PPP Poll: Georgia Republicans Evenly Divided on Secession


This is an incredible number … 42% of Georgia Republicans support secession, 42% are opposed to secession.

Note: See my case for a “mainstreaming” strategy for Southern Nationalism in My Worldview and My Worldview (II). Palmetto Patriot has linked to Matthew Heimbach’s interview with Hartmann on the White Student Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lord—- people must be “oppressed” in order to be a group?

    The Hartmann guy is far gone! (And so Beta!) He really cannot see anything outside the paradigm of Economism. It’s like a robot.

  2. —-“oppression” for women is NOT making less money than men—- it’s being pushed out into a crap workforce to pay for other people’s families, when before, they could raise their children properly, and were ALLOWED to fulfill the role of women and matriarchs since the dawn of time— passing on knowledge, wisdom, stories, oral tradition, folkways and the way of life.

    oppression is feeling compelled to hand your children over to a t.v. full of Madonna and Lady Gag, b/c one’s just too tired after work to do the right thing. Oppression is having to read Eldridge Cleaver in school, instead of Robert Penn Warren.

    –this norweigan (sp) guy is the real oppressor!

  3. I think Matthew really pulled it together in the end. Stand-up job, and the more of these he does, the better he’ll get.

  4. “Lord—- people must be “oppressed” in order to be a group? ”

    That’s exactly what it is, a programmed talking point. They spout it all the time when they don’t have a legitimate argument. Their whole societal anti-white view is built on a rotten mass of contradictions.

    God I hope my generation can pull this one out of the fire in time, because if we don’t, it’s curtains.

  5. He isn’t even dealing from history. Review the Lebanese civil war. Once a minority people achieves a certain percent of the population (the “tipping point”) they challenge the heretofore dominant people for control. Bloodshed as in the case of Lebanon results.

    This asshole should be made to explain what makes the US different from Lebanon? Don’t the voting patterns already show that the new populations are challenging the prior dominant population for control? If we allow further non-white immigration what’s to stop the non-whites from resorting to violence?

    If the government was really a good steward they would never let immigration approach the so-called “tipping point” where violence results. Shouldn’t we have a moratorium now to see if the new populations actually assimilate? If the government won’t consider a moratorium than why shouldn’t the south consider secession?

  6. The response to allegations that whites had an “average” of $87.000 net worth(and therefore no rights) should have run something like: Where did you get that number, off the SPLC website or the University of Minnesota Hate Whitey Week program ? Are you suggesting white’s have no rights until there has been a Marxist transfer of wealth from white’s to Negro’s ? I don’t have 87.000 in the bank , do you ? Would you give up half of your savings and worth to make things equal with Blacks ? Would you agree to less rights than Blacks until your net worth was equal to theirs ? Are you a Marxist ?

  7. I had never heard of that twerp (Hartmann) until today. Typical anti-white sixties SDS radical who lives for the day of our dispossession at the hands of oppressed minorities. I loathe that little worm.

  8. Whip says:
    ‘The response to allegations that whites had an “average” of $87.000 net worth(and therefore no rights) should have run something like: Where did you get that number, off the SPLC website or the University of Minnesota Hate Whitey Week program ? Are you suggesting white’s have no rights until there has been a Marxist transfer of wealth from white’s to Negro’s ? I don’t have 87.000 in the bank , do you ? Would you give up half of your savings and worth to make things equal with Blacks ? Would you agree to less rights than Blacks until your net worth was equal to theirs ? Are you a Marxist ?’

    Good post!!!

    The transfer of wealth from YT to the negro will soon be approaching warp-speed. Zimbabwe is our future.

  9. I am so sick (already. 3 recordings) of this rude, arrogant a$$ cutting Mr Cushman (Palmetto Patriot) off, cutting Matthew Heimbach off, cutting his caller- his listener, off and talking over them. These “gentle, tolerant, socially aware” (spit) souls really do bring out the worst in me.
    What strikes me even over Mr Cushman’s and Mr Heimbach’s message is their breeding. All 3 have been polite and let this…person have his say. And when they make their point effectively, he changes the subject or runs out of time. He’s so rude, he doesn’t even acknowledge it.

    What brought me here this fine evening is to make a point regarding states’ rights as enshrined in the 10th Amendment. The left is currently having a hissy fit because the federal government may not- probably will not, go along with Colorado and Washington state legalizing marijuana. Gay marriage is another example of blue states legalizing something that at least half of the country doesn’t want to have crammed down their throats. That’s glaringly hypocritical.
    I don’t know if it would be an effective tactic/ argument in making the point as it concerns the South’s desire to secede, but maybe it’s a thought.
    They are determined to make it about race, period. And they run out the clock with all their silly bulls**t. Y’All have gone a great job of staying on point.

    Practice does indeed make perfect and the 3 of you, HW, PP, & Mr Heimbach, are off to an excellent start. It makes me feel very proud and hopeful that you are our spokesmen.

  10. (Easier said on here than done in practise so no criticism of Mr Heimbach but)

    I think a better response to the “average” question is you have to compare like with like: white janitors with non-white janitors, white construction workers with non-white construction workers, white students with non-white students etc.
    – Why should a white janitor be discriminated against because there are more white millionaires than black millionaires?
    – Why should a white construction worker be discriminated against because there are more white millionaires than black millionaires?
    – Why should white students be discriminated against because there are more white millionaires than black millionaires?

    Also use Asians e.g. does the higher average wealth of Asians compared to blacks mean they can’t have an Asian student union?

    Even more so with Jews. They’ll have the highest average wealth of all (actually i think it may be Indians now, not sure) but either way if having higher average wealth than blacks excludes you from having a student’s union then that should apply to everyone.

    I think the concept of “fairness” is so implicit in white thinking a lot of people don’t use it explicitly the way anti-whites do. Anti-whites use it explicitly like the guy in the clip used the wealth differential all the time because they know it throws us for a loop. Use fairness explicitly.


    42% wow

  11. OK folks: new talking point: forcing someone to do business with someone isn’t just a violation of their property rights, it is a violation of their human rights!

    Second talking point: the new government is not going to seek to oppress its black population, rather it will focus on limited government and limited taxation. We are firm believers in human rights: especially the right of self-determination.

    Third talking point: it isn’t a whites only group, it is a pro white group. We welcome anyone so long as they are not anti-white.

  12. calling the left/ yankees/ jews out on their hypocritical behavior won’ t do anything to change their mind but it may help wake up salvageable Whites

  13. Pretty soon you will be a minority so why not plan for it? Laying the groundwork is simply what you do when you plan ahead.

  14. Any *serious* talk of secession – reaching state legislature levels – will not happen until the .fedgov runs out of money. Until that happens – and it will, eventually – we need to spend our time patiently building the cultural and political infrastructure needed to support it.

    Biding our time, waiting, changing hearts and minds, educating… patience and persistence will get us there.

    Long-term view, here. Lord knows the others side has stuck to theirs for almost a century now… it’s time we learn from them.

  15. I ‘ve had the displeasure of viewing a few more of Hartmann’s vidoes. His interview with David Duke was particularly disgusting.

    I’m in no mood today to beat around the bush.

    For the fellows who claim to be making lists of the major enemies to our survival I would suggest placing that slimy litttle weasel Hartmann near the top!!

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