The Monster of Monticello

New York

In the New York Times, a wonderful new essay by Paul Finkelman on Thomas Jefferson which gives us some real insight into how Jewish legal historians perceive the Founding Fathers:

“THOMAS JEFFERSON is in the news again, nearly 200 years after his death – alongside a high-profile biography by the journalist Jon Meacham comes a damning portrait of the third president by the independent scholar Henry Wiencek.

We are endlessly fascinated with Jefferson, in part because we seem unable to reconcile the rhetoric of liberty in his writing with the reality of his slave owning and his lifetime support for slavery. Time and again, we play down the latter in favor of the former, or write off the paradox as somehow indicative of his complex depths.

Neither Mr. Meacham, who mostly ignores Jefferson’s slave ownership, nor Mr. Wiencek, who sees him as a sort of fallen angel who comes to slavery only after discovering how profitable it could be, seem willing to confront the ugly truth: the third president was a creepy, brutal hypocrite…”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sol and Moise must also think Jefferson was a complete dumbass.
    When the news got to write their own constitution in a Jewish state, does is mention equality? Anyone have a copy laying around?

  2. With so many famous Jewish slavery hypocrites, why would he wish to write about Americans? Why not somebody like Emma Lazarus (“bring me your huddled masses”)

    Some quotes:
    “We know little about Emma’s parents’ personal or social lives; her father’s business associations are another matter, however. It has been a long-standing assumption that Moses Lazarus was a respectable businessman whose wealth earned him an enviable position in the community. But…his business partner…was a man of questionable character who, like Lazarus, nevertheless achieved a prominent place in New York Society.

    “Moses Lazarus and Bradish Johnson became partners in 1845…Their business was listed as “Rectifier of Spirits…”

    “Bradish…an absentee slave owner, [of the Louisiana plantation that was growing the sugar cane for the booze] spending at least six months of the year at his residence on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. In that city, he established a distillry and an adjacent dairy on Sixteenth Street. The dairy was the object of notoriety in January 1853, when it was exposed in a pamphlet by John Mullaly. The findings were summarized in a New York Times article entitled “Death in the Jug.”

    “Attached to large distilleries in New York were ‘vast cow-stables’ where the animals feed was the swill produced in the distilling process. Johnson who was reported to have owned one of the largest such businesses…boarded 2000 cows [fed on the booze swill].

    …The process of milking the cows was so careless…that the milk was dangerously contaminated. The result for the children of New York was tragic. Some 8000 children died each year, at least half of whom were less than one year of age…We have found [says the author] nothing to suggest that Johnson was ever prosecuted for his dairy, but at that time Johnson and Lazarus had been in business for at least eight years.

    “Although he was an absentee slaveholder during the Civil War, Bradish Johnson played a significant role in Louisiana’s reentry into the Union in 1863. He was a member of a group of conservative Unionist slaveholders who were ready to repudiate Louisiana’s secession but earnestly hoped to preserve slavery. For that purpose, he was one of three men who traveled to Washington to petition Abraham Lincoln…”

    “Johnson’s plantation in Louisiana was as disreputable as his dairy in New York. In April 1863, Major General Nathaniel Banks received a report from the Office of Negro Labor about plantations… On the plantation owned by Bradish Johnson [partnered with Lazarus] …they complained that rations were ‘unfairly curtailed,’…and [the overseer] was …’lecherous toward their women…’

    “It seems obvious that Moses Lazarus was untouched by his partners’ attitudes and actions [Oh really!]… the New York Business Directory lists Johnson and Lazarus as sugar refiners until 1885. Lazarus is listed in the New York City Directory as a refiner in 1884-85. His son Frank is listed in 1885-86 as a member of the firm, as is Bradish Johnson, Jr.

    “What was the effect of Moses Lazarus’ business relationship on his daughter? As we know, Emma Lazarus was associated professionally and socially with a group of artists and writers defined by their gentility and refinement…”

    From Emma Lazarus In her World, by Bette Roth Young, 1995, The Jewish Publication Society, p. 48-49.

    So— let’s rephrase:

    While Moses Lazarus is seen never to be TAINTED by his relationship with Johnson in this book—they were IN BUSINESS FOR FORTY-FIVE YEARS, and lived near each other in Manhattan, and their SONS —Emma’s BROTHER– joined THE BUSINESS, TOO.

    They killed NYC kids with tainted milk, were called down by the Office of Negro Labor for slave abuse, in getting the sugar cane they needed for their distillery, a cottage business that had them keeping cows in Manhattan and killing tens of thousands , even infants, with the tainted milk, and theyeven traveled to Washington, on behalf of their slave plantation business in Lousiana, to get Louisiana back in the Union WITHOUT giving up their SLAVES.

    The Zionist, Emma, wrote for American Hebrew, titles s/a “Judaism versus Christianity.”

    From her poetry collection called Songs of a Semite:

    “What oceans can the stain remove
    From Christian law and Christian love?”

    From “ The Banner of the Jew”:

    “Let but an Ezra rise anew
    To lift the BANNER OF THE JEW [her caps]”

    “She wrote three essays on Jewish themes for the Century and fifteen for American Hebrew.”

    (P. 52-53)

    —–Why single out the hypocrisy of Thomas Jefferson?

  3. One more thing. Jefferson sort of deserves this abuse from blacks and jews. He set up the political seed bed of the tree of equality, which Detroit, Newark, Altadena, Oakland, Baltimore and Killadelphia are now enjoying to fruits from.

  4. Seriously— Emma Lazarus’s dad was a 45 year business partner with one of the guys who directly petitioned Lincoln to keep slavery in Louisiana. I mean, that was trying to enslave a whole state.

    Also, in addition to living off big slavery bucks (sugar plantation money), being so close to people direct petitioning Lincoln to keep slaves, Emma was a committed zionist who saw a race-baced country for Jewish people—- AND STILL, thought then Wasp America should be handed to “huddled masses.”

    That seems weirder than the Jefferson hypocrisy.

  5. Emma was merely displaying chutzpah. Jefferson apparently hypocrisy. Both were guilty of inflicting toxic joke ideas on their compatriots.

  6. “If there was ‘treason against the hopes of the world,’ it was perpetrated by the founding generation, which failed to place the nation on the road to liberty for all. No one bore a greater responsibility for that failure than the master of Monticello.”

    I just have to unpack that. Somehow the almost purely Anglo-Saxon Founders betrayed humanity by founding their own state for themselves and their children. The Founders were mortal sinners! There it is black n white. It’s genocidal.

  7. Apart from being a vehicle for their relentless ethnic malice undermining the founders also undermines the constitution which they want to get rid of.

  8. Hunter,
    this is out of place, but I think it would make a nice Christmas recommendation for those of your readers looking for a classic Southern Christmas tale. William Gilmore Simms, lawyer, historian, novelist, wrote THE GOLDEN CHRISTMAS: A Tale of Lowcountry Life which features the Christmas traditions of the antebellum South, Charleston, plantation life, and a love affair between two young members of English and French lines.

    Simms deserves a feature on here sometime. He was a staunch supporter of slavery, wrote a scathing review of UNCLE TOMS CABIN, and before he was blacklisted, ranked among the greatest writers the USA produced.

    Consider giving him and his wonderful Christmas tale a feature. His makes a wonderful read for children and parents over the Christmas holiday.

    From SC,

  9. More kosher baloney history from the Jew Yawk Times.

    Umm. In the Founding Father Liberty, Fraternity and Equality Stakes think I’ll see Finkelton’s Thomas ‘the slave owning monster’ Jefferson and raise him one Ze’ev Jabotinsky.

  10. “creepy, brutal hypocrite”..Geez…. what race does that phrase describe to a T?? The same one that terrorizes and brutalizes the original inhabitants of Palestine and keeping their own state racially pure while demanding we white nations be flooded with third world scum. Voltaire said it well:

    “The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous — cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” Is there no way to rid ourselves of this walking pestilence?

  11. Jefferson meant equality among White men.

    The preamble to the Constitution, clearly addresses it to White men forever, when it says:

    “to ourselves and our posterity”

    Does anyone seriously think those carefully chosen words, in a time when non-Whites had zero status, meant Africans and Asians were to be of the American nation???

    Most Americans are clueless about what their Constitution actually says and when you point it out to them, even those calling themselves strict constitutionalists, go into Denial.

    The anti-Whites love to call the Founding Fathers “racist old White men”. The reason for that is they know to whom, those White men addressed the US Constitution.

  12. Jefferson is not hard to reconcile at all when you understand that the U S A was designed by whites for their Posterity, not as a nation of immigrants, especially the radicalized Bolshevik type.

  13. I liked a suggestion by an author named Conrad, on another blog that basically said, non-Whites should not be allowed to comment on White history or White leaders.

    His reasoning was if we are not allowed to do it (because its “hate speech”) , then they should not be allowed to do it either. Fair is fair.

  14. The constitution is only worthy of the people that abide by it. Nig it, sinoize it, spic it and meditteranainize it and this is what you get. Bankruptcy.

  15. “creepy, brutal hypocrite”

    Interesting, he’s using creep shaming on Jefferson. Jews and feminists love their shaming language. Now looking out for your own is “creepy”. You know what IS creepy shlomo? Genocide.

  16. This line is supposed to make Jefferson look BAD???

    “Jefferson told his neighbor Edward Coles not to emancipate his own slaves, because free blacks were “pests in society” who were “as incapable as children of taking care of themselves.” ”

    I’m sorry, but anyone reading that who is even remotely rational will have part of their brain nodding in agreement, even if they feel “shame” and “creepy” about it later.

  17. “Jefferson claimed he had “never seen an elementary trait of painting or sculpture” or poetry among blacks and argued that blacks’ ability to “reason” was “much inferior” to whites’, while “in imagination they are dull, tasteless, and anomalous.” He conceded that blacks were brave, but this was because of “a want of fore-thought, which prevents their seeing a danger till it be present.” ”

    You’re right Hunter, it is a wonderful essay, it’s filled with all sorts of unintentional hilarity!

  18. There is much to complain but one particular feature of Jewish method is especially irritating.In each country they set themselves as “historians” and give back an image of its history so revolting,as if to say-your ancestry consisted of savage wild boars,in-human monstrosities and vile cruelties . Hate your nation,its past and bow your sub-human head in shame and self-revulsion.I will always remember my history teacher when she looked into our new “history”textbook and rose up ,nearly purple in holy indignation and threw that hideous object across the classroom.

  19. “Hate your nation,its past and bow your sub-human head in shame and self-revulsion.I will always remember my history teacher when she looked into our new “history”textbook and rose up ,nearly purple in holy indignation and threw that hideous object across the classroom.”

    I agree, but in this article the jew fails miserably. Here’s Thomas Jeffeson, dead for almost 200 years, and he whips the rhetorical shit out of a whiny jew in the whiny jew’s own editorial. Whiney jew uses shaming language and appeals to emotion, then quotes Jefferson who uses logic and observation. Whiny jew never once refutes one of Jefferson’s arguments, just calls them “shameful” and moves on. If this was a forensic debate instead of an editorial, TJ would have won via TKO.

  20. It’s becoming more and more self evident that these historical figures were painfully aware of race. It wasnt just received wisdom or tradition. Black inferiority was borne from observation and probably reluctantly accepted by the best minds.

  21. I took a class from Finkelman in law school. He was teaching as a visiting professor. I had no problem with any of the Jews in law school. But no matter what you do, you run up against these people everywhere. That’s when I realized that the reading of words was a spiritual matter, and meaning itself a matter of spiritual gravitas to be protected at all costs. It is an obscenity to have people with such profoundly different cultural expectations and views of God all up in redefining the meaning of words and history. It inevitably destroys the presumption of innocence when you allow your historical enemy to define you.

    This is what we need to know: Regardless of the depth of historical fact, the world is, in essence, nothing more than a jury. Finkelman is arguing for his people, not for us. He knows this as sure as any other Jew. They laugh at us for thinking it otherwise. (“They should be hanging us out back but instead they applaud us.”) At the end of the day, all that matters is where the jury is left. It could be just a small emotional twitch that sways them, or it may be a mass of volume, or it may be personality. It doesn’t really matter. Just portray the facts for your people, and do it constantly, like the Jews, and never stop. Always see the world as your jury, and argue your case.

    This is what was so ridiculous about VNN forum and the nonsense that was carried on over here. All the interpersonal garbage. You think Finkelman spends a second giving a flying rat’s ass about what people think of him? No. He puts on his agenda every day, and it’s different than his private little feelings and emotions. This is the essence of critical thinking. To separate your personality from your argument, and drive your argument like a freight train driven with surgical precision. If your argument is defeated, so what? That’s just your argument, not you. Retool and get back in there.

    We could all be a whole shit load more like Finkelman in making our arguments before the jury with such insane chutzpah with the goal of constantly moving the ball further into enemy territory. You really only lose when you make it personal.

  22. Um. Freedom of Religion.

    “Jefferson’s advocacy of civic
    equality for American Jewry began as early as 1776, when he co-sponsored a bill – which the Virginia legislature ultimately defeated – which would have allowed the naturalization of Jews, Catholics and other non-Protestants as Virginia citizens. During the debate, Jefferson quoted John Locke’s argument that “neither Pagan nor Mahamedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion.”

    We’re ready to rally round your bier, Tom. We’ll continue to defend your legacy against the Jews with the great tools you left us such as the first amendment.

  23. Landshark says, “…That’s when I realized that the reading of words was a spiritual matter, and meaning itself a matter of spiritual gravitas to be protected at all costs. It is an obscenity to have people with such profoundly different cultural expectations and views of God all up in redefining the meaning of words and history. It inevitably destroys the presumption of innocence when you allow your historical enemy to define you….”

    Really well said. Why I always argued for people getting “humanities” degrees (as hideous as they have become, having morphed from “English” and “History” and the like, into “humanities”). But at least they still teach basics of critical reading, thinking and interpretation, (they really do), as well as about the nature of propaganda, the intensive political nature of words and naming and defining things. Some believe they are Adam-in-the-Garden, and so they go about bashing everybody with their little fairy wands while pronouncing their new names.

    In literature, the convention is to use the first-person narrator for the presentation of “unreliable characters,” for the character who has an agenda, who can’t be trusted.

    Probing the ethnicity of the speaker in a “identity politics” atmosphere (what they tell us we live in ) would seem crucial to any understanding.

    Yet no one demands that all begin by saying, “Speaking as a first generation Latino, I think…. Speaking as a second generation red-diaper baby Jewish man….” Speaking as a Virginian whose family arrived in 1682….

  24. “Always see the world as your jury, and argue your case.” I understand what you mean, but still want to add: Why should arguing become the norm of human behaviour? It is a shame. It isn’t Christian or “Western” or white to argue all the time.

  25. Know I’m going on again—

    But the other post on Jim Goad is to the point. (Assuming this is the Jim Goad of The Redneck Manifesto?, who is quoted in places s/a Taki Mag, etc.?

    Here’s a quote from that book:

    “My mother was urban Philly garbage, my father was rural Vermont scum. Together they fled…[to Philly]…” (Redneck M, p. 24)

    “Our family would typically spend a chunk of every summer up in Vermont, either at Grammy’s, Aunt Berle’s…are THOSE names redneck enough for ya?…” (p. 25)

    —First bought the book as a gift that wound up not being given, due to the (as it turned out) very Yankee feel to it. While I’m sure Jim Goad is “white trash,” just as he says, the fact is that this, for years, has been dropped on Southerns and Appalachians, and I had hoped this was a book in which they would begin to re-claim themselves—

    Finding ANY REAL Southern-Appalachina writers is extremely difficult.

    Breece Pancake from West Virginia is one of the last I turned up, very grim, and unfortunately did himself in at the age of around 27, I think.

    Personally, I feel some discomfort with Jim Goad’s attempt to make yankees the REAL “rednecks.” And when I see “the Redneck Manifesto” wonder at its real agenda.

    I only lasted about 30 pages— and it was not given as the gift intended.

  26. It’s all the worse because they knew better. Jefferson and Franklin sometimes drank too much punch and made racist remarks, in polite society they suppressed their racism because it was passe in light of Franco-egalitarianism. The Arabs have a pithy saying that one might google to find an interesting film, “knowledge is for acting upon”. BRA is doomed against tribalists that refuse to hide behind trends.

  27. He isn’t a “legal historian”. He is an alien fifth columnist subversive who is taking advantage of gentile credulity to advance the interests of his own people by pretending to be a legal historian. We have to get out of the habit of giving these people the benefit of the doubt when they don’t deserve it.

    And regarding slavery, it was practiced in the new world by white european Christians for about 300 years and then rejected. The moral crusade that rejected slavery was led by White Christians and not by jews. A jew taking advantage of the historic practice of slavery by whites for current political advantage should be reminded that it was not his people who freed the slaves but Whites. In fact, semites and blacks practice slavery to this day. Israel practices sex slavery of white european women and blacks and arabs still practice slavery, mainly on black africans.

    Thus the only response to this jew should be – where is your righteous indignation against your own kind who still practice slavery? And any white gentile who is acting as an amen corner to a self righteous jew like Finklelman should be admonished for his ignorance and reminded that it was whites who freed the slaves not jews. Jews financed the slave trade and practice slavery to this day so as a people they are in no position either to criticize other people for practicing slavery or to take credit for the abolition of slavery.

  28. Finkelman doesn’t actual disprove any of Jefferson’s arguments. Which is interesting. He just says they are “shameful”.

    Instead we might ask ourselves why an august man like Jefferson thinks so openly of blacks. It wasn’t just self serving meanness.

  29. “Jews”….Does a bear poop in the woods? Is the pope a catholic? Is the mafia a conspiratorial criminal enterprize? Are the masons the same with a smiley face to the world? And the jesuits likewise? Can a leopard change his spots or an Ethiopean his skin? Can the SINagogue of satan (they who say they are jews but are not) be anything but what they are – a parasite/cancer and nation/culture destroying entity?

  30. What is a better description of Finkleman and his ilk? He is a moral alchemist. He converts the moral guilt of gentiles into money and power for his own people. Do you think they will every surrender this scam when it has been so lucrative for them?

  31. @LandShark

    Unfortunately, people would rather grouse, than do anything constructive in opposition to the Jews.

    I have to hand it to Hunter/Brad he has a good, strong work ethic. That’s something that most don’t have!

    Heck, you can even tweet a real time response to Jew propaganda.

  32. Finkleman relies on his readers still believing in the dying myth of human equality. Jefferson didn’t believe in this myth, so his concept of liberty exclusively for the Anglo Saxon and extended kinships isn’t a contradiction.

  33. I guess this suggests that Jewish historians ought to be banned from universities. If their contribution to the discipline is to annihilate the host population, I think we have seen enough already.

  34. “It isn’t Christian or “Western” or white to argue all the time.”

    Not in peacetime but it’s not peacetime.

    “In the Founding Father Liberty, Fraternity and Equality Stakes think I’ll see Finkelton’s Thomas ‘the slave owning monster’ Jefferson and raise him one Ze’ev Jabotinsky.”

    You could reasonably compare them with the founders of the Soviet Union as well.

    “Haven’t Jews been slavers forever?”

    They were running the slave trade in southern Egypt from a place called Elephantopolis all the way back in 1500 BC i.e. c. 3,300 years unbroken history as the main slave-traders all around the meditteranean, black and red seas until those pesky white people abolished it. The ethiopian jews, west african jews and khazars are all legacies of jewish slave plantations down the millenia.

  35. Jefferson was a bit of fool to offer rights to Jews, Muslims and Catholics. Look at how they shat upon him nowadays for his kindliness.

  36. These articles give a good opportunity to explicate the Jewish question for conservative Southerners, Christians, and outside-the-mainstream dissident conservatives in general.

    They don’t understand how much Jews hate them, going back 2,000 years. According to the New Testament, when a Jew speaks, he speaks his native language. Such conservatives might include people who think highly of Ron Paul and Virgil Goode, people sympathetic to tepid or fake opposition like VDARE (depending on who you ask), and people who think highly of the founders.

    This way, they will see whiny Jews and their loser fellow travelers for who they are.

  37. One of the most illustrative documents in the Elephantine Archives is the marriage contract of Ananiah b. Azariah, who was a treasury keeper of the Temple, to the Egyptian slave girl Tamut. Although Tamut was the wife of Ananiah after the contract was drawn, she still belonged to her original owner Meshullam b. Zaccur.

    Blimey! The Elephantman of Yebo!
    Dirty rotton slaving creeps.

  38. I have searched back in my ancestry to see if I have any Jewish blood. Unfortunately I haven’t found any yet. I’m just a regular white anti-white, half-Protestant half-Catholic judiizer, who is learning from this site to become a better Jewish fellow traveler than Thomas Jefferson could ever hope to be.

  39. “Jefferson was a bit of fool to offer rights to Jews, Muslims and Catholics.”

    Homogenous high-trust populations create the best places to live but the high-trust also creates a potentially fatal weakness. There are three options for high-trust populations
    1) Die
    2) Give up the high trust
    3) Gain a scientific understanding of the biological basis of human nature leading in turn to an understanding of what kind of ecosystem was neccessary for a high-trust population to survive

  40. That is very funny, test. I can just see the slave trade being run out of a place like Elephantopolis. During the Byzantine Empire (lasted about 1,000 yrs) and completely airbrushed out of kosher baloney history, the Jewish owned slavers plied up the coasts of NW Europe for the people like the Goths, the Gauls, the Gaels, the Saxons etc. The captives were sold South to the Arabs.

    Landshark is right. Ethnopolitics is the name of the real game in America and probably always has been. The White ethne who are the Posterity designated by the founding charter and documents should engage in ethnopolitical discourse on that basis.

    Finkelton is arguing ethnopolitics. Guilting the rival ethne with judaic ideologies like ‘equality’ is their schtik. Guilt=gelt. Finkelton is just running the tribal schtik.

    Ultimately, the stakes are bigger than their holocaust TM reparations racket

    The White ethne who are the designated Posterity of the American Founding do not have a lot of time to figure out who they are and to assert their own interests from their own history written in their own words.

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