Energy, Secession, and Leverage


This is worth sharing here:

“Author Bob Smiley says even if the demands of nearly 100,000 rebels from Texas aren’t being taken seriously in Washington, all that could change, according to Russia Today.

“No doubt Texas’s desire to break free is a source of amusement inside a White House that has mastered the art of belittling the opinions of its challengers, but there is one not-so-small problem here: Texas could pull it off,” Smiley writes.

“Texas currently sits on one-quarter of the nation’s oil reserves and one-third of the nation’s natural gas reserves. Even more, fully 95 percent of the country receives its oil and gas courtesy of pipelines that originate within Texas. This is what one might call leverage.”

In the 21st century, energy is king in a way that cotton never was in the nineteenth century.

If the South went out of the Union as a bloc, it would take most of the natural gas, nuclear power, over half the oil and refining capacity, and a third of the coal. The Yankees aren’t going to just gallop into the restored Confederacy on horseback like they did in the nineteenth century.

The energy situation in the Union would be even more dire without with the Far West. Wyoming dwarfs every other state in coal production. The Far West accounts for 49% of U.S. coal production while the South accounts for another 31%.

Here’s the EIA ranking by “total energy”: #1. Texas, #3. West Virginia, #4. Louisiana, #6. Kentucky, #8. Oklahoma, #13. Alabama, #14. Arkansas, #17. Virginia, #26. South Carolina, #28. North Carolina,  #29. Georgia, #30. Tennessee, #31. Florida, #32. Mississippi, #41. Missouri.

As you probably guessed, Wyoming is #2 in “total energy” and Alaska is #4 in crude oil production: in the U.S. Senate, all states are equal, but in reality a cabal of energy rich Red States could easily pull the plug on this Union.


U.S. South Total Energy Production (Trillion BTU: 30,826)
U.S. Non-South Total Energy Production (Trillion BTU): 38,063)

Compare the South to the Northeast in electricity generation:

Total Net Electricity Generation (thousand MWh), August 2012

Texas – 44,522
Florida – 21,836
Alabama – 15,064
Georgia – 12,115
Louisiana – 9,939
North Carolina – 11,411
South Carolina – 9,063
Missouri – 8,797
Kentucky – 8,683
Oklahoma – 8,249
Tennessee – 7,602
West Virginia – 7,218
Virginia – 7,033
Arkansas – 6,203
Mississippi – 5,629

Total U.S. South: 183,364
Total U.S. Non-South: 210,300 
Percent of U.S. South Net Electricity Generation: 47%
Percent of U.S. Population: 36.8%

Vermont – 553
Rhode Island – 965
Maine – 1,483
New Hampshire – 1,773
Connecticut – 3,258
Massachusetts – 4,060

Total New England: 12,092

Pennsylvania – 21,091
New Jersey – 6,603
New York – 13,490
Delaware – 882
Maryland – 3,632

Total Mid-Atlantic – 45,698

California – 21,399
Washington – 10,920
Oregon – 4,614
Hawaii – 868
Alaska – 577

Total West Coast: 38,378

Arizona – 11,983
Colorado – 5,176
Utah – 3,856
Wyoming – 4,598
Kansas – 4,501
Nevada – 4,031
New Mexico – 3,416
Nebraska – 3,304
North Dakota – 3,146
Idaho – 1,547
South Dakota – 1,214

U.S. Interior West Total: 46,722

Iowa – 5,061
Minnesota – 4,607
Wisconsin – 6,477
Michigan – 10,021
Illinois – 17,649
Indiana – 10,500
Ohio – 13,095

Total U.S. Midwest – 67,410


About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Yankees aren’t going [to] just gallop into the restored Confederacy on horseback like they did in the nineteenth century.

    Just gallop? Tell that to the descendants of all the Union soldiers who died.

  2. Precisely.

    Lets come up with 21 states that are the most secession ready and see if we can craft a plausible filibuster that can shut or radically slow down the government.

    This is the “make them beg us to leave” strategy, which is one of two outcomes, along with unilateral secession.

    Along those lines, the House GOP can gum up the works as well, though I question their ability to hold on to power in 2014.

  3. John B:
    1. If I could find any of their descendants up here, I would.
    2. They supposedly fought to free blacks, then why are they so besotted with white guilt?
    3. Any Union soldier that could see the fruit of what he accomplished would be disgusted.

  4. This is the “make them beg us to leave” strategy, which is one of two outcomes, along with unilateral secession.

    Why not pursue Northern assistance with which you may obtain from Washington a Declaration of Dissolution, by which Dixie’s bands to the United States are annihilated? As I’ve more or less said, several times here, I personally am so naive that, until I began regularly visiting Occidental Dissent, I was virtually unaware of the divide between North and South. From what I see here, the champions of Dixie have no love for the United States–no love for its flag, no love for its Northern cities (“anthills,” as Mr. Wallace once referred to my own Philadelphia and other cities). Troubled though I am to see that America is now all but undone, I could never hate it; that U.S. flag on the moon means more to me than any other artifact in history. It leaves the Roman eagles and Britain’s union jack far in the rear.

    For Southerners, I gather here, it’s not that way. Whatever the number of Southern whites who share the sentiments I encounter here, it’s too many. Only a fool debates with his or her spouse a request for a divorce; such a request should be automatically granted.

  5. Actually the loss of resources will force them to invade in full, all out. Its the only way they’d survive considering the larger population and the fact they are going to get a lot of Black and Brown refuse-gees

    That kind of thing has the real potential to become a dirty war which is why I hope, that if it every happens it can be done amiably, Russian style..

  6. The same group of dynastic Schmucks whose Wall Street banks financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917), dictated to The Party and its Soviet also own the US through their Fed. (Just as today they own post Soviet Russia through the Bank of Russia – check out their JP Morgan money tower defacing the Moscow skyline).

    They stage civil wars, revolutions etc to advance their Plan.

    Don’t think they have relinquished their Grip on Russia because Boris stood on a tank and waved a flag.

    The U.S. and all the post Soviet nations are now Communist according to the classic Marxist Leninist definition in Vol III of The Kapital. See cartel in the index.

    Sr Lucia of Fatima stated in 1957, her final prophetic interview conducted by Fr Fuentes and published all over the world that without exception all nations would fall under Communism.

  7. “The Yankees aren’t going to just gallop into the restored Confederacy on horseback like they did in the nineteenth century.”

    No they will use airmobile units along with federalizing all the state National Guard units and mobilizing all the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force Reserve forces. Not to mention the plethora of forces now under Homeland Security and all their military ordnance.

    Secession is not going to play out like last time folks, with all the states going out in a matter of months. Expect a long drawn out process with state legislature and county and civilian nullification leading the way and mostly occurring after a fiscal collapse of the federal government.

    Anti-federal sentiment ran much higher than it does now during the so-called “civil rights” movement in the 1950’s and 60’s yet despite a few Klan bombings there was no armed resistance to federal police or military force starting with the 101st Airborne’s mobilization against the sate of Arkansas in 1957 at the high school in Little Rock through the use of the FBI, and federalized state National Guards at the University of Alabama and Ole Miss in the 1960’s.

  8. Certainly puts into perspective the ongoing SMEAR campaign encapsulated by films s/a Tarantino’s Django.

    How might West Virginia, Kentucky coal people have reacted and benefitted from their resources without the 100 years campaign of Deliverance (yes, really set in North Carolina, but to the point). How—without the “Bloody Mingo” county and Harlan Ct coal wars—mining at gunpoint, and that swept under the rug by history, paid in script, on a running tab that could never be paid, and stuck ‘up a hollow.’

    That’s a damn lotta coal they got.

    And smear campaigns can beat people down—so they don’t know what it’s worth.

  9. Energy and if we continue with business as usual liberalism/humanitarianism, fresh water and peak phosphorus 2030 are set to lord over mankind this century.

  10. Factoid: West Virginia is the second largest “exporter” of energy among the States.

    Getting back to causes of the Civil War: The Northern States were well aware of the natural resources of the South, and were determined to steal them using slavery as a smoke screen.

  11. Secede. Make a deal with the Yankees: For every X Kilowatt-Hours they buy from us, they take a Negro. A big win!

  12. ““Texas currently sits on one-quarter of the nation’s oil reserves and one-third of the nation’s natural gas reserves. Even more, fully 95 percent of the country receives its oil and gas courtesy of pipelines that originate within Texas. This is what one might call leverage.”
    – Yes, and it is also a mighty incentive not to let that state or any others leave the union. So how will this “leverage” be used to induce the Fed to allow secession? Will Texas (and the other southern “energy rich states”) simply “pull the plug”? You know that that will not happen. Those energy companies are international corporations and owe loyalty to no one- which is part of the problem. They exist to sell their product and make money.
    Certainly Obongo will not allow secession and would commit troops to “restore the rule of law” in the south if any popular uprising were to actually manifest itself there. Additionally, although I stopped paying attention to the petition drive after the signatures reached one million, the number of people who sign those petitions means nothing to the Fed (and what is 1 million signatories in a country of about 312 million anyway? About 3 % of the total population ?).
    I know you guys do not like HAC’s idea for a new nation, and I do not consider it a realistic scenario myself, but the truth is that nothing short of the lengthy and expensive guerrilla warfare that he speaks of in his novels (or the implosion of the US due to its debt crisis) is likely to persuade the Fed to relinquish any southern states.

  13. Rudel,

    Actually, that’s not true.

    In the 1960s, the polling data shows that the legitimacy of the federal government and institutions like the media reached its all time high. It was nothing like the 1850s when the legitimacy of the federal government collapsed in the South.

  14. ” nothing short of the lengthy and expensive guerrilla warfare that he speaks of in his novels (or the implosion of the US due to its debt crisis) is likely to persuade the Fed to relinquish any southern states.”

    The power of the federal government is built on the consent of white people. The more white people want to secede the less power the federales have. If the process was sustained eventually you’d get a tipping point.

  15. If I could find any of their descendants up here, I would.

    Well, then you’re rude, Wayne.

  16. ” Troubled though I am to see that America is now all but undone, I could never hate it; that U.S. flag on the moon means more to me than any other artifact in history.”

    But don’t you see John, the nation that did that is gone. We didn’t leave America, America died.

  17. Once again, how would the Feds justify using force against separatists? Look at their policy toward Taiwan, toward South Korea.

  18. But don’t you see John, the nation that did that is gone. We didn’t leave America, America died.

    I know, Jim. I’m just saying I don’t hate it. Southerners hate it.

  19. @Hunter

    “Actually, that’s not true.”

    Well it certainly may have been true nationally but there was widespread dissatisfaction with integration in the South. That’s why federal troops were necessary to enforce it. I remember when Bull Connor let loose the fire hoses and police dogs on the freedom marchers in Birmingham. That’s how you need to deal with niggers rioting in the street.

  20. There was widespread disaffection in the South.

    In the 1960s though, the legitimacy of the federal government and institutions like the media was at an all time high, and Southerners convinced themselves that they could fight back through the mainstream political process.

  21. every union soldier an their descendants should be damn for 100 generations. they would not be ashamed of how things turned out because what we have today is exactly what they fought for; an all powerful Fed govt and the negro elevated above the Southron White man to be used as weapon against us an our children

    John B, perhaps you can not hate the union because it never did the same thing to your people as it has done to mine. Besides you”re an ethnic White, the kind the union prefers over those of us who have an actual claim to the now worthless title “American”

    if the Fed’ s invade we must not engage their troops directly. instead whatever passes as our regular troops have to fight delaying actions, our freedom fighters have to do their thing against the fobbits and the rest of us need to go north and attack the damnyankees in their homes, school, churches and work. We don’t have to win in a head to head brawl. We have to secure help from from a foreign govt, find another foreign nation for training camps etc and not lose long enough for their political will power to break.

  22. “in reality a cabal of energy rich Red States could easily pull the plug on this Union.”

    Pull away, gentlemen. The only challenge to a bogus President, is a real gauntlet laid down, via his nigger face.

    And, if first comments are any indication, Rudel and Bone of Contention aren’t our friends, gentlemen.

    I’m tired of trying to convince the doubting Thomases about secession, a white homeland, Christian rule of law, and the utter unsuitability of the Nig living with Whites. That’s why I find SBPDL to be so tedious. The same old data, wrung out over and over, and over again. As Christ said, ‘they have Moses and the Prophets.’ The Data is out there, chapter and verse, over the last sixty years. Let the Yankee dead bury the Yankee dead.

    America, you’re SO last decade.
    Move on. nothing to see.
    Long live Dixie.

  23. John B, perhaps you can not hate the union because it never did the same thing to your people as it has done to mine. Besides you”re an ethnic White, the kind the union prefers over those of us who have an actual claim to the now worthless title “American”

    Save it for the next meeting of the League of the South, Stonelifter.

  24. “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    December 10, 2012 at 7:21 pm
    The Yankees aren’t going [to] just gallop into the restored Confederacy on horseback like they did in the nineteenth century.
    Just gallop? Tell that to the descendants of all the Union soldiers who died.’

    Real Americans have ancestors who fought on both sides of that conflict.

  25. Gentlemen,

    Have any of you information on a Klan to join? The Knights Party ( sounds like a good option. I know Hunter had a fun barbecue with a group based in Virginia, what klan was that? Please private message me in the forum.

    I’m Episcopalian and open to anything besides the UKA.

  26. Real Americans have ancestors who fought on both sides of that conflict.

    I don’t doubt it, Robert. That’s why I don’t use phrases like “just gallop.”

  27. John B.: I don’t hate it, on the contrary, I love it and it depresses me to know it is gone. I’ve always been the patriot, even to the point of being criticized I was the one in the crowd who spoke out whenever the USA was being run down, which did cost me friends and reputation. I always believed that though I was Southern that my fellow Americans from every corner of the USA respected my ancestors and what they stood for, whether they agreed with them or not. And this was enough.
    But this changed for me thanks to the response to Sep 11. It was then that I realized the country was no longer that of my ancestors.

  28. John B.: everyone around me up here is Italian, Portuguese, or non-white, it seems. They couldn’t give a fig about the War Between the States.

  29. Right now, even the most massive insurrection imaginable would be put down easily by one Army division. The collapse of Empire is always inevitable, but it is only imminent at the end, and that time is not yet. It could be any time between five and fifty years from now, but I’d bet 25-30.

    It’s tough to prepare on that time frame because of the natural human predilections to procrastinate and the difficulty of getting resources allocated in a time of scarcity for something that far off and thus not palpable.

    HAC is a good fiction writer and makes some good points, but the time frames he envisions are not feasible. Once the slide starts, the breakup is a short time off, ready or not.

    Using our wits to build parallel organizations, following strict legality, in a way that follows Alinsky’s principles-stay within the experience and comfort level of your people while outside those of the adversary, seems to me the way to go. Hitler did this by organizing his party in geographical areas, called Gau, which when he achieved power became the regional governing bodies, superceding those of the states. This allows for flexibility in cleaving previous state structures where needed, e.g, Missouri, a Southern state below I-70 and a Midwestern Foundry and Scandinavian-German state above it. Or Florida, whose Panhandle and northern regions are solidly Southern and whose peninsula is composed of Jews, homosexuals, Cubans, other South and Central American Hispanophones, Northern retirees, and the Disney and NASA corporate state apparati. Indeed, the Conch Republic of Key West is just such an organization, potentially-seen now as a humorous, harmless aggregation, it could easily set itself up as THE State when the time comes if its perpetrators weren’t insufferable toffs.

    If HAC weren’t as basically self-absorbed and petty as he can be (calling his bogeyman ‘Hunter Wallace’ in his latest work!) he could be instrumental in setting up such parallel state and quasi-military organizations. A NF-aligned motorcycle club, combining elements of modern OMG’s (Hell’s Angels, Outlaws, Mongols, Bandidos, Pagans, et al, ad nauseum) and more mainstream outfits (HOG chapters, veteran’s clubs, Patriot riders, the various Gold Wing clubs) would be one example: a competitive practical rifle shooting club with rules emphasizing practical shooting and gunsmithing skills needed with appropriate weapons (E-pieces, Scout rifles, short range shotgunning) would be another. Both strictly legal endeavors. A youth outfit along the lines of the Assembly of God church’s Royal Rangers would be possible too.

  30. John B.: everyone around me up here is Italian, Portuguese, or non-white, it seems. They couldn’t give a fig about the War Between the States.

    Actually, I understood that that was the meaning of your original reply, which was a deft one, Wayne. I hear you.

  31. well John B I tried to give you something to think about but like the typical damnyankee you already know everything there is to know. That’ s after you’ ‘ve admitted to not knowing as much on the topics we often talk about.

    Why do you bastards come to a pro Southron webpage then bitch about our message? What defect causes you people to act in such a fashion?

  32. an infantry division unhindered by crap rules on engagement and backed up with a good fire support plan can do more damage then most folks could dream of but holding what they take is a different matter. which is why we must never engage in a heads up brawl. Personally I think this is all 30 plus years away.

    Now is the time to gather our strength and wait for BRA to collapse under its own mistakes. With hard work and the Good Lord willing we’ll be at our peak strength when the damnyankee and his minions are at there weakest.

  33. stonelifter says:
    ‘every union soldier an their descendants should be damn for 100 generations.’

    Only a hundred generations? You’re getting soft.

    stonelifter says: ‘Besides you”re an ethnic White, the kind the union prefers over those of us who have an actual claim to the now worthless title “American”’

    Isn’t Apuleius an ethnic Dago?

    Funny how Stone never rips ethnic jews.

    stonelifter says: ‘… and the rest of us need to go north and attack the damnyankees in their homes, school, churches and work.’

    LOL! I’m sure you’d be very successful.

    Homes, schools and -churches- too? Is that a way to treat Christian brothers and sisters in theLord?

    John 11:35: “Jesus wept.”

    No synagogues on your hit list? Must be an oversight.

  34. “Right now, even the most massive insurrection imaginable would be put down easily by one Army division.”

    Depends how enthusiastic they are.

  35. @Sam

    Don’t pay any attention to Stonelifter’s ridiculous threats about attacking and killing Northern civilians — he doesn’t even have the guts to come to Detroit and take me on man-to-man. Although I do admit that reading his rants is good for laughs.

  36. being Christian brothers did not stay the yankees hand, why should it stay ours?

    lol yankees love to blame jews. like women yankees will not own up to their actions. yankees were doing these things I hate about BRA way before the jew showed up. jews are a problem but they are the new kids on the block.

    ethnic Whites were brought to the usa to do exactly what the beaners are doing now; changing our culture, killing the wage of native born Whites and vote for bigger government. Those of us from founding stock have every right to question them an prefer they never showed up here

  37. well John B I tried to give you something to think about but like the typical damnyankee you already know everything there is to know.

    I know you Southrons thought you could make your slave nation stick, Stonelifter–and you couldn’t. The rest is just whining.

  38. give me your real name and address chris. the info you gave me was for a 17 year old boy living 22 miles from Detroit and the address was for an old couple.

    give me the real info and I’ ‘ll be there when this contract is over

  39. “I’m tired of trying to convince the doubting Thomases about secession”

    A realistic appraisal of the current political, economic, and military situation hardly makes me a “doubting Thomas.” I still maintain that the inevitable collapse of the dollar through default on our massive, ever growing, bad debt will be the trigger and window of opportunity for actual secession. It will occur sooner than most think. And let me reiterate that in the meantime the destruction of the current Republican Party and nullification of the unconstitutional acts of the federal government made at the state, county, and personal level is the correct course of action.

    Stick that in your carpetbag.

  40. Stonelifter says:

    lol yankees love to blame jews. like women yankees will not own up to their actions. yankees were doing these things I hate about BRA way before the jew showed up. jews are a problem but they are the new kids on the block.

    But it was the Jews to start bringing in the mass of first colonial slaves to America into Rhode Island.

    Ethnic Whites were brought to the usa to do exactly what the beaners are doing now; changing our culture, killing the wage of native born Whites and vote for bigger government. Those of us from founding stock have every right to question them an prefer they never showed up here.

    You have half a point here. All the Union agents sailing to Europe brought over masses of ethnic Whites illegally; they did not go thru the naturalization process required by law, and many could not speak English. Yankees did not reinstate legal immigration until 1892.

  41. “I still maintain that the inevitable collapse of the dollar through default on our massive, ever growing, bad debt will be the trigger and window of opportunity for actual secession.”

    Then secessionary activity in advance will be good preparation. dib dib

    “in the meantime the destruction of the current Republican Party and nullification of the unconstitutional acts of the federal government made at the state, county, and personal level is the correct course of action.”

    You may have a point in some places but that makes no sense in those states where white people are already voting as an ethnic bloc and the state level GOP does to some extent represent white interests. In those conditions it makes more sense to try and push the GOP, not necessarily directly, you can push them just as well by influencing the opinions of their voters.

  42. The Republican Party at the top has always been dominated by big capital. I’ve seen populist movements come and go since Goldwater but at the national level where the big money is, the GOP is irretrievably corrupt. Just wait and see as it caves in on BRA’s agenda including a futile attempt at “reaching out” to Hispanic voters by running liberals at the top of the ticket yet again in 2016.

    It was the Republicans who voted solidly for Johnson’s “civil rights” legislation in the 1960’s and Republican appointees to the Supreme Court who turned liberal once they were seated on the bench. It’s a party that needs to die.

  43. @ Rudel,

    I did my best to nip it the bud but I didn’t have enough influence.

    I was only a child in the 60s but I remember arguing with my parents (!!!) that their new found savior party was a ruse. It was obvious to me who had the money in the “GOP” and thus controlled the ultimate agenda. That is, the clearly apparent Rockefellers and Romneys; I was too young for the JQ until at least age 12. My parents had good instincts about most things but couldn’t see the political game being played on their backs.

    I can only hope that after the Bush backslide into patriotardic ignorance the McCain/ Romney experience has finally taught a lesson. I look forward to supporting the least likely Republican general election winner in the 2016 primary. God knows there’ll be plenty of pickins’.

  44. “The Republican Party at the top has always been dominated by big capital. I’ve seen populist movements come and go since Goldwater but at the national level where the big money is, the GOP is irretrievably corrupt.”

    I agree with that but if you have a state where 80%+ of the white vote is with one party then i think in that state at least it makes more sense to try and take it over.

  45. there weren’t enough jews to bring in that many slaves. yankees love to blame their involvement w/ the slave trade on jews vs their own profit motivation

    and I have zero problems w/ negro slavery so why should I care?

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