About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It appears the holiday doldrums are over and the partition of America is relaunching;

    the Infowarriors are a significant chunk of the white radicals and no path to victory excludes them.

  2. Alex Jones did a good job. We have had Air Gun Control since Napoleon. He went and cried to Pope about Austrians using Air Rifles, which he said is weapons of the Devil. The Pope made an agreement with all the nations at that time to not make a standard issue Air Gun Rifle for militaries. Why do you think we have had BB Guns and Pellets Rifles for so long only, and the Air Tank only allowed 100 PSI by AFT. They do make powerful air rifles but they are coinsidered like fire arm and you need a certain type permit to get the good ones. Anyway–if the Khazars Jews get their way and they take the guns—just remember this—Whitey aint Stupid. He will make things better than powder shooters…. Whitey will be driven to make other tech weapons…count on it….Americans will end up like the Cambodians in the Killing Fields if they dont wise up. Beeman has all the facts on Air Weapons history…

  3. Alex Jones did to this bastard, what he does to anyone that ever came on his show. He talks over them and never answers their questions. A brilliant piece of bullying.

    1) He that asks the questions controls the conversation.

    2) Never be fair to people to that are trying to destroy you.

    3) Effective name calling.

    I love the fact he called Piers a Redcoat at the end. Brilliant! He should have done that the whole interview.

  4. This was impressive. He kept Morgan on the defensive. Much of his claims, such as the dangers of big pharma’s psych pills, are totally true.

  5. Piers: Whose was behind 911 twin towers. Jones counter with Q Q: Reichstagburning Hitler declared himself dictator. He should have raised Pearl Harbor attack whether FDR knew about it. FDRceratinly provoked Japan in everyway to enter the war to stop the Germans land expansion. But that’s another can of worms of holocaust.

  6. Yeah……. Looking out my Western window across the largest, all Black residential area in North America, I’ve got some mixed feeling about all this ranting about sacred gun rights for Americans.

    New York City’s stop and frisk, no guns worked well for certain criminally prone populations.

    I like Switzerland’s gun policies, like most everything about Switzerland – Switzerland has strict immigration laws, strict environmentalist laws and also strict gun laws, it’s only Swiss male citenzens in the national Swiss citizen’s army that have guns and they are required to have training, supervision, the Swiss don’t let some women “prepper” with a mentally disturbed teen , let her have military assault riffles and the crazy teen is looking to slaughter everyone in his school.

  7. Jones used code words(nig nog) ‘gang bangers and ‘drive-by shooting most of the gun violence occurs in inner city yooths.

  8. That 30 figure in the UK was pretty damaging. I would have countered with:

    1) Criminals don’t surrender their guns, only law abiding people do. So after a gun ban, law abiding citizens will be defenseless. The criminals will have all the guns.

    2) Exactly how violent crime in the UK has changed since the gun grab. If someone is going to murder, they use whatever comes to hand. Kitchen knives, hammers, crowbars, etc.

    3) How much crime is prevented by guns in the USA per year. 100,000+.

    4) How many law abiding gun owners in the USA? 50,000,000. How much crime do these law abiding owners do? As AJ pointed out, most of the gun murder stats are from gang bangers – criminals.

    5) How many people are killed by smoking and alcohol. Smoking 450,000, Alcohol 75,000. Almost 200,000 by mistakes made by doctors and surgeons.

    @Hunter Wallace
    “My only criticism is that Alex Jones failed to bring up the Black Undertow.”

    People are afraid to tell the truth in the anti-White system. We are living in a system that is every bit as oppressive, as the Soviet Union ever was. To break this system, we must destroy the power the hold “racist” has over White people. You can only do that with “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White”.

    “Gun control is one area where there is unanimity among the OD commentariat.”

    We all know why they really want the guns. Gun related deaths are miniscule, compared to other causes that they don’t care about. All this gun ban nonsense proves to me, is how silly and easily led the general population is.

  9. Thru the links HW has follow the “western rifle shooters” link just be forewarned the blogs there do not want race talk but they are very useful. Great point Jack but America is long past where Swiss rules could be put in place. As old time political hand Bob Whitaker has been writing of lately the center is disintergrating and the ruling white/jewish libs are on smaller chunks of ice everyday.

  10. @ “…That 30 figure in the UK was pretty damaging. I would have countered with…”

    10 STATES are larger than the whole of the uk. And 29 states are bigger than England.
    36 larger than Ireland.

    Piers wouldn’t know this, just like all the foreign “pundits” on t.v. who have never really been to the country. They get off planes in nyc, or l.a. or chicago, or south florida, and go to their jobs.

    Many people out in the u.s. have been to the major cities and other countries. The opposite is not true, though. And those who travel carry their ‘home country’ prejudices and impose them on “Redneckia.”

    You can’t compare a country that you could fit inside just TEXAS three times over. (Texas being 3 X bigger than the whole of the uk; Ireland probably would go inside texas ten times or something.)

  11. @Dixiegirl
    From what I understand, gun crime has gone up 300%, since they banned guns over there. It wouldn’t surprise me, if violent crime using means other than guns, has increased by the same amount.

    I am listening to Piers’ silence on that issue.

  12. —-Continental EUROPE is only slightly larger than U.S.

    Americans don’t THINK— and remember many countries are smaller than our STATES. Europeans and recent migrants don’t seem to get this, either, not really.

    From England to NYC is about the same miles as NYC to California.

  13. Of course in the UK, the anti-White elite are waging a war of Genocide on their White population, just as they are in America. So they can expect no improvement on their crime stats.

    Gun Banner Mexico is the future for the UK, if the anti-Whites are not stopped. If you have a third world population, you will get third world outcomes.

  14. @HW
    “My only criticism is that Alex Jones failed to bring up the Black Undertow.”

    I don;t think he sees things that way, he would blame that on big government, etc.

    He did a great bullying job on Morgan though.

  15. MisEducatedNortherner says:
    “I don;t think he sees things that way, he would blame that on big government, etc.”

    If he said anything about race, he would never be invited to a mainstream show ever again and his online business would be destroyed.

    Everyone knows what is TABOO, in the anti-White system. And Alex Jones knows it as well. No one makes money in the anti-White system, if they don’t understand the rules.

    In the anti-White system, the only thing you are allowed to say is, “It is not about race.”

  16. UK doesn’t have a high rate of gun shooting, but the nig nog run in pack and terrorize the brits in the streets . Piers knows his master and cat licks his way up the carrer latter.

  17. What a buffoon Alex was. Instead of erudite debate about the fundamental right to bear arms he rants incoherently, jumping illogically from point to point and babbling statistics. He should have calmly made the case that rather than letting us keep our semi-autos we as the armed militia should at least have access to modern full auto rifles and light machine guns just as the federal army and police have.

    The right to own weapons equal to those of the government is the right to be free. Unless some of these so-called “conservative” politicians, pundits, and weak sisters like the NRA leadership are ready to hammer home that point we will see confiscation and restrictions on ammo purchases that will make hard core training impossible.

  18. Blaming rogue elements of the government for actually instigating 9/11 was lunatic fringe conspiracy talk by Alex. At worse the government was lax in immigration enforcement and in not spotting the conspirators even though there were warning signs about some of the culprits ie. the ones taking flying lessons.

  19. There was a time I’d chide him for his trutherism. No longer. I’m not interested in erudite debate with doughfaced gun-grabbers, if it takes conspiracy theories to get people against BRA, so be it.

  20. The key talking point is, the right to self defense.

    The right to self defense is a basic human right.

    Laws that breach your right to self defense, are not laws.

  21. My respect for Jones has gone way up. Morgan is used to dealing with cowering, doddering conservatives. Jones did everything right down to the contempt and ridicule.

  22. “The key talking point is, the right to self defense.

    The right to self defense is a basic human right. ”

    Bingo! And this is precisely where the NRA (and other gun rights groups) have gone wrong for decades. It is not (solely) about “sporting purposes”. It is primarily about being able to defend yourself against one or more aggressors intent on doing you bodily harm, or more commonly, trying to kill you.
    The following quote says it all (might have originally been an ad by one of the gun makers, long ago);
    “Be not afraid of any man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens call on me, and I will equalize.”

  23. It’s a joke as he didnt mention niggers. Any coon can stick on a tricorn hat and quote Jefferson too, you see.

  24. He should have quoted back the 1689 Bill of Rights to Piers. I also think that Morgan is actually doing the Gun rights lobby a favour by talking about it and bringing in passionate advocates.

    Piers ought to understand that the right to a sword a d a bow and arrow or a firearm is the only way that ordinary people can have a little insurance against persecution.

  25. Morgan is correct about the murder rates. The US is 350 million? The UK is 62 million (probably more) . The US does have a higher murder rate. However it’s mainly nig on nog. He was inviting James to address the issue of Spontaneous Blackness as a factor. but James went for the Redcoat crack, did he mention Neville Chamberlain? Predictable.

  26. Jones said most of the violence is “gangbanger” and moved on

    That’s the polite way of saying “niggers killing niggers, that we don’t care about”.

    Piers didn’t press him because like 90% of whites, Piers doesn’t give a toss deep-down about Negro on Negro crime.

  27. I know you’re a smart guy Rudel and you’ve probably seen all the evidence. But I think you’re the last person in America that believes the official 9/11 story.

    This is an orange:

    Jones did a good job answering the 9/11 question because he didn’t actually say what he believed. He just pointed to sources and history.

  28. Suppose you had a black presenter who was anti gun and Alex said, “I reserve the right to protect my family from feral blacks.” or he said “let’s take guns outta the hands of blacks. Blacks can’t be trusted with guns.”

    Imagine the shit storm?

    All the professional blacks would scream and screech about their right to bear Gatts!

  29. I was surprised Piers let him talk so much until I realized he was letting him dig a hole with 9-11 conspiracies and talk of “redcoats”. Most people, even conservative whites, still aren’t receptive to the idea of a black undertow, so I’m actually glad he didn’t mention it. White men won’t wake up until they are legitimately persecuted by the BRA, which I feel is still decades away.

  30. >White men won’t wake up until they are legitimately persecuted by the BRA, which I feel is still decades away.

    Just go to an airport if you want some BRA persecution. But I guess most white Americans are too dumb to recognize it as such.

  31. The Neville Chamberlain and Redcoat cracks are not necessary. It’s the only acceptable form of ethnic jibe these days. Jews don’t mind making out the English baddie cad type, or the pro German Chamberlain sorta weakling.

    Lexington was more about powder magazines owned by the crown for artillery than militia stocks.

  32. John says:
    January 9, 2013 at 12:27 am

    “Morgan is correct about the murder rates. The US is 350 million? The UK is 62 million (probably more) . The US does have a higher murder rate.”

    If you want to be subversive, present stats for gun murders done by Whites in the UK, Whites in the USA and Whites in Switzerland. Then compare those numbers to the overall murder rate in each country and let the viewers join the dots.

    Oh course something like that would never go to air on CNN and AJ would be called a naziwantstokillsixmillionjews.

  33. While I agree with everything he said, I have to agree also with the few posters here that he was digging his own grave. While the OD crowd has no qualms with this, imagine how scared the millions of single moms are at hearing this, and how out of control, angry, and nervous he was. I think he played right into the hands of the piss stream media, otherwise they would never have shown it.

  34. @Wayne
    Have you not seen Alex Jones before? This is the way he always behaves and it hasn’t destroyed him so far. He doesn’t care about being thought of as respectable, from what I’ve seen and he has built up a good sized following.

  35. In the last week or so, the White House petition to deport Morgan had slowed to about 100+ signatures a day. After the Alex Jones interview last night, the petition jumped over 3000 signatures and the White House today hastily offered a response, and the petition is now closed. Alex Jones, however beligerent and paranoid he may have come off to a tiny few people, clearly has not dug himself any hole.

  36. Someone should just bite the bullet and say it on TV.

    David Starkey did it about the 2011 london riots.

    He blamed it all on blacks.

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