of Discovery) from the Roman Catholic Church that provided “sacred” justification and irresistible financial incentives for Christian (European) nations to conquer, possess and take dominion over lands already being occupied by “heathens.” Colonialism was not so much driven by religious fervor but by church-sanctioned incentives to amass great wealth. ” –

    Look at the Bible you Papists say you believe. HA! It says clearly that Christ came ONLY to the Lost Sheep of the HOUSE (Nation, race, Ethnic PEOPLE) of ISRAEL, i.e., those [fair, ruddy, able to [visibly] blush] Adamites (i.e, WHITES) that were dispersed via the Babylonian Captivity, and unto NONE OTHER! [Matt. 15:24; cf. also Jas. 1:1. and I Pet. 1:1- they CONFIRM THE BIBLICAL DELIMITER of the ECUMENE as the only ‘WORLD’ Christianity was to go to!]

    No less an authority than the Holy Spirit (you know that member of the Trinity YOUR papal cronies removed to insert their Temporal leader!?) FORBADE the Apostles from carrying the Gospel to ASIA- [Acts. 16:6]

    So, get off your high horse, and realize that DixieG is right. ANY revived Dixie 2.0, or revified America, WILL NOT TOLERATE ROMANISM, as it is the religion of our Mestizo/Carribean/African ‘brethren,’ and shows herself thereby to be nothing more than the willing “Whore of Babylon” (what else?) of the NWO!

    I’d as sooner have the sedevacantists, or the real SSPX- i.e., Bishop +Williamson as the American Pope, but he/they are infected with the same thomistic [Universalist/Universalism] heresy as the lamestream prots- indeed, THIS is what HW and others on this forum call the “Yankee Supremacist” ideology, applied to Christianity!

    It deserves a wide berth from ANY secession devotee- especially those who wish to have a true catholicity of Church and worship.

  4. Same old song. Yet again the will of the White people thwarted by judicial fiat. It should be obvious to all that playing by the rules does not work. Elections, court decisions, government policies, whatever.

    Why does this continue? Well, it is simple. Our leaders have nothing to lose. They do not fear our wrath, neither do they expect repercussions.

    When black robed tyrants step on our necks, spit in our faces and pervert the law to suit their fancies… a price should be paid.

    Has anyone seen the move ‘Magnum Force’, starring Clint Eastwood? It is very, very interesting.

    We haven’t reached the critical point, but the basic premise of the movie could become a reality in the not too distant future.

  5. Some Jew may have written a book entitled the melting pot, but, the damn Catholics sure have used it. LOL. Turn on TV and see the Catholic pundits & politicians use it. You Catholics own it.

    Let’s not forget: Latino = Catholic = Hispanic

    No way you can get around that. LOL.

  6. Oh, E.A. Pitts III – you watch tv ‘catholics’, liberal pundits, blacks and faggots on the Jew Tube. You should not watch tv. It rots your brains.

    The Catholic faith concerns nations as nations and the baptism of the nation into Christ. The White race is the only race that was baptised in its nations / ethne. The monuments of Europe depict this clearly. Eg the baptism of France as a nation.

    In the past there might have been empires formed of many separate nations – like the Alexandrian empire.

    But modern geo-political entities that are multi-ethnic and multi-racial were created in the destruction of nations beginning with the Masonic Revolution inaugurated in France 1789. This Revolution is anti-national and anti-Catholic – condemned by many popes.

  7. Liberal Nigger Lovers are now now mad that Graham 2.o, is saying that we need to have the country fall apart, due to O’Buckwheat’s re-election.

    (Can we say ‘DUH!?” With FIFTY states all with secession petitions from O’Nigger, doesn’t it appear that that is the very thing that is happening? And threats of removing “501(c)3 status from Graham’s group, is in itself, a mark of the Antichrist, and justification of Graham’s ‘reading the writing on the wall.’)

    For the Gospel cannot/should not/shall not be muzzled- by the IRS, nor by the Stepinfetchit’s scalawags in high places.

    (Oh, this twerp’s nothing but an uppity Nigger himself… nothing to see here: never mind.)

  8. @DG: If you knew anything, you would know that up to the 50s RC parishes in the north were segregated by European ethnicity – you had Irish parishes, Polish parishes, Italian parishes and German parishes. There were even disputes when Irish priests were appointed to run non-Irish parishes.

    That all changed when hostile LIBERAL protestants seized the levers of government in the north and did “reconstruction” on white enclaves that the protestant elite didn’t like using “urban renewal”. They elite no longer wanted hyphenated white americans so they basically drove them out to the suburbs where it was difficult to maintain ethnic cohesion – this was “multiculturalism 1.0”. Multiculturalism 2.0 is basically no more white race – that is why intermarried northern whites are now being encouraged by the jews to marry non-whites. So in essence Yankees basically did to the working class catholic neighborhoods post WW2 what they did to the south post civil war.

    Dixiegirl is so repetitious with the same refrain that I suspect she is another agent provocateur. Dixiegirl you fear what the elite fears – that white northern catholics wake up from their yankee- and jew-inspired trance and band together with southern whites to take back this country. Look up the states Al Smith carried in 1928 – Massachusetts AND the deep south. One can only hope.

  9. Unadmirable is acting as a Papist spy in this last post (nothing new) but he is correct in one thing. Liberalism- from wherever it came (and I would propose the Jesuits, before the Reformers) have affected/afflicted ALL classes/denominations of Christendom.

    As this writer notes of the death of the Afrikaaners, (i.e., White Genocide) due to liberal theology- something we have in the West/US as well, now.

    You’d think we could learn from this, even if it is not our ‘tradition’?
    I sure hope so.

  10. One of the bravest Americans in the 20th century was Catholic, Father Coughlin. I don’t agree with everything he espoused, but he was right about FDR and his commie inclinations. About the only man who would say it publicly at the time.

  11. @Fr. John: you are so operatic and florid in your expression that I suspect you are a woman. If not, we can always start calling you “Fr. Fancy+” or “Fr. Edna Everage+”.

    My suspicion is that Denise is your sock puppet of vice versa.

  12. “as Wasps were, back in reality, the only Americans, and others wanted to have those wasp wives!”

    Oh pish tosh. Maybe true of negroes and other NWs for their own needy psychological purposes, but please. Back when I (Catholic white-ethnic) was a young blade I bedded many a WASP lass, and you know what? They’re mostly pretty boring in bed, they have to be taught everything, nearly from scratch. (Well actually that part is kinda fun.) I don’t know what their mothers were telling them when they were teenagers, but apparently not very much. Probably the mothers didn’t know any better either, and so one infers that the poor WASP men had literally no idea of what they were missing. Same thing for most Jewish girls. Really dull in bed, but you get the occasional wild card. You have to give them so many instructions on remedials, you feel like an air-traffic controller, and maybe you should be getting union wages or something.

    No, I’m sorry my dear, but us white-ethnic Catholics do not lust over WASP girls as such. There’s plenty of other zany theories to go around.

  13. @Stonelifter: Most of the catholic clergy don’t realize they are in a liberal gulag. The proof that the catholic church has become the effective equivalent of Oceania from 1984 is that any catholic cleric who preaches the pre-Vatican 2 traditional catholic faith engages in a thought crime and is punished by prelates as being an enemy of the people.

    For example, when a parish priest denied communion to a radical lesbian recently, he was punished by Cardinal Wuerl for being ‘insensitive”. How did the parish priest learn the woman was a lesbian? On the occasion of her mother’s funeral(!!!!), the woman barged into the sacristy prior to the funeral mass with her lover in tow, and loudly proclaimed to the priest that she was a lesbian buddhist and that her companion was her lover! And it was the priest who was insensitive! You can’t make this stuff up!

  14. Occam’s razor alert:

    The whole “melting pot” thing came about because America needed cheap labor to do things like dig canals and build roads and bridges and railroads, which is arduous stuff, and they figured they could get artificially impoverished people like the Irish to do it for pennies on the dollar, and they were right. In return they offered to cut them a deal: you do all this scut-work and work yourselves to death for practically nothing, and we’ll let your children in on the system, and they’ll prosper.

    They were willing to do this with white workers because they knew that white workers could blend into the racial system. Witness the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the way in which Chinese railroad workers were told quite explicitly: you come here and do your work, you DO NOT bring your women with you, and when you are done, we will pay you, and then you go home. The idea was to preserve the country as a homeland for white people. Also, the immense white immigration of the late 19th-cent. was designed in part to increase the white percentage of the population, seeing how about that time freed negroes were a substantial population of the south.

    If you chuckleheads had managed your slavery problem rationally, and then listened to what Lothrop Stoddard had to say, you wouldn’t have had to import either white immigrants or Asian coolies. But you were a bunch of fucktards, and so now you’re stuck with us white ethnics, who believe it or not, are some of your best friends. Well what can you do.

    Memo to WASP patriotards:
    Like Graham Parker famously said, “You better get a clear head, hey.”

  15. Dixiegirl, we Catholics did not invent the idea of the melting pot. The word was first used by Israel Zangwill, a Jewish playright in his eponymous play, “The Melting Pot”. The play was about Jewish assimilation into America, not Catholic assimilation. BTW, you have a very bad track record for getting stuff about us Catholics wrong. Quit while you’re ahead DG.

    Who invented it makes nary a shit to me. Fact is, DG is right. Catholics and other “others” used multiculti for their own purposes. The first multiculti assault on America was from Europeans. European multiculti paved the way for featherless biped multiculti, and still does; scratch an Italian or an Irishman over featherless biped multiculti and you’re likely to get a lecture on the righteousness of Italian or Irishman multiculti.

    This is why Nationalism is a good idea; it stomps on multiculti – ALL of it. The Euro kind and the featherless biped kind.

    A Nation is a people; race (in the 19th century sense), language, history, culture, etc. Continental-level race is a paltry substitute.

  16. Oscar’s post made me quiver with fright. Ugh.
    Thank goodness my sister got over the greaser kids that went to film school and other zeroes. For the longest time I thought she’d turnout like Kay Corleone.

  17. If you chuckleheads had managed your slavery problem rationally, and then listened to what Lothrop Stoddard had to say, you wouldn’t have had to import either white immigrants or Asian coolies. But you were a bunch of fucktards, and so now you’re stuck with us white ethnics, who believe it or not, are some of your best friends. Well what can you do.

    I know what you mean. Every time I hear from the European multicultists, I think “best friend ever!”

  18. “scratch an Italian or an Irishman over featherless biped multiculti and you’re likely to get a lecture on the righteousness of Italian or Irishman multiculti.”

    Oh, horseshit. The unthinking ones (and I’ve met more than a few) are likely to justify any theory of Why We Ought To Be Here, but as I said, they are the unthinking ones. And most people are unthinking — even your own precious ethne, whatever it turns out to be.

    There are two questions in play for any Catholic: what is good for the nation or the “people” (a worldly question), and what is morally supportable (a spiritual and eternal question). The big problem for most Catholics is that they haven’t devoted enough clear-minded and serious thinking to the issue of what is morally supportable.

    An easy way to break it down: When people tell me, “I am a liberal,” I always ask them, “With what? What are you liberal with? Are you liberal with your own goods and riches, or are you liberal with someone else’s? With the public’s, with your children’s, with things you have no right to dispense as if they were your own? And if you are liberal with things you have no right to give, why should I call you anything else but a fucking thief?”

  19. “I know what you mean. Every time I hear from the European multicultists, I think “best friend ever!””

    It’s a silly thing to say. You know perfectly well that they are two very different populations. And if you don’t know that, then, why am I talking to you?

  20. P.S., “you did it to yourselves” is pretty weak tea. Doesn’t really disguise the fact that you’re cheering our misfortune, and telling us to double down.

    That’s my primary objection to the “pan whitists” and European multicultis; they never say “sure, live and let live.” My response to people who refuse to reciprocate my “live and let live” position is, “well, fuck you and die, then.” I don’t care what your religion or skin color or culture or whatever is; if you can’t accept “live and let live,” then fuck you and die.

  21. It’s a silly thing to say. You know perfectly well that they are two very different populations. And if you don’t know that, then, why am I talking to you?

    No, I really don’t know that. “No live and let live, you must breed with me” means they’re my enemy. I couldn’t give less of a shit about the race or creed of a people who want to see my people dead.

  22. Oh, horseshit. The unthinking ones (and I’ve met more than a few) are likely to justify any theory of Why We Ought To Be Here, but as I said, they are the unthinking ones. And most people are unthinking — even your own precious ethne, whatever it turns out to be.

    Yes, it’s true that many of my ethne will need to go on the pyre, if they can’t get it through their numb skulls that I’m not their property. And their ethne will make nary a shit to me, should I ever be in the joyous position of doing something decisive in that regard.

    But it’s not horseshit that the Irish and other “ethnic whites” are worse, it’s fact.

  23. I’m never going to submit to this pan-white nationalism thing. It’s hair of the same dog that bit us. Cooperation, yes. Dissolution therein, no.

  24. I’m Catholic first, white second. If anyone is an enemy of the Catholic Church, they’re an enemy of me.

    That being said: the Catholic Church has been infiltrated and poisoned by the Revolution just as every other institution in the West has been. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit will never allow His universal and infallible faith to perish. Traditionalism is the most active and vital force in the Church today, while revolutionary Age-of-Aquarius heresy is dying everywhere. From the resurgence of the Tridentine mass to the Anglican reunion to the massive numbers of Protestants and Evangelicals who are “crossing the Tiber”, God is raising up a new generation of orthodox Catholics around the world (many of whom are, surprisingly, not white).

    This is a generational problem. The Boomers ruined the Church, just as everything else they touched into shit. There were so goddamned many of them that no one could stand against them and win. But the Grim Reaper is settling their hash, year by year. The faggot priests, lesbian nuns, “reformed” theologians, rock-band liturgists, and hippie bishops — almost all of whom are Baby Boomers — are going, going, and are soon to be gone. And when they are gone, the world will see another resurgence of the true Catholic Church in all her glory.

    God meant for nations to live autonomously, with each race and nation in its own land. But the Church is for everybody. Anyone who tells you anything else is preaching lies.

    We have got to stop this bickering. The Enemy (the Global Luciferian Revolution) and its local regime (BRA) want nothing more than to see white fighting white over religious differences. My motto is “no enemies on the White”. If you love white people and support our continued existence and prosperity, you are on my side as far as I am concerned, no matter what flavor of Christianity you practice. Later, after V-BRA Day, I might round you all up and put you in camps, but until then I will fight side-by-side with anyone (even non-Christians such as Mormons) to defend the Three Truths.

    So let’s put the sectarian warfare on the back burner. We have a global revolution to whip.

  25. I’m rabidly pro European haplogroup r1B. We argue about a lot of things, and consider ourselves different peoples, but EVERYONE ELSE TREATS US LIKE WE’RE ONE PEOPLE AND THEY WANT TO GENOCIDE US. I understand that, do you?

  26. oscar the grinch says:
    ‘An easy way to break it down: When people tell me, “I am a liberal,” I always ask them, “With what? What are you liberal with? Are you liberal with your own goods and riches, or are you liberal with someone else’s? With the public’s, with your children’s, with things you have no right to dispense as if they were your own? And if you are liberal with things you have no right to give, why should I call you anything else but a fucking thief?”’


  27. Svigor — I generally find you a thoughtful and interesting commenter, here and elsewhere, but you’re really spinning out of control here.

    Maybe I’ll come back later and correct some of your crazier assertions. Meantime I’d just sort of advise you to have a Bex and a lie-down, a nice cuppa, and relax. Think. Maintain a dialectical relationship to your own thoughts. Which is a fancy way of saying, Have a second think, critical of the first.

  28. @… “that white northern catholics wake up from their yankee- and jew-inspired trance and band together with southern whites to take back this country….

    My only point was that whatever country they “take back” might well just look unrecognizable. Take back… from WHAT point in time? (Obviously they cannot take back a wasp nation, nor restore the founders ethnic group as the group that sets the tone, climate, etc, for the country).

    Lord, I was just saying the “Melting Pot” was (obviously) a precursor propaganda to the current mixing meme.

    It is just a matter of degree.

  29. —- or groups who are told to do it. In the 70s, it was the inner city t.v. shows like Welcome Back Cotter with the (supposed) cute guy played by whatshisname, the scientologist, or Happy Days with Fonzi, always showing the uptight Cunninghams how to live.

  30. “I was just saying the “Melting Pot” was (obviously) a precursor propaganda to the current mixing meme.”

    I don’t think that that is technically true. I think that what really happened is subtler, and weirder, to wit: I believe that up until the 1930s, there was a belief that various white-ethnics could successfully assimilate into the larger American culture — witness the way in which the American Catholic Church is more like some anodyne Unitarian church these days, than anything a 19th-cent. European Catholic would have recognized. For good or ill, that isn’t my point, just look at the evidence.

    But after WWII, something important changed. In the wake of the Holocaust, Jews, including American Jews, decided that all white European Christians, were collectively, forever and for all time, retroactively guilty of the Holocaust… and they decided to set about a permanent genocide of the entire white Christian race. And you’re watching the outcome now.

    In other words, “the current mixing regime” has a notably different historical provenance than the pre-Holocaust “melting pot” which was the sociological experience of the white ethnics from circa 1850 to circa 1946.

  31. Wow, there’s some good wasp stereotypes…

    “….I bedded many a WASP lass, and you know what? They’re mostly pretty boring in bed, they have to be taught everything, nearly from scratch. (Well actually that part is kinda fun.) I don’t know what their mothers were telling them when they were teenagers, but apparently not very much. Probably the mothers didn’t know any better either, and so one infers that the poor WASP men had literally no idea….”

    Was trying to point out the “Melting Pot” MEME prefiguring the current mixing MEMES. 70s t.v. shows will indeed deeply indoctrinate you into exactly what you just said. (lol)

    Anyway, creating all the stereotypes via t.v. has been very effective.

    But what if, maybe those wasp girls would have just been happier with a wasp guy. The constant push to “be with somebody unlike yourself” has been around since the 60s, it seems. Maybe even 50s. (As a propaganda MEME with a lot of exposure.)

  32. “Thank goodness my sister got over the greaser kids that went to film school and other zeroes. For the longest time I thought she’d turnout like Kay Corleone.”

    Careful with that axe Eugene. A quick imdb search will tell you that Kay Corleone soon goes Looking for Mr. Goodbar.

  33. “70s t.v. shows will indeed deeply indoctrinate you”

    70s TV shows were trying to produce comedy, fast and cheap and in abundance; and an easy comedy well is, culture clash between a dominant culture and an aspiring one. It’s just a place you can get jokes from quickly. Modern TV is much more malicious because the ball has been moved so much further down field. But that happened for a lot of reasons, 70s TV shows were background noise in comparison.

  34. Still think there was a Wasp Nation, and that everything that followed was various groups trying to bring other people in and justify it—

    What’s most interesting is how colonial era populations, pre-WBTS (including catholics, the ones who were here)— have been affected by always being ‘integrated with’ somebody, at least since the 1830s.

    It’s very strange, if you think about it— to be the Object of it.

    Do agree a shift occurred after WWII, and now “Melting Pot” is used interchangeably with the race issue.

    At any rate, many would never have chosen to live in all that— but it was “SOLD” to them. (With that often-stated phrase, government tells you how it perceives its job– to sell you things you don’t want and that you might experience as harmful.)

  35. What this all boils down to is that the State was supposed to be a bulwark against this judicial tyranny. The judiciary has zero enforcement capability. When will State governors and legislatures learn to say “no!”? It’s that simple. Judicial rulings are not law, but only opinions.

  36. The liberal agenda has almost always progressed through the courts. Self-important tenured magistrates are especially vulnerable to the temptations to play God.

  37. Oscar said:

    ….70s TV shows were trying to produce comedy, fast and cheap and in abundance; and an easy comedy well is, culture clash between a dominant culture and an aspiring one. It’s just a place you can get jokes from quickly….

    You’re not that naive. And in regard to being an “aspiring” culture— that says a) a different culture b) they are “aspiring.”

    There’s your “melting pot.” Nothing melted; they “aspired” (to power)

    And that is how it turned out. The wasp nation was overwhelmed, along with it their constitution, articles of confederation and the rest. The “aspirants” run the cultural production now, the treasury by voting in a central collection system, the supreme court positions and so on.

    But Wasps should forgive themselves, imo. They’d been OUTSIDE OF EUROPE, outside of all this CRAP for 400 years! Also, they’d come from above Hadrian’s Wall. So this seems the first time they’ve had to deal with Rome, in any real way.

    Before all the European ways started choking them in 1965, the common people had a land 2000 miles across, to themselves, to play in for nearly half a millennium.

    So, those wasp Americans may be the closest that commoners ever got to being kings, not having popes or queens in their minds at all for hundreds of years, and getting to read books and so on, instead of undergoing proletarianization.

  38. The Angles and the Saxons came from across the North Sea..Where do you think the word England comes from? They settled SOUTH of Hadrian’s wall.

  39. Robert S. Oculus III says:

    “….I’m Catholic first, white second. If anyone is an enemy of the Catholic Church, they’re an enemy of me….God is raising up a new generation of orthodox Catholics around the world (many of whom are, surprisingly, not white)…..”

    No idea why it would be “surprising,” as the catholic faith will, indeed, be as you say in the future, and not bound with “the west” in the same way.

    Seems fine to me, but always wondered why people like you had come to a country founded by wasps, when your allegiance is to a religion first, then to non-western peoples?

    —-other than seeing the way the u.s. is heading, which is in the direction you describe.

  40. Sulla says:
    The Angles and the Saxons came from across the North Sea..Where do you think the word England comes from? They settled SOUTH of Hadrian’s wall….

    Right— there was thinking of the Scots who made up half the u.s. revolutionary army, who I thought were north. Not so much the English. (In Virginia I’d learned the English-Scots were about a 50-50 split, though could be wrong)

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