Merry Christmas: It’s Not Your Country Anymore, It’s Ours

District of Corruption

As we celebrate Christmas, let us reflect upon the fact that it was DWLs (Disingenuous White Liberals) like Chris Matthews and Sam Donaldson, the modern day descendants of Black Republicans like Thaddeus Stevens and Joshua Giddings, who created and sustain Black Run America:

Note: It is to secede from their country.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t like drunk drivers. They’re reckless and endanger innocents around them.

    I like them even less when they socially experiment on us and rub salt in the wounds of every white Christian in this land. Maybe he’s only bad when he drinks? He should be required to submit to a breathalyzer test before operating a vehicle or offering political commentary.

    Donaldson, next time don’t drink and drive you slob.

  2. The Tea Party had nothing to do with the result. They are not racially conscious. Voting patterns appear to have deep cultural and ethnic roots. The tea party is and was nothing in the face of those trends.

    The problem with Donaldson however, is that the RePublicans will win the next election. Probably with a Bush at the helm.

  3. I don’t see why he is criticizing the Tea Party.

    It was the idiots in the Tea Party who elected Marco Rubio, Allen West, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, and Nikki Haley in a futile attempt to prove to people like Sam Donaldson that they are not “racists.”

  4. Huge, electric fences around all the Christ-hating, white-hating, perversity-loving liberals. Then toss in enormous amounts of diversity.


    Easy button indeed.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family Hunter, and best wishes n blessings to all OD folks.

    Ps: I hope Sam Donaldson takes a long walk off a short dock.

  6. That was my point about the Tea Party. They bend over backwards
    Suppressing racial interpretations of voting patterns. Is Koch Jewish?

  7. “Is Koch Jewish?”

    No, he just acts like one. The Tea Party is so blindingly white it’s almost as if they can’t see themselves.

    “Oh no, there’s lots of blacks here, look we’ll elect one just to show you!”

  8. I’ve never been able to figure it out with the Tea Party. They always looked like AstroTurf. The Koch’s in particular seem a strange part of it. If they are not Jewish themselves they gelded the organization form the beginning so that they couldn’t talk about race.

  9. More importantly is how to fan the flames of secession so that when Obama has his state of the Union and says “the state of the Union is strong” people just start deriding him from the floor of the House.

    Amazingly, there is a plausible secession movement for the first time in 150+ years. Will Obama mention that?

  10. Have yall ever thought about the sign of the Cross as a litmus test for whiteness? We seriously could rid ourselves of the unholy khazar by forcing all whites to bow to the sign of the cross in order to gain any access to our media, universities, banks, etc. Make them kiss the cross and swear allegiance to Christ and His holy gospel.

    …and then HOLD THEM TO IT. Do not allow the synagogue of Satan to fake it in the least. Hold their feet to the fire, hold their eyes to the cross.

    Thats how we win in the South.

  11. Is there anything the enemy hates more than Christ? They hate white men, but damn do they hate Jesus. Freaks of nature.

  12. Nobody with a combover like that should have anything to say about anything. Imagine the nerve, get real f-in’ haircut Sam.

    Merry Christmas Hunter & others.

  13. “I don’t see why he is criticizing the Tea Party.”

    They see politics as a morality play. The details don’t matter. In his head the Tea Party simply represent white non-liberals.

  14. I hate this country. I hate Americans. I just want to leave and start fresh, even if it means living off the land. People have had to start again since the beginning of time. It’s time. Let’s just get the Boers and go.

    Merry Christmas. :/

  15. Until the Tea Party have an effective answer for the “racist” charge, they aren’t going anywhere.

    Wait till you see what comes AFTER the Tea Party! Whoooo Boy!

    When you see a leader of a White group like the Tea Party say, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.” and stick with it no matter what, then you’ll know interesting times are on the way.

  16. John: Marx was right, no doctrine is as easily manipulated for communist ends as that of Christianity.
    Love the way they cherry pick the Bible, nothing about seeking a wife of your own race, which seemed to be very important to the patriarchs. Nothing about Jesus, or Jesus being sent to the lost of Israel first.
    Then again, these are the same maniac rapture bunnies who believe Israel is sacred and America is the refuse bin of the world. Question any of them long enough and they will admit it.

  17. There is not a doubt in my mind that if we would have had the Christians and Christian leadership during the time of Charles Martel that we have today, we would all be speaking Arabic.

  18. One thing that I’ ve noticed about the Jewish religion is that they never fail to celebrate their history, struggles, and successes. They celebrate as a religion, but also as an ethnicity. Why do Christians never do this? Churches never talk about Tours, the Gates of Vienna, oppression from Attila, the downfall of Constantinople. All these are religious but also ethnic struggles that would unite us and fire the imagination of the young men, which is sorely needed.
    I’ m sure they never fail to celebrate the Marchin’ Lootin’ Fraud, however.

  19. Donaldson is a typical whigger. He is right that this country in not ours. Read and Research about Washington and Cornwallis.THE LAW OF SURVIAL IS ABOVE ALL MAN MADE LAWS………BE WISE AS SERPENTS…..Admaralty LAW or Law of Sea Sucks…that yellow fringe around the USA Flag is the revealing truth. . Courts are nothing but Santanic Temples with those Black Robed Priest of Molock…

  20. @ Wayne: I enjoyed your comment on Charles Martel and the present day “Christian” leadership. Not only would we be speaking Arabic but how would Christianity look like today? Perhaps something like the Copts in Egypt today, a life always on the brink of extinction. Indeed, I believe this is what certain powers in the U.S.A. desire.

    Some of you may not like to hear this but what is being exhibited by Donaldson & co. is another reason I say America is the Beast of Revelation. Rev 13:7 says: “It was also given to him (the Beast) to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.” The elite of America is dedicated to fulfilling this Word of God.

  21. American Bar Association pays dues to the CROWN…..All Lawyers and Judges under control of The Crown. On The Yellow Fringe Flag above I put the link up two times and it did not show the article. Maybe they dont want us to read about Yellow fringe flag. Put on google sarch: The Shocking Secret About Court Room Flags….

  22. Bar Association History And Who Owns The U.S .>>>Fourwinds 10-Truth Winds on google search……BoB Bertrum of Miami Lakes, Florida has extensive knowledge on this subject. He is a Judical Reformer…He put stickers all over South Florida saying DONT VOTE FOR LAWYERS….

  23. Hunter; Have you read PANDORAS BOX by Alex Christopher ,,, Alot of info in that book. Talks about Lincoln being a Jew. Also the secret guy who owns the railway land and other things lives in ALABAMA

  24. Christ is born today. As long as that remains true, even Black Run America — or a concentration camp death pit — is part of Heaven.

    And the message of this day is love. Love for all mankind — yes, even our enemies — but most of all love of family, as exemplified by the Holy Family. And what is race but an extended family?

    I often wish that I and mine had been born in Poland, or France, or Albania. Yes, those places are all suffering under the lash of the Global Luciferian Revolution as we are, but at least being born there would mean being part of a nation, a group of people related by blood and culture. It would mean being something: a Pole, a Frenchman, an Albanian.

    But we were born in the United States of America, where all that unites us is an increasingly meaningless scrap of parchment. Being born White in America means being raceless, without identity. It means being nothing.

    But things are as they are, and one cannot change the circumstances of one’s birth. The King of the Universe was, after all, not born in a palace, but in a shit-stinking cave. Yet just as that Baby born in that cave has through love brought hope to all mankind this day, we lost White people in America can but cling to the possibility that we, too might find hope through love — love of our own kind.

    Merry Christmas to all here at Occidental Dissent.

  25. I like to see Sam Donaldson walk the street at nigh alone confronted with a pack of nogs. If he comes out alive to tell the story if his opinion still holds.

  26. “One thing that I’ ve noticed about the Jewish religion is that they never fail to celebrate their history, struggles, and successes. ”

    That’s alot easier to do if your religion is your race.

  27. Whites could do the same thing, John. Christianity is a Western religion, especially in how it incorporated our pagan holidays, festivals, and traditions.

  28. “I think it’s time to watch Chariots of Fire again buddy. Antisemitism is conduct unbecoming for an Englishman.”

    tamer- Jews are NOT Semites.
    End of story. FOREVER
    And neither are the Palestinians… as a total.

    (But both groups would like you to continue to THINK they are…. Jetez le juif- devant le train- frankly.)

  29. “Have yall ever thought about the sign of the Cross as a litmus test for whiteness? We seriously could rid ourselves of the unholy khazar by forcing all whites to bow to the sign of the cross in order to gain any access to our media, universities, banks, etc. Make them kiss the cross and swear allegiance to Christ and His holy gospel.

    …and then HOLD THEM TO IT. Do not allow the synagogue of Satan to fake it in the least. Hold their feet to the fire, hold their eyes to the cross.”

    Viking, as much as I love the idea, both Jews and Hagarenes have within their Worldviews, the ability to ‘dissemble’- What we whites call, LIE.
    You’d have to also have penile circumcision checks, and that, only after DNA sampling, and a generation or two of non-circumcision of Christians…. which I have already written about, over at my blog.

  30. PigRot- Merry Christmas everybody. Here’s more salt in your wounds; especially for Fr John.

    Meh. You are an accursed son of Satan. I am happy you are damning yourself, if you have so little respect for the Priests of the Victor King, Jesus Christ. That’s all the reward I need, pigrot.

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