Site Note: Comment Section


The first reform here at the new and improved OD is adopting the SBPDL system of a moderated comment section.

This has proven necessary to cut down on the flaming, the hobby horse riding, the poorly formatted comments, the vulgarity, and to improve the quality and flow of our discussions. So for now be advised that all comments are headed toward the moderation queue and will require my approval before they will appear.

I think the short time delay in the appearance of new comments will prove to be worth the absence of the piss and venom that derails the comment threads.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. After your floor show over at VNN, you will almost have to watch what gets posted. LOL. Not all public exposure is good.

  2. Hunter,

    You have the opportunity to show the civilized world that Dixie would be a rational actor on the world stage. You can nurture overwhelmingly racist and zionistic Southrons; have them strive to emulate the nationalism on display in Israel.

    Or you can piss it all away trying to ‘deprogram’ those already sympathetic to the cause in a spasm of boneheaded anti-Semitism.

    Please make the right choice.

  3. Hunter -if the “right choice” means you give Jews a pass, in Dixie, when you are able to secede – you’ve killed your baby before it’s opened it’s eyes. Study their history, everywhere they’ve gone.

  4. I think that’s a bad idea. The thing I hate most about SBPDL is the censorship, especially about anything regarding the chosen ones. When I first so the saw the title of this post I got excited because I thought you were changing the format of the post section because I hate how comments start from the most recent.

    In your debate with Alex Linder I heard you say that you met Paul Kersey in real life. Can you tell us anything about him ? He’s not Jewish is he ?

  5. Lom,

    (1) The point of sending comments into the queue is to squash the flaming before it spirals and elevate the tone of the discussions here.

    (2) In line with my principle of “hide nothing,” I have no intention of silencing criticism of the chosen ones here.

    (3) Yes, I know him in real life. He’s definitely not Jewish.

    (4) If you know of any way to make the comment section more navigable with WordPress, feel free to offer some suggestions.

  6. I guess I’m probably banned then. Please permit this farewell comment. I will look forward to the day when the white race loses all identity and the last vestiges of regionalist nationalism are crushed. Your southern revolution, and the white nationalist revolution of some of the commenters here, is doomed to defeat, and I look forward to watching it. God bless BRA; God bless the Jew World Order; God bless the Pope and the Yankee nation and the great citizens of Obamaland. Perhaps we will meet on some other unmoderated Far Right site where I can continue needling you. Let me know if you have any recommendation. I leave you with this poem in honor of the Christmas season, regretably started already soon after Thanksgiving.

    I’m dreaming of a nonwhite Christmas
    Just like the ones I’ll very soon know
    Where the treetops Glisten, and Children Listen, to see Hanukkah Lights In the Snow
    I’m dreaming of a Nonwhite Christmas
    With every Confederate I fight
    May your Days be Yankee and With No Fright
    And may All Your Grandchildren be Nonwhite.

    And this song

    Ta ta.

  7. Hunter – it’s your site. You have one of the very best blogs on the Net. This site is absolutely essential. I’ve been so busy of late that I barely post. I read everything though. It’s weird to see the “your post is awaiting moderation” – but you must do what you think is best.

    Perhaps this moderation thing will make me more careful regarding my appalling typos.


  8. I applaud this decision. I get so sick of hearing about the Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews. 13 million Jews in the whole world and I’m supposed to believe they’re running the show.

    Yet the same people who flail on and on about the International Jewish Conspiracy somehow never seem able to identify the true global conspiracy. Well, here’s a hint: Rousseau was a member of it. Edmund Burke was a member. Benjamin Franklin was a member. So were Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, FDR, Roy Rogers, Will Rogers, all seven Ringling brothers, and John freaking Elway — and of course U.S. presidents George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, Warren G. “Chocolate” Harding, Harry Truman, and Gerald “Warren Commission” Ford. 15* U.S. presidents, all members of the real international conspiracy! How many Jews have we had in the White House?

    When you tote up all the damage done by Jews from Marx to Marcuse to Peter dogfucking Singer, it comes to a pretty steep sum. But that sum is mere pocket change compared to the misery the real international conspiracy has created over the centuries. When we destroy the real conspiracy, this nightmare world they have created will burst like a bubble in a septic tank.

    So good for you, HW. Schluss mit Dummheit!. Nazism is a movement designed by and for white trash losers and we don’t need them to win. I’d rather be ruled by the blackest nigger in Detroit than live under the kind of low-rent turds that populate the 88 boards. Here’s my 14 words, Hitlerfans: “Go fuck yourselves, you bunch of closeted homosexuals, inbred idiots, and general losers.”

    (*Lincoln applied to the Freemasons but died before being entered. Reagan was only an honorary member. LBJ was sworn but did not practice Freemasonry.)

  9. By moderating the comments, I have in mind purging the piss and venom from threads, encouraging more productive discussions, and creating a more welcoming atmosphere for lurkers.

    Basically, if we look at what VNN Forum is doing, and take the exact opposite approach here, in theory we should be able to reach a wider audience.

  10. I don’t know about freemasonry. Any society who’s members all drive around with bumper stickers advertising their membership can’t be much of a “uber secret conspiracy society”.

  11. Morsi sets up a dictatorship, Hunter Wallace enables comment moderation. No, seriously, it’s a good idea…on my site dealing with certain Jew phenomena, had to do it long ago. Half the comments weren’t worth the cyberspace they took up.

  12. Hunter, good call. Forget the sniping, for now.

    I enjoyed your Golden Circle book reviews. Still waiting on your in depth review on, Brazil. Very enlightening reads. The black history month threads were also top notch reading.

    Good moderation and good threads will get the infighting down. Dump VNN style garbage. It lowers this place.

  13. The Freemasons are a secret society in that they meet in secret and swear oaths of secrecy. They have never made their ultimate goal any particular secret. It is nothing less than the founding of

    [A] true New Age. No more wars, no more crime; Brotherly Love and life would be lived in all God’s glory […] [T]he Age of Aquarius […] an eventually awakened mankind [which] will reject material ambition for a conquest of self in the new age of happiness.”

    The Catholic Church, by contrast, stands against the Freemasons and everything they represent:

    Popes Pius IX (1846-1878), Leo XIII (1878-1903), Pius XI (1922-1939) and others similarly condemned popular government, the public schools, the separation of church and state, freedom of speech and conscience and, at the same time, placed the Canon Law of their hierarchy above the civil law.


    On one side, an international secret society that has controlled the West for 500 years, a society that believes in the liberal dream: the dream of a New Age, the Age of Aquarius, a heaven on Earth created by an illuminated mankind. On the other: the Church, a truly anti-democratic, subsidiarist, and traditional force, helping men towards God and a Heaven that is above all Earthly government.

    You know my choice. Now make your own.

  14. I agree with Sean’s statements. I also enjoy the Black history month threads and GC book reviews. By the way, Sean, I’m reading an excellent book on Brazil and the plantation system right now called ‘Sugar Plantations in the Formation of Brazilian Society’ by Schwartz. Good book. I’m simultaneously reading a book on the Portuguese empire (since they are the ones who really started the Golden Circle – and, interestingly, they still have a golden circle on their flag).

    I like the idea of moderating the comments (at least to some degree). I do this on SNN. There’s a WordPress option that makes it possible for those with 1 initial comment approved to then post comments without it being approved. That’s what I have in place for SNN. It has worked well for about 6 months (though I don’t have the traffic that OD has, so I don’t know if such a system would work here).

  15. One thought. When Cuba gives up the ghost of the Fidel’s and Raul’s might it be s good place to start up something again? Take back one Island at a time.

  16. Thanks Hunter; Appreciated; I am quite busy with real life but will try to post here once in a while.

    Palmetto, I believe your system is the one that was previously in place here. When I joined the site in October, I had to have my first comment moderated, then no more moderation until now..

  17. I don’t like censorship in any capacity, but this is Hunter’s spot, so I gotta respect his wishes.

    In Japan, they have a saying — “Deru kugi wa utareru”. Roughly, it means “a nail sticks out, hammer it down” — a proverbial description of how Japanese society isolates and ultimately thwarts invasive outside forces through passive, yet sustained, resistance at every virtually every turn. Hunter seems to be applying such a strategy to OD, although perhaps unknowingly.

    In any case, Southern Nationalism ain’t my bag and an independent Dixie is none of my concern, so I’m gonna quietly fade into lurkerdom. I’ll rig up a WordPress blog of my own in my free time over the coming holiday stretch, and the riffraff will be welcome to fling their feces at each other unrestrained.

    Look me up when you’re in Motown, Hunter!

  18. 313Chris,

    You’re overreacting like Mosin.

    The site will be better off without people body slamming each other in the comments every day. This includes the Yankees vs. True Southrons stuff on both sides. Most of that stuff is unnecessary and too strong even for our target audience. It needs to be taken down a notch or two.

  19. Chris, please post your blog here, or make it a really obvious title like “”, or “” or “”. I’ll definitely join up. Mudslinging is fun.

  20. Ah Hunter, you will take the fun out of posting here. But then again what you are trying to do here, was never about “fun”, was it?

    I wish most WN would take the situation we are in, more seriously. They don’t seem to comprehend it yet.

  21. Hunter – RE: making the comments more navigable, can you enable ‘threaded’ comments in WordPress? I’m not sure if that is what they’re called, but what i’m suggesting is the tiered/indented comment thread layout. Sort of like AmRen or Reddit.

    The current straight chronological style with no threading makes the comments a pain to read. It works well enough with a fully featured forum, but seems wrong for a bare-bones comment section.

    With threaded comments there is less ambiguity about which discussion you’re reading, or who is replying to whom. There aren’t unrelated exchanges interspersed with one another.

  22. Tamer,

    Your comments on Jews work well as a reverse barometer for getting at the truth. The exact opposite of what you say is usually the truth. If anything, comment moderation offers an ideal opportunity to purge philo-Semitic cranks, nuts, liars and ignoramuses.

  23. I’ve been thinking about changing my moniker to Earl Butz in order to fit in with the new world order here on Occidental Dissent?

    Btw, don’t be too easy on the Jews. There were enough Jews following the union army and preying on the Southern civilians that Grant had them banned from his area of command. An order overturned by Lincoln! You can be sure later that hoards of Jews followed Sherman through Georgia and the Carolins.

    Jews were a problem even when their numbers were small.

    A point that I’ve made is that we underestimate Yankee greed, and Yankee jealousy as motives behind the Civil War and their ongoing interference south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Slavery as an excuse, rather than the actual motive of Yankees.

    Let’s face it New England did not have any of the varied & abundant natural resources of the South, nor the moderate climate, and long growing season. The big city yankees of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago etc. coveted the goods of the South. Simple as that! No big philosophical questions, simple greed and jealousy!

  24. I think it’s a good idea Hunter. The constant flaming put me off. It also unnecessarily leads to long comment sections with incessant bickering back and forth. Please considering nesting comments. That makes it much simpler to follow. I’m reading up on WordPress and there is a setting for nesting comments.

  25. Robert O III obviously is totally ignorant of history and prefers to chase the golden apples thrown by the jews and enjoys being run up blind alleys by the chosen. If you look at the facts you will see that virtually all our problems are manufactured by the Jews; most (if not all) of the planks of Communism implemented here in our country eg., Fed. Reserve, death/inheritance tax, “income tax”, feminism, “Civil Rights”, ad nauseum…

    Just look at how the history of the “Civil War” has been polluted by the Jewish owned publishing industry and court historians/jesters. Look at the reasons we want to secede and it will become obvious who the trouble-makers are.

  26. In my dealings with other people I have found that envy is a very powerful motivator for malevolent behaviour. Slavery itself could have simply been a convenient excuse to batter rivals.

    Mary Todd Lincoln’s shrewishness is also an unexplored factor in the war. A bad match can ruin an otherwise decent man. Behind every meglomaniac like Lincoln there is a Lady MacBeth.

  27. Chris – please set up a mudslinging site! Aryan Goddess moderates our blog. I’m inclined to allow certain trashy stuff through, as an example. Her approach is “You can’t come defecate in my yard”. But you are right – the mud-slinging can be wildly entertaining.

    Weisser Wolf – “golden apples”. Indeed. I’m stealing that meme.

  28. English couples should not be adopting blacks. Every single black who gets adopted is another nail in the coffin for the English.

  29. I think moderating comments is a good idea, given the tendency to polemics, ad hominems, and sheer nastiness here.

    But I do wonder about the sincerity of cleaning up the content and adding civility when things like this make it through:

    ‘Here’s my 14 words, Hitlerfans: “Go fuck yourselves, you bunch of closeted homosexuals, inbred idiots, and general losers.” ‘

    Nice, very classy and helpful.

    As I am neither a “Hitlerfan” nor a Southron fantasist – both are equally quaint and deluded in 2012 – I fail to see the need for this sort of thing.

    And if Mr Vatican really thinks the Masons (what? and who does he think are, ahem, behind the Masons – the real ones, not the idiots driving around little cars while wearing fezzes – ever ask yourself that, smart guy?) are behind it all, I can assure him that if he really would “rather be ruled by the blackest nigger in Detroit than live under the kind of low-rent turds that populate the 88 boards.”

    That, sir, is an achievable goal …. sooner than you think. Be sure not to ask the “low-rent turds” for help then, k?

  30. Ah Hunter, you will take the fun out of posting here. But then again what you are trying to do here, was never about “fun”, was it? I wish most WN would take the situation we are in, more seriously. They don’t seem to comprehend it yet.

    Jamie, don’t you know by now that Hunter is not a White Nationalist?
    Well, so he says anyways.

  31. Naming a new nation.

    Dixona. Wallachia. the Republic of the Caribbean. United Gulf States, Atlantic Free State, Starbaria, Florexas, CSA obviously, Second Empire…

    I like Starbaria.

  32. Hunter: I concur with your intentions. The Catholic vs Protestant, Irish/Italian vs Anglo flame wars are ridiculous and distracting from the issues at hand. We no longer have the luxury of ethnic squabbling.

    Tamer: The Zionist mentality will not help us. Every Zio-christian I know is rabidly colorblind as well, it was set up that way. Jews get a homeland, Whites get multi-culturalism, and Zio-christians are ready to send their children to die for it.

  33. LOL @ PGRT— God bless BRA; God bless the Jew World Order; God bless the Pope and the Yankee nation and the great citizens of Obamaland…..

    And: RO— Yet the same people who flail on and on about the International Jewish Conspiracy somehow never seem able to identify the true global conspiracy…who is George Washington….

    Anyway, southern nationalism should include southerners, imo, or be a place where they would feel somewhat comfortable. And if a “southerner” is redefined, and no longer people with family in the WBTS, then what is it? By allowing a redefinition of southern, so there’s no “real” Southerner, and ‘we’re all southern here,’ …well, its kind of like being in “the human race.”

    Anyway, it seems folks are ok as long as they’re just blaming jews and masons.

  34. We’ll end up like the rootless yankees with no real sense of self and heritage if we don’t keep “Southron and White” or fail to promote our linage of pre War for Southron Independence families

  35. “Hunter: I concur with your intentions. The Catholic vs Protestant, Irish/Italian vs Anglo flame wars are ridiculous and distracting from the issues at hand. We no longer have the luxury of ethnic squabbling.”

    A separatist South itself is a contention that the South is in fact an ethnic group. So I don’t entirely understand what you mean. It’s like saying to a Scot, “you can be a nationalist BUT you can’t squabble with the English. ” what would be the bloody point of independence then?

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