About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And this election has broken the shell that forms the taboo about race. The first tentative steps are being taken, and darn unless a serious anti-white campaign takes place and the respectiCons join the anti-whites it will soon be respectable to ask, “Is it good for whites?”

    Sessecion is I know that.

  2. The idea that you can have a relationship (real negotiation) of ANY sort when one party cannot leave—- is the stuff of sociopaths. In individual relations it is called psychopathy.

    Add on how the “slave” movie trains the gaze away from the real story of Scorched Earth and Total War Policies of the “Big Money” of the foreign North, the Southern Famine that ensued, the years of families fleeing to live in the woods and eat greens and berries, staggering around burned cities, doing themselves in because they were starving, just the laundry list of destruction of food supplies, that starved so many young children, etc…

    —that’s the “relationship” the yankees like. lol

  3. 2 Responses to Ron Paul Defends Secession
    RobRoySimmons says:
    November 20, 2012 at 1:58 pm
    “And this election has broken the shell that forms the taboo about race.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    The taboo about race is in place, stronger than ever. Another example (as if we need any more) is Ron Paul’s comments here insisting that the current petition drive for succession has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with Whites in the South, Texas and other places trying to break away, get out from under BRA – Black Ruled America.

    But, this is consistent with Ron Paul and Libertarian’s spin that the 98% of Blacks who voted for Obama were just tricked by false promises of big government solutions and everything will turn out great as soon as enough principled, race denying Libertarians explain THE TRUTH that Martin Luther King was a Libertarian and free markets and a return to the original intent of the US Constitution will “SAVE AMERICA including the much oppressed Black African American Community.

    These true believer Libertarian, original intent Constitutionalists run in to some problems when current Black African Americans (correctly) argue that the original intent of the (White) Founding Father Constitutionalists was to treat Blacks as only 3/5th of a man, used for proportional representation purposes, but never to be given full rights of voting, serving on juries, inter-marriage, let alone taking over and destroying entire White cities like Detroit, Memphis, Birmingham, Savanna GA etc.

    Folks, we in and losing a number of brutal RACE WARS. It’s not some misunderstanding that will go away as soon as we explain in a nice, quiet way that America, the world needs to embrace Libertarian, Constitutional government, race neutrality where all individuals are FREE TO CHOOSE, form voluntary associations.

    Anybody reading Occidental Dissent who believers that Eric “My People” Holder, Elena “The Lesbian Jewess” Kagan, LaRaza, NAACP, ADL, SPLC, MSNBC, or now even National Review and Conservative Inc are going to allow regular White Americans to form (White) voluntary associations, hire and fire who they want without government interference, allow private banks to use credit scores to deny (poor credit) Black and Latino lenders a mortgage, well…

    I’ve got some farm land in Zimbabwe I would like to sell you. Similar free market, private property arguments were recently made to White farmers in Rhodesia to get them to accept the transfer to Black rule in the new nation of Zimbabwe. How did that work out?

  4. IMO Jack the taboos are breaking. Now of course I see your point, you want to rush out there and implement the plans we internet warriors have spent years fine tuning, and since these great closed systems of ours cannot be implemented we get the woe is us and its over and we are all doomed.

    And because we are all doomed as you say and you cannot implement your fine ideas as conceived you become defeatist and hence not a very attractive source of leadership.

    IMO the SWPLs and others want strong white men, there I said it.

  5. RobRoySimmons says:
    November 20, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    “And because we are all doomed as you say and you cannot implement your fine ideas as conceived you become defeatist and hence not a very attractive source of leadership.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I’m not defeatist and I note that so many parts of the world look better for us, from our perspective.

    I lived through New York City, late 80s, early 90s – David Dinkins years, Black wilding attack, gang rapes of Central Park Jogger, Sharpton Black mob terror at it’s worst. My Grandfather survived the Bolshevik revolution, I note that Communism fell in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe. The White vs White Cold War is over (one good thing about Romney losing, he wanted to make Russia the USA’s #1 global enemy).

    I am just stating basic facts of life, racial realism that Libertarianism is a dead end losing way of thinking/acting for us.

    We need collectivism, we need to start thinking and acting as “we” instead of…

    me, me, me, me.

    All the other racial groups – Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Muslims, most Gays are thinking, acting and winning for the collective interest/power of “Their people”.

    Whites in NorthAmerica and throughout the world have to do the same.

    We have to become “collectivists” – do what is best for…

    Our people.

    Yeah, I know, Whites in the South don’t think that Whites in the North, “Yankees” are “Their people”. OK, I understand that.

    Just circle the wagons and work for the legitimate rights of White Southern people in the South, try a little bit to not hate, destroy other White people in places like the North, Russia, Serbia, Germany, England, South Africa etc.

    14 words.

  6. Blacks will burn themselves out eventually. Life is a marathon. The Roman empire fell didn’t it? Light of the world blah blah blah, multicult paradise…

    Just wait the bastards out and multiply.

  7. Jack- Exactly.

    Spot on. Esp. the point about working together. I’ll gladly give up my nasal ‘Yank speak’ and learn to burn effigies of Lincoln on WBTS Remembrance day, and even drink a mint julep, (I hate mint) if I could live in, invest in, and worship in a Whites- only Dixie 2.0. But please, don’t make Monster Truck Rallies non-optional, mandatory events in the New Country…..

  8. P.S. Ron Paul is a man living in the mindset of someone from the 1970’s.

    He’s a dear man, but clueless as to the gritty nature of racial politics. He’s shown the way, he helped raise white racial consciousness, let him go in peace, to prepare to meet his Maker.

    Move on….

  9. “P.S. Ron Paul is a man living in the mindset of someone from the 1970?s.”

    This. He’s trying to save a people that only exist in his mind. The time for someone like Ron Paul was 1964.

  10. Fr. John+ says:
    November 20, 2012 at 5:26 pm
    P.S. Ron Paul is a man living in the mindset of someone from the 1970?s.

    He’s a dear man, but clueless as to the gritty nature of racial politics. He’s shown the way, he helped raise white racial consciousness, let him go in peace, to prepare to meet his Maker.

    Move on….

    Jack Ryan responds:

    OK, but a huge problem for White Americans is that we follow, support, enable nice, sincere old White men like Ron Paul and Ronald Reagan (2nd term) who have not…

    “moved on”.

    They and their supporters/enablers insist on keeping these old, clueless men on, long after they are unable to live, think, let alone FIGHT FOR OUR PEOPLE in the here and now.

    In the late 1980s Ronald Reagan and most of his old supporters were spending all their time still fighting the Cold War against the RUSSIANS, doing crazy things like arming Muslim savages in Afghanistan (same ones the US and NATO are fighting now). The Cold War against our white kinsmen the Russians should have been over by ~ 1972, but these stuck in the past, old White Reagan conservatives insisted on living in the past, so they let down their guarde and allow horrors like giving full amnesty to a few million Mestizo illegal aliens, 30 years later, California has fallen down to 3rd world brown tide and the immigration diaster has resulted in the Obamanation, Eric Holder, Elena Kagan etc.

    I am sorry, but in these rough, brutal times of racial conflict, collapsing civilization we can not longer make excuses for “nice, sincere” old, very old White men .

    We must now insist, that Old White men who can’t fight for our people, can’t even think in the here and now, they must…

    MOVE ON.

  11. Did Ron Paul ever drop out of the race?

    Now that Romney dropped out, Ron Paul is the last candidate waging a political campaign (fortunately practical rather than electoral!) against BRA.

    Ron can give that safe “liberty” vibe that can attract 80% of whites, and no matter why we secede, the ultimate result of secession is survival of our people and ultimately a better life.

    Prime topic for Wednesday’s debate: are white nationalists sophisticated to work the fields by day, and fight by night?

    In other words, can we help Ron Paul get a critical mass of support, put up the signs and flags, attend the meetings like good little boy scouts while in separate channels we continue to push the Mantra and other forms of racial awareness?

  12. John says:
    ‘Blacks will burn themselves out eventually. Life is a marathon. The Roman empire fell didn’t it? Light of the world blah blah blah, multicult paradise…
    Just wait the bastards out and multiply.’

    We can’t multiply at rates high enough to overcome blacks. Waiting them out didn’t work in south Africa, Rhodesia or anywhere else on the planet.

    We’ve had been told blacks in Africa were dying out because of famines, Aids, rampant disease and tribal warfare decades ago. We sent missionaries, finances, doctors and medicine.

    Now, there are more of them than ever!

    I read somewhere that Whites were roughly 1/3 of the planet’s population in 1950. Where are we at now? Some speculate we’re down to 10% or less.

  13. Afterthought says:
    November 20, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    “Ron can give that safe “liberty” vibe that can attract 80% of whites, and no matter why we secede, the ultimate result of secession is survival of our people and ultimately a better life.

    In other words, can we help Ron Paul get a critical mass of support, put up the signs and flags, attend the meetings like good little boy scouts while in separate channels we continue to push the Mantra and other forms of racial awareness?”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Yeah right Afterthought, Ron Paul is just a short way away from that 80% White support he’ll/we’ll need to break through for total victory.

    Hey Afterthought, how long will it take?A year? 5 years? 10 years? In ten years Ron Paul will be 88, unless he has (mercifully) died.

    But as most of us in the know, know…

    Old race denying Libertarian, Constitutionalists never die….
    They just go

    On and on

    On and on and on…. and on… and on.

    The moral of the story is:

    Don’t feed the Libertarians, don’t give them any encouragement, like Vampires, don’t let them come across your threshold or….


  14. Interesting to see the neocon troll’s abject fear of this particular post. Consider what it is that frightens him so.

    Notice this: Ron Paul is the only serious politician supporting secession.

    And the South supports Ron Paul less than any other region.

    Southerners are happy in their ZOG traces. Right Stonelifter?

  15. A. Linder says:
    November 20, 2012 at 8:05 pm
    Interesting to see the neocon troll’s abject fear of this particular post. Consider what it is that frightens him so.

    Notice this: Ron Paul is the only serious politician supporting secession.

    And the South supports Ron Paul less than any other region.

    Southerners are happy in their ZOG traces. Right Stonelifter?

    Jack Ryan replies:

    OK. But, understand Ron Paul’s support of the rights of Southern states to secede will go along with crazy arguments that the Federal Government has too strict laws against Black crime and most of the Blacks in jail are political prisoners and then we’ll get some crazed, insane libertarian spins from Ron Paul and his cult followers that Martin Luther King was really a Libertarian who supported secession and a return to Constitutional government.

    Then we’ll great really bizarre quotes from octogenarian Ron Paul that some Muslim terrorist in Yemen is entitled to full citizenship in the proposed new Southern secession states based on “birth right citizenship” as the parents of the aforementioned, dark, swarthy, bad facial haired Muslim terrorist in Yemen gave birth to this monster in some town in Tennessee where the Arabs were studying engineering and chemistry.

    Hey guys, can we finally put this Ron Paul cult to bed? It’s getting embarrassing, making our race look old, crazy, not living in the real world.

  16. “I read somewhere that Whites were roughly 1/3 of the planet’s population in 1950. Where are we at now? Some speculate we’re down to 10% or less.”

    All depends on how you define “White.” I certainly wouldn’t include Arabs, Jews, Sicilians and many Southern Italians along with many Spaniards or groups in the Balkans with a lot of Turkish blood. Same with Russians like Brezhnev who have slanted oriental eyes.

  17. Ron Paul’s weak little wordist mouth spouts some decent ideas but anyone desirous of seeing real change in their lifetime needs to run, not walk, run from that little twerp. Every time I hear his voice I want to strangle something. He was the worst thing to happen to the freedom movement in my lifetime. He exudes weakness. And his little Jewboy son Rand can’t disappear into the annals of history quick enough.

    Weakness, words, weakness, words, weakness, words. More words, more weakness. Weak, weak, weak.

  18. Jack Ryan- I agree with your response to my post.

    Perhaps you don’t remember that I thought RP was THE choice for 2012.
    I watched as the worst nightmare of 2008 came about- a Romney nomination.
    I watched as the polls got tighter and tighter with O and R – just like they did in the RP Iowa primary.

    I read RP’s speech on the floor of the House. And watched O win.
    As I said here, and on my blog, I am DONE with the USSA.
    I welcome secession. A white state. A revived populace. And the utter rout of all those who (like Perry) kiss up to the NWO/JEW, now that the reality is staring them in the face.

    Use RP’s comments to garner the waffling. But aim for the truly converted. 12 men once changed the world. Napoleon once conquered Europe, and even Time magazine called Hitler the Man of the Year. A small group of people who will not back down, can change things, if they are comitted.

    I agree. RP should just ‘step down.’
    I have awoken from my slumber.

  19. insane libertarian spin:

    The Strange Views of Libertarian Founder Murray Rothbard by Gregory Hilton
    Posted on August 25, 2010 | 6 Comments

    Radical Libertarians often describe themselves as non-interventionists in foreign policy, but they are best described as isolationists. They try to defend their extreme ideology by quoting the works of the late Murray Rothbard, who was the founder of modern libertarianism. He died in 1995 but many isolationists are still promoting his viewpoint and regard him as the George Washington of their movement. Rothbard said he wanted “isolationism as the full expression in foreign affairs.”

    It is strange to worship Rothbard who was a proponent of racial separation and advocated a separate state for blacks. He referred to African Americans as a ”parasitic burden” who needed “an endless flow of benefits.”

    Rothbard called Martin Luther King a “coercive integrationist,” and said Abraham Lincoln was “one of the major despots of American history.” He supported segregationist Strom Thurmond’s 1948 presidential campaign as well as former KKK leader David Duke’s campaigns for Governor and Senator in the early 1990’s. He referred to Duke as “a right wing populist.”

    Rothbard not only praised Duke but cited him as the role model for an effort to bring “rednecks” into the Libertarian movement. He said ”The call of ‘equality’ is a siren song that can only mean the destruction of all that we cherish as being human.”

    Rothbard was a Jew who hated Jews. He said American made a grave mistake when it entered World War II. Rothbard blamed many later problems on the fact that the United States participated in the war. He tried to justify Nazi Germany by claiming Hitler’s actions were defensive. He criticized Israel for “aggression against Middle East Arabs,” and said the Jewish State was wrong not to allow Palestinians to return. He referred to the governments of Israel and the United States as terrorists.


    Ryan- it would be nice if you knew what you write about.
    Rothbard shunned practically all major leaders of the conservative movement.

  20. TabuLa Raza – concede that you/we can find individual Libertarians who have sound, practical views on race and you/we can find individual Jewish people that don’t hate White Americans, hate White people. The same can be said about individual Black African Americans like Thomas Sowell.

    But this doesn’t change the fact that 98% of American Black African Americans voted Obama and at least 70% of Jewish American voted Obama, which isn’t surprising as Jewish American have voted 70-80% Lib Dem in presidential elections since the 1920s.

    It is just a horrible fact of life that the Jewish American political elite/Jewish elected officials, Jewish media, individual Jewish Americans have overwhelmingly supported mass non White (non British White, non Nordic White) immigration in to the United States since at least the 1890s. That cursed Jewess poem “Give us your huddled masses” was put on to our Statue of Liberty (originally nothing to do with immigration) by Emma Lazaruth (sp?).

    Sure, one can find some Libertarians who express sane views on immigration, but they are rare and there is the problem of the herd instinct, even with supposedly individualist, Libertarian free thinkers – Libertarians like Ron Paul want to come back to the safety of the Libertarian majority that favors, demands open borders immigration in to the USA.

    This is not some minor difference, I/we have with Libertarians. I have a beautiful 23 year old White daughter, I do not want tens of millions of Mexicans, Haitians, Algerian Arabs, Pakis, 3rd world people of destruction to flood in to the USA and bother, rape, kill my daughter.

    Massive non White immigration is a deal killer for me and for all White American racial realists – when I/we are around such Libertarian immigration idiots/traitors the discussion ends and the movement towards physical altercation begins.

    We wouldn’t’ t have suffered such horrible Ron Paul pandering on immigration and Black crime if his supporters had just taken him aside in ~ 1988 and physically given him the message that he had to stop this immigration, racial treason.

  21. As far as winning a national election goes, it is totally irrelevant what Ron Paul thinks or will do concerning states rights or the FED or any of the other things like Linder and his other Ron Paul advocates think so highly of. Ron Paul is pure kryptonyte as far as the working class is concerned. THAT is the reality and why he or any other libertarian cannot win a national election.

    You can bitch about this all you want. It may well be deplorable. In fact, let us for the sake of argument here concede that it is deplorable. It is still the reality. It is the situation “down on the ground” here in America. Ron Paul won’t be elected. Period. Until people get this clear in their minds, they are only spinning their wheels going nowhere. It won’t work.

    If your airplane won’t fly, your design is no good, no matter how elegant it looks on paper. Period. Ron Paul and Libertarian politics don’t fly. Any hope for a politician to be successfully elected MUST take certain realities and facts into account, regardless of ideal plans and any groups “druthers.” ( As in I’d “druther” it be..) The working class rejects libertarianism AND THEY ALWAYS WILL. Any movement intending to use a libertarian candidate running on a libertarian platform is destined to fail. No matter how ideal you think his policies are. Anyone intending a pro-white political machine and movement best take the time and learn exactly WHY a huge segment of the white population rejects Ron Paul and libertarian doctrines and ACCEPT those reason and deal with and take them into account. Otherwise failure will be the inevitable result.

  22. Brutus says:
    Ron Paul is pure kryptonyte as far as the working class is concerned. THAT is the reality and why he or any other libertarian cannot win a national election.

    You can bitch about this all you want. It may well be deplorable. In fact, let us for the sake of argument here concede that it is deplorable. It is still the reality. It is the situation “down on the ground” here in America. Ron Paul won’t be elected. Period. Until people get this clear in their minds, they are only spinning their wheels going nowhere. It won’t work.

    If your airplane won’t fly, your design is no good, no matter how elegant it looks on paper. Period. Ron Paul and Libertarian politics don’t fly. Any hope for a politician to be successfully elected MUST take certain realities and facts into account, regardless of ideal plans and any groups “druthers.” ( As in I’d “druther” it be..) The working class rejects libertarianism AND THEY ALWAYS WILL. Any movement intending to use a libertarian candidate running on a libertarian platform is destined to fail. No matter how ideal you think his policies are. Anyone intending a pro-white political machine and movement best take the time and learn exactly WHY a huge segment of the white population rejects Ron Paul and libertarian doctrines and ACCEPT those reason and deal with and take them into account. Otherwise failure will be the inevitable result.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Well said and 100% true. That’s reality. We have to live, fight, win (not lose) in reality.

    If you believe 100% in this Libertarian program, then please keep these views to yourself around poor, White working class voters, or learn to be more than a bit deceptive, lie a little – promise all kinds of things to different types of White voters, play on envy, resentments – do the same thing successful anti White candidates do that “Win”.

    If you are stuck in this Ron Paul cult, maybe try to get him to do something different, something equally foolish, something Ron Paul is 100% sure to lose at like:

    Challenging UFC MMA Black Champion Jones to some MMA fight
    Entering the NBA slam dunk competition
    Competing for the Miss Teen America beauty pageant

    Yes, Ron Paul would look foolish and would be 100% guaranteed to lose in these contests, same as he was/will be guaranteed to lose make him and our race look foolish by running for President of the United States as a Libertarian and always losing badly.

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