Site Note: Comment Section


The first reform here at the new and improved OD is adopting the SBPDL system of a moderated comment section.

This has proven necessary to cut down on the flaming, the hobby horse riding, the poorly formatted comments, the vulgarity, and to improve the quality and flow of our discussions. So for now be advised that all comments are headed toward the moderation queue and will require my approval before they will appear.

I think the short time delay in the appearance of new comments will prove to be worth the absence of the piss and venom that derails the comment threads.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Stonelifter,

    If we secede from the United States, we will no longer be just “Southerners.” I welcome the change. I think we need a better name for our nation and ethnic group. Dixie is the most likely candidate.

  2. Jack – who made the hilterfans commnet? Sheesh! I’ve been missing a lot of fun times?

    Tell Mr Vatican that Pope John Paul Deuce was a Jew, and Pope Benedict aka Rabbi Raztinger is a Jew. Their mommies were Jews. Blood Jews. Ergo – they are too.

    Just for General Interest purposes.

  3. The new name for Dixie Nation must MUST Reflect the Southern White historical angle. I actually agree with the SL on this one.

    I’m am a-scared now.

  4. Robert Oculus III says:
    ‘I applaud this decision. I get so sick of hearing about the Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews.’

    Really? We had no clue.

    Robert Oculus III says: ‘I’d rather be ruled by the blackest nigger in Detroit than live under the kind of low-rent turds that populate the 88 boards.’

    You need help!

    Robert Oculus III says: Here’s my 14 words, Hitlerfans: “Go fuck yourselves, you bunch of closeted homosexuals, inbred idiots, and general losers.”

    I don’t think Jesus would approve of those hateful words, Mr. holy man of Christ.

    The two versions of ‘fourteen words’ are not offensive to me. I like them both.

    “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.”

    “Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.”

  5. Hunter, your decision to moderate all future comments is a wise one. Nothing is gained by allowing idiotic flame wars, vulgarity, and the other stuff in the comboxes. Stuff like that only drives people who might listen to our ideas away from us. This sort of nonsense kept me from taking any kind of white advocacy seriously for a long time. When I started to read the COCC, OD, VD, and other websites, I began to realize there was intelligent life in this movement. I also saw that people like you who could think outside the box and realize that certain concepts and sacred cows believed in by folks needed to be set aside because they were not working for us. So, go ahead and moderate. Quality counts!

  6. And now 2-4 million Turks are simply the German people. And a future there bereft of whites would simply be Germany.

    It’s difficult to foresee a future for white countries without an explicit statement of purpose.

  7. Do we need a 100 comment flame war this afternoon about Hitler and National Socialism? My sense of the matter is “no” and that the outcome of the vote in Catalonia is more relevant to our situation.

  8. By the way, I think the North American Confederation / Confédération Nord-Américaine / Confederación Norteamericana would be a good name for the post-BRA political arrangement. It would unite the various ethnic/national republics in North America (e.g., Republic of Texas, Dixie, whatever the Negroes come up with, Aztlan, etc.) without melding them, just as the Confédération Helvetique (aka Switzerland) unites the various ethnic cantons of that country.

    Keep in mind that in my vision of the ideal post-BRA order, every ethno-nation is 100% sovereign and independent of the others, cooperating on matters of mutual benefit (e.g., continental defense). There is no reason a white nation, a Negro nation, a Mexican nation, etc. could not peacefully coexist inside the territory of the former USA.

    Vive la CNA.

  9. “I’d rather be ruled by the blackest nigger in Detroit than live under the kind of low-rent turds that populate the 88 boards.”

    Pretty much everything you have ever posted has been discredited by that statement, Oculus, which is a damn shame. You’d be well served to read less conspiracy garbage and quit trying to convince people (maybe yourself included) that the 14 stations are superior to the 14 words.

    Personally I’d rather live under a crazy Nazi and hide Jews in my attic than under a subhuman primate! At least the trains would run on time.

  10. “negro nation”


    ” “Black nationalism” within the United States is then only a phony nationalism, and beginning to look like a drive for an aggravated form of coerced parasitism over the white population. The territorial question was at least faced by the Black Belt thesis of the Communist Party of the USA during the 1920s: Black Belt slave counties of the South. There were two grave problems with this doctrine: (a) what do you do with the existing usually majority white population in these areas, and (b) as time has gone on since 1865, more and more blacks have moved out of the historic Black Belt, and have taken over various inner cities in the North.

    A second, and more plausible, form of black nationalism is for a separate black nation in currently existing black areas: a New Africa comprised of Harlem, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Detroit, Watts, et al. with its capital the old Washington, D.C., and President Jesse Jackson sitting in the Black House. But then more problems arise. Apart from all the problems of enclaves and access, does anyone really believe that this New Africa would be content to strike out on its own, with no massive “foreign aid” from the U.S.A., and strictly limited migration between the two nations? In a pig’s eye.”

  11. John, blacks didn’t assimilate in America either…yet here we are. The point is that a people will either define their contours or have them defined by their enemies.

  12. ‘In any case, Southern Nationalism ain’t my bag and an independent Dixie is none of my concern, so I’m gonna quietly fade into lurkerdom. ”

    Chris- While I cannot fathom why a person would come onto a site that is totally opposed to one’s ideology (I mean, I don’t watch the Jewsmedia for that simple reason- I know their propaganda…) if you had said this more often, I would not have given you the time of day.

    I thought you cared.

    HW- comment moderation. Excellent idea, even if ‘factual corroboration’ still ends up being someone’s personal animus in disguise.

  13. A new constitution could effectively deny blacks the right to hassle whites of course, or at least allow whites to formally divest of their responsibilities toward the undertow.

  14. We should be realistic and shoot for secession, independence, the dismantling of BRA, securing the borders, an immigration crackdown, and dismantling the redistributive welfare state.

  15. “313Chris, You’re overreacting like Mosin. The site will be better off without (…) Yankees vs. True Southrons stuff on both sides. Most of that stuff is unnecessary and too strong even for our target audience.”

    Hunter, I have often commented that I think “that stuff” may be unproductive as well as wrong, and a poor introduction for new inquirers about the white racial and cultural preservation movement coming to this site.

    I do not think it is overreaction to reasonably and unemotionally express my doubt that people born north of the Line are ethnically different and incapable of understanding certain political concepts that those born south of the Line seem to know innately. I remain willing to consider any rational arguments or evidence for that position, and have no personal ambitions or grudges involved. But thoroughgoing truth-seeking is always annoying when it “reacts with” any Necessary Mythos.

    Most of my other NON-affirming responses on this site have appeared on Jack’s Ron Paul threads, but note that I have often expressed my agreement with and appreciation of most of the rest of his contributions.

  16. In the coming months, I want to write some more positive articles about Southern culture and Southern history, and focus much more intensively on the economic and cultural advantages of Southern independence.

  17. Sounds excellent, Hunter. The history threads are always appreciated, though they haven’t generated the longest reponse threads.

  18. Well, Hunter/Fade, I disagree with your ‘moderation’ policy. I see that you got rolled over on Rabbi Lender’s tard corral. The only thing that they fear is you letting me rip that gut-sick jewboy with jew ass-cancer’s last clean colostomy bag.

    I’m glad you didn’t go on the jewskike/Peterless Goodmamzer’s Radio F[r]ee Nim-Tardation last night. The Bronx jewboy was pissed and it put me on mute for doing so.

    I’d stay away from Linder’s tard corral of a forum and not do any more ‘debates’ with two admitted ZOGbot informants. You have your own blog, forum, meercats that like you. What do you gain by association with jews and scum?

    Below is part of tonight’s The Movement Turd agenda: You are welcome to call in after the monologue around 9:30 pm Central time.

    Da Dik-Dikl Show with “Dick Reltney”

    Here are below show talking points:


    The only level of fear displayed by the VNNF tards and the diseased jewboy Linder was in reacting to the comments posted by myself in Hunter’s blog about the show. Linder/Lender was foaming at the mouth, calling myself a child molester and whining about how Dr. Greg Johnson was making an alliance of CI child molesters and faggots. TraitorGlenn Miller, the cork-eyed drunken old snitch was running itz yap as well. Ron ‘Hump-Doggy’ Doggett, the $PKC/ADL shabbes hibernigger who manages to suck off both David ‘The Duck of Deaf’ Duke and ‘Milton-Munster’ Don Black as well as WhiggerSwill Welass, TraitorGlenn Miller and Rabbi Lender gave a mock tough-wuss impression. I fail to see how a professional suck-off for known ZOGbots and informants can plausibly claim to have any moral credibility, but Hunter did defend me. Rather, Hunter should have told these jew and mamzer and whigger meercat suck-offs in Lender’s Greater Free Range Tard Corral that they ought to form theyz’ own Ashkenazi Defecation League given that Linder is a sick Ashkenazi jew — that Occidental Dissent is exactly that — free dissent by Western White Men with no ZOGbots, jewboys with jew ass-GAIDS, drunken anglo-mestizo ZOGbot informants, and sundry whigger, mamzer and jewboy meercats wel-cum-cum.

    But I did manage to convince a tired Hunter Wallace to not show up Saturday night on the Peterless Goodmamzer/Radio F[r]ee NIM-tardation. So in revenge, the pissed off jewboy Peterless muted myself and my sock-puppets so that I left. When I cum back two hours or so later, this retarded epileptic mamzer faggot calling itzself TheIntern was wiping off itz chin and jewskike was finishing off itz pointless show. I think Victor Swisher/Chief Running Gay Red-Nigger of Pine Bluff Ar-kansas was there as well, getting sloppy thirds.

    So the end result: Hunter Wallace/Fade the Butcher/Brad Griffin is announcing Occidental Dissent v.2.0, moderating his comments section, perhaps buying new forum software. This is a measure of good and foolish measures after Hunter gets all butthurt. The only thing Linder fears is ridicule from myself mainly because Dr. Greg Johnson and Hunter Wallace don’t know how to deal with chutzpa-kikes like Alex Lender/Linder. So they withdraw from fighting whereas kike-Hunters like myself simply keep on fighting. If Hunter decides to do a second interview with these jew and retarded whigger ZOGbots without a deterrent then they shall of course munch his lunch.

    Far better for Hunter to give these two ZOGbot tards TraitorGlenn Miller’s and Vargina the LinderMiller Meercat’s nightmare: Defer part two of any ‘Debate’ with Linder to myself. Now that ought to be jewrry Springer Internut Radio.

    Also, I’m thinking of a board game for those new to the bowel Movement. I’m deciding to make the game in which every player controls both a Nutzi and a ‘Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI” faction. The goal is for each faction to gain cuntrol of a blog or forum along with an Internut podcast and gain a whole whorde of ass-clown meercat. The game mechanics will be the same as the Avalon Hill boardgame “Blackbeard” in which all players cuntrol both a Nutzi and a CI or CreaTard faction and act to work against the other factions. The game ends when ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final collapses and open Racial Holy Civil War begins. The name of the game: The Bowel Movement.

    Hunter Wallace is invited to call in for a friendly call in. LoganHunter88 will join us later.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  19. Won’t this be OD 3.0? OD 1.o was WN, marked by The School of Athens on the home page, and 2.0 Southronist with the slave owner’s mansion illustration.

  20. Mosin, if we are the same people, why have the yankees treated the South so poorly? Why have you elected to raise negros over us, wage war on us, conduct a non stop anti Southron propaganda campaign?

    None of that speaks kinship. Why should we want you as kin given your peoples history towards mine?

  21. Hunter, Dixie works for me because it keeps our ties to the past. I think it would take generations to get past Southron though. Its a large part of who we are as a people

  22. Hunter Wallace called in to The Movement Turd.

    He says that he might speak to Jim Giles but no interview with Alex Lender/Linder.

    However, if Lender and Giles are amenable, Pastor Lindstedt could argue with Linder on Giles’ show anytime. 🙂

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  23. Hunter, why would you want anything to do with a vile lunatic like Marty Lindstedt? Do you have any idea what this whack-job advocates? Here is a little something he wrote which he posted on his forum.

    “Now when I was being locked up, tortured and doped up on bogus child molestation charges, I never showed the regime criminals and the quacks and prostitutors and jewdges and piglice anything other than hatred and contempt. When my kind comes to power, routine skinning alive, crucifixion and torture of regime criminals and any supporting whiggers will be the order of the day. Their male spawn are to be castrated by their regime criminal parents biting off and swallowing their penis and testicles. Their female children are to be spayed and raped and forced to breed a new Neo-Aristocracy for the Master Race.”

  24. Since WW2 The Feds have had a training school for Justice Department Agents. The program is for CONTROL, MONITORING and NEUTRAIZATION. The Justice Department Agents get paid a salary and plus some of them are given money to set up phoney front organizations. These Agents can set up Stages Events and then when thry decide that the organization has done its purpose–they nip`it in the bud and close it. Martin Lindstedt is right about what he calls the Bowell Movement, The White Movement since WW2 has been like the WWE Wrestling—its FAKE. R.D. Bradshaw on his website has explained how the Agents have been infiltraing the DSCI faction of White Movement to Neutralize it and control it. Martin Lindstedt is right about ZOG Imploding because there is not enough of white tax payers now to keep the Give Away Programs afloat. The Justice Department Agents are well trained and cuinning, sneaky and smart—– They need to be rooted out and stopped. Martin Lindstedt has good plan on how to do this and avoid these snake traiitors.

  25. “Why have you elected to raise negros over us, wage war on us, conduct a non stop anti Southron propaganda campaign?

    None of that speaks kinship. Why should we want you as kin given your peoples history towards mine?”

    Excellent point SL. Consider: the Mountain West never did those things. No, us Mountain West White folks are reviled by anti-Whites just like Southerners.

    If reviling is coming against the South by anybody in the Mountain West, it’s the d***ed Californian libtard transplants in Colorado, having moved in starting in the ’90s, fleeing the predictable outcome of their libtardary in CA.

  26. “….Tell Mr Vatican that Pope John Paul Deuce was a Jew, and Pope Benedict aka Rabbi Raztinger is a Jew. Their mommies were Jews. Blood Jews. Ergo – they are too….”

    Trying hard not to involve myself in such things—- but this is fine (the “not a REAL catholic” argument for all the wrongdoing AS LONG AS every single non-protestant quickly states that the protestant-raised people who do wrong must “not be REAL protestants,” either.

    (Have never heard that one, however, lol) The reason they don’t use it: it shows a) breaking ranks b) is totally non-presidential.

    Some call them “suicidal” (for not taking up for themselves with whatever possible arguments). But sometimes the real motive is simply “the buck stops here.” You are responsible for everything—- because that’s how people in power act. No matter who does what, or why—- it’s still your fault. That’s the power position.

    Anything else is weakness.

  27. Hunter Wallace says:
    In the coming months, I want to write some more positive articles about Southern culture and Southern history, and focus much more intensively on the economic and cultural advantages of Southern independence…..

    That seems awesome.

    “Things Southern” —- is positive and interesting. There are few places where Southerners can make up for the poor education about their past. Even a list of just literary writers stricken from education— astonishing! (Of course, some are difficult to read, like Faulkner, so it may just be because books they wrote are not nearly as simple as the current northeast narratives offered by msm publishers.)

    The South was far more wealthy than they ever taught us in school! (Trying to make it like they were just ignorant rednecks throughout all history that the northeast missionary types were going to save, and on on! Then the South was far more destroyed than they taught, too! No one mentioned total war and scorched earth and what that really meant! THEN it rose from the ashes—even then! They are quite a people!

  28. Dixiegirl said:

    “The South was far more wealthy than they ever taught us in school! (Trying to make it like they were just ignorant rednecks throughout all history that the northeast missionary types were going to save, and on on! Then the South was far more destroyed than they taught, too! No one mentioned total war and scorched earth and what that really meant! THEN it rose from the ashes—even then! They are quite a people!”

    Boy, this is an understatement! As I am (finally) reading more and more of the actual history (which was withheld, glossed over, consciously omitted, and outright lied about in school)- with my mouth open, I’m remembering/ connecting “little” things my grandparents both said about the South, “the way things were back then” and wrt to JFK and Johnson. There is little wonder how people were duped into going along with “White guilt” from a position of complete ignorance and manipulation. It’s outrageous considering the pi**ant “injustices” that are overplayed by the left to get their demands met. God Help me, if I don’t hate these people, it’s awfully close.

    HW, I’ve already posted (more or less) alluding to the need for moderation (“regaining control”). I know it’s a PITA and probably a distraction from your excellent work, but it’s really important that your information isn’t waylaid or diluted by nonsense.
    Thanks and Godspeed!

  29. I think Hunter did a good thing showing up on Lindstedt’s show. That show can be very informative at times. And it is a reliable show that is ran weekly. Not slip-shod and ad hoc like many of these other Talkshoe shows that are infrequently ran.

    It’s good to remain open and hear all points of view on these topics. Good job Brad!

  30. “Todd” wrote:

    “I think Hunter did a good thing showing up on Lindstedt’s show. That show can be very informative at times. And it is a reliable show that is ran weekly. Not slip-shod and ad hoc like many of these other Talkshoe shows that are infrequently ran.

    “It’s good to remain open and hear all points of view on these topics. Good job Brad!”


    Sure thing, Marty!

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