Merry Christmas: It’s Not Your Country Anymore, It’s Ours

District of Corruption

As we celebrate Christmas, let us reflect upon the fact that it was DWLs (Disingenuous White Liberals) like Chris Matthews and Sam Donaldson, the modern day descendants of Black Republicans like Thaddeus Stevens and Joshua Giddings, who created and sustain Black Run America:

Note: It is to secede from their country.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “But things are as they are, and one cannot change the circumstances of one’s birth. The King of the Universe was, after all, not born in a palace, but in a shit-stinking cave. ”

    Oculus, I see you, too, have been reading St. Jerome of Vulgate fame, as well, recently.
    Blessed Nativity to all God’s Elect, to the race of the first-born, the heirs of Isaac, and not Ishmael, the house of Judah and Israel, the People for whom Christ came to save.

    Christ is born, Glorify Ye Him!

  2. It’s not our country, anymore. It hasn’t been since 1865.
    Tell me something I don’t know, Mr. Donaldson, you stammering yankee twerp.

    BRA is the antithesis of Dixie. Duh…

    Deo Vindice

  3. His speaking of his generation baby boomer gone bust. Film‘No Country for Old Man’ released last year.
    Census data show 1-3 years of age of non white are the majority now. In wal-mart, trend of squaw bugger with 3-4 little beaners . This cretin Sam Donaldson knows it and doesn’t highlighted.

  4. Wayne says:
    One thing that I’ ve noticed about the Jewish religion is that they never fail to celebrate their history, struggles, and successes. They celebrate as a religion, but also as an ethnicity. Why do Christians never do this? Churches never talk about Tours, the Gates of Vienna….”

    The catholics have a hard time doing this (they do reference crusades on t.v., but try to keep it very focused on muslims)—- once they open that door, however, they come close to having to discuss the real decadence of the pope’s, and the incredible sustained onslaught of Genocide against white Christians.

    They believe they are the only Christians, and that Genocide of whites is “heroic,” and is the real stuff of the saints. It’s swept under the rug (sort of) in conversion classes, and the “crusades” against whites lumped together with the others.

    The Northern Europeans have a LONG HISTORY of Ancestor Worship, or at least, enumerating the begats. It is the first thing we know of Jesus, actually, in the book of Matthew, his LINEAGE.

    In the South, “caring about family” traditionally means this aspect, YOUR HISTORICAL family.

    IN The North, “family” means your family labor unit, your children only, and getting money for them, “supporting them.”

    It’s not the same thing as what a Southerner means by “family.” The Southerner (the real one) has a sense of pride in historical reality. “Family” means all the people married into from the dawn of time. By contrast, many northerners see such a thing as “uppity” and think southerners are snobs, want to be aristocrats, etc, etc.

    The northern catholics can’t have it both ways—- (own their real history and yet skirt around issues like keeping open the border for their co-religionists, the genocidal assaults on american wasps, Reagan’s relationship with the pope, and on and on.)

    As the saying goes: dig a hole for me, you might as well dig two, because you are going to fall in.

  5. —- in short, the non-wasp Europeans did not come as friends. Now they want “to be ALL WHITE” here (even as they do aggressive acts).

    History is something they wish to sweep under the rug. And besides, in feudalism, (which is essentially what they do, and what we have)—- only the very rich get to be HUMAN— in the sense of normal, having a history, a background, etc.

    The dumb poor proles— get Saturnalia. So on that one day, on “christmas,” their little master-slave roles can be reversed. That’s what “christmas” is turning back into.

    Some people get a history, some don’t—- under theocratic fascism.

  6. ” In the South, ‘caring about family’ traditionally means this aspect, YOUR HISTORICAL family. IN The North, ‘family’ means your family labor unit, your children only, and getting money for them, ‘supporting them.’ ”

    Another generalisation about the character of people born and bred north of the Line, generally true however, but not entirely! It sounds much more like the false notion of family responsibility in Individualism — the ethic prevalent in urban areas EVERYWHERE of “standing on your own feet” and pursuing your own gain and pleasure during the “much too brief” span of life — OWING NOTHING to ancestors, aunts and uncles, cousins and other blood kin and neighbours, but only to spouse and direct descendants.

  7. “The catholics have a hard time doing this (they do reference crusades on t.v., but try to keep it very focused on muslims)—- once they open that door, however, they come close to having to discuss the real decadence of the pope’s, and the incredible sustained onslaught of Genocide against white Christians.

    They believe they are the only Christians, and that Genocide of whites is “heroic,” and is the real stuff of the saints. It’s swept under the rug (sort of) in conversion classes, and the “crusades” against whites lumped together with the others.”
    Dixiegirl your ridiculous bullshit has surpassed itself..

  8. History is something they wish to sweep under the rug. And besides, in feudalism, (which is essentially what they do, and what we have)—- only the very rich get to be HUMAN— in the sense of normal, having a history, a background, etc.

    Dixiegirl I am really warming up to you sweet-tart but you’re way backwards on this one.

    In “feudalism” only the HUMANS get to be very rich.

    In subhuman mob-rule by enlightened elected despots the the very rich get to be human whether or not they are (some are some aren’t).

  9. @ “…Another generalisation about the character of people born and bred north of the Line, generally true however, but not entirely! It sounds much more like the false notion of family responsibility in Individualism — the ethic prevalent in urban areas EVERYWHERE of “standing on your own feet” and pursuing your own gain and pleasure during the “much too brief” span of life — OWING NOTHING to ancestors, aunts and uncles, cousins and other blood kin…”

    Ok Mosin—- with some exceptions for yankees who are like southerners in that way. And yes, it is the “individualism” gone awry—- but wasn’t that ITSELF from an attack on the WASPs? If you read Fours Ways of Albion, it’s clear they could do community nicely enough (when left to their own society).

    Also, isn’t that the big put=down about them (they were “too clubby,” wouldn’t let people in their “white shoe firms,” called people from immigrant groups bad names, due to being so exclusionary, and so on and on). Well, you can’t have it both ways, a. they are rabidly selfish individualists, incapable of community and b. they were so clubby and community-oriented, they would not give foreigners a piece of the action without serious coercion.

  10. @ Tamer:

    In “feudalism” only the HUMANS get to be very rich.
    In subhuman mob-rule by enlightened elected despots the the very rich get to be human whether or not they are (some are some aren’t)….

    I hear you. But having been only brought up in the later, it’s hard to imagine the former would really work that way. Total power corrupting, and all that. Insofar as my historical inaccuracies, lol, I’m not a scholar, but just talk from observance (names, dates, times, places, i.e. reality).

  11. —seriously, just ask “who, exactly, brought you to that absurd horrid historically inaccurate conclusion you hold, Dixie Girl,” and I will tell you who they were, where I met them, and maybe even their phone number, etc.

  12. Reynaud— I am not talking about your average “salt of the earth” types who just wish to believe in Jesus, whatever He may be in their imaginations. Anyway, you cannot say that catholics do not believe they have the only true path to God and that all the others are heretics, anathema, etc. That’s a matter of the documented infallible doctrine. And you cannot say that Huegenots and such did not have a hard time of it in europe, or that without strident measures that occurred anybody there were even have become christian, since it was not exactly a matter of choice, to support the grand church palaces over there.

  13. The Catholic Church is the only true Church. Outside that Church there is no salvation. Fortunately, all Christians who are baptized according to the Trinitarian formula and who profess the Creed in its entirety are part of the universal Church. Victims of the Protestant and other heresies are united to the Church to one degree or another, and therefore have hope of heaven after death.

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